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Legends never die.


Already 12k views/visitors in 8 minutes. A collective sigh. RIP Crazy Neighbor.


Just finished watching the video, Im glad that he got to live out the last few years of his life having fun, I hope Steve is doing alright off camera, RIP


He's doing okay


That's good to hear. He's got a lot of strength but it's sure been tested.


Dude has had a rough few years.


Ah damnit. Was afraid of this. :(


Damn man. Poor Steve. Poor CNN and his family ❤️


Rest in peace Glenn. Hes the grandpa or crazy neighbor we all never had. Float on down that peaceful canadian river, Crazy Neighbor.  Steve Wallis is a saint. Legends never die


I feel for Steve. So much loss. I don’t know who he has in his daily life but traveling alone, that can carry a heavy burden on the soul.


RIP Glenn!! What a wonderful man we lost. Unfortunately I had a feeling he had already passed on. Hope Steve can keep on keeping on.... Because the blows just keep coming. 😔 Here's a Step 2 for Crazy Neighbor!! 🍺


So sorry Steve. He was a great guy


This stopped my heart when I read the post title, I know we knew this was coming from Steve's post, but my heart aches for Glen's family and Steve. You were a real one Crazy Neighbor. <3


Drinking a step 2 for Crazy Neighbor tonight. Cheers.


Same. Poured one for Glen.


To Glen




Man. RIP. Thank you for all those brief moments of joy you both gave to me when I could get away from the world and just watch these videos.


Glenn was the realest of the real.


Cracking a step two in his honor. Rest easy, sir.




Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell, When I embark; For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have cross’d the bar.


I was so sad to see this, even though we all knew it was coming. Thanks so much for sharing Crazy Neighbour with us all, Steve.


Poor Steve fuck hope he's okay


A kick in the gut for sure, but glad he was there for Steve as long as he was. Enjoy a nice step two up there CN, cheers bud.


Well this sucks.


rest easy, Crazy Neighbor. ❤️


RIP, I loved the dynamic between Crazy Neighbour and Steve. They have a beautiful friendship that I can only dream of.


RIP CN having some step 2s in your honour, the world will be a worse off without you here. Hopefully see you up there when it's my time and you can tell me all your adventures all over again


Life is for living. Fuck yes it is Steve.


For a man who has had so much massive loss in such a short amount of time, it never ceases to amaze me how kind and focused on others Steve is. I lost one person pretty close to me recently and my immediate reaction was to wish I could go into the woods and stay alone my entire life so I’d never have to lose another person I loved. I don’t know how he does it.


Such a great guy. So cool and genuine. I wish he could have loved to 110. He is and will be loved by thousands and will always be remembered. 🍻


What a great guy! He must have been such a good friend to have. He will be missed.




Rest Peacefully Glenn. I'm deeply sorry for your loss Steve.


See you on the other side, Crazy Neighbor. We're going to miss you.


He was OUR neighbor… and will live in our hearts. Much love to Steve and CN.


Steve, I just want to have a beer with you. My new phone can’t spell condolences. Fuck.. I guess it can.


I'm a cancer survivor and have remained connected to my community. I discovered Steve and Crazy Neighbor when I was recovering from treatment and at my lowest. They had no small part in getting me through. I'd lay there for hours, sick as hell but enjoying every minute. When one of my friends in the community dies, I film a toast to them. Watching Steve just now brings the same feelings I have when I toast one of my friends. This was a great tribute.


Rest in peace and power, Crazy Neighbor. Thank you for being you. My condolences to Steve and all of CN's loved ones.


I am very sad that Crazy Neighbour is on the other side. He is missed by us. Take care Steve. We love you! Sending you warm hugs of happiness.


Rip in peace crazy neighbor!


Godspeed Glenn. Steve you and his family are in our thoughts. Please take care of yourself.


Noo this is so sad 💔 RIP Glenn


Wow, this is hard hitting and I didn't even know Glenn. Can't imagine how Steve feels - I hope he's doing okay. Rip Crazy Neighbour.


There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. - Hunter S Thompson


RIP Crazy Neighbor :(


Rip crazy neighbor may your find peace in that great big campground in the sky.


Rest easy crazy neighbor.


“Life is for living”


Glenn’s fam lost a legend, RIP Crazy Neighbor.


My heart breaks for Steve, he's been through ***so fucking much*** the last couple years.


Love me some crazy neighbor….god speed my good man


Man life is so strange and tough sometimes. Hopefully he knew how much he meant to a lot of us. It was a privilege to get a glimpse into what seemed to be a wonderful life, and a life he enjoyed living. An absolute inspiration. RIP


🍻rip Crazy Neighbor


Glenn, you will be missed.   Thank you for being part of Steve’s videos.  I will always remember you when I go camping.


