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I'm mostly a Switch player, so no mods there. I started playing on PC after the 1.6 update, but haven't bothered to try installing anything else. I feel like I'm just waiting for the consoles to update and then I'll go back to the Switch.


i’m the exact same!! i’m finding pc a lot more awkward to manoeuvre tbh, maybe i’m just not used to it but it’s more difficult to me lol


You can use the switch controller on pc in steam big picture mode!


Yeah but the buttons are “the wrong way” (A does what B is supposed to do and vice versa) and I haven’t been able to find a way to change them. I got so frustrated I just gave up Edit: guys, like 5 people have already told me how to change them, I get it. Thanks for the help but please read the other replies before replying the same thing as 5+ other people


Can you not change them in the settings screen in game? I have the switch controller but, ironically, play Stardew on PC and mobile so don't know how the switch differs


No, since it’s on PC the game still only has options for keys and clicks, not buttons and joysticks


You can absolutely remap the controls on your controller. If you're using a controller though Steam then do it through the Steam settings. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xi8oNa9AV8) a video about it.


You can switch the buttons around on steam. That's how I did it anyway.


Same! I used the steam layout except changed the buttons back to standard. It’s only inconvenient for me cuz I normally only use the Nintendo Switch lite and now I have to keep track of the other one so I can charge the joycons


I tried to find it but couldn’t, but it has also been a while since I tried, might try again one of these days


I used to go from switch to Xbox a lot, I had to stop using my switch because of this, I couldn’t get my mind to understand the button switch between consoles. Idk why they made switch like that, but they did and I hate it.


I go back and forth between PS and Switch so I just map the buttons on my switch to PS ones. It makes my life so much easier. Go into the settings and change it. Helps a lot.


You can change them in the steam settings, it's actually quite simple. Just rebind A to B and B to A and you got the same layout as nintendo!


What’s the process to do this??


When in doubt, always google or youtube search it! [Here's](https://youtu.be/2Lk4q4lwv5M) a video showing how.


U can just connect a controller to your computer however the controller should be (wire, bluetooth, other)


What?? How? The mouse for clicking and doing everything!! Sorry sdv for the switch but I’m never coming back


Right? Couldn’t imagine playing this game any other way. When I play with my daughter on switch I feel handicapped by the controller limits


I recently switched (see what I did there?) from console to PC gaming, and I'm having a hard time keeping the mouse near my farmer all the time to click on everything. I tend to get annoyed/tired of it and just hover over the HP bar as much as possible and click at whatever I'm facing, like how it works on console.


You’ll get the hang of it and never look back. Think of it like this… would you rather control something with two arms, or two thumbs? Which one will offer more range of motion and control? It definitely matters less in games like sdv but you’ll see what I mean in a few weeks. Go back to controller, and you’ll feel very limited


I guess it’s just preference because the way you’ve tried to portray it doesn’t help lol. Everything about using a controller feels so much easier and natural. I understood playing the game so much easier. Do controllers not offer more range of motion and control? I’ve never considered a mouse and keyboard as very freeing or fluid to use. I think though it’s altogether a different style. Using the cursor is never needed on controller so chasing things with it would be a new experience for new pc gamers, but on console you don’t think about it you just go up to the tile as you walk. I am curious though, what is the full set of controls on pc? I get you have the mouse to click to interact, but other stuff? Like I heard that E is to be able to pause or maybe bring out your pockets? Are there others? And then when you open the pockets for example, do you just click on the different tabs (crafting, friendship, map) with the mouse also or you can keep pressing a button to slide across or something? I do intend on playing pc for mods but I have the similar issue you’re replying to that pc gaming feels really unnatural compared to using a controller


A good trick to know is that the character stays in roughly the same space on the screen except when they approaches the edges of the map and the camera stops panning because there's nowhere else for it to go in that direction. So you actually don't need to move the mouse much at all except when you're near the entrances/exits to screens. Knowing this you can plant whole rows of crops by just holding the mouse still on/near your character and moving them instead of moving the mouse around, or similarly you can harvest a whole row of kegs/preserve jars while refilling them at the same time.


