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Damn, how SP is stronger than GER


How is MiH below SP when he won against SP


Well Jotaro could have beat Pucci if his daughter didn’t nerf him.


That's debatable since Anasui's Diver down gave him the possibility to attack.


All true. I guess you can look at it as Pucci even with MIH still felt he couldn't beat Jotaro so he went after his daughter, which is his weakness.


The only reason he even got close to beating Pucci was because of Jolyne and co.


They were similar stands. Same with MIH, only problem was that he was paying attention to his daughter. If only Jotaro kept his woman hating personality. 😞😞


Because they're all the same type of stand. Which makes you wonder why SP isn't at the top because they're all ~~the same type of stand as Star Platinum~~


Rtz isn't auto. Ger cant react to stopped time.


It probably can given that it reacted to erased time.


U actually got a point there.


No offense to you, but I find it strange to say he can’t react to time stop. The first and only things we see it do is react to erased time and bypass fate.


A more interesting argument would be to say that G.E.R can move in stopped time, but returning to 0 would not work because there is nothing to return to since they are already at 0.


0 is whatever GER wants it to be. The time before stopped time can be 0 just as he reverts before time is erased.


Isnt this headcanon? I mean, King Crinsom "steps out" of time but time keeps passing If 'gravity' and fate are the same thing, doesn't that mean that stopping 'gravity' also doesn't stop fate? I mean, I prefer the Idea of a totally beatable G.E.R ( in parts 1 to 6, since in parts 7 and 8 there are more Stands that can beat it )


I wasn’t using headcanon, just what it does in series. King Crimson erases time, not step out of it. Stopping time should temporarily pause the progression of it. I don’t think it would stop fate in a meaningful way. For example Kakyoin getting donuted. Just because it happened in stopped time doesn’t mean it wasn’t fated. Although that may be subjective. I don’t think there’s a stand that should be able to beat GER in a head on fight from parts 1-6. Honestly, not even part 7 imo. (e.g. not cheap trick, anubis, etc.) I’m not including stalemates as wins of course. If the mention of stopping was suggesting that GER controls fate, I don’t think that’s the case.


It's not even erased time technically, the perception (and diavolos fate) are what's being erased, so yeah, GER should realistically not be able to react to SP:TW


It is stated that he erases time. He doesn’t erase perception. The other villains also manipulate time…


Wouldn't that mean that one ability should get priority over the other?


Not necessarily. We don’t know how they would activate at the same time but that’s been asked in this subreddit


If they activate at the same time, would that mean GER would revert 0 to 0?


I think I misunderstood you as talking about all time manipulation abilities at the same time. What do you mean? 0 is what ever point GER sets. If you mean time stop then 0 would be before he time stops. So it’d be like he never stopped time.


If RTZ is set and activated at the same time TS is, would it be reverting nothing to before it takes place?


In GER’s profile from an artbook, it says that GER’s ability stands above any stand ability previously. Given that time stop is Star Platinum’s ability, return to zero will simply occur as well as if it is an ability from another dimension (just a metaphor)


Tf is RTZ ![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49673)


Return to zero. Ger's ability.


Rough Testicle Zizz


The ability with which he disoriented diavolo.


You guys give it names and suppose its all the ability is about. A Requiem stand is what it needs to be to maintain the arrow in safe hands, in a fight against Star Platinum it would win, because Star Platinum would be a threat to the arrow.


I disagree on star platinum being stronger than Made in heaven, not because Mih beat him but because in general time acceleration gives Pucci better offence, better defence, hard counters a lot more things than star platinum, but they're definitely still close and they're both definitely below golden experience requiem


Shouldn't made in heaven's acceleration be considered an attack on giorno? How did GER let that slide?


