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Palm is 10% PUFA so it’s one of the better ones. It’s hard to find tho. And some of it is red. I never tried it but yeah it’s good.


Of all the plant oils - coconut oil still reigns supreme clocking in at 2% PUFA


So can we say that Coconut Oil is the best plant based Oil for frying purposes??


Yes it has a very high smoke point.


Palm oil isn’t a seed oil, it’s actually healthier than olive oil. Eat up!


How is it refined, though?


it's diesel fuel. might as well just go to Autozone and get some full synthetic motor oil at lest it has added minerals..


Not if you have heart problems, then it's to be avoided at all costs.


The environmental impact needs some context. It's the highest calories per acre as a crop. That means that if you'd substitute it for other crops, more farmland would be needed and less wilderness would remain. However, more specifically there's a threat to endangered species indeed. I don't want to live in a world that has no orangutans any more.


Go to Costa Rica and drive through the hundreds of miles of palm oil plantations that they have, surrounded by the most bio diverse rainforests in the entire world. It’s so fucking sad


I’m pretty sure cattle farming/ranching is the number one contributor towards rainforest destruction anyways. Wood/lumber, etc. Yet palm oil is the poster child for rainforest destruction.


Yeah, all the subdomains are also covered by the countdown. I guess we'll have to wait.


Been wondering myself.


Look up plant sterols (Dr Paul Mason). Given that I void avoid all plant derived oils because they all contain it. Even the very saturated coconut fat does and it still lowers cholesterol! These chips are still a ultra-processed food and n this case fried (=acrylamide). We know UPF are bad for you and in case it ends up not to be the seed oils but some trace chemicals, then you are still fucked. If you just cant let it be, at least limit it to like 1 pack per month or something like that.


Pros: * Low PUFA (10% or so) * Good saturated : monounsaturated fat ratio (50/40) Cons: * Non-existent stearic acid: almost all of the saturated fat is palmitic acid (hence the name: Palm Oil, which isn't really why it's named that, but it definitely applies) It isn't the worst oil.  But it certainly isn't the greatest either.  Palm oil in like tortillas and/or popcorn won't hurt you.  But it probably won't do anything for you either.


Palm oil is very high in vitamin E so thats a good thing. 


Of course it is... because it has 10% PUFA.  PUFAs are naturally packaged with *enough* antioxidants to protect the nut/seed from lipid peroxidation.  Once you eat it?  That vitamin e in the PUFA is now useless.  The best thing to do for your antioxidant status is not eat easily oxidizable fats


Using 10grams of palm oil has 1 gram of pufa, meaning less than 1 gram linoleic acid. I wouldnt worry about it as someone who has strictly avoided all seed oils for the past 4 years.  Palm kernel oil has what, 2-3% PUFA? So thats as good as it gets, pretty much nothing has less than 2% And doesnt some foods have more vitE than needed for pufa, like black currants, sea buckthorn, etc. They have something like 3-6mg vitE per 100g but they have minimal amounts of pUFA, so you get free vitamin E


Hi, i dunno too much about the difference between the different SF. Can you explain me the difference between stearic acid and palmitic acid please?


Chemically, palmitic acid is slightly shorter-chain (16 carbon atoms) than stearic (18 carbons).


I mean, ok, but i was wondering about difference in metabolism and health in general😅


Well THAT I can’t help you with; I know as much as you do. 😆


Not many people are talking (yet?) about phytosterols from plant fats. The body really doesn’t want them—it avoids absorbing them, and expels the ones that do get absorbed. People who are unable to expel them get very unpleasant side effects—see sitosterolemia. This is a rare condition but it highlights the risks of eating plant fats. I am unsure of the conditions under which we can/can’t expel them, so to be safe, I minimize my intake.


 Seems like people use olive, coconut and palm oil without much problems though. Palm oil isnt that high in phytosterols unless you use tens of grams daily


True. I was thinking about it from a keto perspective. I wouldn’t be trying to make it the basis of my diet.


Yeah no. Of course eggs meat and dairy should give the most fat, and butter


It's the one I personally cannot have as it's high-carotenoid and my allergy can't tolerate it, so no nutella or indomie noodles for me :( but as with all things, what you eat is entirely down to personal choice and preference. Just never forget that you're free to resume consumption of seed oils whenever you like, no one is stopping you besides you, but likewise you're free to continue avoiding them as you see fit for any reason and for as long as you wish. There are no rules, this is a CHOICE. The police aren't going to come screaming to your house and smash your door in for eating something with palm oil, canola oil, or any damn oil. You do you!


it's not saturated animal fat it has no fat soluble vitamins


It has high amount of vitamin E and carotenoids


Consuming diesel fuel isn't healthy...


what brand? Palm oil is a large seeds, so it is not unhealthy and not rendered badly by chemicals…


Palm oil plantations are destructive to the environment, as others mentioned here. I find it interesting how many European and Asian countries (mostly India) use palm oil instead of seed oil like for their processed foods and chips/crisps. The USA and many of the west it is too expensive to use and soybean oil is subsidized in the USA, therefore more common.


Nutella has palm oil. Does that mean its good then?