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[This dudes](https://steamcommunity.com/id/moneylead) badge is currently at level 170,661. And there’s plenty of other people who use Sale badges to level up! Cheapest way to do so. Also it’s thousands and thousands of dollars people spend on levels. You know about [St4ck](https://steamcommunity.com/id/St4ck)? it’s a massive community for levels


when the "IRS" scams granny for steam gift cards.


My guy has over 800 of each card sitting in the inventory.


It's easy to get lots of sale cards, since you get a free one for each game badge you craft during the big sale. Even an amateur like myself got 500 full sets of Summer Sale cards from crafting all those other badges. Woo. A lot of people get their game badges ready all year round, but wait until the big sale to craft them, because crafting game badges during the Summer / Winter Sale is 10% bonus xp via those free sale cards. It's not a lot of levels, but it's free levels. :)


Oh whoah. didn’t know that, thanks for saying this! Definitely going to work on some badges when I get home!


"crafting all those other badges"? Even if I'd saved all my lifetime badge crafting for this, i wouldn't be able to have gotten more than 100 sales cards which would not even complete a second dozen of badge levels ...


It's a goofy hobby for some people, trading cards and badges and levels. For myself each game I buy costs a little more than the store price, because (if it has cards) I'll make the badge for it. If the cards are cheap I'll get the "level 5" badge, but otherwise I'll stick with "level 1". So if I buy a lot of games in the previous six months, I have a large pile of game badges ready for the Summer / Winter sale, which means a large pile of Summer / Winter sale badges. Woo. And yes, like most hobbies it's a complete waste of money - but at least it's not hurting anyone. Beats heroin, I guess?


I thought I was missing out on some free cards mechanic. But it simply seems to be "if a player who is continuously buying cards waits until a sale to craft his badges." Well, have fun doing that.


wdym by sale cards


Trading cards for the Steam Summer Sale 2024 badge. [https://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-2861690](https://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-2861690) or [https://steamcommunity.com/my/gamecards/2861690](https://steamcommunity.com/my/gamecards/2861690) if you're logged into Steam on your browser.


This is the best tip I have read in this reddit in a whole year. Why isn't this shared around more lmao I kinda wish I knew but I'm only lvl 32 so I didn't lose on much


Do not redeem!!


Money Lead and St4ck, one has a money lead and the other is stacked


138 games and trading cards and I’m only lvl 21 which is the second highest on my small friends list


To each their own of course but I just find it all so incredibly sad. Spending money, wasting days and weeks of your life only to increase a number on your screen.


I guess you can get to a point where the booster drops can pay off the money you spent. It'll take a while but doable.


I dunno, what's worse, spending your own money doing something you enjoy, or feeling sad that someone, somewhere is spending their own money incorrectly? *In the long run we are all dead*. :) Everyone who does this has enough money to do other stuff too. This ain't their last dollar. :) If it helps, imagine they are feeding orphans with some of their other piles of cash.


*In the long run we are all dead* can be used as a valid argument for doing anything, whatsoever. Doesn't make it all-compelling though.


Seems like you could say that of video games in general. And if you don't like those either not sure what you'd be doing here.


Money Lead has some strange gametimr logged. Everything is ~331 hours or <25, with the exception of 12k Dota/CS.


Yes, because all of his hours are just farmed hours. He says it in his info box. ASF probably runs his games to farm cards then after there are no cards to farm, it farms Dota/CS. Very common amongst people.


What is ASF? How do you just farm hours? A program?


ASF is Archis Steam Farm. the project is available [here](https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm) on Github. an amazing program for farming trading cards and/or hours


For 331 hours though? Do games still give out cards after *that* much playtime?


oh no no no. i’m saying he literally farms hours. once there are no cards to farm, it runs the SteamID for Dota/CS and just accumulates hours


Right, I understand that. But if the game is being farmed for 331 hours before switching back to Dota/CS, that would indicate there is still a card to obtain at that high of playtime.


His account is wild


this dude 100% Steam speedrun


Should've used that money to help his country instead.


3 year old account of some rich kid from Ukraine (or maybe close by). Guess you gotta flaunt daddy's money from oppressing people there.


[SteamDB badge leaderboard](https://steamdb.info/badge/app/2861690/) shows one person has hit well over 60k. Probably more powerlevelers will emerge as the sale nears and end and cheap cards become more plentiful.


I knew a dude that has money lead in his friendlist it's insane the amount of money he spent


I got him in my friendslist and this guy is just crazy


What's the current spent amount?


At a guess about 50k


50k on games? Is that really such an insane amount when we put gaming in contrast with other hobbies?


50k on cards


Oh hell nah, that's something else


40k worth of Steam games according to steamDB and 124k worth of CS items.


Bro bought Gabe his winter cabin lmfaoo


I mean....yeah but with a lapidary set you can make neat things. With steam badges....well I guess we're talking about him. I have a lapidary set up and nothing but neat rocks. But he probably has an insane library. Bet they will never play all of them.


in comparison? id say not really. Some of the people into cars will spend that easily. Then you have things like boats or planes, which ive heard are stupidly expensive.