I mena time acceleration doesn't effect living beings so maybe that's why, we don't know if Giornio still had requiem or it disappeared after the arrow got removed


If it's like chariot, it should have reverted back to normal.


you could also argue that since getting MIH required a whole lot of steps and is capable of effecting something in such a larger space that GER wouldn't be able to revert everything back, only things around giorno's immediate viscinity


Anyone not at Cape Canaveral fighting Pucci was not altered so I guess it was just more of a passive switch to another universe. No physical harm done to anyone else


Why would general acceleration be considered an attack?


Star Platinum is the weakest of them. And GER the strongest.


Love Train is stronger than GER but otherwise yeah


Was that stated? Love train reroutes misfortune, but Reverse to Zero itself is not misfortune. As long as the infinite death loop doesn't happen, there is no misfortune in GER.


In fact, RTZ is very similar to Love Train. insteadof directing misery to others, it simply makes the misery doesn't exist


But RTZ doesn't necessarily have to be used against only misfortune. GER has a mind of its own, it could revert anything to zero.


both the stands are highly defensive, but d4c has an upper hand since it can prob get an alternate giorno


An alternate Giorno could get away easily.


If an alternate diego with time stop couldn't get away, how will he?


nuh uh. it requires a threat to giorno


while GER does have sentience, it has been shown to not wanting Giono to know and doing anything against its user directly contradicts that effort. And being a mafia boss, I don't think Giorno would even need to use his stand as read on PHF


PHF ain't canon tho, Araki approves of it and even made illustrations for it, but that still doesn't make it canon


still makes sense that he wouldn't use his stand that much. diavolo uses it to make other scared towards him, but Giorno is probably going to use loyalty instead and a fighting stand doesnt need that


Some things may be able to pierce GER, we wouldn't know as is only used once. It also may only be usable defensively while we know LT can be used on the offensive.


How is it stronger? Wouldn't it be drawn since both wont be able to attack each other.


Maybe. We know Love Train has a much larger destructive capacity though. And GER may only work defensively. Also, there may be ways to pierce GER while we know there is exactly one way to bypass LT.


i'm 99% sure soft and wet go beyond can hit giorno with requiem if they ever fought


Can't GER just make it so Josuke can never point/aim at Giorno?


Well, considering Jousuke can't actually aim those particular bubbles since they aren't exactly visible (if I'm wrong about the visibility of the bubbles, I'm sure someone will correct me.) and it is hard for him to control when it happens on top of that, I honestly think Jousuke would have to get lucky, even if he controls when it is launched. Hell, the way the final fight went he had to have Paisley Park assist him with transporting/aiming those bubbles.


Yeah and unless they hit Giorno right in the head and kill him instantly, GER can just heal Giorno up. GER can also just snipe Josuke with a pebble launched hard enough to pulverize a stone pillar with just a light tap of the index finger. Imagine what a punch could do


Oh yeah, seriously. GER is stupid strong in both utility and combat power. All he has to do is RTZ Jousuke's attack and, realistically, just simply clip him with a fist to start that death loop on him. About the only way I see S&WGB beating GER is if the bubble was point-blank released into a vital organ, killing him instantly like you said, thus leaving Jousuke incredibly open for a counter.


Josuke can direct the go beyond bubbles by having soft and wet punch them towards the target.


josuke can roughly guide their path by hitting them, i'm just bringing it up because go beyond is probably the ONLY thing capable of harming GER


But if GER reverted the effects of time literally being erased and fate taking the course for Diavolo's victory and thus changing fate itself, why shouldn't it be able to know that some bubbles are floating towards it and it's user? It could make it so Josuke never actually used his stand.


