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Limit each of them to 1 per day, and 2 per week. Tell them it’s lore friendly that way.


But then, it is one whole cobbler a day per person and two per person per week.


I'm good with this, personally. Sounds like goals to me


Yeah but that sweet sweet 160 friendship points per week.


You’ve already asked u/BarricudaRealistic69 for two cobblers this week, that’s enough!


Love this


Help Wanted Would love 100 cobblers dropped off. Will make me happy. Time: 3 days 


Reward: Friendship


Okay, but what about my money


The real money is the friends we shipped along the way.


Mayor Lewis human trafficking confirmed.


*loved gift*


Universal loved gift. No exceptions. Not even Krobus.


Make it in a cup cake pans. My mom makes black berry mini tarts.....so good.


Then you can gift 1 per person/day and 2 per person/week!


If you use a cupcake pan, and it’s the regular size (meaning not jumbo), how long do you bake it?


It Depends. There's too many different factors to answer your question succinctly, the answer could change depending on the size of your cupcake pan, what it's made of (metal, ceramic, silicone, etc), and what kind of oven you have. Chances are that you're either going to reduce the heat, or cook them for less amount of time, possibly both. Just keep an eye on them the first few times you make them, and accept that the first couple of batches aren't going to be perfect. Take notes and adjust until you find the sweet spot.


Also, the altitude of the baker. Almost every recipe in existence assumes that you're reasonably close to sea level. I live at nearly 10,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains, and water boils at 194 degrees here. Throws off absolutely everything. For example, it's nearly impossible to make good rice that isn't a gloopy mess without a rice cooker.


With a cupcake pan, you usually cook at a higher temperature. The temperature needs to be lowered for larger casserole or cake pans or it gets cooked on the outside without being fully cooked in the middle (or burnt on the outside by the time it gets cooked in the middle). Lower temperatures when you need more even cooking.


i might just try this. as much as i love cooking and baking, im definitely racking up the grocery bills with how much butter, heavy cream, and berries im using


https://preview.redd.it/mpye8ho5h17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e27d46ad10c9edd7135afdbe59704e3efd975b0 i made it last week


This looks bodacious!!! 🤤




i bought the cookbook even though i’m personally terrible at cooking and baking lol. i just couldn’t resist! have you tried any other recipes from it yet?


so far ive made: pumpkin soup, radish salad, cheese cauliflower, carp surprise, fiddlehead risotto, fried mushrooms, and ofc the infamous blackberry cobbler. imo the recipes are pretty easy to follow and they all have had rave reviews from family


I’ve made the rice pudding and skipped the cherry compote that’s supposed to go with it. I just sprinkled cinnamon on top instead. It’s easy and tasty. If you’re novice cook, I would start there.


I was so confused because I missed the cookbook word and thought 1.6 had added food requests. Also, once you have the ingredients, cooking is instantaneous and doesn't even need to be prepped... ah, the powers of video games.


It made this but with strawberries. It was so good.


we ran out of blackberries after the first two i made this month but people kept asking for more so ive used huckleberries, blueberries, currants, and strawberries too! theyve all been delicious


Make it with salmonberries, then they'll only bug you about it 1/3 as often.


You'll be unlocking new heart events like crazy! Just wait until it rains, all day long with cutscenes!


Omg, same with the blueberry tart!! I made it yesterday for a Father's Day get-together and it was gone in like 3 minutes. Everyone was like "that's the only one??" and "we need this again" so yeah, for everyone's sake, be careful because the recipes in this book are addictive. https://preview.redd.it/tlwfhv6dc47d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62379ea6547a19c830dc22ea6d0ec5511164cf75


oh that looks amazing! i havent made the tart yet but looking at that maybe thatll be my familys next addiction 😂


Oh it was so so so good. The blueberry filling was so nice and the ratios that they give in the book make it a perfect balance of sweet and citrus-y! (Yes, the lemon juice seems excessive but trust me you could go for even more if you want.) The only tip I would give is be careful with the crust, it has to rest overnight and is really easy to make too thick in the pan if you can't see (like it was in this one). So I recommend actually using a glass pie dish if you can like they recommend in the book so you can see how high it goes.


