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[Mexican Alien Bodies Found in Nazca Are Authentic, Non-Human & Unknown To Science, Scientists Say. One of the doctors says in Mexcian Congress Maussan's "non-human beings" come from the future](https://www.howandwhys.com/mexican-alien-bodies-are-authentic-non-human-unknown-to-science-scientists-say/?fromredditSE)


Maybe an unpopular opinion but if we can layout the foundation of a 10,000 Sq ft building with a tape measure and a string line and it’s accurate to an inch I think someone with enough time on their hands could do this the same way. Triangulation and math.


This is what I was thinking - they knew how to draw and all you need to do is scale it up from there. Not too much of a stretch for early humans.






I can't entirely disagree with you there


I’ll be the redditor here. They weren’t “retarded”. They were in a similar situation all of you nutsacks are in. Place yourself in the shoes (you had to fucking make) of the of the person who may have done these. YEARS of toil but every other member of his family gathered food or ensured irrigation. None of which is viewed upon today. Half of you commenting on this, in the time back then, would be thrown into a river because you would most likely be deemed “retarded”. I for one am super proud of our commitment to ensure those who may not have the mental fortitude are accepted into society.


Upvote for.. " all you nutsacks ".. I'm dying over here 🤣


Yeah,all them imbeciles


Lol yes! Great reply@ok-entrepreneur


Have you seen my baseball!?!?!?


Franks and beannnnns


Modern humans have a lot of support systems to sustain them even though they're idiots. Those S American natives had to be on their toes.


The interesting part about humanity is, yeah, a bunch of us are fucking retarded but every once in awhile though you get a true blue fucking genius. Then depending on the time they are born into completely changes how far they can take that genius. Think about how much Stephen Hawking could have done if he was born in like 1000 AD or even early 20th century.


Genius, or autistic?


He would have done nothing, they weren’t tolerant of the disabled.


That's what I was thinking when I typed it. He and alot of people either would have been left out to die or burned at the stake but they still existed and a few of them got to leave a lasting mark on earth.


That only cements the theory that humans were probably smarter back then than they are now. So I say they were smart enough to draw large 1 dimensional pictures and we are dumb enough to believe it was aliens.


Did you just say 1 dimensional picture?


I told you were were dumb.


Did you also just say “were were dumb”?


Yes. But this mistake is cuz im tried.


Lol you sure are making some great mistakes. Get some sleep and dream about some 1 dimensional pictures. I’d love to hear more on the subject.


Back then the stupid ones died. Now they survive and breed.




True Modern humans are also insanely brilliant


Honestly. I crave conspiracies as much as the next nutjob, but human ingenuity has been the same for tens of thousands of years and deserves credit where it's due. The modern human brain has been around for thousands of years between 35,000 and 65,000 years ago if I remember right, with the first civilization (Mesopotamia) appearing about 6000 years ago in the middle east. Everything now is such a streamlined process compared to the techniques and tools of the past that many people can't fathom how something could been done without something like a modern crane. In reality everything was just a decades long process (say the Parthenon taking 17 years and the Colosseum taking 20), or sometimes taking entire lifetimes like the Basilica (127 years) depending on the size and how limited the technology was for their time.


The first civilizations have been around much longer. Check out gobleki tepe. It's from around the younger dryas, 13000 years ago.


I don't think people believe that ancient folks were "retarded". I think it's more of the lack of modern tools and the lack of an individual's knowledge on a subject, such as geometric designs.


Maybe you don't, but people certainly do think that


Plus apart from it being big we're acting like it doesn't look like shit. Clearly done under the supervision of an advanced civilization.


What are you talking about man??? Its photorealistic. I thought that was a actually a giant hummingbird.


Hahaha exactly


To be fair, the straightness of some of those lines are impressive. I can’t even make it across my 40 foot yard with a mower in a straight line most days.


but if you lined your yard with string, which is what they used even at great distances, then that yard would be ship-shape


Very true.


Right. Would love to see if a modern person could figure out how to tan a hide all on their own.


I remember seeing these as a child on the Discovery Channel and thinking it wouldn’t be that hard for a person to do this. By child, I mean I was around 5. Of all things they could do, why would aliens draw a random monkey just to fuck with us? These are also pretty human specific drawings; animals, birds, insects, and such. What did we see in cave paintings? Pretty much the same thing.


When I was a kid I'd make figures in the snow out in the flat lawn. I bet mom thought they were special too.


