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attract attention


Well, I guess I’m proof that it works, lol


There are some bugs with the total played amount, i think due to certain periods of inactivity .. Then as other redditors said, failure to properly close, i had this... Then you have idlers, tool that assist other games (borderless window was my to go tool in the past. I had many many hours with it) I can give you MY reason, for about 70h or cities skylines 1: it was a new rent, but it was quite cold, th3 municipal heat was not yet delivered and i was quite broke. So, after work i would load a very big city and let it run. The computer b3came a heating device, for my room. And finally, people like to have "small" obsessions. I have mine, you have yours, your friend has his. They are not always logical.. Do not be too judgemental, some of the stuff you may do, migh be weird for others.


Well yeah, when it comes to simulation games all bets are off for total play times. Sim players are eff'ing nuts, man. I've probably put several thousand hours in to Dwarf Fortress throughout the years, and CKII is pushing 2K. [There was a guy who spent three years on a single map in Sim City 3000 in order to reach max population.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTJQTc-TqpU)


I’ve played 9000 hours across the total Warhammer series in the last severs years bc it’s the only video game series I can play lay without seizures.


Back in the DOS era my dad would start up a flight sim and let it fly (in realtime) overnight between New York and Los Angeles. Basically taking off before bed and setting the auto pilot, then landing in the morning before going to work. Weird hobby but 🤷


here's a [4k link!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS2fQGCgfLA)


I've always wanted to get into Dwarf Fortress, but it seems to have steep learning curve, I mostly just had fun creating the world, but shortly after all my dwarves would die :_( What's the best way to get into it, watch playthroughs?


Did you try the Steam version? It has actual graphics and a UI so you don't have to memorize "curses" or a hundred keybinds. It also has a tutorial that teaches most of the bare minimum stuff for keeping your little dudes alive. In fact, if you can handle the tutorial and make a self-sufficient fortress then it's surprisingly easy to block out enemies and have your dwarves survive for years. So easy that you'll realize that "turtling" up like that kind of spoils the game and that keeping some doorways open makes things a lot more FUN!


Dwarf fortress is hard to get into but Rimworld is very similar, arguably even better in a few ways and it's definitely easier to get into than Df. You could start there. I've played both a tonne and honestly I think I prefer Rimworld especially with all the mods.


I'm pushing 4K with EU4. The game still has plenty more to give until EU5 comes out. *Pls send help*


As further evidence of the depths of madness people get to with simulation games, I'd like to submit the factorio bug fix in beta 1.1.89 "Fixed a player could not obtain achievements if it was in game for longer than 9942h" which was originally submitted by a player.


Ive heated my home by mining bitcoin for over a decade. Welcome to the club!


did it pay for itself?


More than a typical heater, I bet


Right. Computers are just heaters that do something interesting with the energy before letting it reach its final form.


Aren't we all.


I mined Ethereum and yes I made like 10 bucks a day with my 3 gpu's, while electricity was like 1 dollar. But now gpu mining is pretty much dead since ETH went proof of stake and electricity prices went up


I got 2x 3070 and a 3060 back in early 2021 (iirc) for our 3 computers at home and had all of them mining when not in use and they made enough to pay for themselves plus electricity. Worth it ;) Actually made a net profit, since I resold the two 3070s for 300 each.


That’s a pump and dump for ya.


This issue is, there isn't that many hours in 2 weeks


Steam games stack time in the total counter. You can run up to like 25 games at once through Steam and the time simply adds up rather than accounting for the fact that those games all have actual time being shared


Ah, then without knowing what game this is... I used to play a turn based RPG with 8 accounts sometimes but more often 4. It wasn't a steam game though


yeah dont be judgmental man thats funny


Happened to me a few times where the game didn’t terminate and kept running in the background. Cooked my hours up significantly (not that high) but it’s an explanation other than the obvious that they’re obsessed with the game.


Almost 3k hours in 2 weeks though. There are 378 hours in 2 weeks, so it doesn't matter if it's always on, you can't get there legitimately.


There are only 336 hours in 2 weeks unless I'm on drugs


No idea how I got 378. Leap weeks?


