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Doesn’t get any easier OP. 785HRS and I still do this 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well to be fair I'm sure we're both pretty conditioned at this point. I put thousands of hours into fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4.. I'm sure with you coming up on 800 hours you're in the same boat. Maybe one day muscle memory will finally be overwritten. I doubt it though I still come back to the fallout games every couple months it seems lol


Exactly the same for me. I took a break from SF and binged playthroughs of FO3, FONV then FO4 now I’m back on SF.. shoot me 😄


I had just started a new playthrough on fallout 3 was about 20 hours in but decided to put it in the backseat for now since we can play with mods now. I'm having fun and all mods are great but honestly I might just jump back into fallout 3 for a couple weeks until we get some heavier better mods out.


Definitely do that but remember, don’t press B when you return 😜😅


My luck my dumbass will start hitting start every time I want to open my Pip-Boy now lol




I initially wanted to jump back into a modded playthrough for fallout 4 since I've been putting it off for a while waiting for the next Gen update but sadly but the last update it broke a lot of mods especially ones that touched NPCs. My original plan was to play a nice long play through a fallout 4 modded and wait for a good stack of starfield mods to come out.. kind of let down but it'll be fixed eventually.


That was my plan too, but after having to let a few mods go that I didn't want to, and spending almost a month curating and testing my LO, I ended up burning myself out. Guess it all worked out though, I finally got through The Witcher 3 plus the first DLC, and now Shadow of The Erdtree is coming out in a few days, so I've obviously gotta roll another character for one last journey into The Lands Between. I do need to get back on and at least screenshot my latest LO though, I'd hate to lose all of that work to an unannounced update, or a mod getting taken down.


Hell yeah which is a good game and man am I excited for the elden ring DLC. So much speculation so many theories can't wait to jump in and find out what's going on. The one thing I really do love about starfield modding as you can save load orders now which is fucking awesome. Really hoping and wishing they will do the same for fallout 4 and maybe even Skyrim. The ability to switch between load orders like it's just a regular save would be absolutely awesome. I like starfield but honestly fallout will always be my favorite game.. fallout 3, fallout new vegas, and fallout 4. Fallout 4 with mods that's probably the most fun I've had playing any game. I don't know what it is I try so hard to keep interested in starfield and it's a great game and all absolutely love it but it is absolutely nothing compared to fallout in my opinion.


Aunt B could do us a favor on FO5 and designate the 'start' button for the pipboy.


I honestly wouldn't mind that at all at long as the Pip-Boy starts the same.


And almost place an outpost beacon…


Shit I'm still constantly hitting the left bumper attempting to open VATS lol


To be fair, your scanner is pretty much a poor-man’s VATS And my left bumper is pretty much dead now because of my constant VATS spamming in 4 and 76. I took my controller apart and took out the little plastic “shield”, but I still have to dance with bumper sometimes to get it to respond.


Honestly the watch was such a wasted opportunity. They coulda had an animation like in fallout of lifting your arm to look at the watch and it would have been so much better. I hate the menu.


I think it's okay.  I dislike parts of it.  I don't like the power menu.  I do however like the inventory and having a model of our character.  I also like having a "new" section. I don't know that they need to copy the pipboy style ui, as honestly it's not good in fallout it's just a cool look.


well i would argue that it not being “good” in fallout is kinda its charm. like it’s a shitty computer on your wrist in a nuclear wasteland


Having it sync to your hud like the Division does for their watch would have been super cool. They could have even done the map similarly (a 3d projection around the player)


I think the part of the hud that displays the planets time and environment shouldn’t be on the screen but rather you pulling up your watch to check it. Otherwise I thing the separate Menü for travel, inventory, and so on is fine and helps distinguish the game from fallout, which I think is important.


When I played Starfield for the first time, I had trouble understanding how the menu and inventory worked as it felt confusing and dysfunctional. Especially from Bethesda's other games it just seemed too different from their usual designs and layout.


Its the key controls for me, feels less intuitive because of the multifunction aspect. Sometimes short press, sometimes long, 'O' to repair ship but if you have no ship parts how about we boot you to photo mode instead. 'E' to cycle targets but mid combat you held it down too long so let's go for a walk out of the cockpit.


