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Even if they are not grindy, I profoundly dislike achievements that make me have to play multiplayer


It’s significantly worse when the achievement is doing something difficult with a group of 3 or more people. Just look at the criminal mastermind challenges in GTA5, simply getting a group of 4 people together to do a heist is difficult. Getting all 4 people to be competent is extremely difficult. And getting all 4 to have the time to do it is extremely difficult. And then having all 4 not make any mistakes to accidentally fail and cause you to restart is extremely difficult.


The ones in IV are just as bad as those CM ones. The base game and RDR2's online modes were alright, I actually have them all for V and RDR2 aside from that Criminal Master shit


I've been getting all the achievements for RDR2 but fuck are those multiplayer ones boring to get, i think i 100'd the campaign with 350 played hours in about a month, i've been getting the multiplayer achievements for 2 years...


That's crazy, 11+ hours a day for a month


Did you get Trader? I used the role to farm the battle passes.


I think i grinded enough gold to buy the role and haven't played much since


From what I recall selling gave you like 500 XP And if you kill the legend creatures the pelts fill you up fast so you don't have to hunt as much. I just killed those


My philosophy has been to just ignore trying to get the multiplayer achievements and just worry about the single player ones. If I play multiplayer and get some of the achievements while doing so, then great, but I don't worry about it.


Now I'm having Vietnam flashbacks from trying to 100% Dawn of War II: Retribution. It's like 90% multiplayer achievements, some of whom need even six people. Who even has so many friends these days, to say nothing of said friends actually playing the game too? Finding so many random people took time, coordinating them all took even more. Between everyone having their own lives and other stuff to do, it took us literally a month to get through. We did it in the end, sure, but it instilled a burning hatred in me for any multiplayer achievements that require more than two people. Leave that shit for some stupid party games, please and thank you.


Instant flashbacks to the endless group discussions we had about when people had time to do these achievements and someone always had something else to do 2-3 days before the arrangement. It was true hell organising that many people at once. I have read there are dedicated Steam groups in charge of doing those achievements but i cant say how active they are...


I’ve been trying gta5’s criminal mastermind for a few months now, furthest I’ve gotten was to tone of the pacific standard setups, where one of my friends crashed into a gas station and exploded after another friend knocked him off the road. We were slightly very angry when that happened.


That "Tau Effinency" achievement in The Last Stand in DoW 2 Retri was ridiculous even with 2 coordinated bros


needing a full team, the achievemeng being rng based or even having to buy a dlc for it really sucks, Payday 2 im looking at you here


So you could say, to get all those stars to align and then pull it of would be some what of an.. achievement.. ?


i remember a few years ago starting a heist with 3 players took like 25 to 30 minutes in loading and waiting times. bah.


I hate it but it cut some slack to GTAO achievements because it's specifically an online game. The base game, however, half the achievements are shitty online ones.


ah, Dying Light with its "do 5 story missions in a full party of 4 people" or however many missions it was


Single player games shouldn’t have any achievements that are dependent on the games success and age. Personally I don’t care to much about doing 100% but if you’re a trophy hunter it’s so unsatisfying not being able to get 100% just because the servers are empty.


Especially in a single player campaign game. I'm looking at you Tomb Raider and Uncharted


I don’t mind them as long as they don’t have really hard to get ones that require basically RNG or are very specific save that for single player where you have unlimited time to work towards an achievement. I don’t mind if I have to get 50 grenade kills because that’s only limited by my skills with grenades but I remember there being a multiplayer achievement in R6 Siege that required me to “win a hostage match on Hereford base” sounds simple enough but between maybe 15 maps and 3 game modes that were chosen at random I had a 1 in 45 chance of even getting the opportunity to attempt this achievement then I have to factor in my team who could be made up of competent players or bumbling idiots and the enemy team who could be brain dead or have really nice gaming chairs. That achievement was the last one I needed to platinum the game and it took me 2 years before i finally got it after playing that game almost every day for hours because I was a kid at the time and not because I wasn’t winning games that 1 in 45 chance might as well have been 1 in 100,000 because it took all that time for me to even get the hostage game mode on that map specifically and first time I got it I won


biggest problem with multiplayer achievements is that people are not consistent


Metal gear solid pissed me off of this shit. Game is practically a single player game all the way but they add this like multiplayer You can't even opt out of for no reason. Sure you can ignore it but you can't just straight up not do it either.... They make you at least engage with it at least once or twice which is annoying.


