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Someone ought to mod the grav jump animation to be a light speed animation


Yeah, for sure. I also want blasters and Star Wars music mods on console.


There's no cantina if not with the cantina song.


And ships. I want to build Star Wars ships


You can make some of them in vanilla. I was able to build the Razor Crest without any ship mods


What’s the point? The characters are still going to talk about the UC and the Crimson Fleet.


Someone did a “proof of concept” mod where they used an AI to record a bunch of lines for the guards in New Atlantis as if they were Stormtroopers, so it was the same lines just with Star Wars references instead of Starfield references. So that shows how a Star Wars dialogue overhaul could exist, it’d just be annoying to make because you have to work with the funk AI has sometimes. Or hire voice actors but that’d cost money.


I think if there's probably plenty of already existing voice lines from star wars media to atleast replace combat and enemy lines


You have to use your imagination. Star Wars is in a galaxy far far away, that means that it’s in the same universe as earth.


Proof of concept, give it a few years and there will be whole overhauls that make Jemison into Coruscant, the UC into the Republic (or empire) Akila into Tattooine ect.


What’s the point of altering anything? The core of the game will still be the same. It’s about being able to play it like it’s a Star Wars game. Since Disney refuses to make anything like it


what a small minded thing to say




Lightsabers alongside starborn powers(with a further force spin on them), and maybe even an overhaul of the skill tree to be divided into guardian, consular, sentinel skill paths- would be so cool


These mods already exist on nexus (you should seriously take a peak to see what was possible WITHOUT the CK). Lots of replacer mods for Star Wars have been done for some time now but are being ported. The biggest lie everyone was told repeatedly is that modding would be dead because all the PC players have watched mods get created with nearly zero tools available.


Gods I wants this so bad


I’d prefer the plaid from space balls but I’ll take Star Wars.


How do I get SW mods on xbox?


Just go to the creations tab in the main menu


Do you have to pay for them?


No, 99% of mods (the best ones, really) are free.


When do the planets come?


Sometime after foreplay.


Try it in zero G next time


That Sarah dialogue always throws me for a spin


And lightsabers. Still waiting on lightsabers 😅


Skyrim has lightsaber mods. Don't worry, they're coming.


Ahsoka Morgan hates that


Berret Al-Mundi




Insane. I love the fact that Coruscant is New Atlantis LMAO


Mod names?


Star Wars Aliens, TheSniper9 Star Wars Armor Pack, Grand Army of the Republic - UC conversion, Shadow Collective - Crimson Fleet Conversion, Mandalorian Clone Wars Era - Bounty Hunter Conversion, AT-ST Enemies, Leia Outfits (Star Wars)




Yeah! Have fun


There is also a Paridiso - Shoretrooper conversion out now too


In that order?


From top down, yes.


Do you only have those mods installed?


Are these mods free? I'm a bit surprised they were allowed on the store.


They are all free. There are only a few paid mods, the others are free.


How did you make mandalorian clone wars era bounty hunter conversion work? Everytime I try with only that installed it doesn't work or breaks the models. I am also using freestar to rebels what never works even if that (and quick start alt start so i don't have to waste 5+ hours to get there) to work




Still waiting for blasters and ships


same. blasters are necessary to make it feel like star wars, same with the ships


Blaster mod was uploaded for Xbox! It’s empire but it’s better than nothing


damn gonna check it out first thing when i get home!


Is saw an E-11 on nexus I think


I’m a filthy console player. Plus I’m wanting DC-15A for clones, I don’t think they used E-11’s but honestly I’d take it rather than nothing


Mods like this are the easiest to implement because they're just porting over pre-made models. I'm waiting for some substantial mods that aren't just aesthetic


Me too! But I’ll enjoy these in the meantime.


These comments are wild. People are really upset that others are enjoying Starfield in their own way. wtf lol. Play how you want to play!