Exactly this, too many multifunctions for so many things in the game that it feels cluttered.


Agreed.. the menu just feels all over the place. I love survival and other Bethesda games and kind of like it in this one but having to press so many buttons just to get to my aid items and then having to dig through unsorted aid items when there's so many different types really sucks. They definitely missed an opportunity of having a nice simple Pip-Boy like watch feature. I would have much rather have had that. Hopefully some modders can do something about it though. There's no doubt in my mind somebody's eventually going to fix that wasted opportunity.


Just favourite your aid items, problem solved 😁


Yeah that's not going to work.. Food alone wouldn't have nearly enough space for favorites let alone drinks, healing, buffs, and status effect items.




Hey, at least they tricked some people into buying a terrible watch that has a straight up shoe horned connection to the game.


1960 america tech > Galactic tech apparently


The mod that has my watch always appear on and the mod that allows me to be in plain clothes in my ship have been great. When the game first launched, I had expectations of watches being more like “rings” were in elder scrolls games where we can find new ones with new bonuses and stuff. I was sorely disappointed that I couldn’t even see the watch on my wrist. At least I can see it now.


You want the menu interface to be in that tiny circle? Doesn't sound great to me imo


Fr. The menu is clunky. No favorite wheel also is bad


I'm the exact opposite. I don't require a diegtic reason for why a menu appears before my sight. And while the menu system in Starfield isn't *amazing* by any means, it uses up the full screen and doesn't have the dead space that a Pip-boy has. ^(The Aid items category really frustrates me) I also dislike how the Pip-boy physicallu affects any clothing or armor I wear (especially power armor in FO3/NV). A watch would be *far* less obstructive but I wonder how they'd incorporate the animation when my space suit or armor covers the wrist. However this opinion of mine only reaches as far as a BGS title. I'm just not a fan of how they incorporate in-universe devices. If we were to speak of other games I would have plenty of caveats to my beliefs (such as Metro Exodus or Dead Space). I suppose I'm just not a fan of BGS's approach.


I've been switching between FO4 and Starfield recently and there's always a bit of a transitionary period where I forget the controls... I should just rebind one of them so both match.


B? Who uses B?! EDIT: Ooooh, i forgot Xbox has a B button


Yeah I'm noticing a few people who play on PC are looking at this post thinking I'm a monster lol. Who the fuck uses B!?


Only an absolute savage would use the b key for the pipboy.


I do it too, if the game didn't feel like Fallout in space so much, I probably would be better accustomed to it. Then again, Skyrim's inventory opens up by pressing B too..


I don't mind the change of the button so much as I dislike the way the inventory system and everything is. It feels unfinished almost like a placeholder like somebody said in another comment they missed a huge opportunity not actually utilizing the watch itself like the Pip-Boy.


That and VATS


I don't mind VATS being a fallout thing, this game works well without it.


Phased Time is basically VATS


I use the superior Tab key.


Except for when the game decides randomly that Tab will pause the game because it thinks you shouldn't be able to access your inventory within 3 seconds of doing something else.


That is indeed bullshit and I can’t believe the devs overlooked that. Love this game but what the fuck


Omg yes, I'm constantly doing the crouch dance of shame until I realize it doesn't work. I swear that watch was just a marketing gimmick.


Me: Press B Game: Nothing happens Me "Why no menu?"


I tend to try and boost pack the first few moments of fo4 or fo3 when I switch between starfield and fallout.


But it's on your lower left screen all the time :P


All the time


And I also tend to do a polite little curtsey when leaving a vendor.


Better make sure they know it's a courtesy.. lol


Do you know a pit boy would be kind of a cool mod to make for Starfield


Now we need a “Pip-boy” constellation watch mod to fix that issue!


Fuck yeah man.. me and some other guy in the comments were talking about what a wasted opportunity it was to implement that watch open the lodge door with it and then never do anything with it again. I get that it's the radar on the bottom left but still such a wasted opportunity.


🤣🤣 was just thinking of this earlier cause I kept doing it. Laughing at first then it started pissing me off 🤣


Hand up, I still press B like crazy. Doesn’t help that I’m doing a plat run on FO4 on PS5.