Ye... omo specially those that doesnt have ppl playing anymore or too little, i have some of those to finish


Or DLC achievments…


I'm fine with those as long as they only appear available once you buy the DLC, not before


I like the Xbox 360 halo 3 online stuff. Was cool.


I thought I would never get the triple kill with the sword achievement in multiplayer, but I ran into an opportune moment to get it in one match. I almost didn't get it because the third one was on a person who was further away, and I swear I got it at the final tenth of a second in the time window. My heart was beating out of my chest. That was the last one to give me the original 1000g.


Good achievements should reward players for embracing the full content of the game once. "Complete 12 billion ranked matches" isn't a fun achievement


am i the only one around here who often runs into old or nieche games where some achievements are impossible because nobody plays the multiplayer or the servers went down 3 years ago?


Me basically any online game from the Xbox 360 era right now. I’m on a big nostalgia trip right now and love my 2006-2011 games on Steam, but I hate online achievements. SAM is great for those 1 off achievements imo though.


reminds me of Mad Max great game but some content would need a server connection to work reliably. they shut the servers off 3 years ago...


Thats why I used Steam Achivement Manager sometimes. I won't let impossibility stop me from 100%. I also do it for broken achievement that just won't fire (like in AoH2) or stupid achievements like "run a simulation for an entire year" in Universe Sandbox


Grind based achievements are nothing compared to the worst one - "Meet the developer"


I like the way Shellshock Live has handled that. Originally you had to beat the developer in a round to unlock a weapon, but as the game got more popular, he made it so you could either beat him, or a level 100 (highest level) in a match. So instead of being luck in meeting the developer, it has turned into a skill challenge of beating someone of the highest rank


Where The Water Tastes Like Wine - actual achievement name Developer made it unobtainable on purpose.


What game is this from? Kind of sad for people wanting to get 100% on games


The game is titled Where The Water Tastes Like Wine The description reads: Found the place where the water tastes like wine


I bought the game 2 months ago and got it roughly 30 hours in...


Watch me pop that shit via SAM out of spite Two can play that game


I know one equal or even worse..i don't remember which game it was but you had to meet in MP a person who already had the achievement so you can get it automatically too


Halo has this


Gmod too


let me guess, IdleOn? (also thanks for giving the name of the game)


True but seeing that 100% makes you feel like handsome Squidward


Absolutely lol


1500 hours on Deep Rock Galactic, 68/69 achievements. I even have "Carpool".  But fuck me, "Bosco, you're the best" is never happening.


Damn thats wild, i have played that game 95% solo so that achievement was super easy for me, i think i have around 55ish achievements and carpool daunts at the top of the incompleted list 😭


I got that a while ago. Probably helped that I'm kinda anti-social lmao. Still though, it takes a while. Way easier than that fucking barrel bullshit though. Got all 3 of those last cuz of how utterly stupid they are.


I was thinking about going for 100% on DRG but no way im playing 100 solo missions. I have over 400h and always play public lobbies or with friends. Honestly a great community that I actually like queueing up with randoms, don't have that feeling in any other multiplayer game


The only progress I got on that one is when my internet was down and my mobile data was so bad that I didn’t want to go online


I'm surprised there's an achievement for that. The only reason I don't own the game despite it looking awesome is I've been told over and over that "it's not single player friendly" or otherwise not viable for solo like me


While its a coop game first and foremost, it is absolutely a solid single player game. Everything scales so its not a over-tuned slog, and there is a solo exclusive mechanic that's there to make solo more fun, being Bosco the robot. I have at least a hundred hours of single-player under my belt, and its a certified blast.


Well shoot, rock and stone then!




