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I guess not until Plasma 6 is complete (as that adds HDR amongst many other features). It is scheduled for release February 28, 2024. The current state of Wayland support on Nvidia drivers could also be a problem, and Valve might not want to release SteamOS with bad or no Nvidia support. So to be realistic I would guess at the earliest spring/summer 2024.


What's plasma 6?


The latest update to KDE Plasma, the desktop SteamOS uses. https://kde.org/plasma-desktop/


How funny I was just searching up "SteamOS Desktop release date" and just so happened to find this on February 28th.


Well this scheduled release aged absolutely horribly


Any updates since I'm hoping steam is for PC is nearly ready 


KDE Plasma 6 is ready, but Nvidia and Intel GPU drivers are not feature complete. Nvidias proprietary drivers are lagging behind on a few features, and the open-source ones still need a lot of work. As for Intel Arc drivers last time I checked still lacked some features, making them unable to run some of the latest DX12 games using Proton. Basically if Valve released SteamOS for desktop right now, it would only be a smooth experience on AMD GPU's. Intel and Nvidia GPU's would have quirks and edge case issues.. So until Intel and Nvidia GPU drivers get better shape I don't think we will see a SteamOS PC release. So for now Bazzite is probably the closest thing one can get [https://bazzite.gg/](https://bazzite.gg/)


Been 2 months. Thanks for the info. Hopefully they release it soon I really wanna try it. Where would I look when the announce it?


Phoronix and GamingOnLinux are usually the fastest websites in covering SteamOS/Linux related news. Some youtube channels like Gardiner Bryant, NerdNest and Fan The Deck are worth following too. My current assessment of the situation is Valve are probably waiting for Intel and/or Nvidia to improve GPU drivers. Intel Arc drivers are still not feature complete. Nvidia open source drivers are improving at a fast pace, and they did recently hire Ben Skeggs to work for them. But to be realistic those drivers are still far from finished for gaming purposes.




I actually respect Valve for holding off on releasing it until it's actually truly ready. I wish maybe they would release an Alpha build for people to try out and give feedback, but I know that's a lot to juggle with the Steam Deck. However I do understand their brand reputation is a huge thing and they don't want users first experience with the OS to be a bad one.


Valve Time 2099


This is the answer. Valve makes no promises. We'll get it when they say so




When Half Life 3 Launches


Nothing interesting to wait, steamos is very limited in possibilites because flatpak still needs time to polish and nix package support is still not implemented. It's better to install mutable distro like opensuse tumbleweed, nobara, arch or whatever else as long as base system components are not outdated. Latest kernel and gpu drivers are important to have good experience with gaming on linux.


The Nix issue is solved if you instead use BazziteOS, their team has made a good implementation of it, you can use the nix-shell commands to install packages. I still use SteamOS on my Steam Deck, but the moment I miss having a package manager I'm switching to BazziteOS immediately. For now, with only Flatpaks installed, it is good enough for my use case, I'm glad it already had some things I use pre-installed that persist updates (FFmpeg and Git).


SteamOS is based on Arch Linux, any reason not to just use it directly? You get to avoid SteamOS-specific issues, which are at this point somewhat bad, like shipping out of date software.


SteamOS being based on Arch doesn't automatically mean it is a 1:1 OS, on the contrary, SteamOS is one of the few Arch Linux immutable implementations. You'll have a closer experience to SteamOS using something like Fedora Kinoite than installing Arch Linux, since Kinoite is an immutable Distros like SteamOS.


I don't think I can install Arch on my own... I also love the KDE plasma desktop, maybe I'll look for other distro like Kubuntu, I'm just new to linux and can't decide.


Is it not possible to install arch with KDE? I thought Linux was made for this kind of interoperability


Arch comes with no DE as default, so you can install whatever you want. Part of the beauty of it


You can install anything on Arch. It's just that Arch comes with nothing install by default, except for some core utilities and a kernel. Arch technically doesn't even have a real installer, it has helper scripts that aid in copying files in the right places. Arch is designed with simplicity in mind, and so it doesn't have a lot of features (simplicity doesn't mean easy to use).


Pretty much compiles. Been working with CentOS and RedHat for years but never jumped into using it as my primary OS since it lacks Nvidia support. SteamOS is so close and would love to jump but it's not time yet.


arch linux has nvidia support and it is actually fairly simple getting it up & running. I have a ryzen cpu + nvidia rtx 3070 and installed the drivers that come with archinstaller for nvidia + they come packaged with steam when you install on pacman. not having problems, I made the jump and not looking back


Go for EndeavorOS


I second that. It's practically Arch with an installer.


arch has an installer now


or Manjaro




What’s wrong with Manjaro if you don’t mind me asking?


They did a shit job of managing some SSL certificates, and now people that disliked it bc it was “easy arch” just keep repeating it. I've been using it for a few years and find it's a balanced distro.