Source on planes being expensive?


Yeah but can you drive a game? for that much money you can buy a car which is 100% more useful than games.


yeah you can drive many cars in games. And with 50k USD, any car you buy is not going to be a necessity purchase. (thats if the car you buy can even legally be driven on the road) If your argument boils down to "its not a necessity so its an insane purchase" then i hope you find yourself with some disposable income in your future.


If we’re taking it at face value, probably not… but we’re talking games here, the average game doesn’t go over 70 dollars, that’s an INSANE amount on games


My buddy just dropped 15k for a laser cleaning machine as a new hobby he is trying. If you have the money and you are a gamer or collector it isn't insane. The same idiots that downvoted you are the same idiots that gloat over a fucking cartoon character summer sales girl.


how did you manage to get him in your friendlist lol


He accept anyone who requests


He’s not called Money Lead for nothing


With money; nothing is impossible




You can’t buy love but you can rent it for 3 minutes at strip clubs all across the world.


Or some hard love for 1 hour I some countrys


Or be a sugar momma or daddy and buy a fake love


3 minutes of being the little spoon, yay!


Seeing how hooked people are with the "Steam girl", it's a smart business decision of Valve, lmao. Definitely intentional [when you see](https://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-2861690) that the character is the last tier in both badge types (standard and foil).


I mean I've seen the same thing with a Hatsune Miku game where she's of course the foil badge... but that's still a world away from the ludicrous amount of cash you'd have to burn for this.


Yes it's feasible, but not for us. There are plenty of people in the world who don't need to ask how much something costs, and some of them use Steam. For me, the best thing about those maniacs is they make all the money I waste on "playing Steam" seem like pocket change. :) You know, making all the stupid badges, buying all the games I'll never play, sure it's crazy, but at least I'm not as crazy as those *other* people! :)


St4ck has several badges in the 100k+ range. They buy the cards to get to those levels, not the games.


Well as his username implies he is stacked


Correct me, if I am wrong, but for one level you need 10 cards. That means to achieve this you would need 60 000 * 10 = 600 000 Given the lowest possible price on the market is $0.03 that would mean the badges worth is $18 000. Currently even more as the cards don't exactly go for the lowest possible. However, there may be power leveling mechanics that I am unaware of which would bring the cost down. For example using SteamCardExchange and trading in some more high value cards. EDIT: Also i just realized that high levels have significantly higher chance of getting boosters.


I think the lower limit of $0.03 is only for dollars. The lowest limit you can add to the store depends on your currency. It's only 0.03 because of the usual split of shares for developer, steam and player. So that everyone at least gets something, but if you take e.g. Japanese Yen, the minimum price where everyone gets at least something is significantly smaller and cards would be cheaper.


I don't know what sort of deals people find for trading cards, I just buy them from the marketplace. Looks like these Summer Sale cards are around USD $0.05 currently. The advantage of crafting the Summer Sale is it's unlimited - normal game badges only go up to 5. So if you want lots of levels, that's your one-stop shop. And the only mechanic I know is "spend money". By the way, free booster packs are more of a hassle than a source of free money. I get a free booster pack at the cooldown rate for my level (i.e. every 14 hours), which maybe gives me 5-10 cents. Unless it's non-marketable - zero cents. Or it's for a badge I haven't maxed out yet - negative cents. Forget about that! Woohoo! Free money! Ok, let's be generous and say I get USD $50 per year from selling my free booster packs. But I got all those free booster packs by having a high(ish) Steam level, and buying an enormous mountain of games that have trading cards - remember *you need to own the game to get the free booster pack*. Oops. So if I stop spending money on Steam right now, and just sit back and collect my free booster pack money, *how many thousands of years would it take me to break even*? :) Basically, get levels if you want to, not because you think booster packs are going to pay for it. :)


You can get sets for cheaper if you buy them from someone in bulk. Which they obviously do


During the sales (and shortly before) you get a steam sales card when you craft a badge. You can literally stockpile cards to craft badges before the sales to then sell them at their highest and then buy them for super cheap after a few days of sales.


I wish I could have that cute badge without spending tons of money lol, I'll have to keep my little leaf...


I suspect you could commission the artist to make something just for you and spend less money than that. :)


Well yeah, but it wouldn't be a neat Steam badge then- They have cool art prints though.


It's a complete waste of time, just get level 1 for the badge on your profile as a memory and move on.


when i win the lottery, no one will know but there will be signs of it


Usually people buy the cards directly so it's roughly 40-50 cents per level it adds up but no where near as expensive as buying games to get cards I usually stop around 9-10 and just sell the rest


I really wanted a seagull badge for my profile, but after looking up what level is needed, it made me kinda sad. It's crazy that this is even an option tbh


I've been lucky enough to have the means to buy all the cards for all my games (as actually trading to get everything you need is a nightmare). As I like how it makes the games look even more complete (beside achievements). However for ones like this were it can go that high, I don't have that much money. I go to level 10 or 20 and stop, an even number.