I'm not saying that Go Beyond is the clear cut and dry winner here, but he does have a chance. Given GER's sentience and OP powers, I'm still leaning towards Giorno coming out on top.


go beyond literally "doesn't exist" meaning that it bypasses EVERYTHING. GER could revert josuke himself but the bubbles would not be affected. Their properties also make them likely immune to stands that manipulate time


It's been a hot minute since I read that part of jjba tbf, so I forgot about that bit.


the conversation of go beyond vs GER just makes me wonder if go beyond could kill over heaven dio if aimed properly


That's the thing about Go Beyond. It isn't exactly an attack, as the bubble doesn't exist. It bypasses logic. If the natural flow of calamity couldn't detect it (or even Josuke's intention to shoot it/direct it towards Tooru), then GER couldn't detect it either. Also, combined with Soft and Wet's gimmick, the bubble could "take" Giorno's stand from him temporarily, though we didn't see Josuke use it that way. That would leave Giorno vulnerable.


go beyond isn't able to plunder i don't think, all that is shown in jojolion is a very powerful explosion that bypasses anything. GER is also a sentient stand so even if josuke managed to distract giorno with go beyond in order to take something, GER itself would still revert the plunder bubble


That's why I said we don't see it happen, but it could possibly happen. The go beyond bubble is made in the same way as other SnW bubbles, only infinitely thinner.


Go beyond would also destroy love train wouldnt it


theoretically it could. it could also probably move in stopped time


Even if they did GER can revert back giorno's death anyway like he did against diavolo, dude's practically invincible


the only way i see josuke winning is if he manages to land a go beyond bubble into giorno's brain and instakills. i don't think requiem can just "nuh uh" death


He did against diavolo since it even changed epitaph's predicted faith of diavolo killing giorno


I know go beyond bypasses logic but what ger does is that it makes that everything the enemy done gets reverted back to zero, which means it never existed. Ger also bypasses everything so ye


go beyond doesn't just bypass logic, it basically "doesn't exist" GER could revert josuke himself but the bubble would not be affected


Debatable. GER's abilities are so vague, it's impossible to know what it's extents are.


Yes. But I'd bargain the fucking power of Christ is greater than a funny arrow.


We're also dealing with two separate continuities here, one in which a funny arrow unlocks the secret powers of your soul, and another in which the power of Christ is just spinning really good.


Nah, GER > Love Train


>GER the strongest Wrong




People always say that "GER can prevent Johnny from shooting the nail" but that's not really true, it didn't prevent Diavolo from punching Giorno, Diavolo actually did it, but it was nullified *after* already happened. When we are talking about a Stand that has infinite energy, than goes through dimensions and invade them with his bare hands, it's kinda hard to say that it would be nulified in the same way that Diavolo's punch was. I see it as an stalement, they would both cancel each other in a way that I don't think we would have a winner between them


Diavolo never hit Giorno when he went GER he only saw the hit with his epitaph. When he went for the attack GER activated. From what we know GER activated from Diavolos intent to attack Giorno. The only way I believe you can beat the stand is by accident since there is no intent. Or just be Wonder of U


It would be nullified. Energy doesn't matter for revert to zero.


>Energy doesn't matter for revert to zero We can't really say that bc Araki didn't explain much GER as many people think, we don't really know the Stand, I'm not assuming his abilities, I'm assuming what would happen based in what I know and saw, not in what I *belive* I know and didn't see


I'm not up for debate, but honestly I think Wonder of U is stronger than Made in Heaven.


Not only is time sped up, Pucci is also moving at incredibly fast speeds. Meaning that even if Pucci just tripped, he'd die


nah pucci is moving at relatively normal speeds since everything is sped up. everyone else is just kept at normal speeds so it seems like everything is super fast but to pucci everyone is just slow


thats very fair, though OP hasnt read part 8 yet


I think it's kinda hard to say that one stand is stronger than other because some of them are counters to others, as a matter of fact, I think King crimson could counter the wonder of U. Also, nothing is stopping Pucci from just not pursuing Toru, after all, wonder of U has no offensive abilities.


In my opinion it would be, Ger, Tusk, D4C;LT, MiH and SP, in that order, although the first two are quite debatable, in truth any of the two could be the strongest stand


I don’t really get why people think GER is so strong. He was shown to do one thing against a stand that, the way I understand it, doesn’t erase time but the perception of it. And GER was made as the counter for something that erases the perception of time. But that’s just me, I feel like GER is wanked too much for, in all reality, doing only one thing ever.