There’s a lot of things I will say controllers are better for and sdv ain’t one of ‘em lol


Using the keyboard for moving around hurt my wrist really badly and the combo of trying to move with my left hand and use the mouse with my right was really frustrating. The switch controls just click in a way where I don't have to think about multiple hand movements every second. I bought a controller way back when I thought I would want to play SV on PC more, so that's what I use for computer playing. When my mom started trying to play earlier this year she had the same difficulty with the keyboard and mouse - she took my advice pretty quickly and bought the same controller.


I’m very new into pc gaming so I def understand the hand cramping. Though I do a lot of typing in general anyway so using a keyboard isn’t that big of a transition. The ease of use the mouse gives is just so damned helpful though


Back when SV launched I was exclusively a PC player. But then I got married IRL. Now I play it on the switch because I can play the switch in bed without my wife getting annoyed at me. She plays the game too.


I’m with ya here. I can see how the mouse could be nice, but ergonomically, it’s not working for me. I like my switch controller! (I can’t figure out how to make it work on pc though. Boo)


Same! My girlfriend only has a switch, so I only play on the switch with her. I had my own world on my PC, but it didn't feel right to play 1.6 without her so I abandoned my PC world and only play with her on the switch. We are waiting to play the update together :)


that’s so sweet, you are a good partner :,)


Saaaame. The switch is absolutely perfect for Stardew so I only play on my computer when I want to explore 1.6. I have tried mods but I got overwhelmed pretty quickly so I removed them


2379 unmodded hours on PC.


That is insane lol I played my first 200hr playthrough w no mods bc I was new and wanted to appreciate the stock game. On my new playthrough I'm using a bunch especially bills and taxes.


I just read up on the mod and bills and taxes sounds SUPER stressful. Lol


It adds a nice challenge to early/mid game for sure. Been really enjoying it though and haven't been able to min_max or move as fast as I'm used to. My last tax and water bill was 4.5k when I only had 11k saves up for stuff. I had to re adjust strategy which is what makes it fun since I've played so much.


I haven’t played any mods yet but when I get around to a modded playthrough I’ll give it a go. It sounds hilarious


Just like real life😔 I thought we were playing games to get a break from real life


Do you mean the "Ferngill Revenue Service" mod? That sounds interesting so I want to make sure I'm looking at the right one.


Yes that's the one. You can adjust it to make it harder or easier like u fan with profit margins in the base game. I'm going to try simple economy too it makes their be a supply and demand system so u can't just sell infinite things. I imagine that would give a real challenge too


I don't know how to install Mods correctly Lol


There is a program called Vortex on Nexus Mod page and it installs the mods for you if you click deploy. Super simple.


Stardrop is another one that's stardew specific - I prefer it and it's even easier to use than Vortex.


I use Vortex for multiple games because I can switch between them check for updates and so forth.


Sorry to ask, but you seem knowledgeable. Any way to install mods to a steam deck? I don't have a pc at all


[try this](https://youtu.be/ia1gGpXGtDQ?si=6IemwTHtsGvMPaJg)


YES!!! Now to try and navigate with these new mods Thank you, so much!


I just got my steam deck on Friday and the first thing I did was mod stardew, pm me if you still need help - I’m happy to help since steam decks can be kind of hard to maneuver (at least that’s how my experience is going so far) and I’d love to help a fellow stardew player 🤗


I don’t have a Steam deck so I don’t know what the process would look like. I know the Steam deck is basically Linux and I would imagine there is a way but I don’t know.


Same here. I installed SMAPI yesterday solely for the Skull Cavern elevator mod but there was no mods folder in sight to install it to so I just gave up. The grind for 99 jades continues.