When waiting for payday, it feels like 378 ;)


so that the top review for garfield kart stating > this game really makes you FEEL like spiderman is even funnier when you notice the 24k hours they have on the game.






you could probably get AI to make you that and get it to some custom shirt site in under an hour lol Thats how I got my sick "dabb on em bugs bunny dabbing and spilling lean" shirt


Didn’t there used to be spambots that would immediately create shirts and then pretend to be a human linking to it, which would be summoned by saying “I need a shirt that says X”? And people would bully them using Disney copyright infringement?


I need this Reddit comment ON A SHIRT


It's just trite at this point. Not even worth a chuckle anymore


There's never a shortage of people seeing those endlessly copied steam reviews for the first time and upvoting and awarding them. Reviews should really not be able to be awarded, they just get farmed with zero effort unfunny reviews. Before awards there were always joke reviews too, but not as many as there are now.


Steam reviews and things that are worth chuckles are mutually exclusive


TIL there's a Garfield kart game.


there are two of them.


And they are surprisingly very fun in a bad game kind of way.


Ya https://imgur.com/a/uhHb4vz


People lie to feel good. They are obviously better at meth than math.


It’s so I can comment “its ok” on a game I have 10,937 hours on


just exposed 95% of steam reviews lmao




"I didn't really like it"


I can't help but wonder. Who was the first to make that joke!?


The first one I remember was for Bad Rats. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1ylviv/a_review_found_on_a_notoriously_bad_game_on_steam/?rdt=53746






Someone's been to r/cats I see, I have never met a bigger group of liars.


What do they lie about? I'm curious


Just got a new cat!! What should I name him!!!


Being a regular of that sub, I have no idea what he's talking about.


The fact that all the posts are reposts by up and coming only fans bots It's gotten worse lately which is why most of the posts are New cat/dead cat posts- higher engagement and less time farming karma to spam porn everywhere


When I shut down ffxiv, it keeps saying it's running. I can't give the process that makes steam think it's running and if I press stop on stream, it doesn't work. I'm just always playing ffxiv until I restart my pc


Yeah I've got hundreds of hours on random games because of launchers/processes in the background that didn't close with the game. The Sims 3 and GTA V with the EA and Rockstar Social Club clients specifically.


I've had Siege and Valorant do this to me too.


Oh that explains why I have 504 hours on company of hero's 2 despite maybe putting 10 hours in it lmao


Also sometimes there are games where progress can only be saved at set points. If I need to stop playing, can't make it to a place to save quickly, and don't want to loose my progress I'll just pause the game and leave it running with my PC on sleep. Sometimes I come back and forget the game is running so it keeps going in the background while I'm doing other stuff. I'm sure my hours for certain games are higher on Steam than in reality, but I couldn't rack up more hours than a week has like that.


GTAIV has like 900hrs recorded for me. I think the number is like 400 - 500. But 900 has always seemed off.


I have ~300 hours on Steam FF14. I think 100 of them are from the launcher. Downloaded, patching, or just straight forgotten.


I love the fact that we have to put up with this bullshit launcher* and having to re-login in every single fucking time. But I don't expect more than Sqenix, it "works", so they don't give a fuck. *Edit: specially since sqenix made linking your steam account obligatory, why ask for this if you gonna make me download the files thru your SHITTY FUCKING LAUNCHER and make me LOGIN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME


If you use the dalamud launcher, you don't have to log in every time.


If you're curious, you can `/playtime` in-game. That'll show you the amount of time a character has actually been logged in


That's not an explanation for this issue, however, seeing as how there's only 336 hours in two weeks and somehow they've managed to warp time.


If you're using XIV Launcher, make sure you end stuff like ACT and Teamcraft (if you use those), or anything else that you have XIV Launcher set to auto-launch. If XIV Launcher launched them, it'll consider them still being up as you "playing" FFXIV.


The same reason people cares about how many achievements you have, others cares how many hours you have. Both are useless, but there's always a community to complain


I chase achievements only for myself. I don't like to gather backlog


specially since there are for both 3rd party software to cheat both. It's pointless on steam. If you like it, play for fun. Just keep in mind that there isn't any kind of competion because of these things.