They were very special, sweetie!


The idea that ancient non-white civilisations weren’t capable of things like architectural design or astronomy, and therefore must have been helped by aliens, is the kookiest manifestation of white supremacist thinking there is.


You literally just reminded me of this meme (which ironically has the 2000+ year old Nazca illustration) https://preview.redd.it/e80ak9zcvqzb1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d41f2e9ede7483a5a10ca9f93071754c6036c8


Geniuses have been born throughout mankinds history, thank goodness.


I mean let’s build a granite pyramid better than the Egyptians then let’s prove our smarts 😂 oh wait our human psychology prevents us from building things for no reason. Makes you wonder why a pyramid when it’s not a tomb.


I feel like most people couldn’t figure out how to do this today. So those people thinking prehistoric people are dumber than modern humans and were just slow cavemen, think that there’s no way they could do this, it was aliens.


I read a cheesy motivational quote that I thought was pretty clever. “Work so hard that people will think aliens did it”. Or something like that. Like imagine the pinnacle of your career, years of work and ingenuity, blood sweat and tears. And 5000 years later someone says, nah aliens did it. lol.


When it comes to ancient peoples it's always brown people are stupid but lighter skinned people are geniuses.




Did I insult you?


2000 years isn’t even really ancient. The coliseum was built around the same time. Thinking that brown people can’t draw lines is just racism


I totally agree, but I also kind of wonder why would you do that if you can’t even look at it?


For the gods to see. Why do huge swathes of people from all cultures go worship a god weekly or more that they can't see.


Especially considering none of these drawings are symmetric at all. The monkey doesn't even have the same number of fingers on each hand If they did have help from aliens it wasn't very good help


I believe they could but why? Pictures for the gods maybe?


I agree. The thing that still puzzles me is whom they made it for? The combined length of the lines is 800mi. On the ground it would be completely indistinguishable what you’re making, so we have to assume the lines are intended for an aerial POV. Being able to upscale these figures is mind boggling as well. Imagine trenching out hundreds of cubic yards and knowing you need to start making a slight curve. Nuts. Edit: My aerial POV conclusion is based on a lot of the other lines not shown in the video that resemble an airport runway / landing strip. This is not fact because all we know for certain is that all anyone can do is speculate.


Assuming it's for an aerial POV is already tainting the data with our modern concepts. We look at them from aerial photographs, of course it'll seem that this is what was aimed at. If you're making a giant knob in the snow, you might not necessarily think of aircraft or aerial POV, but just that you want to draw something in the snow because you can, and you yourself know what shape it has. I think in a way you can apply a similar reasoning to these shapes. Maybe the reasoning is some sort of prayer, and walking a specific path gives it meaning. The shape might be entirely linked to the path and knowing what path you're following, completely unrelated to whoever would see it from up there. In fact, aerial views might be a rather foreign concept to many cultures if they've never seen it. Of course my explanation is guessing just as much as you, and you might be right when it comes to the aerial POV. My point is just to be careful not to make conclusions based on what seems obvious to us modern humans.


Also, the humanoid figures have 4 digits on their hands.


They made it for the sky gods. South American natives were crazy enough to sacrifice their children to please the gods, this effort of drawing huge lines seems pretty easy compared to that.


They made it for us. Thanks ancient Nazca culture!


Either for gods or alien viewership


Could’ve just been an ancient Jeff Bezos that was bored, rich, and wanted to “push the boundaries”.


They are probably ritualistic or just artistic in nature. Probably done as a device to convince and control their people, have them working on something they thought would bring rain and other boons to their people. Pleasing their gods. Or maybe one of the tribal leaders just felt like carving huge figures in stone to leave a mark in the earth. Humans do crazy things like these all the time. Caligula, a roman emperor, declared war on the sea and had his soldiers stabbing the ocean. The egyptian piramids are just enormous tombs with no real purpose other than religion and displaying the grandeur of their civilization and ruler. We've been building enormous temples and churches for as long as civilization has existed, these lines are probably this culture's version of that. And I think that's far more interesting than aliens.


The pyramids at Giza has never produces a single mummy from them. So they are clearly not just a tomb. Most likely it was an electrical power plant.


Power plant that ran the water pump underneath. I’ve heard both theories. Maybe the Sahara was green from the pyramids pumping water out there for agriculture. Then the saltwater from the flood came through and ruined the crops and soil.


>Most likely it was an electrical power plant. Uh, quite a leap there.