I think people have Ger so highly because of his explanation about the rtz and the infinite death cycle more than against whoever used his ability, "A power that nullifies anything that goes against the will of my user making it invincible and also if I kill you I put you in an infinite cycle of dying" sounds pretty powerful to me


Ok, I get that. But that was for all previous stands. Anything stronger than King Crimson (Part 6 Jotaro, Made In Heaven, ect.) should be able to defeat him.


It is literally specified as ger can override actions of anything, no matter how powerful it is. Also, why would Ger's power limit be king crimson?


Because Requiem gives you a perfect ability that suits that specific situation, such as a counter to King Crimson. For example, if you’re starving and you use Requiem then you will gain an ability that would supply food. And it’s not like Requiem is permanent either, as was shown with Silver Chariot.


Because Requiem gives you a perfect ability that suits that specific situation, such as a counter to King Crimson. For example, if you’re starving and you use Requiem then you will gain an ability that would supply food. And it’s not like Requiem is permanent either, as was shown with Silver Chariot.


This is fan canon and not really substantial. They are just upgrades to their current abilities + additional ones. Chariot Requiem abilities didn’t change for example. It’s never stated that you’ll get the abilities for the situation. Silver chariot also didn’t become a complete requiem and went berserk. The arrow fused with GER but not chariot.


Nah u are actually effected by the reading comprehension devil GER can reverse any and all actions against the user. Including an attack against the user. If tusk shoots Giorno he could reverse it and if sp stops time ger can undo any injuries caused within stopped time. Giorno can also shoot lasers I think.


Epitaph showed Diavolo a vision of him killing Giorno. That was the truth of what was gonna occur. Things like fate and prediction and predetermination of the future is generally pretty ironclad in JJBA. Everything in Boingo's book came true. Rolling Stones's predictions came true. Everything Epitaph had shown until then had happened as Diavolo had seen. Diavolo killing Giorno might as well have already happened. But GER just said "nuh uh" to reality.


Made in heaven and ger are so wrong here. Both are at the top


TA4 would both tbh


Why do you think he would be able to hit pucci? Plus his horse is a massive target and pucci could prevent johnny from using act 4 at all if he took slow dancer out


Tusk act 4 imparts infinite rotation, but it needs to hit first. Nothing about the Valentine fight makes it seem like it does anything other than that. Valentine was already very weakened in that dimension and also relied heavily on LT for his protection, so he didn't even dodge Johnny's attack. Pucci could presumably easily dodge him, and GER could just say no to the attack as if it never happened.


TA4 is shown to at least try to follow the target, as shown in the johnny vs AU diego fight, where it travels through the pillar and ground to get to diego before he slices his leg


Bait used to be believable


This list has to be backwards


It seems you've forgotten Ball Breaker and Bohemian Rhapsody


Bohemian Rhapsody is strong but it's entirely uncontrollable It has the same odds of murdering the user as much as the target So like, it's not really good, especially since it doesn't protect the user at all. If the guy hadn't been far away on a plane he would have literally been defenseless Tho such an insane range is incredibly impressive Also Ball Breaker is like Tusk (Act 4) but slightly worse, so it makes sense people don't bring it up


fax so many ppl forget how broken bohemian rhapsody is and ball breaker could probably beat sp


GER is the strongest one here and Star Platinum's the weakest


I mean ger is definitely the strongest here, it can return the infinite rotation nail back to Johnny before he even fires it would be interesting to how it reacts to lovetrain but it could probably return the action of the formation of the barrier to zero too, plus there’s the whole weird soul domination thing that comes with requiem stands, so GER is deffo still top as of the end of part 7


No it cannot, why do people still say it can return things before they happen? Diavolo still threw blood, only afterwards was it stopped. Jonhy would still shoot and once the bullet is out, it's not getting reversed.