I hate achievements that require you to spend another $100 on DLC to get the ability to complete them.


i feel this. been trying to 100% resident evil 5 & 6 since i love them, but their multiplayer and pvp achievements have been a bit annoying. i enjoy the process but i REALLY wish that i could actually track how close i am to getting each achievement (e,g re5's 30 wins in each pvp category achievement, there's no tracking it unless you do it manually)


I will never get 100% in RE5 and 6 because of the multiplayer achievements.


Understandable. I will say though, the content itself is insanely fun imo. I've had a blast with both.


Hug three friends From your list - portal2 Like I can't even be mad of this


Being able to play games without giving a shit about achievement pop ups feels like a super power these days. 


I don't even understand why I enjoy farming achievements. I'm fully aware that it's pointless and doesn't make any sense, but I've reached the point where I feel a bit disappointed when a game lacks achievements


Well people play for different reasons and thats perfect! I love getting the most achievments that i can until it stops being fun


Yea same i did 80% for hollow knight but the pantheons are not fun for me(might try them in the future if i get better though)


It gives you motivation for extra content. It gives you a badge to show you that you've done it or that you're capable of challenge. I like having the reassurance, but easy achievements? I don't know the point of those half the time. Statistics buffing?


>I like having the reassurance, but easy achievements? I don't know the point of those half the time. Statistics buffing? I'd say easy achievements only make sense for ones that are related to game progression; I sometimes check other players' achievements to see how far they progressed or certain things they have done/seen. Plus it can sometimes be used for reference of how far someone got after a long break (and the time/date earned helps). Otherwise easy achievements could be delegated towards "joke" achievements that just make you do unconventional yet easy tasks in a game. Anything else I'd assume probably doesn't make sense to be an "achievement" outside of numbers.


People like making big number go bigger, just look at achievement clicker


I stopped buying Ubishit games solely for this reason. I hated that I didn’t get achievements for Far Cry 5. That was the last one I bought.


It's a super power to shit on people having fun in their own ways?


I don't really give a shit either, but when they are easy and the game is fun, i'll do them. But when it becomes grindy or multiplayer/online required, thats were i draw the line.


>I don't really give a shit either > >i'll do them So you do give a shit


Thank you, thats good to know :)


There are two types of achievements that I enjoy: Ones that challenge you to play a certain way, giving you an excuse to play in a way you otherwise wouldn't have, like "only use melee weapons". And difficult achievements that reward you for doing something crazy hard. Giving you that incentive to keep trying instead of lowering the difficulty. I don't think I've ever appreciated easy achievements, like "start the game", "died for the first time". Nor the ones that give you achievements for just playing the game normally.


Same for not caring about skins, the times I paid for in-game content was because I played dozens and dozens of hours and wanted to contribute with development, but skins mean nothing to me.


Personally I see them as bonus. It's great when I get one but I'm not gonna actively go for them.


I did my achievement hunting days back when I had a 360 & they gave you gamer points Now, over a decade later, I give no shits about those little pop ups


Why do u feel so special tho? Like its just a silly little thing, people have 100% games all the times its nothing new.


I don’t care about achievements. I play games to get lost in the worlds not farm achievements that mean nothing.


I wish to gain that power one day


I don't mind grindy achievements, if the grind loop is fun. But I hate, hate, hate grindy multiplayer dependent stuff. Mulitplayer tends to be very ephemeral and it sucks to have a great game have an achievement list that isn't finishable after a couple months.


Darkest dungeon 1, has not 1, not 2... but 11 Butcher circus (PVP) achievements and one of them being win 600 matches in a day and age where not only a sequel came out but barely anyone plays that mode AND having extremely specific needs to get the achievement (kill the entire 5 heroes of your opponent via stress for example), is the main reason i will never get 100% on that game, i hate forced pvp for achievements.


Doom games


Dark Souls 3 is guilty of this!


I can grind for several hours no problem but killing the same 3 silver knights for 30 hours straight, in the same spot, in the same way, is a bit too much.


I've done DS3 achievements and farming these materials doesn't take anywhere close to 30 hours. More like 2-3h maybe.


I mean, maybe they weren't 30. But with the max discovery set equipped the most I could get was like 2-3 per hour so it was (at least) 10~20 hours total. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Edit: note I was farming 100% offline. Some pvp could've helped.