To be fair, it's pretty obvious, what electrical power plant has mummies? Zero!


Good point! 😂


Yeah man, they definitely weren't looted over centuries because they were very obvious large monuments, they were definitely gigantic stone power plants. There's about as much evidence of Egyptians landing on the moon.


The thing here in my opinion is not being able to do this. The mystery lie in; Why? Is not like they had drones to see this “art”. The only logic I see for this is that they wanted to communicate with their “Gods”, probably the sun in most cases, but who knows.


People here don't make any attempt to study the cultures of the people who's artifacts and structures they build these claims off of. The nazca believed some of their gods inhabited the mountains and hills that surrounded them. And these designs can also be seen from those mountains and hills. Some of them are even in better proportion when viewed that way.


Wonder how the ancients built the great pyramid and aligned it basically perfectly to true north


I’ve seen people make nice pictures just by shuffling their feet in the snow on a field


I want to see you do curved lines and a spider


When said "2000 years ago" some people picture caveman...


Right…that was the same time the Roman republic was becoming the Roman Empire and when Jesus walked the earth…the great pyramid of Giza was already 2,500 years old at this point.


It is my understanding these can be seen from nearby mountain tops but, having not been there, I'm not sure. Fascinating for sure. A high vantage point would certainly help with viewing them.


Some of them are made on the mountain faces themselves, likely made to be viewed from the adjacent mountains


*Hey Neighbouring Tribe, Fuck You*


Confirmed first use of emoji?


I actually filmed these from a Cessna a ways back. The humanoid ‘spaceman’ blew my mind and my impression was that it’s not human. You can’t really see the NAZCA lines (not ‘Mazda’ as I incorrectly wrote) without an airplane that is why they were discovered so late. There is also a depiction of a spider with an additional elongated ‘leg’ of which only one exists on the planet and it’s in central Africa suggesting that whoever drew these lines were world travelers during a time when archaeology suggests people were not. ** corrected NAZCA for Mazda though I bet a Mazda ad exec is now debating if it’s worth risking accusations of cultural appropriation to shoot a commercial where a Mazda3 tears through the desert like a bat out of hell whilst drawing those lines in the sand.


Also, what really surprised me is that the Peru mummies that are currently being made public just happen to look a lot like the Nazca "spaceman"...


....In what regards? That he has two arms, two legs, and two eyes...? Wow, incredible. Is there anything else on Earth that even looks like that?!


Not to mention the obvious conclusion that the faked spacemen were possibly modelled to resemble the nazca art?


> the Mazda lines I went to their website, but i'm more of a Hyundai fan myself :) /s


Hahahah omg ya got me. Type and run guilty as charged! :) I may just leave it up there for good measure


Wow, so cool you got to film them!


I have been there and yes you can see them from the mountains and you don't even need to climb that high, like a 2 minute hike is all it takes. There's also platforms along the highway you can climb to see them from. They're only a couple stories high. For conservation reasons it's better to see them from a plane, building more roads and pathways for tourists to see them from the ground would ruin them. Plus they are spread out, it's a lot faster to just fly over them.


the degree of viewing point wont look the same as from directly up top view.


They had math back then


They had hot air balloons they'd ride, [not even kidding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWKlRR3W9qs).


Math exists whether someone understands it or not independent of their observations.




Math has not been here the whole time. It’s not the code of all existence. Math is just another language that humans made up. It just so happens to be a well suited language for depicting how the world around us works. We don’t “discover” math, we “leverage” math. You could think of it like the difference between a ruler, and a distance. Yes, distances in some form or another have always existed for eternity (except when space as we know it didn’t exist). A ruler just helps us understand distance. Rulers have not been here the whole time. Math is just a tool like a ruler, not a concept like a distance. If you want to be pedantic, let’s be properly pedantic…


He didn’t say anything contradicting that. Just that people had it back then.


Totally. Math is way more than just numbers


These people were just us without modern technology. They could absolutely have done this.


Yea weird mfs here acting like they made Mona Lisa. Monkey 4/10, mosquito 3/10, pterodactyl 4/10.


Lmao exactly this. I never thought of it that way!


