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ocean, summer, 6am to 1pm, any weather. it’s one of the hardest fish to catch, so even if you hook it you might not capture it. highly recommend using a fish buffing food, and a cork bobber and bait.


I am using the bobber and trout soup but i cant even hook it


rng can suck sometimes unfortunately


Trap bobber works better in my opinion. If you're at ginger island there are several ways to boost fishing to make it far easier.


Check the fortune teller on your TV every morning to see if you'll have good luck that day


Just FYI, luck only affects treasure chests spawning when catching fish. It doesn't affect the type of fish you catch.


If you can get seafoam pudding use that. I used the cork bobber but the trap bobber is a good option too


Trout soup gets you barely any buff


octopus are in fact the bane of my existence and I hate them here with a deep passion at least even if you don't manage to catch one in the summer you can always try to catch one during the night market in winter


It was the lava eel for me. Tried for days to get it in the mines but only got trash. Went to the volcano and hooked it on my second cast but was super not prepared so I lost it. Next cast got it again and caught it lol


lava eel are definitely something as well. but glad that you got lucky on the volcano!


The odds aren't better unless you get the physics 101 painting first but it is way easier


I have the physics 101 painting, can you explain why that’s makes a difference?


🤷🏻‍♀️ Wiki says so lol. I guess it being something to catch and it being already obtained upr she odds so 50% in fishing zone 5


I have 22 more days of summer i expect to at least catch one


You can get them any season on Ginger Island so don’t stress too hard about the season!


I also think the odds of catching it on Ginger Island East is slightly higher than back on the Stardew Valley beach. Could try the curiosity lure as well, though you would need to have found that in the skull caverns as it can't be bought.


I caught mine on GI west beach, 2nd try I think , I used trap bobber and regular bait and a fish food that gave me a +3 boost just to make the bar bigger


Me too. On wiki it says octopus can be caught in the morning so as early as 7am until noon i try my luck at the beach but still couldnt catch one 🥲


I am doing a perfection run and this is my biggest concern 😭.


I advice you to get some midnight carps, flounders and squid inks. Make Seafoam Puddings with mr Qi seasoning at best. That should help. Optionally you can try to get Master enchantment on your Fishing rod.


I wish I could give you mine. I'm fishing on "the island" and using wild bait while waiting on some crops and I caught like 5 one day. I LOVE fishing though and I'm really quite good at it .... I just am not good at mining.


Are you fishing in the summer by the beach? Whats your fishing level? They’re such difficult fishes to get, so recommend as high as fishing level with better rod and eating food that increases your fishing buff and a cork. If you haven’t done that already! I eventually got it by going there first thing in the morning like 6.30am and do my farming stuff after 1pm and i got an octopus that way i think on the 6th day cos the window is too narrow. Good luck!


Yes i am fishing in the summer by the beach.iam max level i have the iridium rod with master enchament i am using a cork and trout soup .i think i am just really unlucky 😔


Where are you on the beach? Different areas have different spawn rates of fish. You’ll catch more rare fish on the pier across the fixed bridge. The piers by Willy’s are OK, but don’t try fishing directly from the shore/sand.


Nope, that's untrue. Fish rates are solely determined by 'fishing zones' which are as a general rule of thumb solely based on distance from 'land' (piers included). Here's a map of the fishing zones for the beach. Note that any of the spots you listed are good, as long as you're not casting towards a pier. https://preview.redd.it/xc4yl3r4ckjc1.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=67e0dc067c6e1de219257886bbf9d15ec4a9dc87 It's also worth noting that you can actually catch any non-legendary fish in any zone, though the odds 'slightly increase' to catch more difficult fish in higher zones. What is that slight increase? No idea, the wiki doesn't elaborate. Treasures obtained whilst fishing however are often dependant on the zone.


So the piers are all higher zones than casting off the sand, by your own map, but what I said is untrue. Ok.


>You’ll catch more rare fish on the pier across the fixed bridge. Definitively untrue. The only fish whose spawn is different over there is (Son of) Crimsonfish, in that it can be caught at all. ​ >but don’t try fishing directly from the shore/sand. ​ >the piers are all higher zones than casting off the sand, by your own map The map literally doesn't show that. It shows (as I specifed) that casting towards other land masses gives weaker zones. This is not exclusive to the shore.


Oh shit that is really tough luck! When I wasn’t trying I never got any octopus at all and even got the legendary fishes before the octopus! I saved scummed 🤣


Just to make sure, you are in Summer, right?






Fishes are affected by luck?


No, the only part of fishing luck affects is the chance of a chest appearing during your catch.


I’m still trying to get one too. It’s the last fish I need


This is one of theeeeeee most frustrating fish because it's so hard to hook 😭 I feel you


I always find it right away at ginger island but have the same challenge at the main land beach. I think maybe at ginger island there are fewer other types of fish so your likelihood of hooking an octopus is just higher be default but I could be making that up.


No, I agree with you. I find it easier to hook them on Ginger Island for the same reason. If I fish first thing in the morning there, I will usually get one of them to bite at least once per day. 


My favorite fishing spot is to cast near the large rock to the left of the pier. I seem to get better quality fish there. Other posters are right that you want to increase your fishing skill as much as you can. I try the first year, but only really expect to catch an octopus summer of year 2 at level 10 fishing with dish o' the sea or seafoam pudding. Another option - though it feels like a bit of a cheat & breaks immersion - is just to hit escape whenever you get a fish that moves smoothly or slowly. If I REALLY want to get that octopus, I will do that and just reset the day if I haven't caught one by 1 p.m.


BTW, Ginger Island West has a slightly higher probability of hooking octopus (up to 18%) than at the mainland beach (up to 11%). Also, octopus is at Ginger Island all seasons. Same time window though (6am-1pm) .


They’re way too smart for a mere human 🐙


You can also get the octopus on the night market submarines.


If you have access to >!ginger island!< there is a slightly better chance to catch it there


Honestly go to the beach first and leave your farm work until the afternoon. If you have any beach totems sitting around, use that. If you fish for the whole window that they can be caught, you should hook at least one. Actually catching it is something else, but that's the biggest thing--not to lose any hours doing your usual chores.


I understand the pain of not even hooking it. So I just started to reset the game whenever I pass the octopus catching time and try again