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aww, this is actually so sweet. it's nice to feel taken care of.


don't make me cry 😀


Lmao this reminds me of a scene in the movie "Smiley Face" (2007), where John Krasinski says: *\[at the dentist\] I kind of like it. I mean, it's not like I'm a masochist or anything, it's just.. Well, in a way, it makes me feel like, "Yeah.. my teeth are being taken care of." You know? It makes me feel... prosperous.* P.S: it's such a funny stoner film with Anna faris being a pothead. You should watch it if you haven't already. Truely hilarious


Yes!! You had me at John Krasinski, then again at stoner film. Didn't think I'd get the two of those things together 😁 I have to watch it now, thanks for the rec.


Its there on Tubi for free lol. I swear Tubi has like so many stoner films. "Smiley Face" is really funny and even more funnier when watching it stoned. You will laugh out loud for sure lol *A stoned wannabe actress embarks on a quest to sell a bag of "government weed" and reach a hempfest, to keep her dealer from seizing her furniture.* [https://tubitv.com/movies/552251/smiley-face](https://tubitv.com/movies/552251/smiley-face)


you hooking me up 🙌🏾


I love it when people love what they do!!!


fr! it's inspiring 🙌🏾


I have high respect for anyone that can work each and every day putting their face next to people's nasty breath and rotting teeth


My dentist has a huge rack, and I concur