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Most of the times I hear people getting Strabismus surgery, and afterwards they are concerned with how their eyes look after the fact. I promise it looks worse before it gets better. If you look in the mirror and think your eyes look more unaligned than they did before, they are NOT. That is your mind playing tricks on you, your brain has processed the image of yourself pre-surgery for however long, so changing something as major as your sight, it’s like dropping a bomb on your brain😂 It needs time to adjust trust me. It will be at least 5-6 weeks until your doctor will actually be able to identify any errors in alignment or sight. So for that you can sit tight for a bit and focus on recover. The first 5 days feels very long, but this type of surgery does take a bit to heal, when I was 5 days in recovery I still had the red eyes from where the surgical tools were interested, that’s normal. I had minor improvements in eye mobility, but it will likely take another week or two until your eyes will be able to move around normally and not hurt. This is a delicate surgery, think about the fact that there are microscopic stitches inside your eyes that are doing their job, they are incredibly delicate so even tho it may be just an instinct to rapidly turn your eyes a certain way…DON’T. I promise 5 days in I accidentally shifted my eyes to the side several times and the pain is immense, best thing for recovery is to keep them closed and relax. After 99% of my recovery was done, the only real problem that was left was the stitches, which will be the last thing to go. In fact, the stitches in your eyes will be there for a couple months, in many cases you might be able to see them if you look close in the mirror. However one of the stitches in my eye felt slightly elevated, like the feeling where you have a spec of dust in your eye, that’s basically what it was like every second of every day for maybe a week or two, but it didn’t kill me haha. I may have rambled on a bit too much but I wanna make sure people don’t 1) Mess up the surgery and 2) End up regretting it.


Also reading my comment back it wasn’t as cheery as I would’ve liked it to be but in conclusion, you’ll get through it just fine. You can certainly update on your observations, in my experience with the surgery, I had many questions during certain points about whether I wasted my money, but I was reassured in knowing that all of those questions were normal and nothing bad


6-8 weeks


So initially in your case it also was far from the final result at the beginning?


All 4 of my strabismus surgeries were unsuccessful. It takes 6-8 weeks to know if the surgery was successful


Which type of strabismus did you have?


Oh, that's sad :(


Hi all, any updates on your progress? Thanks


Hi, unfortunately no result at all, almost the same as before. Didn't start my second attempt yet, but want to try this year


I had my second surgery a week ago and it will be at least 30 days..expect some time for healing which can take more than 8 weeks..and some time before your brain aligns with your muscle control..


my results were immediately after surgery. i got the surgery to correct double vision and esotropia. i had the surgery in march of this year and i still see one image without glasses and haven’t had any reverting back to esotropia


This is the best outcome I’ve heard. My 7 year old daughter has (had?) esotropia, our surgery was last Wednesday. I’m extremely anxious to see if her depth perception is restored, if her eyes will stay straight, etc.


Hi, I am 18 days post op and I take multiple selfies every day to see the evolution, as I am extremely afraid of my eye reverting back in it's inward position. My eye has been straight since day 1 and hasn't moved (yet at least). Do you take selfies? I strongly recommend doing so; I feel it helps the process.


Yes, notv every day but trying to collect some. At the same time it's kinda tricky because my angle was related with eye tiredness...


I had a mild case in one eye. I saw results immediately after surgery.


I absolutely did not see results right away. Took 6-8 weeks to finally really settle.


So you were disappointed at the beginning but after some time you got the result you wanted, right?


Yep! Exactly. My surgeon tempered my expectations pretty good. I took weekly photos and patching helped me quite a bit. I wouldn’t patch unless you get the ok from your ophthalmologist though - it’s not helpful for everyone. Give it some time. Remember if you had hip surgery you wouldn’t be fully functional 5 days out.


which eye did you patch?


My non-strabismus eye.