I think you must've been really unlucky indeed! I would never grind that crap for more than 5 hours, let alone 30. Still, a shitty achievement to do.


That sounds either really unlucky, or you weren't killing them that quickly. I think I was getting 6-8 every hour. The Red-eye Skeletons for Vertebra Shackles took me much longer than the Silver Knights for Concords. For that farm I was averaging around 2 an hour.


technically it's possible to do it all offline but it requires grinding NPC invaders and requires a lot of NG+ I suck at PvP in souls games so I just loaded up a completed save file from someone on the internet and popped the achievement to clear them out Elden Ring luckily doesn't have any grindy achievements


Which one? The only achievement that I recall was a grind was farming the Vertebra Shackles to level up Mound Makers for the Warmth Pyromancy. The grind for Concords wasn't nearly as bad. What made the farming for the Shackles bad was the positioning of the nearest bonfire to the farming spot, requiring a long run and annoying obstacles in the way.


Terraria fishing (eye twitches)


Nah, that one is kinda fine, just play semi-normally and stock pile the fishing quests fish, then give them to the re-textured angler each day while you play, the real pain is the purify your world (I do not want to make a new small world and clean it)


I did the purify first before the wrangler one.....


Tbh purifying the world is kinda fun if you just make a small world and blow up your whole pre hardmode evil biome instead of using the clentaminator


Since the introduction of the achievements, I dislike them for that reason. Get an achievement for craft 1000 items? Pointless. That's why I love the Armored Core VI achievements. Like get rank S in all the missions that at least has propose: To get the s rank you should improve or your skill or your parts, and you get more money that can be used to purchase more parts and have different gameplay si it's a good deal trying to get that achievement


After enjoying Ghost of Tsushima so much I considered trying to 100% it, but oh no!


Or it has an achievement where everyone on your team has to do something specific together


Please valve make a steam achievements hunting update or something that get rids of unobtainable achievements and that makes it so that if you refund a game it doesn't count to your average score


i hate multiplayer achievements because on consoles you have to PAY to go online. that's why i cant 100% doom eternal, im stuck on 91%


The multiplayer mode in Eternal sucks, anyway. Some people like it, but I universally hate almost every asymmetric PvP multiplayer game mode. The only one I actually liked was Evolve at launch.


Idk man it's pretty fun the one time I got to play it (free ps plus weekend or something)


I suck at pvp so any achievements involving it will likely end up with broken hardware


I hate when devs add multiplayer achievement, nowadays it is only done to introduce u to the battlepass/skins.


Only reason I haven't 100%ed ds3 is because i'm too lazy to go back through and get all the magic


GTA IV had a horrid one where you had to be max level. I remember having to grind the hell out of a plane mission for $3500. The final mission was to have $1 mil


What's Infuriating is that even single player games with light multiplayer elements can have multiplayer achievements and what's funny and sad is that usually they aren't even that hard(maybe grindy) it's like Devs ALMOST understood that "Hey, maaaaybe we shouldn't put multiplayer achievements into predominantly single player game?" Only one's I sort of get is co op one's but still wish those were exclusive to primarily co op games


There's certainly a few different approaches to achievements. I think a mix of these is the best: 1. Achievements that are inevitable to get just by playing. This is useful for collecting metrics on how far into your game gamers are getting, and helps players themselves gauge how far along they are. 2. Achievements which encourage players to experience parts of a game they might miss. I just finished playing Riven and it has a bunch of achievements linked to easter eggs and the bad endings. 3. Achievements which reward players for completing difficult tasks. Halo MCC has achievements for beating par scores, legendary, and LASO runs. I would agree grindy achievements don't really have a place, But like all things it's fine in moderation. If it's an achievement I can get by playing one multiplayer match a day for a month that's fine. If it would take me a few matches each day for a year that's too much.


I downloaded Steam Achievement Manager just for Sonic Generations because there's one achievement for uploading your time on every level. Problem is, it doesn't work. Idk if the servers are old and don't work or the achievement was just bugged, but yeah. I even got the achievement for beating the (complete bullshit) final boss without getting hit


The old ones where the achievements are buggy 🫠 Homefront Revolution was a big pain to complete, it's either no players or the match didn't count.


