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Maybe because this makes Cord the first Horneater Sharbearer? That’s a change


that's not bad, she might also be the first woman shardbearer right? which is a huge subversion of tradition


I guess excluding the radiants, she’d be the first one in recent history


Wasn't there the Shardbearer assassin that Jasnah hired?


Yes. She had a shardblade and would make it look like she gouges out her targets eyes.


.....now something I read vaguely led me to thinking that she didn't actually have a shardblade, but rather she had szeths oathstone. Something about her saying that she divested herself od the weapon the last time she talked to jasnah which was coincidentally the same day the parishendi acquired szeth to murder ol gav


Oh damn. Now you mention it, that does ring a bell. I think you're right.


I don't think so. The text implied that the burned eyes were a long term thing she was trying to hide. Whereas her possession of Szeths oath stone was only implied to be a short ish thing I believe. I may be wrong, but I recently started WoR and I mostly recall that chapter.


I would love to know more about her. However it’s pretty clear for me that there is lots of peasants helding shards in secret


Not really, if a peasant holds a shard their eyes become noticeably lighter. There can't really be secret "peasant" shardbearers. At the very least you're a light eyes, OR wealthy enough to afford regular uses of eye color darkening drops. Both of those things make you not a peasant.


Nah, just invoked. If they held it uncasted no one will know


That is only correct when talking about living blades, Kal's eyes slowly turn darknagain. Dead blade shard bearer's eyes become lighter and stay that way, as happens with Moash.


I thought Moash's eyes were lightened by the bonding process and went dark only after his blade was taken


If you hold the blade without bonding it to yourself sure, but the process of bonding it to yourself lightens your eyes. So yeah if they store it in a closet and don't bond it I could buy a darkeyes peasant holding a blade, since they probably couldn't afford the gem necessary to bond it.


If it’s a money thing I’m sure they would have sold the sword long ago


Totally forgot about her! Thanks for the reminder


Assuming that wasnt another herald of course


👀 I was gonna say she seemed too sane to be a Herald, but how sane can you be if you're gauging out corpses eyes for your 9-5


It's a little suspicious that Vedel -the *healer*- is also the only Herald we haven't had direct acknowledgement of seeing onscreen so far. I suppose Pailiah also counts, but Brandon confirmed her in a WOB.


I think it’s more accepted for a wine to own a shardblade than plate, since plate is very manly in appearance and is really only useful for battle. And by accepted, I mean more expected, like people expect that if a woman has a shardblade she is a secret assassin since she can pretend to be a weak woman and seduce someone and look all harmless and unarmed, then murder the person with a shardblade. I think kaladin’s suspected shallan of doing this when she first showed up in wor. He soon dismissed that and forgot about this suspicion, but I find it really funny that she actually did have a shardblade and just killed a person with it.


That would be spicy wine ;p But still, women shardblade bearers would not be accepted, because it wouldn't be known... If people did, it would be useless to an assassin.


But those who did know didn’t think of it as wrong because it goes against gender norms, they thought it was wrong because she killed people. For example, shalash in her interlude, the assassin jasna hired, and people who suspected shallan. They didn’t blush and think “so masculine”, instead they thought “dangerous murderer”. Whereas if she were out in the open like azure then people would blush and be very uncomfortable, but because she uses her shardblade in a non-masculine way, people don’t think it’s taboo in a gender way.


Yeah, I can, grudgingly, agree with that. It wasn't general knowledge however. If it would have been ,there probably would be issues. And they wouldn't be able to go anywhere without people pointing at them, making it hard to go somewhere secretly and stabby stabby someone.


If people knew about their shardblade, it would defeat the purpose. Remember when shallan’s deserters found out she had a shardblade? I don’t actually lol, but I think that reaction might give clarity to this situation


Evi owned Shardplate too before she gave it to Dalinar. But that's more like symbolic ownership


I mean... we forgetting about Shallan or Jasnah?


They meant of the not radiant variety, but that's not correct. The other assassin in the prologue is a lady with a shardblade.


Eshonai doesn't count?


Strictly speaking no, she doesn’t. She is a listener who was almost always in warform or workform, always warform or stormform after bonding the Shardblade, and singers have four sexes as a whole, with them swapping out between forms that could reproduce, and their concept of gender seemingly matched (malen, femalen, male, female) so strictly speaking no, Eshonai was not a woman who had a Shardblade. She was a crab.


> She was a crab. I don't know why, but this final sentence cracked me up.


I don't think they thought too much about the theory


That's a good catch, I just thought it was because she just got it, but it's definetly about what she said I can't make sense of it, she's not changing tradition, the plate is not changing owner, so if anything I'd expect a negative reaction from that point of view (something that would eventually develop into something like Hoid's torment) The only line of thought I have is that we know the Dawnshards have a connection with the previous owners, that and the fact that we'll probably find out more about the Spiritual in WaT makes me thing it's something tied to the dawnshard's Connection to something\\someone else (which is a very vague answer I know lol) edit: other comment made me think, she's probably the first woman shardbearer accepted in Vorin culture, that might be what the change is (it feels like the kind of change Sanderson would like to stress with this little nod) Radiants not included of course


I think it is a *change* in the Identity of the Shardplate and all Shardplate, having bonded to a Horneater woman for probably the first time.


Good catch. Maybe because it means something is *changing* hands. Or maybe it's referring to Rysn, who is also the first to claim a "Shard", the Dawnshard in this case. So the warm glow is kind of like the Dawnshard saying "yes and that's why it's OK for you to keep me."


The second interpretation is what I understood it to mean.


Horneaters having shards changes everything for their people. It's the real life equivalent of a country getting nukes, they now have a level of respect that is only matched by other nations with shards.


Well maybe before, but now with radiants? Likely more the fact that the plate is going to a women or a horneater.


It sounds to me like it was a (locked or not stated quite right) statement that would trigger the power of the dawnshard "change". Or maybe it was "reveling" in the mention of humans changing. But now I'll be paying attention for this rafo, thx.


What if, instead of the fact that something changed, it was the fact that something was kept(Tradition, Shards) that triggered the Command


Why is no one considering that it might be a change in Rysn as she said it that triggered it?


I havent read the SLA booka since RoW came out, and damn, it was super weird seeing Shard capitalized like that again, but not about the Shards of Adonalsium


We know next to nothing about Dawndhards outside of >!The Sunlit Man!< lol. Hopefully we will get answers in SA5