We literally see bullets get returned when mista fires his gun, bullet is already out and gets put back, reverts all actions to zero, shooting a bullet nail or gun is an action so it’d get reverted


Act 4's bullets cannot be pulled back. Not only are they not affected by time abilities but they are infinite.


I think I get what your trying to say, but I will explain it in more detail(since many other people on this sub probably either forgot or didnt read this part of steel ball run). In steel ball run, Diego and Johnny eventually faught. During said fight, Diego stopped time so he could try and run away from tusk. However, because tusks spin was so strong, it was able to move during stopped time. What Im trying to say is that on some level you are right, but in my opinion, I still believe GER would win against Tusk.


Yeah I get that the spin actually bends gravity but I still think that ger is above time and space stand due to the fact it was still operating in skipped time and the fact that tusk works within the “logic” of the universe means it would still be returned to zero


Like I said in my last sentence, I still believe GER can defeat tusk. And it is(in jjba canon) the strongest stand. But I think WOU is extremely close.


Yeah I agree but I do think GER can reverse calamities flow for a high dif victory, now GER vs go beyond that’s a proper headache


EXACTLY Honestlly idk on this one. If u say GER youre right, but if you say Go Beyond youre also right.


Can you revert an attack that does but also doesn’t exist, it’s a question that’ll haunt me for the rest of my life


My thinking is that it's debatable, i can't really say who'd win, but both abilities should be fairly represented for that discussion


Star platinum is the strongest stand without any external boosts, but falls short of any other stand that is boosted by some external concept or power.


Wtf is star platinum doing there? He is weaker than the rest of the stands and even then The World is just better Also I know you havent read Jojolion but Wonder of U and Go Beyond belong here


Did you even watch jojos🤣🤣


I mean this in the nicest way OP, but this list is whack. GER is at least top 3 (I'm hesitant to say it's definitely number 1 since we know so little about it), and Star Platinum is definitely the weakest one here.


I feel like Star Platinum is way stronger than D4C even with Love Train. Is D4C even faster than light or as destructive? It’s been a minute since I read all of part 7 to be honest but I feel like in a 1v1 Valentine would get obliterated


How is Ger last when it's Equal to Tusk at the least. An where Is Wonder of U. You know the Villain stand that thrives off of the script of JoJo's chasing their opponents. An having Bad Karma an misfortune do them in


Read the top again 


We understand it's what you think but there has to be some type of logic that puts Star platinum over Ger and MIH


For those curious, Araki himself states that time stop is the strongest and most invincible stand ability to ever exist before the new universe. By default, that puts Star Platinum and The World above every single stand to exist prior to Part 7, that’s just undeniable. In a straight 1v1, a time stop stand has the advantage over any other stand and will probably win. Not to mention, Star Platinum is also the most physically gifted stand to exist in the entire series, and is something Araki has shown to regret on more than one occasion.


Crazy order imo. I’d go GER, MiH, SP, Tusk, D4CLT SP could also be last


Tusk Act 3 is a counter against MIH. Pucchi can´t enter the holes without dying instantly and he can´t react to the accelarated Bullets. And MIH can´t do anything against Lovetrain aso that would be stalemate, Normal D4C could also kill Pucchi with alternate Pucchis.


This wasn’t about who wins each fight but generally stronger. Bullets may not be accelerated immediately as they were part of his body. Pucci also doesn’t have to go into the hole. Stands are generally faster than bullets and Pucci outran the gun bullets. He’d have to be really off guard for that. Act 4 probably won’t be able to be used with his speed and terrain changes. Pucci is quick enough to snipe limbs from both tusk act 3 and LT and possibly pull them out. Getting another Pucci is situational and judging from Pucci’s personality, he likely wouldn’t just allow that especially with other MiH Puccis. Pucci can also go to points in time where LT/ Lucy isn’t there or is not useful. He’d also have the advantage of knowledge of what they’re going to do.


