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I'm so glad you enjoyed it. WoK is truly a fantastic book. I'm not sure I'd call it a weak book in the series, but, in my opinion, things just get better from here. You'll find answers to your question in WoR. Enjoy the ride, it's a good one. Journey before destination.


>I'm not sure I'd call it a weak book in the series 5 books go to war and none of them break


Haha. Nice. You should probably spoiler-tag that, though.


I am excited to see where the series takes me. For now WoK is my favorites but well see wether that changes, either way fantastic start to the series, already got me hooked!


I've read through the series 4 or 5 times now, and I always love seeing people's reactions to their first time. Please keep us updated, you're in for one hell of an experience. As for Words of Radiance, it's by far my favourite Stormlight book, possibly one of my favourite books ever. Plus, it's mainly centred on Shallan, so your opinion in regards to her might be quite different by the end of it. Also, I completely agree with your 5 favourite moments. Every page, from Kaladin deciding to turn back to save Dalinar to the last page, is some of Brandon's best writing. How cool was "Oh, and Elhokar? Your mother and I are now courting. You’ll want to start growing accustomed to that?". Dammit now I want to read WoK again...


I will keep updating the sub! Loved the community for a while, and now I finally understand the excitement behind the series, so I will keep updating as I read the different part. This is one of those books where I wish I could re read it blind again just to experience it. The last 200 pages (I have the paperback) were pure excitement and it felt like my eyes didnt read as fast as I wanted them to. Kaladin turning back is an amazing character writing moment, those 3/4 pages had me biting my nails just because of how amazing they were. Now that some time (like 10 hours) has passed since I read it im remembering some amazing moments from the book that I missed! Especially that Dalinar confrontation scene, it was pretty amazing character writing to have him confronting Elhokar in that way. It was very cathartic, despite me respecting Dalinars maturity and passiveness(?) in the earlier parts of the book.


Rankings for the series vary widely but generally speaking book 2 Words of Radiance rated the highest and book 4 Rhythm of War is rated the lowest with books 1 and 3 being in the middle. All of them have really high highs, but some have lower lows than others. I think enjoyment mostly depends on which characters you enjoy the most and what you think of certain character writing decisions after book 2. Anyways, you are about to go on quite the journey. It’s crazy to think about, but that big ass book you just read is really only a stepping stone to the true conflict at the center of the series. This sub is very friendly and good about spoilers so feel free to ask here if you have questions or want to update on your reading progress. Enjoy my friend


Thanks for the warm welcome! I have been roaming the sub for a while and some of the non-spoilery stuff was the thing that pushed me to finally open the book. And it is very incredible to think that once I read all that I did get that feeling that its just the start of the journey! I will keep the sub updated with every book/part I finish!


I’m a 1.3 books ahead of you. I like WoK more than WoR & Oathbringer so far. That could change soon, I’ve heard the middle gets really good. Things get more interesting after WoK, but I liked focusing on the shattered plains, and how everything wrapped up so well while genuinely surprising to me (the sword for the men). It’s a more tightly wound narrative than the rest, but that makes sense because the world gets much bigger.


OB parts 1 and 2 are kinda a slog, but it gets better


OB part 4 and five is probably my favorite part of the stormlight archive


Will update in the sub when I get there! Ill probably keep updating in the sub for every book I finish since I have been silently enjoying the non-spolery parts of this community for a while now


Same. I’ve never had a book make me say things out loud to myself that many times


Yeah, I think I loved it so much because the entire book was building to (almost except for shallan and Szeth) a single large climax in regards to Kaladin, Dalinar, and Adolin


Since nobody else responded, you will find out what happened to Gaz soon enough. I love WoK and I it is my least favorite of the 4 books currently published. WoR is my favorite. Cheers to you.


Yeah, thanks for answering! I thought that since he wasnt mentioned he was either executed like Lamaril or he was simply a character forgotten about.


Wok Is the best book in the series for me actually Release order = rank order for me


None of the books are weak. Don’t believe any of that storming nonsense. Enjoy every step like it’s your most important.


Of course. I am currently enjoying WoR, it’s pretty good so far. And I love the writing and the characters so I don’t think any of the books will be weak to me


This is easily the best fantasy of all time. Enjoy. Everyone who disagrees can suck it.


It really has inmersed me into the world like nothing else I've read. I am really enjoying this series, I hope to finish it by the time the 5th book comes out so that I can join y'all when it comes out


I definitely feel like WoK Shallan is mostly setup. Except I really loved the weird, symbol head stalker stuff.


If it wasnt for some of the other scenes being so excellent, I wouldve probably put the sequence of the figures following her through her drawings in the top 5. But yeah, I am sure the set up from WoK will pay off later on. Really excited to see where her character goes after what she learns in the ending. Also the random mention of what she admits to the figures about her father???, either way really exciting stuff coming up


This is Kals book. Words or Radiance is Shallans, enjoy! Journey before destination


I will! This book series is addicting


Welcome to the club! Keep us posted on your reading journey? My favourite moment is book 1 is probably Syl realising she's an honorspren. Maybe Shallan stealing the soulcaster. Kinda curious what your singular complaint is.


I finished yesterday but didnt really have any complaints, which really surprised me. As I mentioned in the post, maybe as the excitement from reading wears off ill find things I like more in the second book (which im currently reading) but I dont think Ill have a genuine complaint for this book. For me its the perfect opening for the series, or at least it felt that way. I find your favourite moments to be great, especially since Syl saing shes an honorspren is implied (I think) to be one of the many things that push Kaladin to save Dalinar. Also Shallan stealing the soulcaster for me is a moment that perfectly shows her character, but I think I liked the poisoning scene a bit more. I will keep the sub updated on my reading progress, maybe after I finish part 1 of WoR (currently in Chapter 4).


Oh, sorry, I wrote this comment just before going to sleep and despite reading over these lines in your post several times, trying to find what the complaint is, I totally misread it every single time and thought you said you had onr complaint. >especially since Syl saing shes an honorspren is implied (I think) to be one of the many things that push Kaladin to save Dalinar "Are windspren attracted to wind, or do they make it?" "I don't know. Does it matter?"... ..."I am an honorspren. Spirit of oath. Of promises. And of nobility".


Words of radiance is gonna blow you away. It’s the best of the series IMO


Am currently reading and it is excellent! I am excited for the upcoming parts (only am in part 1)


Love that you loved the book!!! Next book is even better; if WoK is art, WoR is a masterpiece. BTW: my favorite part was right after Dalinar gives up as Oathbringer and Kaladin says "What just happened?" "What is a man's life worth?" Dalinar replies. "...a life is priceless" Kaladin says. "“Coincidentally, that is the exact value of a Shardblade. So today, you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty-six hundred priceless lives. And all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword. I call that a bargain.” Dalinar states.


That scene is super powerful! I really loved it, and just the implication once he offers it is a very impactful moment, especially for Kaladins character


Have you read any other Cosmere books?


I read The Last Empire a long time ago and Warbreaker a couple of years ago, but at the time didnt know there was a rest of Era 1 of Mistborn. But I might take a break in between WoR and OB to read the rest of mistborn. But tbh Its more likely that ill read it after I catch up to Stormlight because I want to catch book 5 in time with the rest of the community, so ill probably read other cosmere books then.




TWoK is actually the first book in TSA, u/Celrunn, not the third to last for TSA.


I think op meant third to last as in rankings for how much people like it


Yeah, I meant it in that when I went to read the series people said in order of favorites for most it was (from best to worst): WoR, Oathbringer, WoK, RoW