I make the badges for all my games too, but it gets annoying for the obscure ones. Sometimes I have to craft a lot of booster packs and pray to RNGeezus because nobody is selling that one card. :) By the way, if you're a massive trading card / badge junkie, check out [ASF](https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm/releases). It's massive overkill for random guy buying a few games and crafting a few badges, but the more into "playing Steam" you get, the more it helps. The [MatchActively](https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm/wiki/ItemsMatcherPlugin#matchactively) feature eliminates a lot of screwing around hunting trades on each individual game's trading forum. If there's an ASF user somewhere with the card you need, and you have the card they need, presto both of you are happy and you didn't have to lift a finger. Also there are several bots doing same-set trades 1:1, so you'll occasionally get a match when some other person traded with that bot and it now has your missing card. One thing to be aware of, ASF doesn't know or care about market value of the cards. So if one card of a set is much more expensive than the rest, don't be surprised when some clown methodically picks through your inventory and trades all their cheap cards for all your expensive cards. The trade didn't hurt your badge, so from a badge crafting perspective it's fair - but if you were planning to buy your missing cards you just got screwed.


I'd rather get to 1500+ to get the steam sale girl icon than that dude, and that dude is 60000+?! Bruh.


Gotta spend that trust money somewhere


The messed up thing about the foil badges is that there might not even be enough foil cards to get the high badges if enough people want it, due to the rarity of foil cards. So, you could easily end up stuck halfway there and not be able to get the badge you were targeting. Regardless, the price is insane and does feel a bit scummy that they make the sale girl only gettable from the highest level foil badge. 


Thousands of levels of foil Summer Sale badges are easy to get, you just need to buy the cards. :) The tricky foil badges are the ones for the random forgotten games nobody bought - some of those are impossible to craft at any price, because the full set of cards hasn't dropped. You'd have to roll the dice crafting booster packs every day, and there's no guarantee you would ever get it. Remember all of this badge stuff is optional. Normal people use Steam as a game launcher, and never touch this nonsense. It's only those of us "playing Steam" who care about it. :)


Yeah, you are right. The last time I checked there were only a couple hundred of the foil cards, now there are a couple thousand. So yeah, it is definitely easier to get the Summer Sale badge. But hypothetically, if multiple people tried to get the badge, the cards could definitely run out.


it's always the prettiest looking foils that have either extremely low supply and high cost, or just flat-out nonexistent cards available. i've also now resorted to boosters to try and generate them. i've been told the foil drop rate is ~1 in every 100 cards, is that somewhat accurate in your experience?


Yes, foil cards are 1 in 100. During every big Summer / Winter sale I craft thousands of regular game badges (for the free sale cards) and they have always dropped at that same ratio. I remember reading some Valve person's comment stating this explicitly years ago, but can't remember where it was. :(


yeah i usually wait to craft anything until the sale periods as the cards are worthwhile even though i don't gain much levels from the sets i accumulate in that way, its still better than coupons. foil collecting is particularly attractive to me simply because of how many rlly pretty ones there are (the Flowers -Le Volume- series ones for example) it just becomes challenging to acquire the cards at a "reasonable" price in some cases. i feel like sometimes i could spend less on boosters than to buy them outright on the CM


If there's enough demand, foil cards will quickly run out, they're not infinite after all. Right now the lowest stock of a foil card is \~1.5k which would only be enough for single 1500 lvl badge.


Right, like they could have endless badge levels like that and put the visually different ones as just the first few instead of thousands down the line. I can't imagine there are many people simping for the girl so hard as to throw away that much money for just a badge anyway, so it's not even really making Valve any more money to do it this way.


Steam is just milking the ever living fuck out of rich morons with more money than sense, Steam is making BANK off these rich fucks!


Valve take their cut, but most of this money is going to the millions of regular Steam users selling their cards.


People care about these?


I think I have a badge for one game. You can’t get all the cards just by playing the game. I’m not going to buy cards on the market so I can have a badge that no one sees.


If memory serves I spend \~400$ once to craft level 1000 badge during sale.


Pretty sure [Magic](https://steamladder.com/ladder/badges/876740/) has the highest single badge level with over 500k. Wild




if youre either rich or a frauder yeah they're attainable


I've just crafted Foil Badge (Level 1 to 100) for the sake of a personal collection (collecting LVL 100 badges from each sale starting from Summer Sale 2024). It cost me approximately €120+ to get Level 100 for the foil badge alone.


Looked it up and that’s 130 dollars and 21 cents!


Yeah! It's absolutely insane. The things we do for the JPEGS/PNGS on our profiles.


Nah. I like having the event badge just to show I was participating in it. But high level is such a waste of money.


I want to have the badge, but then I have 2 cards that I only have 1 of...


So don’t think of it? Just get on with your life and play the games you want…