The cookies too 😬 I made my 4th batch of them yesterday and we’re already down to two left. They’re too good.


ive been meaning to make those too 🤤 they sound amazing


I read this and thought the cookbook was some item in the game I hadn’t unlocked yet, pus I haven’t had children in game either so I thought “wow that’s some pretty advanced dialogue for children”


Someone's gotta make that mod


My fiancé just made the cookies from the cookbook and they’re divine! I’m so glad that the recipes in it are quality and it wasn’t just a cash grab. (Not like I expected it to be, but..)


I think this is the kind of problem I want someday lol. Still, sorry about that op


honestly it is quite fun! the other day i traded a quarter of a cobbler and a promise to go get hotpot one day for 25 new plants for my garden!🪴


omg that's awesome!! more addition to the plant family :)


Sounds like time to start teaching some people how to cook for themselves.


i literally just sent two family members the recipe 😂


It's the second recipe I tried from the cookbook :D My family and I enjoyed it. I've never made a cobbler before either and was super happy with how it all came out! https://preview.redd.it/6xx4s2yv337d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e566effa9f5fdbd764136d2e3d1390339f22139


Noted... God that sounds so good right now, though. It'd be so nice with some vanilla ice cream.


Lmao😂I got the cookbook too, I’m trying ti make everything in order. I would highly recommend the one on page 2, complete breakfast. The roasted parsnip salad was especially sweet and delicious, never made parsnips before


Parsnips are delicious, even just by themselves




wait… i’m still confused is there an SDV cookbook IRL or is this an in game feature. the comments did not help 😂😂😂


😂 there is an IRL cookbook! its new and has about 50 recipes- if you check my account youll see some pictures of the pumpkin soup, cheese cauliflower, radish salad, carp surprise, and the famed cobbler


It's real lol. Idk if I'm allowed to link products in this sub, but just search for Stardew Valley Cookbook and it'll pop up.


You can link official merchandise. https://stardewvalleycookbook.com/


this is so much like my family lmaoo


Blackberry cobbler is the shit. Used to have it seasonally growing up once the wild blackberries growing on the fence were ready to be picked, after having a few handfuls straight from the vine of course. Would still love to do that when visiting the parents, except the neighbors killed every single vine since they would “hurt their horses”. All the horribly dangerous vines on our side of the fence were handily destroyed with no warning and have never come back the same


oh nooo 🫢 i grew up eating wild blackberries from the woods behind my friends house, thats horrible that your neighbors destroyed them :(


…..now I desperately want blackberries lol. I see why it’s so good!


Omg my boyfriend just got me the cookbook and I was so excited to use it and now I'm even more excited!!


honestly all the recipes ive made so far are amazing!!


I usually make cobbler with lots of lemon juice and zest. I have the SDV cookbook, but there's no lemon or similarly acidic ingredients in the cobbler, so I've been hesitant to try it. Do you find the Stardew cobbler has any acidic notes? Does it taste balanced without lemon? (I know that's a pretty silly question, since it's so tasty you keep getting asked to make it!)


i can definitely see how some could find it too sweet- when i ran out of blackberries and had to use huckleberries and currants instead it definitely couldve used some lemon juice, but honestly the blackberries without the acidity was really good! i i also use just a little less less sugar than the recipe calls for because of this. next time i make it (i will be trying another commenters suggestion and make cupcake versions) i will make half with and half without lemon juice and see which is better


Wow! I'm excited to hear how your experiments turn out. And I might have to do some tasty experiments of my own!


I just got my cookbook and it's awesome!


i have celiac so i’ve been swapping ingredients for their gluten free versions and my family won’t eat them because they feel bad when they eat my food even though i want them too. But it did mean i got an entire cobbler to myself and it was delicious!


Gotta ask, is it rare for you to cook like this?


i do cook quite often when im not away at school, but the only time something like this has happened was when i learned how to make focaccia- suddenly it was all my family would ask for and entire loaves would be gone in hours


Anyone else from the UK still not received their copy?


oh I am gonna have to make this ...my fiancee has always talked about it I have never had it


Damn y'all got the book I pre ordered on amazon and still haven't had it shipped yet :<


my brother works at a hobby store and they sell it, so i got it pretty early- i hope you get urs soon though!!!


Lucky and thanks


americans be like


I mean, you can quite simply not make them. It's that easy