I am so heartbroken. He is such a beautiful soul that will never be forgotten. My love, prayers and thoughts are with Crazy's family and to his best friend, Steve. The two of them brought so many smiles to so many people. I wish there were more people on this planet that were like Crazy. We can all take a leaf from Crazy's book. The world will be a better place if we did. R.I.P dearest Crazy Neighbour💕


Rest in Peace Crazy Neighbor, you'll be missed.


Well, RIP Crazy Neighbor. I am so very very sorry for his family and friends. He was really fun to watch and I will miss him.


So sad to hear... Thoughts to all his family and friends..


Happen to be one of the few times I bought beer tonight, so I put on one of the old boating vids with Glen and raised my step 2 too him, he was a good man and will be missed by all he met. Be it met in person, or those who met them through the videos he was in


Too weird to live, too rare to die. Rest easy, Glenn!


This is honestly so devastating man! The world is losing too many beautiful souls!  Rest in peace crazy neighbour, the legend will always live on!  Sending all our love and hugs to Steve and Crazy neighbours family!  Jade & Marcia, UK ❤️🇬🇧


I lost a lot of people within the last year. Jimmy Buffett, My mother, my foster brother, and my aunt. Now we have crazy neighbor. It's been a rough year. My heart goes out to Steve and Crazy Neighbor's family. The last year has sucked ass.


Fuck seriously :( what did he have??? Damn..... :,(


Sorry Steve and Glenn’s Family.


This hurts. Found serenity during crazy times watching glen and Steve. RIP. Thank you CN


Our condolences.


Wish you were here.


This was sad to hear :( Really feel for Steve, Glenn's family and all those that loved him. Crazy neighbour seemed like such a good dude. He'll definitely be missed. <3


I raise my step 2 in his honor


Aww man. RIP crazy neighbor!


Steve has lost so many close people to him in such a short time...


Poor Steve dude has had the worst luck. RIP crazy neighbour.


I am so sorry to hear this.


Goodbye, CN. We’ll miss seeing you.


Ahhh man... Sorry for your loss Steve.


Cool guy. I feel for him and Steve. RIP, Crazy Neighbor. You were a badass and a great person.


Christ rest in peace crazy neighbor. Steve can’t catch a break


Absolute legend RIP king


Ride in Peace Crazy Neighbor. Step 2 is just ahead.


I hope steve goes on another river trip and puts glens hat mounted to the boat. We miss you Glenn and appreciate the light your brought to us.


We all lost a camping buddy. RIP


“Life is for Living” I love those’s words so much 💕 God bless you Steve! Thank you Steve and Crazy Neighbor for showing us what it’s like to REALLY live! You have both inspired millions 💕


Steve is one of the best things to happen towards the end of crazy neighbors life. RIP


I hope Steve doesn't let this get to him much. We all live and die. With the loss of his wife and Crazy Neighbor, my heart goes out to him. I know he loved them both dearly. I hope he continues making content, but i would understand why he wouldn't. Rest in peace Crazy Neighbor, I'll have a step 2 for you.


Damn this sucks. RIP Glenn Feel bad for Steve, it's horrible to lose a best friend especially after what he's been through. Took me a long time to be somewhat normal after losing mine.


Man I wish I had a crazy neighbor, my neighbors are just plain crazy. Well at least one of them




Man, so sorry for your loss and his family’s loss. May his memory be a blessing. Sending hugs, and hunker down to process all this. We’ll be here when you get back!


RIP :(


RIP Crazy Neighbor. He seemed like he would do anything for anybody. Always trying to cut in a joke. Sorry for your loss Steve.


Aww man, he passed? RIP C.N.


I kinda just thought nahhh he’ll be ok, this is crazy neighbour we’re talking about. Even though I expected this, it still nipped me and gave me that sobering feeling. Rip crazy neighbour, the channel won’t be the same without you!


I’ll comment the same thing I did on the video on YouTube. You are a good man Steve. Better than me. I share the grief as much as I can, as I only knew him and you over these videos. But I am sending you all the good vibes. You’ve given me hope when I had none. I’ve spent hours going on adventures with you. Much much much love my friend.


RIP Crazy Neighbour


Legends never die! ♾️


Does anybody else just want to hug Steve? I wish this dude did fan meet ups.


Rip Glenn you will be missed. Thank you for everything.


>You’re not crazy, you’re just more interesting than the average person. I'd like to go further than that. Glenn was more interesting than most interesting people. RIP to an absolutely unique individual. His legacy is an extraordinary one. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that he brought joy to just by being his genuine and authentic self. He will be widely missed. I understand his final wishes were for people to spend more time with the people that they love. It seemed as if Glenn absolutely understood what mattered in this world and had his priorities completely in order to the very end. A fitting legacy would be to follow those final wishes as much as we can to create the next generation of oddball friends and extraordinary experiences. To take a chance on life itself by being true to oneself. To find our own internal Crazy Neighbor and then to enjoy the world accordingly. Once again RIP Glenn. And thank you.