Idk I personally just like chasing achievements in games I like especially after I complete them and feel like I still want to play them, even though I know they're just pixels that don't matter lol


I want to collect achievements for myself. It‘s fun going for the hard ones until you get it. Sometimes you have to play a level over and over again and if you made it it feels cool because you didn‘t give up. I like those challenges on myself. It becomes stupid if there‘s sooo much luck involved, I just stop there.


Also, rare achievements are sometimes hidden mechanics or places that the devs want you to find eventually so I like hunting them and enjoying more a game I already like while In at it


Yea i understand that. Collecting luck based stuff was also that one thing which fucked up always badly in videogames.


I chase achievements because they challenge me and I can display them on my profile, this is the first time I'm hearing you can cheat them :( should I just stop displaying them? I feel like people won't believe my (hopefully soon) 100 perfected games


Nah I believe you. I have 120 perfected games all legit so it's a reasonable amount. I'd think you were cheating if you had something like 3000


If anyone cares enough cheats usually just unlock all achievements at once so if your dates are normal you'll look fine


In my case it's cause I got an idle game running the background or im playing something, alt tab to YouTube to change a song list, find something that gets my attention, proceed down a rabbit hole, and forget I got a game running in the background.


No I don’t agree. There’s a point to achievement collecting. Completionists are mainstream. Playing a game or leaving it open for numbers is far more oddly specific


I like achievements because unless it’s a multiplayer game… or I really like the story. I feel like I have completed this game and no reason to go back.


Number goes up and monkey brain go *neuron activated*


This was the comment I was looking for. If there's a number and a way to increase it, people will want to have a bigger number than the next guy. And if they can't get bigger, they want to at least make it grow more than it currently is to be ahead of others. It's why a simple thing like loot in a game suddenly showing up with 2!!! modifiers as opposed to the previous "just one!!!" modifier feels like such a huge deal and makes you far happier than it realistically should. Like, wow, I deal 7 extra damage with this weapon? Sick.


big internet pp


real question is why big internet pp is important to them.


Kind of a self-answering question. If this is the pinnacle of their ambition, then they have no imagination. Pretty easy to feel accomplished when you set goals for yourself like "take two steps" or "lie about time playing game".


200hrs/day, the guy has no time to sleep 💀


Same reason people pointlessly farm up votes on reddit big internet number makes them happy


They think that the account will look more legit. Just think about it. You play against such a guy and you think he is sus. You go to his steam page and see OMG he have 10k h in CS2. That looks way more legit than having 200h on record but playing like Simple in his best times. And yes you need to run multiple games 24/7 to get to those hours. Every game multiplies the game time.


Yeah, when people see my 2800 hours in Plants vs. Zombies they’ll know for sure that I’m legit


Best plant and why is it the gloom shroom?


Rookie numbers


I see the same thing in Team Fortress 2. Cheating is rampant. The majority of Casual Servers have bots and cheaters in them. It takes 4 or 5 tries to find a server without a cheater. But since they're so prolific, people have gotten pretty good at spotting and votekicking them. So cheaters will do things like pad their hours or travel with a group of simps in order to try surviving on the server for longer.


I feel called out. I used to just tab out of CS:Go when I wasn’t playing, I didn’t even realize it still tracked game time.


Funny part. CS even counts game time if you just open CS and set your pc to sleepmode 😂😂


I wish more games would track the actual playtime like Left 4 Dead does. The stats tab (where you can see achievements) lists the amount of time you've spent actually *playing* the game, excluding time spent on the main menu or waiting for a lobby to fill. Usually that's around 75% of the total hours, so if you see someone with multiple thousands of hours but only 100 of them actually playing the game, you immediately know they're full of shit.


Didn’t know there were people who paid attention to how many hours someone else played. I’ve had play times in some of my games get messed up by the .exe getting stuck after quitting and not noticing or minimizing the game to go and do something else.


I do because it shows what games my friends are interested in


Games like BDO reward you for leaving the game open. They even have a function that stores the game in the memory while shutting down most of the graphics to save power. Its probably something like that.


But there are only 336 hours in total in two weeks. 2780 hours is more than 8x that total.


Some people do that to get "Card booster pack", so he just farming cards, in these boosters you can get "silver" cards and sell it for a reasonable price. if you live in the country with low steam prices, one this card can buy you a game, not elden ring, but anyway people do that a lot.