Bullets wouldn’t be accelerated as it’s part of Johnnys body and life doesn’t get accelerated. And pucci could definitely move fast enough to react to them.


They aren't part of Johnny's body after they get shot. Thus they'd accelerate. And MIH has infinite speed. If they get accelerated infinitely, so does their rotation. Infinite Rotation glitch.


Using that logic then wouldn’t during MiH people be shedding pounds of skin every second? Cause when there skin dies it’s no longer part of there body and it wouldn’t regrow cause it’s part of there body.


Probably, yeah.


I'd absolutely say it's LT, GER, MiH, Tusk, SP. That's out of these though.


unpopular opinion: tusk is overrated and would actually be pretty useless if johnny didnt have double the iq of einstein and didnt know spin. give it to any other average character and they wouldve gotten beaten up bad. without spin its basically just a typical shooting type of stand if you give any of that type of stand to johnny im sure he wouldnt get nerfed that much. its about the wielder not the stand sorry for bad engrish


But stands are manifestations of the soul, no? Tusk is what it is because Johnny is who he is. Separating them doesn't make sense to me.


yeah you're right with that logic if you see a stand as something same as the user but i meant like in a whitesnake disc removal type of situation it would be a pretty useless stand. maybe if you give star platinum to some random on the street they will still be pretty strong but i cant see that with tusk. and if you give johnny any other ranged shooting type of stand he will probably not get nerfed much.


tusk is spin though, without spin tusk doesn't exist


Is SP considered the stronger stand than the World, just because Jotaro won the fight? And how much stronger would it be? Because i thought they are basically the same stand.


yes but I guess if you have to also count, we have to count what the stand has "learned" to do. The World was shown to be mainly about the same strengths as Star Platinum and its whole stick was Time Stop (okay maybe the knives as well) but Star Platinum also have things such as Star Finger and the breath thing that it does in the fight against Justice that would help close the distance. I'm not saying The World can't do those things, it's just not explicitly shown and in JoJo, it's usually not just how strong your stand is, but how creative you can use it as well that determines the outcome of the fight and Star Platinum has a few more tricks up its sleeve than The World


Before part 8 the stongest are probably Tusk, D4C, MIH, GER, and Bites the Dust


Are you sure you have read part 7???


Wait until bro knows about WONDER OF YOU


Tusk Act 4 and D4C Love Train are better than SP. Tusk Act 4 uses infinite rotation which anchors the victim to a single area and bypasses timestop D4C love train redirects misfortune to other parts of the world, only beaten by infinite rotation which star platinum lacks


That’s why they’re above SP


Ohhhhh, i read it the wrong way


1: s&wgb 2: wou 3: ger 4: mih 5: tusk act 4 i didn’t put any part 9 stands in this only because we really have no idea what they’re truly going to look like at the end of the part so i’ll have to wait before considering them


[Gold Experience Requiem] is the strongest defensive Stand. [Tusk Act 4] is the strongest offensive Stand. Gappy's final evolved form of [Soft & Wet] as well as [Wonder of U] are also heavy contenders for the strongest offensive Stand.


I would personally rank them out of these, ger and mih tied, d4c with love train, then tusk act 4 than sp. I am aware johnny beat funny valentine while he had love train, but beating someone doesnt mean you have the stronger ability


How is GER fifth ? I can understand for Tusk act 4 since it's better offensively, although I don't agree, but how can you put the power of winning below stopping time for 10 seconds ?


This list would make more sense in reverse.