It tells you where the mods folder should be when you open the program, if it's not there, create a folder called 'mods' also SMAPI doesn't need to be included in your mods folder


Use your crystalarium for jade! Still takes awhile but it helps! Good luck!


Yes!!! Had no idea that you could trade jade for staircases until I watched some youtube video. Now all my iridium goes to crystalariums lol


If you’re committed, Nexus has a mod manager called vortex that handles all the folder work for you so it’s waaaaay easier. It gets a little sketchy with massive overhaul mods like SVE or .json mod, but any smaller mods like the elevator it works wonders


........ do you mean to tell me I didn't need to manually install and drag around files and folders and extract them all myself... I gave up on mods because every time I needed to update them it took me an hour and it just wasn't worth it


Some mods won’t allow vortex, but it’s very good if you want to download most mods. It’ll auto update them. However, if you want to manage non vortex mods with vortex, just download them like normal, unzip them, and put them in your mods folder. To update them, delete the old mod and put the new one in. That’s at least how I do it. Vortex will manage most though use that.


I’m so sorry to be the one to break it to you lol. Like the other person said in their reply to you, some are touchy with it, but I’ve only had that problem with really complex mods. And there are ways around it It still takes a while to update, but it’s a matter of clicking two buttons per mod instead of screwing around in your files for 10 minutes each. I hope it helps!


You can just extract them all directly on the file? Lol


Probably because you tried to manually install it with no idea what you’re doing. Use a mod manager like Nexus and it will make your life a lot easier (note that some mods don’t work on PC Gamepass)


You right click and select "New Folder" then name it "mods".


There’s an installation wiki. Follow what it tells you to do, it’s quite comprehensive


Me neither lol. But when that controller issue is fixed on PC and I can finish 100% the game I'll probably look into that Stardew Valley Expanded Mod.


I'm not smart enough to install mods haha but surprisingly stardew valley was the easiest one. I tried other games and I literally can't do it for the life of me.


This subreddit seems to primarily consist of people who enjoy stardew because a) there are tons of mods and b) there's a clearcut min/max strategy. I do neither. I don't use mods, and I play super casually. So I agree, I can't join 90% of the convos on this sub because it's practically as if I'm playing a different game, however, everyone I know irl plays the same way I do


I'm with you. My only goal is to ace grandpa's evaluation on the first try, and other than that, it's the relaxed life that I can only dream of. Now if you ask about people playing without the *Wiki*, on the other hand...


| Now if you ask about people playing without the *Wiki*, on the other hand... They're either masochists or have a photographic memory haahahah


The only thing I allow myself to look up on the wiki is fishing schedules. Spent too many days hanging around the docks trying to catch a specific fish only to look it up later and realize that it needed to be raining.


Me too. I finally caved and looked up fishing schedules. My first play through I also caved and looked up loved gifts for the Qi challenge


YES My biggest feature request for this game is a fishing journal that updates with context. So let’s say you catch a fish in Summer, clear weather, at 7AM. The journal will say you can find the fish in Summer, clear weather, at 7AM. Now let’s say you catch the same fish, same conditions, at 6PM. Now it will say 7AM-6PM. Then you catch it in the rain, in fall, etc etc and it will update


Uhg same. Like, well I know that this fish is a summer ocean fish but OH YEAH IT ONLY SHOWS UP 2 DAYS A SEASON. T\_\_\_\_T


This was me in my first year of the game, I had no idea what I was doing and wasn’t progressing at all, finally gave in and started using the wiki. Took me 3 days to figure out fishing and fainting 3 times at 2am to realise there was a time limit. I used to gift random objects and hope for the best back then and it was so frustrating. The running around the entire map wasting an entire day looking for one person. I thought this was going to be a simple game, I got humbled by how stressful it is


> Now if you ask about people playing without the Wiki If I didn't have another monitor to constantly jump back over too and check out the wiki, I genuinely wouldn't have finished the community center. And now I'm wrapping up perfection.


I have a whole ass planner I use lmfao.