I expected the game to have something like a mobiglass from SC when i first started, coming from FO4...anyway I was used to hitting TAB and works here as well!


Every damn day


From time to time


in certain games, yes


I’m an idiot and had my key binds all crazy for FO4, so my Pip-Boy is usually my LB… which translates to being my grenade key bind on Starfield lol. Needless to say, I have to pay off a lot of bounties from accidental explosions 😅




I dont know what "B" does, but i constantly press Q on my keyboard to open VATS.


I mean, I've never used B for my Pip-Boy button, but I do still hit Tab to bring it up.


I used to remap it to RS - for any Bethesda RPG I've played on console, really. It was one of the first setting changes I made for my 1st playthrough, that being said - now I'm playing on pc, that's less of an issue.


Yup came back to starfield after rediscovering my love for fallout and I just keep trying to open the pip boy for my menus, it’s a curse


Last year, I went from Skyrim to Hogwarts Legacy, and it took me so long to break the habit of pressing B to open the menu, even though Skyrim is the only game I have ever played which has B as a menu.


For me it's more constantly opening my scanner when trying to sneak.


I was playing a lot of fallout 4 in the lead up to starfield and i like using the same button config for bethesda games. This time however the button thats supposed to bring up the menu, changes my perspective. Still getting used to it lol


Idk, but the pipboy is the tab key on PC and I frequently use tab for the overall menu. But I also use hot keys for map, inventory, ship cargo, powers menu and mission menu.


Yes I constantly hit LB for V.A.T.S too. lol


Never I always mapped my pip boy to Y.


I had long ago re-mapped my Fallout buttons, so B is always stealth, so no worries for me.


Only all the time


No, but I am constantly trying to exit scanning mode by hitting B. Switches to the photo capturing mode, and buttons cannot be remapped.


Definitely. AND after going to Starfield from F4 I get my action and jump button mixed up every single time.


Yup. All the time.


Yes, and now I try to hit my boost pack after a jump in Fallout 😫


I still hit V for VATS sometimes. Especially when the combat is tough.


No but every time I'm done buying shit, I spam b to exit, but just ends up with me bowing to them instead.


Someday I hope someone makes a mod to make the watch provide a holographic projection of a pipboy-esque user interface for your inventory and some other stuff. You can still use the normal menus but having the holographic watch menu would be pretty sick.


What was the point if the smart watch? I know you need it to get into the lodge, but was it intended to be like a pip boy, and then got abandoned? I don't see the point as it stands




Oh I've tried to activate VATS for so many Starfield fights


My issue is switching back to games like Fortnite and forget I dont have a jetpack anymore.


I do.


Yes, but it's not as bad as me hitting X to reload in Skyrim.


Yes omg, why couldn’t they have consistent controller mapping lol On the opposite end, I go back to 4 or 76 and hit B to sneak and pull up the pip boy instead. The flashlight and power armor head lamp controls confuse me now too.




I have a slightly different curse… In FO4 I always remapped it to Select, with crouch/sneak being B and RS changing the camera. So now I keep pressing Select for my inventory and changing the camera instead 😅


Surprisingly I don't. But I constantly hit the right analog stick to crouch, forgetting that it's B. (I play on PC but use an Xbox SX controller)


I tried playing a little bit of skyrim the other day... near impossible! Not just the controls being different... i kept jumping off of cliffs and getting halfway down before realising im not wearing a boostpack....


Ngl I wish the menu was somehow done pipboy like, it feels really weird to manoeuvre especially with a controller


I'm surprised the watch is completely useless, I feel like it was supposed to be similar to the pipboy but they didn't find a way to make it make sense with the UI and scrapped the idea.


I hit tab on PC...but yes...


It took me awhile to stop doing that but at this point I probably have more hours in Starfield than FO4. But combine FO3 and FONV to the FO4 number and I probably have a long way to go yet.


They basically just cloned fallouts game mechanics and ui so yeah sure


God I wish they had pipboys


Every time I go from fallout to Starfield I end up doing a lot of squatting. 😅


Sometimes I try to use Vats!