It’s all good. It’s their right to complain and our right not to give a fuck lol


If everyone took this mindset there would be world peace by lunchtime


I don't care about Star Wars mods, i only care about mods making the game better but at the same time lore-friendly, i do however appreciate that mods like those exist and that people enjoy then.


Nobody is upset, it is kind of annoying that the Starfield sub has become a Star Wars sub though.


Kind of reminds me when the Bannerlord sub (a game set in a fictional medieval world) had a pinned star wars total conversion mod at the top for ages.


Exactly, its just mildly annoying but nobody is being super inflammatory. Everyone here likes Starfield but not everyone likes Star Wars, that simple


What’s crazy is it’s not like there’s even much lore at all. It’s nearly a sandbox right now


For real! I saw a guy claiming to love the lore of Starfield and that he was bothered that others were modding their games to such an extent. What lore is he talking about? There is almost nothing at all


I'm not quite sure I agree that there's that little lore, but like... This person must've had very strong opinions on the silly shit that goes down in Skyrim mods. Personally, while I quite like the game as it is... Modding it to be Star Wars/whathaveyou was like 90% of the reason I bought the game.


I need more Chunks lore!!


For real, it’s a budding franchise with very little depth to it. Imo mods like this help give it more life


I’m waiting or perhaps willing to draw crude aliens for a mid with Wish.com aliens. I knew what I was signing up for when I got the game but every faction that isn’t the crimson fleet just seems so indifferent to each other. It’s missing that true space epic feeling of geth vs quarians or Salarians vs krogan.


I wish Starfield had alien races to begin with. I remember thinking the neon dancers were aliens back when the trailer released.


I highly doubt theyll ever be alien races that are like humans. Starfield isnt in that sort of genre but more "realistic" you can also tell judt based off the lore and the environment. Theres no mentions of meeting an intelligence race thats equivalent if not better than humans. All though how did starborns get created or the shards? Many will say varuun but how fid varuun get them?


Oh I know about the lore. I just wish Bethesda went a different way with Starfield.


Everyone is different ofc. The only reason why i was interested in anyway to starfield was bc it didnt have any of that crazy sci-fi stuff from other titles. I love space oriented things in general but i just absolutely hate sc-fi with over extravagant creatures, weapons etcetc. Not a fan of starwars besides the lore the same goes with startrek. I havent gotten into any space oriented games as all the ones I tried did not go to my taste.


It's totally understandable. I wish there was at least more stuff in the current settings. The planets and POIs really need a rework. Edit: Who the fuck downvoted this? I'm not even hating on the game, just wishing for its future. Don't tell me you don't agree with the fact that the current POIs are lacking.


Agree 100% on this. Planets and pois are lackluster at most. The planets with fauna and creatures are cool too but could use a revamp. In terms of poi everyplanet is the same, same style same buildings, same layout... i use mods now for denser planets with fauna and creatures and its night and day. And its the same with how poi gets generated and i love it. Its not the same poi every 700 meters. Theres variations to the type. Now im just waiting for variations of poi so that pois get procedurally generated for a more immersive playthrough. Pois should be different everytime you visit them even if theyre the same "cave or science outpost"


Agreed. We need a POI update that adds more POIs, and let's be real, it's the "settled" systems, so we need villages with NPCs too. Edit: Wow, double the hate, and no counter argument. Downvoter is a pusillanimous person.


Exactly this not some lackluster outpost occupied by a couple of npcs. Like an actual village or town of sorts that branched off the main city. Like for example the size of akila city should be the size of some villages or towns on some of the planets in the settlled system. Even then akila city is tiny compared to neon and other main cities. How about something similar to the civ in the ancient civilization quest?.


I really hope they will make this change in the future. We need more static locations. They don't need to be proc gen'ed, they just need to exist.


>more realistic Lol


Than Star Wars. It is.


I agree. Hopefully in a future expansion 🤞


I think Bethesda got enough copying BioWare allegations with the Fallout 4 dialogue and companions. If you wanted a good sci fi rpg about aliens, go play Mass Effect.