We-ell one of the popular mods is pretty much just the wiki but in-game... *join usss*


The wifi card in my gaming laptop gave up. So I'm learning to play all of my games wiki-free. It's annoying, but adds a challenge.


Same. I’m on Xbox and iOS and if there are mods for either platform, I’m still perfectly happy playing the vanilla game. One of the things I really like about the game is that there’s no wrong way to play it, long as you’re having fun. A race to perfection? Making as much money as possible, as soon as possible? Spending your time building relationships? Focus on your farm layout and decorating your house? Try to max out fishing or combat or any other skill? All perfectly fine. So is my play style, puttering around gathering materials, doing some quests, petting my animals and trying to remember to visit townspeople more often. There really is something for everybody.


Truly!! I personally don't mod, and am having a blast with the vanilla content. This is my fifth save file over the past few years and finally feel like I've settled into the game and am playing how I want. But I absolutely love seeing how other people play the game, what kinds of interesting mods exist and how it affects gameplay, and what challenges people impose even without mods. My girlfriend was asking earlier tonight if I wanted her to help me mod the game to add content. And I was like, but I have so much more of the game I haven't tried, even without modding! I listed off possibilities, and talked her ear off for about Stardew. I think I finally convinced her to play a co-op game with me!!!! ☺️


I think it's more that this game has been around a long time and a lot of people have been here since 1.0 and the way to make it interesting after 600+ hrs is mods


My fiancee plays super casual while I run the farm. She'll pet the chickens while I do my best to earn us money for upgrades. It's her file so I don't talk to anyone in town, opting to fish in free time or hit the mines for ores. She does a little farming but otherwise runs around digging in trash cans or foraging.


This is such a cute dynamic in y'all's gameplay. Like I'm imagining the quiet, diligent, steadfast farmer and the social, nature-loving hippie with a slight attention/wandering issue got together to run a small farm (your in game characters; not making assumptions about your irl personalities lol).


I use mods but, while I've looked at min/maxing stuff, that takes the relaxation out of it for me. Most of the mods I DO use either add content like new dialogue and events, or are visual like portraits and sprites. The rest is generally just for what I consider to be QoL features or just ease of access.


I feel like I’ve only seen posts saying people enjoy it by not min maxing and playing casually and finishing the community center year 2 or after and I’m out here tryna get it done by fall of year 1. I think I joined the subreddit at the wrong time XD


I kiiiinda min/max but only after a certain point in the game, like once Ginger Island is unlocked. And even then I'm not hardcore focused on numbers. It's supposed to be fun and just making as much money as possible as fast as possible isn't fun for me. It is for others, I see the appeal, just ain't for me. And I don't mod either. I do own the game on Steam but the PC is my husband's so I'm typically a filthy console player.


I too am a casual player. I like playing for fun. Min/maxing exhausts me and turns a thing I do for enjoyment into a job with deadlines and responsibilities. No thanks.


Same. No mods, no min/maxing. I enjoy the simple pleasure of building a little life at my own pace.


I don’t play with mods Maybe cause I, still new,but I feel like Content in vanilla SDV is still a lot for me to explore Maybe I would try mods once I get used to game,but it would probably be only something dialogue related or bachelor/bachelorettes romancing


The new update is swarming with new content. I feel like I'm still working through a lot of 1.5 content still lol


You say that now, but once you get into mods, you end up finding so many that just increase QOL and personalizes the experience.. it’s hard to not get sucked in. lol


I hadn’t even stepped on Ginger Island when 1.6 was released and I’d been playing 1.5 for a couple months. I feel like mods would overwhelm me right now lol. I’ve modded the crap out of Sims and Raft though. Not against mods but just too new.


I played years without mods, but now I play with tons (mostly aesthetic mods, the yellow dirt and bright saturated colors give me migraines sometimes). I think most people who heavily mod their games are people who have played since release and like to keep things "new" feeling.


Switch player here, not a mod in sight.


