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Havnt you heard? Shorts are getting awfully fucked lately.


Hahah "high-fives in GME*


until I buy


Seems plausible that btc can go 100-150k this bull run, this will hurt…


don't be bearish, 200k+


I love the smell of a short squeeze in the morning.


I heard the short case, I don't recall the exact details, but it made logical sense. Making up these numbers, MSTR trades as a proxy for bitcoin, lets say mstr has 30 bil market cap, and holds 10 billion in bitcoin. The bear case was if bitcoin was cash no one would pay 3x the pile of cash for it. That I understood, I know there is a small business with it as well. I am not short or plan to in future, but can see why shorts see an opportunity.


MicroStrategy ftw


wish I snagged some microstrategy back when I first started listening to him, but I just haven't seen the point, I'd rather put that money into BTC and I'm sure saylor would agree with me....lol


MicroStrategy has outperformed Bitcoin, since the stock price reflects the value of coins they will accumulate in the future. Buying their stocks is a form of leverage.


while true, I'd rather own the actual asset, and microstrategy is too pricey for my taste. I have IBIT, MARA, and RIOT, which I think is enough peripheral exposure.


Good luck, I would say. I'm not sure if it's a good idea when Bitcoin's price is around $70K.


knee absorbed sable uppity foolish shelter fuel adjoining groovy humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


because it's just starting the bull run


We found the regard


So if they are right then what would be the potential profits when betting 6.9B…. How much we talking about?


Ah yes I remember the last time gme did weird stuff because dfv convinced a bunch of Reddit people it will go up in price after he bought calls.  Everyone started looking for all these other shorted stocks and try to convince them this will do the same thing so you should totally buy it! All the downvotes but no one actually responding. People were playing companies all over taking about how they were shorted and going to rocket any day now just like gme. That’s all this post is, just repeating the cycle. Just like DFV needing a stock to stay above a certain price and posting about the massive conspiracy theory so people will buy in. How convenient.


Lol how bitter are you?


I mean he’s not wrong. After GME all these people are convinced that everything is a potential short squeeze. It’s just not the case and can be tiring sometimes when it’s all you see in the comments


Why would I be bitter?


Literally no stock got the attention that gamestop did years ago. There were attempts but nothing came close. Lol did you see how high gamestop went years back? I've been here for years and literally there has been nothing like it. People have tried to push shit....but there was never a rally behind them compared to Gamestop. Your post reads as if you either didn't get into the gamestop rocket...or you did and lost money. Either way it comes across as bitter.




We got a shill


What exactly are they shilling? Shills are people that talk up a product or thing they want you to get in on, focusing on the positives and deflecting criticisms and avoiding acknowledging negatives. Like the people here do with GME since it’s a meme pump and dump.


Yeah totally, nothing gets by you buddy. Real nice detective work.


Got em


You've lost the plot. GME not doing 'weird stuff' bc DFV. GME doing 'weird stuff' bc the crazy amount of naked shorting is running up against actual investor ownership and interest.


Gme issued 45,000,000 new shares the other month diluting 15% and just snnoucned they’re issuing another 75,000,000 today. Haven’t ran the percentage dilution that’d be. How exactly do you think yall owning a significant number of shares exactly? Dfv told you to dance and you did so he could make money on his calls


You tried to talk reason but the fomo crowd is working over time on your downvotes


There is nothing reasonable about this market. Its not free, price discovery is dead, and its manipulated by the rich. Get fuked, cant stop wont stop, its game over.


But wait I thought we were long on gme because it was such a good value?


Completely lost the plot lmao 🤣


Ohhhh PHAT shill, he knows whatsup, he just spinnin the game. Its game over though boi