Just to clarify, I was not expecting a Star Wars or Mass Effect level of sci-fi. But I expected something nonetheless. For example: I completed the game, and I think we really need a Starborn expansion. I thought that there would be something at the end of the game that would uncover part of this universe's origins, but we are left with more questions than we had when we first grabbed the artifact during the game's intro.


Twi'lek Sarah Morgan was not on my bingo card for today, ngl


She’s actually a togruta lol


I apologize


I can’t get the UC conversion to work. The Trackers Alliance and Freestar ones work no problem though


Well I can get those to work but not the others, what's ur mod list?


What’s the mod that replaces UC soldiers with clones called?


Star Wars Aliens, TheSniper9 Star Wars Armor Pack, Grand Army of the Republic - UC conversion, Shadow Collective - Crimson Fleet Conversion, Mandalorian Clone Wars Era - Bounty Hunter Conversion, AT-ST Enemies, Leia Outfits (Star Wars)


Grand Army is the one you are looking for




Ngl I wish they had an imperial mod instead of republic 😭


"Coruscant" 💀💀💀


Light Sabres and vroom noises.


This sub is now 90% just screenshots of people using the exact same Mandalorian armor mod. It's getting old.


That’s a massive improvement over the random landscape pics with a title “I don’t get why people don’t like this game”


The landscape pictures were at least nice to look at..


>Play time: 852 hours >”I don’t get why people don’t like this game” > Planets Surveyed: 664 You… you sure you don’t know why someone might not…?


My favourite of those is the same OP saying their play time is surveying planets. Scanning. Well yeah I guess if I liked watching paint dry, I'd enjoy that too, but it's hardly a common delight. It's not a great argument that a niche pleasure makes a game good overall.


I almost believe they were part of a misguided and campaign. Notice they all stopped the moment the new narrative about how great the free camera system was appeared.


The redundancy and quality of video game user generated content is depressing. Such an amazing potential medium and it’s overrun by the same basement nerds with no taste for decades.


Definitely a massive exaggeration.


Not even close lol


Hey man, do you need the link for it?


You know I was gonna wait until shattered space to play again so I can replay cyberpunk 2077 but these posts make it hard. Ugh why was I cursed with only being able to only focus on one RPG at a time!?


That’s def not a curse lmao, it’s better than the alternative of mostly having disjointed, unfinished experiences. But I def know that feeling of being locked in on one while your mind starts drifting towards the next game. That’s when I’ll either rush for the finish line or fully accept that I’m just gonna abandon whatever current run I’m on


Yes, and none of you will shut up about it either…


A few armor mods and cheap replacers/headgear does not a Star Wars game make.


Yes... But tis a start. Tbh in a year I could see some really amazing mods popping up for starfield since the core for an amazing space setting is all there for the most part. Flying around the galaxy as boba fett hunting down bounties in different systems sounds like what I've wanted to do since the old bounty hunter game on the GameCube


For a true overhaul that's going to take literal years. Speaking from experience being in the other bethesda game scenes. And you can 100% expect many projects to crop up then crash and burn before any real successes pop up.


I'm still hoping for the knights of the old republic remaster.. :(


The KOTOR remaster is still in development. Hopefully they do it justice.


Get your busted, old, corporately hollowed out space opera franchise out of my janky, new, incomplete and shallow space opera franchise! Or...else!


Hahaha! My question is when we shall get Star Trek, or better yet The Orville.😁 Stargate? I don't mind stuff inspired by a franchise, just don't need perfect 1:1 recreations. Although, I would be okay with someone making a mod where these other things are just fans of the old vids in lore. Not overhauls, but maybe the mod makes can agree on a planet that was settled by various cosplayer factions.😁


The Expanse, please and thank you.


I would like to see mass effect mods just to roleplay ship downtime and the events between ME2 and ME3 lmao


That would be kind of fun. Lot of sci-fi history and franchises to work with. But it should still be Starfield at the end of the day. But everyone has a choice. That's the nice thing about mods.