Same here.  Can't wait for 1.6 update I feel like Veruca Salt only I dont want an oompa loompa.  I want Stardew 1.6, and I want it NOW! 🤣


Has there been any word on when 1.6 is supposed to come out on the Switch?


He's trying his best to get the console patches out but they require more work than the PC version. Also that there was a game-crashing bug in the 1.6 patch that he needed to work on fixing. This was 2+ weeks ago and nothing since.


Being a console only player is simple and casual but man it has drawbacks at times. Would love to be able to play some of my favourite games modded.


No mods here.


I'm a mobile guy. No mods unless I'm going a third party, yeah no mods at all.


First fellow mobile player I've encountered on this sub so far! I do have it on PC, but I tend to play more AAA games on there, so I've only logged like half an hour. Plus, I couldn't be bothered starting over again. Stardew Valley is my mobile game for killing time on the go and tbh vanilla on PC is not that different to mobile.


I played it on mobile first, actually. Then I got it on consoles, so I could play with friends (when I got them 🥲). And when I got a PC, I decided to try it there. Mods can be really nice and do so much, but I like playing it either way! ☺️ (Except the fishing mini-game, I hate that thing lmao)


Oh god I hate fishing, I wish we could disable the mini game part. I know some people enjoy it, but I avoid fishing at all costs and buy what I need or use the item code cheat to complete the bundles


I play vanilla, yes. Had a couple of quality-of-life mods installed back in 2018 when I started playing, but bug fixes and other game improvements have fixed most of the annoyances. In any case, I'm not a purist. I believe that there's nothing wrong with modding a single-player game to suit your playstyle.


The ability to mod and play a single player game only adds to the longevity and replayability of said game. Typically it ends up helping, not hurting, the development team if they are willing to work with said community.


I love the vanilla game. I have so many hours on my switch. I also like to play around with mods on PC sometimes. You will probably find so many people in both camps here, or even folks like me who do both. There's not a "superior" way to play, after all!


Even Skyrim, quite possibly the most modded game in existence, is still mostly played by people that don't do mods. It's always going to be a tiny slice of the player base for any game. However, anybody who goes onto a subreddit, discord server, etc is going to be a more "hardcore" player on average and so is more likely to be using mods I think. I only started using mods this past year and had been playing unmodded since release. I mostly just like the extra content that Stardew Valley Extended adds, and a few quality of life mods like the one that shows where NPCs are on the map.


People mod Skyrim? I'm almost exclusively a console game player so I often have no idea these modded worlds even exist.


The running joke for Skyrim PC players is that they spend more time trying to make dozens or hundreds of mods work than they do actually playing the game.


You spend 48 hrs trying to get mods to work in skyrim only for you to either mess something so bad you need a fresh install or just beat the big bad dragon in 20 hrs and get bored.


Me. I’m a Switch player so I can’t, but even if we could get mods on Switch I think I’d only be interested in the aesthetic mods


I'm also a rawdogger so i feel ypu


For me, mods took away the unnecessary stress from the game. I had 300 hours with a vanilla switch farm and could never see myself clawing my way towards perfection. After 1.6 I switched to PC and started a modded farm with the tractor mod and it made the game so much more enjoyable for me. With mods I'm only 55% through perfection and I am having fun every time I open the game.


I'm a PC player that doesn't use mods. I tried them. I did a full playthrough on Expanded, and maybe an unpopular opinion, but I didn't like it. All the extras seemed cool at first, but then it got to be way too much. The added characters didn't feel like they fit, and the overall feel didn't feel like the game CA intended. I can see the helpfulness of mods when playing multiplayer, especially like being able to pause time when everyone has to afk or someone is stuck in a cutscene. However, when playing alone, I really prefer the base game. It feels like it has enough, especially after the recent update. I think CA knows what the game needs and what it doesn't.


I downloaded a few mods recently to try it. I saw a YouTuber use a few, like water reflections, fish in water, etc. Most are graphic mods, and some QoL. But I agree with you. I like the base game and don't want any mods that change or add a lot to it.