Booster packs aren't tied to playtime though. You get them when others craft badges for games you are eligible for. >Once you have received all of your card drops, you become eligible for a booster pack containing 3 additional cards. Booster packs are granted randomly to eligible users as more badges are crafted by members of the community. Make sure you log in to Steam each week to maintain eligibility.




Ive used idler apps to farm cards and I can tell you that it does not take 12K hours (doesnt even take 5-6hrs, most or even all games start dropping cards after 2 hours) and the idler app automatically removes any game that it got all the cards for from the idling list. So yeah, theyre doing it for the hours unless the game has 100K trading cards.


I've a dedicated pc room in my house dont use it alot, also have 2 other rooms with consoles and one with music instruments. Left a game to eat dinner got distracted with something else 190 hours later I went into find it still running. I did this twice. The second time was 150 hours. Is it possible they just left the pc on?


Possibly, but his total lifetime playtime is more than 250 years. He’d have to leave 5+ games running 24/7 for quite a while to have those kinds of hours. It seems really intentional to me Edit: typo


Probably not it but I'll ask anyway. If you play completely off line and go online and launch the game, I know your achievements that you got offline will say that they all were achieved at the same time and date. Does the playing time get updated as well? Edit: so like if I'm offline and meet the criteria to unlock 2 achievements, I will not get them until I log into the campaign/playthrough next time I'm online. So my question is, if I go offline and run a game for a month and then go online, will it say that I ran a months worth of hours in past 2 weeks?


Unless their pc fell through a time warp, you need to recheck your math, son and pay attention in school.


There are less than 400 hours in 2 weeks, so it's very much impossible to get there by just leaving the PC on. Although given your name, maybe you know a way that we don't.


Why do people still take pictures of their screens with a camera and then post about it on Reddit instead of just ignoring it? Same reason the guy puts his hours up. For attention.




in 2 weeks only 3,000 hrs pff normie


If the game has a separate launcher steam will count time the launcher is open not necessarily the time you have played the game. I'm not saying that's what is happening here but there are a lot of games that will rack up extra time because of this. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the vendors abuse it to make their games appear more popular than it is.


I just forget to close the game when I'm done playing. Do people actually care about hours played and assume none of it is idle?


My friend used to keep CSGO open 24/7 just for bragging that he had “played it more”


"then why aren't you better at it?"


I have 2 friends that do that for multiple games and brag about it.


How is that even possible? There are only 168 hours in a week 🧐


My friends used to accuse me of doing this weird “hour farming” shit years ago cause steam kept counting the time me and friends were in menus. I dont get building up hours like this if you cant back it up with skill lmao


Im something like that, have runescape, bdo and osrs open at the same time lol


336 is the max number possible assuming the game is never closed in those 2 weeks does valve even check these things?


Sometimes I pause the game and forget it's running for a few days cause I'm an idiot.


In my case it's optimal to leave idle games on overnight with am autoclicker.


Got you thinking about them, didn't it?


A fucking third of a year lmao


I feel like some people like to point to their profile and use it as some kind of credential for their knowledge of the game. It's always the people who know the least about it too.




I had a friend once who mistakingly left his computer running at his dorm when he went home for a break (I noticed he had been playing the same anime game for three days straight and asked). He played other Steam games on his at-home rig while he was away, and by the time he was back at his dorm his "last 2 weeks" on Steam had about 4-500hrs. But yeah seemingly lots of people just cheat in hours for various reasons


This is either be done to get hours on certain games to look more "legit", or i had the case about a week ago on my own steam account where i idled games for Card drops, this inflates hours aswell.


Number go brrr. Peepee go strrr.


Have you not left a game or app open when getting distracted? I do it constantly, not on purpose. ADHD just has me about to start a game then realize I need to eat but realize I should do dishes first but wait I also should go get this ingredient at the store to make a specific food for dinner and by then it’s 2 hours of a menu screen


While not all the time, if the games old enough some people really play their one favorite game a tonnnn Source is my roommate who has 30k+ hours on an old strategy game called stronghold


Also I sometimes just fall asleep while playing


I played a free game called Bit Burner. It did work offline but did more if you were on. I set up a few scripts and just left it running almost 24/7. Would go in and adjust scripts every evening. I don't think any of my 4 friends on Steam look at or care about my hours played though. LOL


I only like to do this with idle games. My monkey brain like to see number go up.