Star Trek works better than Star Wars in a way, the nature of the setting being focused on a ship means you can do things with travel to alternate universes (i.e. to Starfield's universe) without having to change everything ingame to make clone troopers fit in on Jemison. Just send a few Klingon Birds of Prey through the wormhole after them and you've got some Trekky random encounters and Starfleet ships for the player to do away missions in Starfield's universe.


I want to do a Star Trek and Mass Effect playthrough as well.


I would love to blow up the Orville or the Enterprise


Oh look. Another star wars mod screenshot.


This reminds me of the time they turned skyrim into elden ring.


I need it


I have it so I can hire them onto my crew. You can also make masks in one of the workbenches. Industrial I believe


Yep, thats how I made the hat SM is wearing in the screenshot.


It's crazy how far modders have come in such a short time. Won't be long before we have coruscant and naboo!


These StarWars posts are getting very old.


So are complaints about them


One is a reaction the other is the same post reposted 75 times an hour filling the feed on a reddit where people are probably eager to discuss the actual new content that just dropped


That reaction is just bitching about people being excited about Star Wars and Starfield. If y'all really cared so much, then go ahead and make an actual post about the shit you wanna discuss. I don't understand cry babies who comment on a thread saying "I don't like this" like.. no one asked 💀




That first screenshot looks awful, SW fans are really so down bad for a game they'll take whatever scraps they can get.


What EA does to a fella


I don’t get why so many people want to make this game Star Wars. We got Star Wars games already. An open world Star Wars rpg is literally coming out in a couple months that looks sick. I just want a new IP with vast planets, worlds, creatures to develop and explore. I’d like them to actually add to their own world as opposed to just make a pre existing one


Nobody is forcing you to play with these mods


I know. And I don’t really care about the multiple posts. Just don’t know why so many people are obsessed with it


You don't understand why people are obsessed with a mega popular franchise? Like you REALLY don't understand why? Or is it you just don't like Star Wars and you want others to know lmfao


Probably because Starfield has very little personality and SW is both immensely popular and has all kinds of definitive styles to fill out the game - ship style, planet building architectural, sound effects, and of course, skins.


Yeah. My point is I’d rather modders focus on giving Starfield personality


“We have ahsoka at home”


Making chars look like Star Wars chars does not make it a Star Wars game. It's like the TV shows and movies that are supposedly based on books, but all they do is copy the character names and completely change the story.


Nevermind that I want antmans suit


I can’t get the faction mods to work


You have to make sure to have the required armor mod and have it underneath the other mods.


I do have that does it have to be right below it?


I hope there’s an x-wing mod soon


I feel like making it a starwars game would make Sarah even worse.


Be nice if I can find out why my game is crashing


How do you add mods on Xbox?


Now if only we could get that seamless light speed travel from LEGO Star Wars skywalker saga


Man I can't wait for the 40k and Mass effect mods


Its so hard not to start a whole new playthrough just to turn it into starfield wars lol ill wait longer and keep toying around with the mods I'm using now, maybe once I get some good ole jizz music mods then I'll do it lol


I saw an ATST mod too


The real launch for starfield, when full on mods start fixing the game


Modding could really revitalise the game kinda sad that it comes to this again bethesda


Perfect, now that we got that out of the way we can move onto more lore friendly mods


i knew the moment starfield was released that once the creation kit came out, bethesda would have made the best star wars game on the market. i cant wait to see what else we get!


On my Xbox the Mandalorian outfits seem to make my game crash. Not sure if it's my load order or not though. Have been starting a new game as well to see if that was the issue. No luck starting a new game with several outfit mods installed. The Nomad pack has been fine though. Uninstalled any patches at the moment too, because I didn't feel as if they added much. Loads of good game balancers and faster progression mods out now though.


How long until Disney starts cunting around about this?


Now we just need star wars inspired ship pieces to make it even better, personally, I wanna see star trek stuff


White Ahsoka is uncanny.


