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Looks cool, i like it! Big scythe fan.


Haha big scythe goes swoosh swoosh


Looks good!  Much improved over the geisha-looking cutscene version.  I like how his wings look like scythes too.  I will be calling him Scythey McScytheface.


The real thing at the trailer were the 30 FPS at 0:14, optimization plz.


"I do not see war as a competition or a game...that being said i do believe i would be at the top. If anyone wants to do a leaderboard, let me know" made me lose it 😅🤣🤣 That is such a gamer thing to say, i am so proud of you Frost Giant


He looks good, but I can't wait for Peacez reveal.


My favorite part is the updated readability of the units. Love the contrasts. Looking more modern.


Sorry for the noon question. What are these? Special/Heroe units like in WC3?


Heroes are available to use in standard 3v3 and 3p co-op modes. I'm excited to see how they change things up in the 3v3 ladder


Warz is a Hero unit, yes, but won't be available in 1v1s. The Heroes are exclusive to co-op, and also to 3v3, I think.


It's also possible that we'll get playable Heroes in the actual campaign. Makes a lot of sense considering both WarCraft and StarCraft had maps designed for such a thing.


Seems highly likely. At least the hero’s will be featured in the campaign.


At some point the game will get a 3v3 mode, for now it’s 3vE only for heroes. Hopefully 🤞 it builds on the awesomeness that is Warcraft 3. 1v1 is going to be more like Starcraft from what we have seen to date.


So Alarak?


the name is so generic and boring :(


Warze means wart in German; that’s my association with the name..


The alarak of stormgate


Looks sick. Love the shadow/shroud tones on all his units. Definitely looking forward to playing him.


I know, right? Of course, having entirely new models would be more impressive (e.g. comparing SC2 Nova's units to their base versions); but I think that what Frost Giant did is a highly effective use of limited resources. The shadow effect on the lower half of all his unique units gives them an immediate distinctive look; and even just the desaturation on his units, which make them look almost black-and-white looks really good on the Brute!


Why is he in celestial colors as opposed to the blood red infernal colors? At first glance, I thought it was a new celestial hero until infernal popped up under his name.


"fallen celestial", that's why.


You didn't for one moment consider that fallen angels might exist in this game?


Who pissed in your cheerios? LOL. So your telling me that the first Infernal hero they decide to show is one that was an ex-celestial and does not look like a demon in any way? I think not having 3 easily identifiable faction specific heroes at a glance might be a misplay. Sorta like the SC 2 loading screen that literally features Kerrigan/Jim/Artanis are plastered all over the loading screens. Edit: Its so funny how anything in this sub gets insta downvoted if your not part of the hivemind


They've literally already shown us the very clearly demonic Maloc


Yeah, so you can see why I'm confused right?


But Warz is not the Infernals poster boy… it’s Maloc like stated above and he was shown before Warz.


Right, that's why I'm confused. Why wouldn't you follow Maloc's color scheme if he is part of the same faction. Purple has already been claimed by the celestial in the reveal trailer.


Im not good at art, i once tried doing a game, it has 3 factions so i decided: 1 faction only made of cubes, and blue and grey Another made of circles and red and purple And the other made of triangles yellow and green It felt like attaching myself to a stone and trowing set stone into the deepest point in the ocean


Is he wearing a mask to hide his eerie baby face?


Burn! Lol. The redesign is much better though right?


Yes. More menacing IMHO.


"I will find you..." Liam Neeson vibes :)


cool hero. he looks very cool but i kinda hate the way some of units look based on the clip where they're all fighting eachother. ill give it a shot though. edit. much love! can't wait to support.


Lol two thumbs down from me. Looks so bad.


I like Warz, this dash + DPS focused abilities looks cool. I think that playing with him can give a Diablo-RTS vibe, you just go and destroy mobs, only this time you have your army to help you. I'll be happy to check if I'm right about Warz gameplay after July 30th.


Love it, the scythe looks sick


Is there coop gameplay anywhere?


Coop was available when the game had a free trial for a week. Look for vids from 6 months ago.


I hope the game has became more optimized 🙏 Last time i tried coop my pc did'nt have a great time with it 🔥


Thank you so much!


Solo Abyssal Gates (Stormgate Coop Frigate) [no commentary] https://youtu.be/D-TEdN3rVzs


Does he have a pale horse or a red horse at home? Maybe he switches depending on his mood? =p I'm happy to see another infernal come for coop, general infernal coop gameplay was pretty fun


Looks good! Looking forward to 3v3 actually.


Me 2. For me its the main thing i look forward to with sg.


Essentially SG's equivalent of WC3's Archimonde or Sageras (fallen Titan who created the burning legion due to being disillusioned with goals of his God like race)


I dont know man, i was very hyped about the game. I dont see it getting success with such uninspired art and voicelines. Doesnt create an atmosphere like starcraft does… It just feels like the type of game youll randomly see on steam with like 400 views, look at it and go ehh….. not for me. And move on. But thats justt my opinion, still will give it a shot when ir releases.