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I might be basic but Kaladin


May be basic but I mean, its still amazing. Nothing wrong with basic if it’s good.


I agree, he is my favorite as well. Close second is Dalinar for me, a lot of his quotes from Oathbringer are just so powerful. What is the most important step a man can take?


The next step. Always the next.


There is a reason every person everywhere knows Mario


Everyone hates on vanilla but it's a fantastic flavor.


Just because it’s the basic choice doesn’t make it any less valid. There’s a reason he’s a popular choice, because his character is just that good. I’d honestly say he’s one of my favorite characters in fiction tbh.


It's a solid choice and probably up there for me as well. Sanderson does well too in letting him fail at times. Keeps the excitement going and makes his successes all the better.


Now bear with me.....Gawx. From his interlude, to the young king doing whatever his advisors say, to taking the time to learn why his advisors make those choices and trying to learn to govern around book 3 to being kind of good at it and humble as he learns all the way in book 4. Like, he grew pretty dang well. Low key.


Legitimately based answer. Probably the most slept on character in terms of growth imo.








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/r/fuckmoash never forgive, never forget!


I will protect those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself


Adolin. He's just a good person. Going from the impulsive hot head to being able to plan and prepare for larger things while watching everyone around him and everyone that he cares about turn into the warriors from legend with fantastic powers and not be remotely bitter or jealous about it is incredible. He is supportive of them all in the ways that he can be, and I think that's awesome.


When was this? I don't recall Adolin being an impulsive hot head. I remember a young man under stress while watching his father, who he worships, go insane and ruin their family. He was, right from the start, always a great person. Really the best. Really, you might even say he's a 'Better Man' than his father.


They are probably directly referencing stabbing Sadeas to death. He did it for good reasons, but it was an absolutely impulsive, emotionally fueled action that he had not pre-meditated. Though it solved a massive problem for not only him, his father, his house and the future Roshar, it was an example of a very honorable character doing something completely brash and dishonorable. On a lesser scale, accepting to duel Elit, putting five shards on the line to only win two because he was so confident in himself. So confident, that he did not think about what Elit's conditions on the duel could actually mean out of hubris, which also created the situation where he was outmatched. Without Kaladin to save him, Adolin and Renarin would likely have been killed. These are folds in Adolin's character that make me love him and make his development so interesting. He is a spectrum of human emotion in action.


I think we're supposed to get that impression from his constantly changing women, insisting on duels when Dalinar opposes them, and even pushing back on his father in response to the rumors about him that he's a Little impulsive. I never thought he was a bad person by any means. My wife just started the series and said Adolin seemed kind of bratty initially. Which is also a reasonable interpretation. He might have always been good, but we definitely get to see growth.


Kaladin in Way of Kings. From the Honor Chasm to going back to save those he hates.


The juxtaposition of Amaram betraying Kaladin for a shardblade vs. Dalinar giving up a shardblade to save Kaladin and his men is just so perfect. Ch. 69 in WoK is my favorite in the whole series. It’s just phenomenal.


It would have been Elhokar, had it not been for a certain former Bridge Four member😡


This WRECKED me. I just finished my first read through of all the books.


It can still be Elhokar. His character arc really epitomizes growth.


I know this has never been said on this sub but, Fuck Moash


The Lopen.


"Dawnshard" is sooooo good!


Stick. It knows who it is and is happy and content with that.


I respect that.




Adolin and Maya and it's not even close. "We Chose" is my favorite moment in the cosmere. I found him a bit too perfect in TWoK/WoR but now that everyone is a Radiant I'm really enjoying his arc. I hope he doesn't get powers, to me he feels special because he's not special.






I'm a basic bitch, but Dalinar. The idea of a man who was truly so *wretched* as him. Who ended up *trying* in some regard, but fell back into his demons when given the chance. Becoming a monster, and a grief-stricken husk of a man. His absolute *horror* when Renarin brought him alcohol to try and make him happy. It was all gut-wrenching to see this man we respected so deeply at his lowest, at his worst, as the Blackthorn. All of it culminating with the death of his brother. Going to the Old Magic, that which his wife loved and revered, despite his Vorin roots running deep. Then, while reeling without the memories that had ruined him, kicking his alcoholism and strictly adopting the codes. Being the man of honor he wants his sons to see. To be better, for his brother's sake. Struggling with his attraction to his brother's widow, an attraction that was always there, with the guilt of not even remembering his wife's face. God, I could write a whole essay on Erie. On her kindness, on how genuinely fucking *good* she is, and unrelentingly so. She deserved far better than Dalinar, but she spurred him on to become a man who might have been worthy of her, even if after her passing. Her whisper, when he opened Honor's Perpendicularity. Her little 'i forgive you' fucking *wrecks* me each and every time. Almost all of the characters are excellently written, but there are those I like more than others. The Kholins are all in my top ten, Navani solidly at no. 3 after Kaladin and before Adolin. But Dalinar, man...Dalinar.


