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It is really easy to play on Mobile- if your mom can use an iPhone (or equivalent) comfortably she will rock it!


I may not be much of help but if I remeber correctly, in settings, there are a couple of controls which is only a mix of 2 things but generally it would depend on your mom’s preference. - (mobile controls) it has a joystick with 2 action buttons - (tap to move) Set by default (iirc), would recomend. You tap to a tile and the character will go to that tile. You also interact it by tapping. (Note:) if this is not helpful for you, check out the wiki page: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Mobile_Controls


I’m very much not a video game player, I found the controller style (on switch) hard to learn and hard get a hang of the joystick. Mobile was very easy and intuitive. (Would personally use tap to move and auto-attack!) If your Mom is not a gamer this is probably the easiest choice.


I use a controller but it’s not wireless. I think it’s compatible with wireless controllers but I’m not sure. Either way the controls are very simple and easy to use.


There are a few different options for touch controls. I personally prefer the joystick and two buttons one, it’s pretty easy to get a hang of. But any of them are usable, so it comes down to her preference.


I have played a lot on PC and recently decided to try the mobile version. I feel like the mobile version is very easy to use!


I think the mobile version is great! I have only had one glitch in over 1000 hours play time. Very easy to pick up and learn.


She'll love the "tool autoswap" and "autoattack" features in mobile.


I find mobile much more intuitiv than pc. Just tap the screen where you want to go and your character walks there. There is auto attack wich makes fighting monsters very easy and when you tap on a rock or wood your game auto selects the axe or pickaxe.


Been playing via iOS recently (cuz I’m an idiot that watches stardew let’s plays on the pc whilst playing stardew via mobile 🙃) And can confirm that it’s definitely playable via Bluetooth controller (also I assume it’s easier to hook up on Android)! Actually feels way better for me since I default play games via controller. I do have to use the touch screen a few times for the menus, but that’s not a huge issue for me.