Hell, my buddy just doesn't turn his shit off. He doesn't care about time played or achievements or anything. Can never tell when he's actually on. Just stays in game menus all the time. It's weird imo.


I've done something similar before which is basically running a software that idles games for you(10 at a time) in order to get your card drops. Ive got 1200+ games and I just run it every now and again to get all my card drops.


I had a friend go on vacation for two weeks and forgot to turn off the Witcher. Racked those hours up


I have some games that have hours like that and I didn't "cook" my hours. I'm a diehard MGS fan and have over 800 hours in MGSV. I have over 2k hours is Warframe and I would say about 100-120 of those hours are me doing other shit while the game is open (cooking diner, cleaning and so on). I also sometimes have multiple games open at once because some of those games can be played in the background like Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy (turnbased), chess, and some auto games if I want like AFK Journey. Why? Because it's just how I game and it's harder for me to become "bored" if I'm playing a few games at once.


All my games said I played them about 50 hours each last week and I haven't played them at all in the past year


I wish Steam only measured how long you were playing the game, not how long the application was open. I tend to fall asleep or go and do other things when gaming and I have some exaggerated playtime on games that I, frankly, did not like. This has cost me some refund periods as well.


Steam is very bad at being accurate recording play time on some games, take rift for example, ive had it since it was launched and on steam since it appeared there, it refuses to record play time, ive probably have over 1k+ hours played, steam shows 5.3 hours, same with cyberpunk, but in the other direction, i have almost 11k hours played, jesus i have a full time job, i play in the evenings, i havnt played anywhere near the 10, 539 hours i am showing


My buddy had fallout 4 running for 2 weeks straight. He does that for all games so he doesn’t have to boot them up.


I don’t like waiting for games to boot up so I just let ‘er run.


I've never purposefully cooked my hours, but I know they are just from the amount of times I've fallen asleep playing a game and didn't wake up until the next morning


Some people always leave their pc on overnight/ all day and it adds up fast.


wtf does the title even mean? Cook what? In what way does using "cook" make any sense.


Those hours might stack if he's playing games on different devices with the same account. Or he just never quits games and lets them run in the background


I play on Steam Deck, and I'll just turn off the screen when I go and do something else. I booted up a new game just yesterday, but went swimming after a few minutes. Came back the next morning with 12 hours logged.


I have my computer hooked up to a virtual pinball table for playing Pinball FX. When I’m done playing I either leave it on the table selection screen/attract mode or turn the table off and ignore the pc still running in the background. I come back a few days later to play some more meanwhile the counter had been running the whole time.


I don’t know if it’s intentional. I started cyberpunk on my deck last week. Only played about five hours, but my play time says 60 despite fully closing the game and shutting down the deck every time I stop playing.


I do it because i want those games to go higher on my play list


Some people simply don't care about this stuff and forgot to turn their machines off. Had this happen with Total War Shogun. Left it on when went on vacation midgame.


They might be farming trading card drops or doing some kind of account sharing nonsense.


I have a PC for each game I own and leave the games running 24/7 so I don't have to wait for them to load.


I have a buddy like this- he just AFKs all the time. He has multiple games with 3-4k hours.


Underachievers in life. They need SOMETHING to brag about even if they didnt actually achieve it themselves.


My roommate has hundreds of hours that she just plainly left the game running in the background and forgot it was there.


For what it's worth, when I first got my Steam Deck all my playtime was being doubled or even tripled because of a bug.


Because sometimes when I'm done playing I just get up and go to bed, followed by going to work. What do you care? Hours are meaningless


My uncle will literally just leave the game playing, his computer on, and walk away. He had like 200 hours in BG3 before getting to the goblin camp.


Because they are amateurs. Everyone knows that the most important thing in life is the steam level!


