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Send the hotel GM a note with your compliments to the employee!


Yes this, when I come across a worker who deserves to be noticed, I email the company, even if it’s a huge corporate company, and praise the employee, leave a 5 star google review


It takes a kind hearted person to notice the deeds of other kind people around them. Hope both you and that hardworking gentleman both have a great day :)


Here’s to the person working the front desk at a Fairfield Inns and Suites in Tucumcari for handling a flaming asshole with calmness and dignity. That jerk was trying to rile everyone up using every tool at their disposal. You were right to bring in your manager and you were right to call the police. (I am not the asshole, just an observer from the hotel lobby showing solidarity.)


I'm glad you added that last bit because as I was reading it I was literally thinking I bet you this is the asshole lol


I have only encountered assholes of this level a handful of times in my life. They were a Super-extraordinary asshole.