I liked batman arkham origins achievements until the multiplayer and dlc ones. But still it was nice being a part of the batman arkham origins multiplayer community, I never got the achievements but I had a lot of fun there.


Tomb Raider. Had to join a group of other players who also just want to get all achievements in multiplayer.


God damn GTA V


Lmao yeah, i wanted to do them for GTA V (i am at 84% but the last few are like "Earn 25 plat medals across heists and finales", "You completed all 3 Elite challanges in the Doomsday Heists" etc... Those two alone will take dozens of hours... All of the remaining ones i have probably even in the 100s of hours.


Well, I just use steam achievement unlocker for these types of grindy things...If I think I have played,mastered and loved game enough I just pull of that achievement unlocker to put the game in my perfect list.


That kinda defeats the purpose of the perfect list... Edit: how am I wrong lol


Well, I know but I use the showcase just to track my favourite games than anything else and do the actual fun or skill needed achievements on my own anyway... P.S - No need to downvote mate, I am not interrupting you to grind or collect silly collectables.


You do you. I'm just saying the Steam perfect list works as a cheevo showcase. If you want a display showcase, just get another from the points shop. Explaining that you haven't actually got all the cheevos, when you just want to add it to said list, which is all about cheevos....you're free to do whatever you want; it just seems more silly to care about making sure its 100% on a website profile through faking it than to actually play for fun. It's okay to not have perfect games. And you talking about downvotes lol


Buddy, look what this post is related to, Its a meme mocking in game grindy or Online Only achievements ..My comment here was absolutely related to the post, If this was about "Guide to Complete a grindy achievement".. I wouldn’t have commented that... Anyway, you really doesn’t need to tell me What and how I Have fun playing..Still you want to know, here it is, after playing for many hours and mastering the game it does bothers me seeing I haven’t completed all the achievements because the game has specific Online Only Achievements or stupid collectables achievements where I have no way of completing the Online only achievements what so ever and I ain't going to find any fun collecting silly collectables for another 10+ hours or so..... So yes, I see like these things like this, "Perfect" tag on MY PERSON PROFILE OF A ONLINE STORE (it shouldn’t bother anyone) is my reward of perfecting the game and complete all skill based achievements it has to offer. And YES, I do have fun faking stupid achievements, I will keep doing it because those stupid achievements doesn’t prove any sense of accomplishment rather than those achievements is designed only to keep you into the game more...


You seem tilted over an online comment. I'm not telling you how to play at all lol I see why you must fake achievements now. Have fun 😂 Remember; you can fake it but its probably best not to admit it. You can also leave games at not 100%, no one will care that much if you can't perfect it.


Buddy, Literally said at the first comment " I know it defeats the purpose and It doesn’t bothers me" and I said furthermore "I just use it as a tracker for my favourite games so People caring or not doesn’t bother me"..... Yet you are the one nagging here saying " Its okey not to get 100%", "Silly Achievement on a Online Profile" where I......You doesn’t need to prove your right or wrong in online, definitely you are the one titled here since giving me advice or trying to convince onto something this much. Anyway, have a good day.


Bro's just rambling nonsense now.


Yet you are still here nagging in my comment thread...


I'll never debase my achievement showcase like that.


Does doing this also count towards the average achievement completion? Been considering it for a few dead multiplayer games I can no longer 100%.


If you meant steam's average achievement counter, yes it does.. But if you meant 100%'ing a game, I ain't gonna work because the app doesn’t alter any In Game things it just tricks steam to think the achievement has been done thus unlocking it.


Yeah I meant the average achievement completion counter found in the rarest achievements profile showcase, thanks!


If you like difficult last achievement try Ognisco.


Honestly I stopped caring for trophies/achievements when I sold my console. The PC is missing a lot of trophy support for some games like some Ubisoft games or games that simply never got achievements but they do on console.


Dying Light 2 achievements when when more than 400 worthless collectable


Dark Souls 3


They're grindy, sure, but you don't need to play multiplayer to get any of them.


True, but it is much quicker on multiplayer. Singleplayer probably takes like 30-40 hours of grinding.