Maybe it is a lie, but it makes me wonder if it could be a glitch in Steam's count. Say you left a game running continuously, it looks at games played in last two weeks, sees a game, and then gets hours per session, except one session (included in the period) was in excess of 2 weeks. As someone who has done reporting, I've had problems like that from oversight on my part. On the same token, I will leave a game running if I know it takes a while to get into it. Since I work from home, I've occasionally taken my lunch break to play a game, but I don't want to sacrifice the 5-10 minutes logging in when I've only got 30-45 minutes.


I get drunk and fall asleep with game on over night somtimes but damn.


Sometimes its the game too. When the Multiverses beta was going I shut the game down but some process was still running in the background and caused Steam to keep accumulating hours. I was really annoyed that there wasn't some way to adjust my game time because it was way way off by 2 dozen hours or so.


Didn't even show the game. These are casual hours if this is a MMO like Oldschool RuneScape


The fact everyone is collectively using the word cook makes me cringe


I accidentally left Little Nightmares 2 running for a couple days (forgot it was open) and I really wish Steam would let you reset it because I feel horrible. It shows 49 hours but it’s probably only 6


My defense of my own cooked hours is simple. I was cooking food


There's a utility that makes Steam think you're in-game until all cards drop.  Then it switches to the next game and does the same thing.  Some people (like myself) collect the steam cards and badges.


In the earlier days of DOTA 2, hours played were the only criteria that could be used to verify player’s proficiency. People cooked them to play with better players


"No dude you have to listen to me. I have 2k hours this week alone. I'm a professional."




It's the same mentality as cheaters. They dont care that their stats are fake, fraudulent and phony. I assume their real lives are shit, so going online and being a cheater is better?


I have some friends who always leave their PCs on and running whatever game they last played, even when they go to bed. Sometimes they don't even leave their discord channel when they go to sleep. It's crazy to me because they're not only wasting energy and money, they're wasting the longevity of their hardware as well. I always turn everything off if I'm going to be away from it for more than a few hours and I never leave games running like that either. It takes like 1 minute to turn everything back on and be ready to game again. There's no reason to do that.


they're probably idle on more than once game.


Dude played 3 months in 2 weeks, wtf


People who play MMOs and don’t log off ever and just go afk are notorious for these BS inflated numbers.


There use to be a tool that would cook your hours in order to generate the trading cards. You don't get a ton of money from them but when I was 16 or 17, getting $4-5 from literally running a program overnight was super cool to me.


It makes their tiny epeens bigger.


here I am making sure I turn the game off if I have to run out for 10 minutes so I can get a more accurate number


I just cleared out my friends list, because I really only like playing with IRL friends, and I only have two of those. One of my former Steam friends, every single time I looked at his profile, was in something called RVGA or something like that. I looked it up and it's just a stress test for a GPU or something. The guy had like 3000 hours in this program. I don't get it.


Idle Heroes has entered the conversation


One of my friends just leave stuff open. It’s not to purposely cook their hours they just leave shit running it’s insane.


I'm EMBARRASED when people see my 600 hours in cs:go, I couldn't imagine being proud of having thousands of hours in a single game. Especially if you aren't pro/top ranked


i just love seeing how many hours i’ve played in a game for some reason. that’s why i only play games on steam


That's not even possible. There's only like 300 hours in two weeks...what the fuck


I find it funny when people react to my thousands of hours in hentai games


I honestly wish playtime was measured by actual playtime and didn't include idle/menu time.


Y'all are dismissing this as meaningless internet clout chasing, but I'm genuinely curious how the player in question did this.


Why does it matter what other people do?


Sometimes I just leave games open and go to sleep


Ever since I got a csgo knife, i occasionally get random friend requests from accounts. They always have a couple thousand hours, usually some elaborate profile and the really obvious ones have boobs on their profile pic, because of course they do. It's scammers and attention whores.


I leave stuff running on accident all the time. I'll get up to cook dinner or whatever and come back to my PC the next day and realize I left whatever I was playing paused.


how is that even possible? one week is 168 hours...


Sometimes I leave to go to the bathroom while I'm on the main menu of a game and then get side tracked and end up coming back 3 hours later. I wonder how many of my hours in tf2 are on the main menu and in Que.


Why would they run multiple instances of the same program, unless its for the sole purpose of infalting game time, which bring it right back to the OP question, why? 😆


never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by someone accidentally leaving their game paused while they go on vacation.