No mods for me but I’m on switch :)


Never played with mods, and probably never will tbh. And i'm on mobile anyway, plus I have no clue how to install them. Some of them sound really fun though.


Everyone on Switch and iOS is definitely playing vanilla. It is noticeably harder to share screenshots and videos from Switch, though, so maybe that affects who ends up posting pics.


I have so many pics I want to post but I always forget to send them to myself lol


It's not technically hard to send screenshots from your Switch to your smartphone. It's just not as streamlined as it should be, so it can be a get annoying having to scan QR codes to connect and then download every photo in the batch individually. I share screenshots of my farm with one of my friends who also plays.


I play on Nintendo switch so no mods here!! Every now and then I see someone post a screenshot of their game and it’s like they’re playing a totally different game from me lol. Though I’m sure if I had a pc I would be playing with mods as well. But I’m happy playing vanilla!


I don't have mods I'm just here to marry Sebastian and grow berries


I don’t even know how to mod the game so no you aren’t alone lol


I don't use mods.


I keep telling myself that Ill mess with mods once I finish all the vanilla content. Several huge content patches later...


I use minor, aesthetic mods (like cuter barns!) but nothing too fancy. Ive played base raw game till perfection and then I decided to experiment s little. I tried SVE, but oh my, it's so huge. Very good, sure. But quite overwhelming in that - I prefer simpler life, so to speak.


This is so real I also just finished my first perfection run so started experimenting with mods like ridgeside village but it was too big so I’m just playing with quality of life mods


As with all games, modders are incredibly vocal and vanilla players are incredibly quiet. Us vanilla gamers have our nose in the game 😂 nothing wrong with mods at all. But no need to use them or feel excluded


You aren't alone at all. I play with no mods and I don't min/max. I too feel real out of place here at times but I take it as an opportunity to see things I'll never see playing the game in it's natural state.


I raw dog Stardew as well, don't worry you're not alone lmao!


I don't use and can't use mods because I'm playing on switch


I used to use mods, then 1.6 came out and broke a majority of them. so far, It's been fun going vanilla, the only thing that i miss about modded is being able to till grass.


Most of the big ones are fully updated now


I've been modless as a result of loosing my ability to play on PC. I find the game perfectly fine to play without of course, but if im on PC, I see no reason to unnecessarily restrict myself I've been modding games since I first learned to over 10 years ago, while not an exact 1 to 1, I consider my start to be learning to download maps for Halo Custom Edition.


The vanilla game is great, but you have to realize that after multiple playhroughs people want to experience new content. Mods are the best way to do that especially if you're a long time fan of Stardew Valley.


I downloaded a bunch of mods & cheats, used them for one day, felt like I was cheating and felt unfulfilled by the rapid progress so I went back to normal. I probably won’t be using mods again unless I start struggling or get tired of the game. For now I’m content with the long grind.


No mods. But extensive use of the wiki (on pc) Waiting for 1.6 on mobile...


The small mods like to-dew, lookup anything, npc locations are literally the best QoL changes u can make to ur game. They dont impact ur game as much but make a huge difference in ur sdv life


im on PS5 so no mods here. i feel the same.


I go with minimal mods.  Just the one that does extra zoom so that I can play on my computer with the small monitor, and the daily backup mod so that I don’t get wiped out by a crash. 


Never have played with mods as I've only ever played the mobile version.


I play 'vanilla' I'm already kinda overwhelmed as is. I don't need to add additional things confusing me


I dont use mods but i have no idea how either


I installed them for the first time this week after 370h without mods. It's been fun to have the feeling of discovery, it reminds me of when I played for the first time.


No,  literally every other person in the world but you plays with mods. 


I'm on the switch myself. One thing I don't like about mods is that you can over do it with free stuff and too much power. Then you burn out and never want to play again.