I'm slowly completing all my games but I'm not looking forward to space marine's multiplayer ones also surgeon sim, I think I might break my hand by time I get all the surgeon sim achievements, I forgot just how god awful the controls in that game are


Mafia 3 damn it…..


GTA online :(


*Shudders in barrel kicking(DRG)*


Ace Combat 7's "Win x matches of [Multiplayer Gamemode]" It's kind of hard to do when there is like only 3-4 multiplayer lobbies at most and all of them are unlimited lobbies which means OP planes like the Darkstar, Nosferatu, and Wyvern are usable.


LEGO 2K Drive moment: Drive 6000 miles (9656 km) \[as for single player trophy\] as for multiplayer: any online related trophies in F1 Series... or 10 000 kills in Battlefield Hardline as EACH class


I always think back to how awful early achievement designs were and how far we come. Case in point: OG Gears of War. You could get 99% of the achievements in a week, but the last one required 10,000 kills in RANKED. Just unreal when you think about it.


I do not mind grindy at all, personally. But multiplayer? That discourages me to get any other achievement.


You guys play for achievements?


And this is partially why I don’t play multiplayer games, luckily I’ve never had to deal with this, but I’ve definitely dealt with some annoying final achievements *cough cough* Everhood *cough cough*


Honestly I don't mind a little bit of a grind, but only single player. It's quite relaxing. I would rather grind something stupid for 10h or 20h than do something "simple" in multiplayer, like trading with someone once. Still have to do that in Torchlight xD


I hate when achievements are stupid bullshit that you get done randomly without even trying. 99% of achievements are like that. The only ones that are fine form them are those that let you track progress.


I never understood why someone cares about the achievements?


Code Vein was like this for me. Story was solid and worth replaying for all endings until I saw that you needed to grind coins for one of them. Kinda keeping it to the side till I either have more time or CV2 announces lol


supreme helper minion in terraria😔 ruins the whole achievment thing


It’s like that in doom 2016 why half of achievement in multiplayer which isn’t even active anymore


This is where *alternative methods* come into play. (I don't recommend but eh I wanna show my love for my favorite games with a 100% completion rather than a 99% because I'm not willing to devote several weeks worth of playtime)


Exact opposite for Deep Rock Galactic. „Complete 500 missions solo“? Fuck that.


Or ones that demand way too much time and dedication and insane skill/luck. like beating the game and every boss on the hardest difficulty without dying or being damaged one time and if you do means hours or days wasted. Or doing a raid without a single death while said raid has so many bs ways of killing someone that we cant control.


I don't like chasing achievements, I just have fun with the game


This is what I hated in Destiny 2. Some weapons and quests I wanted to jave been like this. And then they also didn't progress to next match. So you had to redo the mission. And with all those sweaters in the Multiplayer, I just gave up on the game itself. Fuck this shit


1047 wins in splitgate


FUCKING GHOST OF TSUSHIMA, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD. LEVEL ALL FUCKING CLASSES TO MAX LEVEL. DO A GOLD DIFFICULTY SURVIVAL. DO ALL 3 RAIDS. AND NOONE WANTS TO PLAY THIS SHIT. Sorry. I like the main game but i still don't know if i' going throught that much of a grind and pain.


Especially when the servers are shut down and you stuck with "offline mode"


I remember trying my best to get 100% on COD IW, I really enjoy the zombies and the campaign in that game. But there is one achievement where you have to play or either win a multiplayer match. The problem is this one is impossible due to the games online matchmaking being broken….


Although I heard some rumours that after 2 years a dev has fixed the issue, haven’t tested it for myself yet though.


Its like, "get to 500level in multiplayer"


Fuck iron man difficulty achievements. I don’t want to lose hours of progress cause of a bullshit death.


Does anybody remember the Counter Strike Source achievement Clan Warfare where you need to not only gather 20 players at the same time but also win a round in a 10 vs. 10 players in the same CLAN?! Thankfully most people join a dedicated Steam group that has events for this exact achievement but my goodness coming back to that game years later when the game isn't as active is pure hell.


Did somebody say Assassin's Creed black flag?