Oh, right…




It's pretty simple nowadays. After booting up from usb, you can just run archinstall script and follow setup wizard.


check out [bazzite](https://bazzite.gg), it's basically steamos but fedora based instead of arch based, has the same immutable root layout for stability and smooth upgrades and as long as youre not using nvidia graphics you can use gaming mode with the `bazzite-deck` image


augh I have nvidia :( but thx anyways


will still work, there's even bazzite images with the nvidia drivers preinstalled and configured, you just cant use the gaming mode you see on the steam deck, it'll just be a standard kde plasma (or gnome, depending on what you choose) desktop


Just install Manjaro


> I don't think I can install Arch on my own I'd bet you can, and if you can't, there's lots of official and unofficial Arch Linux groups and forums where you can ask for help with if you do get stuck. Arch is user-centric though, so don't get surprised when people expect you to have tried solving your problem on your own already before asking. The first installation might take you some hours though if you're completely new, but it's far from impossible, and when you do manage, you'll know how your system works far better(enabling you to quickly fix issues that might occur later) than if you just used an installer on another distributions. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/installation_guide > Kubuntu I would highly recommend against going with Canonical, so no Ubuntu or based on Ubuntu. Plasma is getting a major update coming February and you'll have a much better time on the newer Plasma than being stuck on the old one with Ubuntu.


What's wrong with Canonical? I've been using Ubuntu for a decade and have never had issues.


> What's wrong with Canonical Ask Canonical (ex)-employees. Recently they pulled the rug from under the LXD team for example. That aside, they are literally incapable of packaging a browser in the system repository, I don't know of any other distribution that hijacks your package manager and uses a different one when you try and go install a browser, they would rather force you to use their proprietary-backend of snapd and lock you in rather than package Firefox.


Interesting. Granted I have been using server, not desktop so I have not seen those things.


You can install any distros with the GUI that you want ; manjaro for instance is arch and offers many options


> I don't think I can install Arch on my own... They've [simplified the install by a lot](https://youtu.be/G-mLyrHonvU?t=87) since the early days. This particular tutorial [selects KDE](https://youtu.be/G-mLyrHonvU?t=239) as the desktop environment.


Arch install is so easy now. Just boot the iso, follow the instructions to connect WiFi with iwd if no ethernet, type archinstall and use one of the desktop templates.


Because using Arch directly, contrary to what people often say, is not easy and is highly confusing if you aren't someone well versed in Linux, and by well versed I mean someone who's spent days learning the ins and outs of the OS. I can use command line but I REALLY don't like having to constantly use it.


I’ve read about Chimera OS which seems to have the same goals as Steam OS https://chimeraos.org/


Nobara Linux Steam Deck Edition probably good for you. Or just instal Arch with KDE


Maintained by Glorious Eggroll (you know, the person behind Proton GE). https://nobaraproject.org/


My guess is they are waiting for better Wayland support for Nvidia GPU's (since their hardware stats show that's what most people use).


As others have similarly said, just use a Linux distro of your choosing. SteamOS is great for the Steam Deck, but outside of that, you're going to have a much better time on any other distro. I'm personally using EndeavourOS, it's essentially Arch with a GUI installer that sets you up with the basics and lets you choose your desktop environment. I couldn't recommend it more! The live-USB installer is now using KDE as the default desktop environment, which is what SteamOS uses in its desktop mode. It will look and feel like SteamOS's desktop-mode, only it will be better in just about every way.


Just use Arch. Search for archinstall, its pretty terrific, built in, and easy to do.


https://store.steampowered.com/steamos/buildyourown Does this help?


OP is presumably talking about Arch SteamOS, the useful one that ships on Steam Decks (version 3). The one on the page you linked is the abandoned Debian one from a decade ago. Valve has recently mentioned that they're still working on a public release of current SteamOS, but they haven't launched it yet. Closest you can get is the HoloISO project, which an unofficial and unsupported community port.


No, because this is SteamOS 2.x which has been public for a long time, OP is for sure asking about the 'unreleased' SteamOS 3.x that ships on the Steam Deck.


It should help because OP didn't ask Google for you tell it to him. Or he may mean "Open Source" without saying it but with wording of "Public Distro" which most Linux Distros are Open Source and if that's the case, it WON'T happen.




You can install BazziteOS which is really a better version of SteamOS, you can even choose between GNOME or KDE as your desktop environment instead of being locked to just KDE Plasma. Edit: there are also other alternatives like HoloISO and ChimeraOS, they might not be as good as BazziteOS, or as close as the SteamOS, but worth trying.


Valve keeps saying they want to do it, that they will do it, and that it's at the top of the list this latest time when you just asked. The reality is it's never happening. Valve doesn't care. They just don't want to outright say no. If they wanted it, it'd be done. It's not, so it's not ever happening and they've been saying this stuff since the OG SD was announced. And it's fine. There are lots of distros. Just pick one and fly like an eagle.


Why would they say it then?


I think it’s far more likely they do intend to do it at some point, but either there are some other higher priorities (understandably, as releasing the OS is relatively niche), or it’s simply a victim to valve’s unorthodox structure and nobody currently taking the reigns on the project. If they didn’t want to release it, they would just say so.








Valve keeps saying "Soon".


no one knows. Valve probably doesnt even know. they said they want to focus on making steamOS work with other handhelds first and there isnt anything on the horizon for that yet even. i do certainly hope its sooner than later though.


Just the rest of Valve's products: soon™


Steamphone waiting room


When csgo 3 drops