Nope, mostly because I don’t know how to do it on Mac, I know there’s guides but I’m over thinker so I believe I’ll just mess up my saves still And anyway, I wanna get the full “vanilla” experience first. I’ve been playing since launch but I was always a casual until 1.6


Just started a few weeks ago and both friends I play with are using cosmetic mods. After initially being hesitant because I didn’t like the art style, I’ve learned to love it and couldn’t imagine it looking different.


I usually stay mod-free on my first play of any game and only install mods if/when I eventually start a new save, so yeah, I did play without mods for a pretty long time.


I don't use any mods at all because I play on switch.


The only modification I’ve made is adding the anime portraits lol


i play on switch so no mods. i am tempted to buy it on pc just because i want to try making a mod and messing around with the SDK


You’re not alone! Me and my partner are completing our first play through separately and are working on perfection in our 4th years. We won’t touch mods until we’ve finished perfection and tried out multiplayer and different farm types.


I don’t play with mods, but by golly I wish I could make friends with Gunther and the old dude in the guild by the mountains. If I weren’t too lazy to find and download mods, those are the ones I’d go for haha


i play no mods! mostly because i have no idea what to do to even get a mod installed (though i do see some guidance being posted here so i’ll try again with those tips!) but also i play on my macbook air🫠 not quite gaming friendly


I love playing without mods. But after discovering “Npc map locations” and “lookup everything” I almost always have them installed. Its SO nice.


I've played on PS5, Switch, and PC, and I have never met a mod that makes the game better than vanilla for me. Every mod detracts in some way, and the base game is so damn good on its own that I see no reason to mess with it.


i’ve been a gamer since i was like 9, and i have only ever modded a single game. and it was skyrim, so it doesn’t count lol. i don’t mod stardew, i really enjoy vanilla :) you’re not alone dear friend


I hate mods.


I tried a couple mods but uninstalled them after the 1.6 update. Now I’m back to rawdogging lol.


I'm playing on pc without mods through Steam. I looked into modding, even finding a "beginner's" guide to modding that was so confusing by step 2 that I gave up.


I dont mod any game I play and have over 1500hours in stardew


ME ME ME!! I cheated my way through Animal Crossing so now i made a promise to myself to not cheat AT ALL in Stardew :)


im a mobile player without anything else to play on so yeah no mods here ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


I play on Nintendo switch to avoid mods and 1.16, I'll play 1.16 eventually. But it's nice to play the old version


i still haven’t fully “completed” the game once thru yet, so i’m playing fully vanilla until i get to the point where i’ve done pretty much everything and then at that point i’ll probably play with mods. there are very few games (in my opinion) that you should play immediately with mods. most games shouldn’t need to be held together by mods and imo that means the game isn’t good. i always play vanilla first and then as i get more experienced with the game or do replays, then i’ll add mods to add on to the experience.


I just play with some quality of life mods.   I AM interested in that expanded mod but I looked at the mod page and it seems like you need to install like 30 or 40 other things. It put me right off. 


Mobile and switch player. Vanilla all the way


I don’t either lol. I don’t think my MacBook could handle it


I will use mods in the future, i wanna try out SDVE but right now im just straight vanilla. It's my first main playthrough so i wanna keep it vanilla


exclusively because I'm lazy and don't want to keep up to date with which mods are still regularly maintained


I've only just started the game and haven't spent five hours in the game yet. In order not to distort the original gaming experience, I'm not using mods at the moment. Who knows, maybe I'll install one or two mods in the future, but for now I'm very happy as it is.


Good call!


I love rawdogging sv but contemplating trying some. A few are massive game changers


I do on my switch but I hate fishing to much to not have the mod that skips it on my pc


I'm gonna be honest, I use a handful of mods and while I could probably go without the quality-of-life mods (Skull Cavern Elevator, an in-game "To-Do" list that stays in the upper left corner of the screen, and a mod that shows NPC locations on the map) I can't go back to playing vanilla after using Stardew Valley Expanded. It's so well done that I'd almost believe CA made it under another name and posted it to Nexus Mods, and playing vanilla SV now just feels like a huge chunk is missing. I racked up a *ton* of hours in Vanilla before I discovered SVE, though, so I can confirm that the base game is addicting by itself and no shade on anyone that plays it "pure!"