The replacers by Sniper do not work right now.


Honestly just adding more races makes it feel more Sci fi.


The only downside with the Star Wars Aliens mod is that unless you do it with a new game, some NPC heads, feet and hands are missing...hope there might be some way to fix for future so mid play through it will 100% work


Sorry Ubisoft, starfield beat you to it with the "first open world star wars game (ignoring the Lego Skywalker saga)"


The lack of alien civilizations in Starfield is really what bothers me the most. The Starborn are unbelievably disappointing.


This is the only reason I’m going to play this game


Tweedle doo tweedle dee, is that a Twi'lek I see?


Wait, is it possible to use mods on Xbox?!


No, these mods have been available for a while, people just didn’t really know about them before the CC or feel like using nexus


Please make actual Star Wars, not this new disney junk


Ahh yes, finally a Star Wars game where I can join UC Vanguard clones and have conversations about how we haven't found intelligent alien species... Sarcasm aside, it's very cool we can have that, I added the Bobba Fett/Mandalorian armors since it didn't hurt the inmersion (just unequip it) but this is not really the kind of mods I'm looking for. That said, if it gets inmersive enough with blasters and SW music I might give it a try one day.


Star Wars Mods Xbox still needs: Aurabesh overhaul, to replace all the signs and make the world feel like star wars blasters lightsabers space ships weapon replacers planets loading screens text replacers


Ubisoft don't like this. KEKW


Does that mean the robots are lesbian?


I'm still waiting for clone blasters and lightsabers


Oh bah gawd am I glad the collections feature exists on vortex...


"disliked that, Sarah does"


Are all the butt ton of star wars games not enough?! I thought people hated Starfield. 🙄 Do what you want, but I personally don't want to star wars my Starfield. Given the nasty state Star wars has become, I'd rather Star Trek it. If I had my choice, however, I'd Firefly it.


I’m having trouble with the mod. Everyone with the modded armor replacement is just a floating head. Did you happen to know a fix?


You have to make sure the TheSniper9 armor pack is downloaded and correctly placed in the load order. I had the same issue and this was how I corrected.


Probably a dumb question but is the top of the load order the priority or the bottom. I have it placed at the top but in fallout 4 the priority is from the bottom up.


I don't get it. It's still Starfield. I'll be more interested when we have a planet mod


Uc Empire is out along with a different mod which changes the neon and ryujin to the coruscant guard seen in Jedi Survivor.




I just opened reddit a bit ago and have seen multiple crazy mfs in this sub today. It's pissing you off? 😭 Just ignore it?


It’s like cyber bullying (just turn off the damn phone)


Pissing you off? Maybe you should relax.


Keep scrolling then same thing happens with every Bethesda game when mods come out. People talk about the mods. Unsurprisingly, every post doesn’t necessarily appeal to every person on here. Go head and skip the conversation


I agree Also not a fan of all the star wars content - i mean good for people that like it but its all meh to me. Rather get different stuff than turning Starfield into SW.


I *am* a fan of Star Wars, but I have no interest in the mod content. It's not a Star Wars game, nor will it ever be, despite how many mods one adds to it. I like Starfield, it isn't the best, it has issues, but I don't want it to be Star Wars. I've experienced enough Star Wars, I want something different, like original Starfield content, not the same played out Star Wars stuff.


So you love the utter lack of lore and anything really interesting in Starfield?


It is now the best game in the world to me.


Hey look guys we can mod starfield into a dying franchise......


Who cares let people have fun


why are you just arbitrarily assuming that he doesnt want to let people have fun? wtf bro


These are the mods that I used on Xbox Star Wars Aliens, TheSniper9 Star Wars Armor Pack, Grand Army of the Republic - UC conversion, Shadow Collective - Crimson Fleet Conversion, Mandalorian Clone Wars Era - Bounty Hunter Conversion, AT-ST Enemies, Leia Outfits (Star Wars)


Ah yes, another star wars mods post...