Kaladin for me. I resonate strongly with his depression and angst lol.


Dalinar, without a doubt. His arc is straight fire!🔥


Too soon. :D


Im sorry


For me it’s shallan words of radiance is my favorite book because her back story and arc is amazing but I just wanted to say when I learned that navani never called herself a scholar because it’s something gavalar said that floored me


I'm saddened by how far I had to scroll down to find this. Shallan is fantastic!


I'm going to get downvoted so hard... Moash. Dude evolves from vaguely unlikeable friend of the protagonist to antihero to villain, and it's all amazingly well-written. Brandon plays the emotions of the audience like a virtuoso playing the violin when he writes Moash.


No down vote here. His villain arc is very well written as is his character. I loathe what he does and what he's become. But it's a great descent arc. And a good thing to see how character choices can lead to destruction. Remember how scared he was when he saw the Windrunner he could have been?


A villain arc is legitimate, I think.


Best part of Moash is how competent he is in everything but his emotions. Guy gets stuff done and moves the plot better and more efficient then even the shards at times.


My only problem with Moash as a character is that we don't ever really see him and Kaladin develop a friendship. Kal just thinks it in wor at some point, then the betrayal starts. He starts out as a shitty minor character, is less shitty for a bit, but that's kind of all. Otherwise, I do enjoy how's he's Kal's foil.


The storm father


Tell me more


Well at first he was a mindless storm, he just blows, trying to kill kaladin, then, he let kaladin ride the storms, and slowed down time to show him visions, then he showed dalinar visions, then he showed others these visions, then he let dalinar ride the storm, then he let dalinar in the middle of the storm talk to kaladin, then he showed kaladin that amazing vision with tien, and last but not least he showed mercy to eshonai, letting her ride the storms, one last gift. He could have just been a storm, but he chose to be more!


Realistically, it’s probably Kaladin or Dalinar for me. But since those are obvious choices and I’ve already seen them in the thread, I’ll have a bit of fun with it and say Rlain. Really hoping he has a cool role in Book 5.


I have to say Adolin. I mean, I love all the other characters, but there is just something about the fact that he is the a character who you see through the eyes of others. He comes off as such a fop in the beginning of the series, complaining because his father won't let him do silly stuff. The moment he talks to his sword completely changed my view of him, but somehow, it wasn't an entirely unexpected development. His conversations with Shallan are so revealing. He goes from a self centered dandy to someone who starts considering the long term outcome of his actions and from a rebellious pretty boy to appreciating his father's wisdom. His loyalty is fantastic!


Hoid by a lot . If we talking roshar, adolin . I think Adolin is going to surprise us all .


Teft, 😭


Elhokar, a stick, palona, the lopens mom, chirri chirri :-)


For me, it has always been Syl.... She is the best of all!


Teft is great. When he >!spoke the third ideal, i teared up like crazy!<. Then him >!appearing through the gate with a silver shard blade!<. He has just had an interesting, if not somewhat predictable, character growth. It's a small arc, but a great one.


Shallan. But I probably just have the hots for a crazy redhead so my opinion cannot be trusted.


Couldn’t agree more


Venli. From being ambitious with wanting to bring the storm and going through the waves of everything after than realizing that the parshendi survive in the chasm.


Kaladin/Dalinar I expected muuch more from Shallan's arc, as I am artist myself, but sadly it was a terrible experience :/


Oh man I’m going to give an unpopular opinion for this one. Kaladin and Dalinar have fantastic arcs, but I truly love Venli a lot. She’s kind of a terrible, whiny person who gets thrust into growth after being manipulated, and she goes kicking and screaming the whole way. She remains self-centered and ambitious to a fault while still figuring out what needs to be done and reflecting on her past mistakes. It feels like a very realistic portrayal of someone who isn’t altruistic being pushed down a path where they’re forced to do something good and face their issues. I’ve read other books where a narcissistic kind of person has a “come to god” moment and changes for the better in the span of a single chapter, and it never feels realistic! I appreciate that Venli wants to do good while constantly messing up and remaining a brat about it haha. Definitely looking forward to where her arc goes in WaT!


It’s a tie between Kaladins 2nd depression arc and his 4th depression arc. Both were VERY COOL!


I myself am leaning towards the 3rd depression arc, but to each their own




I don’t think it’s over yet, but I’ve really enjoyed Renarin’s arc. He’s supposedly the “main” character of Book 7, which I’m excited for.




I was team Kal for a while but def Dalinar after Oathbringer


The more I read the more I love Adolin. No powers, stands up for what is right, a badass, has a darker side. I cannot even imagine where his story will go. Very excited for December.


The stick


Don't hate me for this one, but Venli. Her story gets so compelling. I can honestly say that I enjoy the way her "I messed up a bunch in the past" arc went way more than Dalinar's. She went from kinda boring scheme person in book two to one of my favorite characters in the series as a result of book 4.


Mine is going to be Adolin after book 5, assuming my personal theories come true 😈