I play with mods on PC, but can't on mobile or PS4, so obviously I play without there. My first experience of the game was on mobile, where I loved it so much that I made it my mission to acquire it on all my other platforms. Mods are nice when I can use them, but Vanilla Stardew stands just fine on its own. I just like to shake things up once I've logged a few hundred hours or so. And also tweak a few things like how the player's kids look and behave (the vanilla kids all look the same and you can't talk to them, which I always found a bit disppointing).


I started on switch with no mods, had a new game with each farm just to try them all out. Did one heavily modded perfection speedrun on pc, then deleted all mods from my computer to do a perfection run with the new update by itself (i don’t know how to just turn off mods so i deleted the whole file location). I wanted to see what all was really new, and am fairly happy rn without mods


Once you get a taste of mods though you kind of go mod crazy


I don’t mod and I’m on PC.


I'm on switch so no mods for me!


I’m not playing with any mods. it’s my first play through and I wanted to experience the game for what it is. 😊


I play on the switch!! No mods!


This is very strange because when I played without mods I never felt like I didn’t fit/couldn’t comment (except on a few posts specifically about mods), but when I started using them I stopped feeling like I could post on everything, since, y’know, stopping time is a bit of a drug, and the skull cavern elevator is the answer to half the posts on here, and was it rng blessings that I found 2 luck rings in one game day, or was it the fact that I was fishing in modded magical places? 🤷‍♀️ different experiences of the sub, I guess


I started loving stardew when I was playing it on ps4, so I very much love non-modded playthroughs. However, I sometimes felt a bit stuck because I don’t enjoy every single aspect of the game. Some things give me stress, some things I find too time consuming, and some things I’m just plain bad at. That’s why I mod, not because I dislike the game for what it is. I’ve been playing it actively for years, and some things just make it a little bit more fun for me.


Same here. Started on Switch, played vanilla and loved it, but I am just sooo bad at the fishing, and the Skull Cavern that I bought another copy to play on Steamdeck with a couple of mods just to make it more fun for me 😁


Yes, on my switch version. What's the point of a PC game if I'm not going to mod it to hell and back?


I do not mod SDV and I likely never will. Glad to see more of us in the wild.


I play on PC, but no mods for me. I’m in my early 30’s and playing casually… I’m not technologically advanced enough to install mods (didn’t get my first computer until my mid-20s so it’s a lack of knowledge on my part). 🤷‍♀️ 


I feel like early 30s is definitely not old enough to not be able to mod games lol. Didn’t a lot of 30 yr olds grow up gaming?


Oh come on, we're not that old. 


Yeah lol that has nothing to do with your age, and "just playing for fun"? As if people modding are just doing it for the thrill of hitting install lmao?


No mod player here. Steam PC. :)


Yes. I play on Xbox th


I play on switch so I can’t play with any mods.


I'm in my 5th playthrough, started playing when the game came out. I have never used mods before because I never felt the game needed them


I play on Switch, so no mods. Tho to be honest some mods seem pretty fun or add nice aesthetics so Id like to try them out in the future


Yes, I have 200+ hours without mods. But would like to engage with them in a future playthrough


I’m too lazy to use mods


No, I don't use any mods. I guess they would be fun though!


I'm not tech savvy enough to do mods, so yup.


I'm like 300hrs with no mods, but I think the time is very soon for me


When I'm able to play I play modless! I don't have the energy to deal with everything that modding makes complex and also I guess I'm happy with the game the way it is


Me!! I have 2 true perfection play-throughs! 1 technically on 1.5 (mobile) and the 2nd one I recently just finished on 1.6 (PC). Both mod-free.