Batman Arkham Origins literally has a bunch of achievements for a multiplayer mode that doesn't exist anymore


I am all up for grindy, but multiplayer can be a hassle, especially when the server shuts down F.


My Hero Ultra Rumble is one of those games. 600+ hours played and I still don't have the last of their achievement which require to grind 1 000 000 agency points.


I have this exact problem with Rise of the Tomb Raider. But there it's not just one, it's several.


Pillars Of Eternity 1 on the other hand has an achievement tied to whether you supported the Kickstarter. If like me, you didn't, then you're stuck on 99%.


I don't mind stuff like this, I prefer multiplayer. Not a big fan of singleplayer games. I also don't care for getting all the achievements


*Forza Horizon's Encore has entered the chat.*


NFS 2015


Dark Souls


I always get reminded of Tomb Raider multiplayer achievement. Like, WHY?! It's not a multiplayer game, not even a co-op game but because some weirdo with business management degree decided it would have longer shelf life with some MP elements they shove it in. Fast-forward 6 months to a year it's next to impossible to find people to get the achievements unless you participate in achievement hunting group events.


I hate RDR2 for this


Anybody recall the original "Seriously..." achievement for Gears of War on Xbox 360? 10,000 kills in ranked multiplayer games, only. Back when the game was populated it was estimated to take around **400 hours** to get the required kills due to the game modes being limited to 4 players and the average time taken per match. The Ultimate edition that the PC got was changed to include casual matches, but the limited game modes still made it take a long time. Seriously 2.0 in Gears of War 2 required 100,000 kills, but it didn't take nearly as long because every game mode counted toward it. Horde mode was a quick way to get it, but it was still a grind.


Rayman Legends


Mine is when to complete all the achievements you need DLC


Yeah, there's a few achievements (and unlocks, ugh) I won't be getting from Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl or Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3 because of that.


Not only multiplayer, but games that track how many days in a row you have to play or do something to get an achievement are also extremely unfun. Also the speedrun achievements in general. I understand them, but I hate them personally. Not because I don't like speedrunning, but because maybe I will never want to speedrun a specific game. Also also, I usually don't farm all the achievements of every game. I did this with just a few, but when I'm interested, really into it, these types are always a disappointment.


truly a SAM moment


I hate achievements, such bait to make players suffer to complete pointless tasks.


Castle Crashers, amazing game that unfortunately has 4 multiplayer achievements, 2 about co-op and 2 that require PvP or willing victims/friends, also an extra one (fortunately offline) that requires you to get somewhat good at an annoying minigame


Try doing any Paradox game achievement. Most of them are achievable only through RNG


reminds me that I saw someone with over 1000 hours in nuclear throne and still doesn't have all the achievements. stuff like ultra mutant can fuck off


Hmmm... anyone tried that steam game achievement clicker


Welcome to Emergency (the F2P one released in 2023) where one achievement forces you to grab some friends and complete 1000 (yes, one THOUSAND) Missions in coop. Also there are achievements for successfully completing 20 missions without failure in coop. Yes, you can quit the game between those missions.


Shogun 2: be the first rank on MP


And it always happens to be on a game with a low concurrent player base or worse it's one that really requires a co op partner


Ghost of Tsushima.


DOOM Eternal be like


99% of games have dead multiplayer, and some only last for a few months after their release. And then you have dead achievements, denying a full 100%, for the rest of the game's existence :DD because the dev was very very smart to add something that doesn't even reach the proper player audience who cares about those in the first place!


Fact: if an achievement is not farmeable then is just luck


Multiplayer/online only ones are the worst. Grindy ones I can kinda get behind if it's within reason. If it takes me just as long to grind it specifically as it does to get all the other achievements, then that's just not fun. *Looking at you metal massacre*


payday 2.


Why are people always hunt archievements I don't get it. Tell me.


Or like fortnite where all achievements are locked behind a paywall


Just play hentai games if you want easy achievment with no meanings


I don't care about any achievements in videogames and it feels great!


Thats precisely why I stopped giving a damn about achievements, very annoying.


Something something SAM. If the ultimate goal is to aim for 100% completion anyways, then what's stopping you from going for it instantly?