My opinion about those stands would be GER Tusk4 D4C:LT SP MiH It hard to do top of those 5 stands Tusk4 is above D4C:LT only cuz he can counter Love train I think MiH could beat Tusk4 but not D4C:LT and same with SP SP could mid diff Tusk4, like remember Johnny vs Diego Alt, Johnny almost died lol Ger is above Tusk cuz i dont think that GER cant rewind inf rotation SP vs MiH, i think SP can win in this like mid-hard diff, If Pucci have not used Jotaro weakness, his daughter, he would kill him D4C for me will be top 2 there if not Tusk4's inf rotation


Non ironically Cheap Trick Solos fr 😭🙏🙏🙏


Not to be rude, but these are god-awful takes.


Soft and wet solos star platinum 


The World>SP


Heavens door would be 5th, with your 1st and 2nd as my 3rd and 4th, then ofc wonder of u in 2nd and go beyond in 1st


Guys, imma be real, i genuinaly believe that MIH could 1v4 everyone here and still win


He forgot bohemian Rhapsody and echoes


In what world is The World weaker than Star Platinum?


The World from part 3 was receiving a vampiric buff and Star Platinum accompanied it until it was overcome The pure The World is the one from part 7


Part 6 Star Platinum and I’m also taking into account the user.


SP is very weak in Part 6 compared to part 3. If MiH was encountered before The World, it's possible that Jotaro would have developed a similar counter due to Joestars fate to save the world but as Pucci is a threat to Joestar family and not the world, such power was not given. Star Platinum only got his powers because he needed them to save the world and beat Dio. And GER RTZ is very hypothetical but it should be the strongest ability compared to others.


No bohemian rhapsody or chariot requiem?


In my humble opinion, I believe crazy diamond to be stronger than sp … but canonically a rat could beat sp, either way he needs to leave. But otherwise, yeah, basically the top 5.




I am of the personal opinion that GER couldn’t react to stopped time, simply because thematically, timestop is supposed to be the “peak” of OG Universe abilities. There isn’t really “supposed” to be anything that can beat Star Platinum or The World’s ability, so if Jotaro were to be at odds with Giorno then Araki would probably write in some way that SP is stronger. The statement about Star Platinum being the strongest was written during part 6, after the statement about GER. Again, especially with JoJo, the theme takes precedence over the literal powers of the characters. Jotaro is presented as unbeatable, and so was DIO until Jotaro got his ability, so it just makes sense in the context of the story that SP would win over GER somehow, even if on paper it’s not as powerful.


This right here


Mih also solos most of these stands sheerly bcs of universe reset oh tusk act 4 shot a nail at you? Just run away from it with your INFINITE SPEED. Sp also takes this same fate because Pucci can just run away and even if jotaro stops time he won’t be able to reach Pucci. The only stands that can beat Pucci in this list are d4c and ger because d4c could redirect the reset and any attack and get could just reverse


Ger should be 1. Jotaro can stop time and all but rtz will work regardless. Ger is also beating mih. There is no way to escape the loop.


Silver Chariot Requiem beats Golden Experience Requiem any day of the week. And ill stand by this until i die.


GER punches the sun behind its head. GG


Then giorno dies.


Punching the sun behind your head kills Chariot Requiem. Chariot Requiem only attacks if you touch the arrow.


Did you watch the show? The little sun behind brunos head is symbolic for his soul. He just killed himself. The only way to destroy silver chariot requiem is to kill oneself.


No, Bruno died because he returned all the souls to their bodies. Bruno had a dead body so his soul ascended. > In reality, Diavolo discovers that what appears as Requiem's shadow is the shadow of the observer's own soul: the Stand manifests itself in this shadow.[13] To accomplish this, it manifests a psychic light source which always hovers behind one's head and is only visible to the person to whom it is attached. A Stand can destroy the marble emitting the light in order to defeat Chariot Requiem. Source: Diavolo Surfaces Part 3 This content comes from JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia (https://jojowiki.com), and must be attributed to its authors if you are using it on another wiki or web page, as specified in the license.


Oh shit sorry it was a long time ago i watched part 5


U good


GER can't be scaled. There's nothing to scale.