I just replaced the bindings for the Scanner to the B button & the power to LB + RB Sprint, Crouch, & POV switch all Match Fallout 4’s control scheme as well I will say I wish I didn’t need a mod that disables achievements in order to see the watch on my player character’s wrist like the Pip-Boy




YES! I’m so mad that I cannot swap that binding out. It’s drives me crazy.


Starfield's control scheme actually aligned with the custom keybinds ive been setting for fallout and ESO for like 15 years, i never considered this lol


I swapped my key commands to pull up the scanner when I hit the key for pipboy (more recently Fo76) and it helped immensely lol


I didnt until recently when i replayed new vegas


Pipboy was B? Or do you mean on controller? I always remember it being tab on keyboard. As for trying to bring it up, "no, I guess" I have a tendency to just hit the hot keys for inventory, map, or skills.


I love how alot of ppl thought this was gonna be a new ver of a pip boy for another game but when it came out it was just a nope nvm lol


Given the build up around that watch I was expecting to do something with it. It does also still show, Starfield needs a VATS, it needed a kill cam or something, in fallout or Skyrim you get those moments that make you feel bad ass, Starfield just… feels lacking without the equivalent.


Holy shit, yes.... It's gotten to the point that I keep considering to change B to menu, instead of crouch.


Yup, I keep pressing tab.




absolutely !


Oh God the constant muscle memory switch between all the Bethesda games let alone is so frustrating.


Yes, anyone else hit the wrong jump button or forget they don’t have a boost pack when you switch too fallout.


i wish it appeared on your wrist in game biggest gripe with the game imo


I really wanted the watch to have more functionality




Yes, and I hate that you can't bind it.


I have remapped my pipboy a few years back


Swapping between this and 76 lately, I keep hitting X when trying to use a vendor


YES and then I hold it down for my flashlight.


Is there a mod for a pip-boy style menu yet?


As far as I know there are no menu mods on Xbox yet. I'm not sure about PC though.


The watch makes sense for your health etc, but a scanner too, kinda ridiculous. Anyone else run while holding your watch in front of your face a presumably scanning the area in front of you through the watch face? Could’ve been better option for that.


No but I've been playing Skyrim and pressing the start menu to open up my inventory lol. Was actually surprised how different the controls were from starfield


Yuuuuup. 100% this. I hop back and forth from Starfield to FO76 and I'm constantly trying to open my Pip-Boy.


Don't , I'm addicted to fallout and the only way I pull it up is b I tried to change controls but just no


Yes. And then I go back to Fallout and hit start to open the pipboy.


Yes. Yes I do


Dont even get me started. Between that and firing my cutter at an alien because I didn’t toggle out of scan mode idk which is worse lol


No, lol


Controls in F04 > Starfield


Assign scanner to b then you get the classic hold b flash light.


No, because I’m wholly aware this is not Fallout.


No shit. I don't think any of us are confusing this game with fallout. I'm talking about the people who have put way more hours into fallout and are you still opening the menu/inventory with B


no, I don't even have B bind to anything


OH MY GOD YES! But in Fallout 4 I constantly press B to crouch and open the Pipboy 🤷‍♂️😂


Switching between 76 and starfield makes this a problem for me.  I'm good if I only play one, but the second I Switch to an older game I get messed up for a day


Same but now if played so much fallout 76 that when I play fallout 4 I always press this one Butten to open the map but then I always forget that I have to do this over the Pip-Boy


Why complain? You see the watch on the bottom left every time you open the scanner. edit: they just didn't do an animation like they did for the pip boy.


Nope because I don’t play this trash game. Honestly bewildered this sub is active or even exists. So many better games out there


"B" ? lol


The B button on Xbox


Pip-boy is Tab, no?


Yes for PC it is. I'm talking about Xbox though.


Had a feeling it was xbox, but "B" kinda threw me off as their previous games had the pip-boy on the "Select' near the right thumbstick?


It's been B since 3 dude


Damn, feels like an odd button?


Maybe? I guess it depends on what games you're used to, Skyrim had the menu on B as well.


Really have no memory of that, what the hell


Is it possible you changed it and forgot?


Don't think so, never mess around with keymaps except on PC.


Well...I dunno what to tell you then man lol


Nope. But you can mod-in Pipboy - problem solved.