And clearly they did


You'll be surprised how intelligent, and bored, people were back in the day


Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living in the moment. *Until the osmium smoke signal pager debuted* 📟




1. take mushrooms or other available psychedelics 2. have conversation with the stars 3. send messages to the stars in your free time


So many people can't comprehend what humans can do with a head full of psychedelics, a dream in their heart, and free time. I mean some asshole in Ohio (I could have the state wrong) proved over a decade ago he could move stone henge sized rocks by himself and set them in the ground vertically straight. A group of druids could easily have made Stone Henge over a single season. Comparatively having a bunch of people walk the same laid out path repeatedly is not that impressive. As to the why of all of it. Because fuck you, we wanted to, and we could.


No internet, streaming, rock concerts, Michelin Star restaurants, Alaskan Cruises, Titanic submersible rides, or books. Time, though, they had a lot of it.


The amount of people that say they couldn't dig/draw lines in the ground because it was 2000 years ago scares me.


Indeed. I’ve whitewashed the lines of a rugby pitch from scratch without a plane, using this thing called maths and a measuring tape.


"Measuring tape"? What black magic is this?!


For some reason a lot of people think that the human brain was different 2000 years ago. It’s exactly the same.


That's EXACTLY what an alien would say


This is literally it


Like only 20% was used for foraging or hunting or most day to day tasks. Ancient people had a fuck ton of free time. It’s probably just some ancient art pieces.


Coincidentally, they also had a lot of free time to fuck a ton 🙃


but how did they weigh the fuck to know when they had made a ton 🤔


2000 poundings = one fuck ton




A lot of mountains around the area as well. Could’ve easily been directed and enjoyed by people


Also, they couldve built a platform. Only a couple stories tall would be needed


This is correct. Look into "L/L research" website. The material is called the ra contact, recorded in the 80s. Explains how pyramids were built, how and why these lines were made and bunch of other interesting things.


Doesn’t answer the question though, who’s meant to see it


Obviously the gods they worship


The Sun god.


They are... From the hills nearby.


Why do people do art




I read last time this was posted, that these were walking paths and represented a journey to walk on. Each psych is different and gives you a diff feel, etc. Makes sense.


Shaman psychedelic trips. Trip balls, walk the paths and manifest each visualisation of the animal or deity


Boom. This


For whatever deity they revered? 🤷‍♂️ Most primitive cultures didn’t/don’t believe in an invisible, omnipotent being. They all more or less believed that gods were people with extended lives and/or powers to control the elements. As such, it would make sense to them that their god’s eyesight was just as good as theirs so they made the lines big to make it easier to see from the sky, where the gods lived. It’s just a matter of scale. Make a dick in the snow that’s 1 foot long on either side of the shaft. Now make another one but instead make it 1 meter long on either side. It’s simple proportions.


It’s clearly a signal to aliens. What else could it be?


Having a smartphone makes you less primitive?


Yes they could, now shut up




They would stand on each others shoulders until they are high enough. 🙃


This is the correct take


**For who?** For themselves, for the sky gods they believed in just like most cultures believe in sky gods. **How would they check their work?** It's not impossible. Just because you can't work out how to draw lines in a desert doesn't mean an entire ancient culture couldn't work it out.


They’re prayer paths. Walking them while praying sends one’s prayers more directly to their target, or something. Aka meditation paths. Walking them while meditating allows deeper meditation, or something. Why do you think the end point is always the origin, and they can be traced in a single line? They’re not meant to be seen by any real beings, they’re meant to be seen by mythological beings. Why is this stuff so hard for people?


https://i.redd.it/l5zhp1bhjozb1.gif ***When you reach the end of the longest prayer path… but then realized it was the wrong one***


>2,000 year old Nazca Lines in the desert that can only be seen from a plane Not true. There are surrounding hills that can see the images. No, planes required. >could ancient humans have drawn this without help? They can. They did. If ancient humans couldn't have done this, it wouldn't have happened.


They can't narrow down exactly when these lines were made but for the majority of their guessed timeframe the Roman Republic/Empire existed. I'd say what the Romans pulled off is a lot more impressive than these lines.


And to think the great pyramids were further from the ancient Roman time than the Roman time is from us. Then to think that Djoser's Step pyramid with all its architectural enginuity was already history by the time the great pyramids were built. But nah, they couldn't have possibly drawn basic shapes in the sand. /s


I drew a giant dick on a frozen lake once.




Yes. They did draw these without help. They’re crude and irregular. If they were precise and symmetrical then we could talk about assistance from an advanced civ. But these drawings are just big - nothing special in terms of capabilities of ancient people. We don’t give ancient people enough credit.


Easily. You didn't draw giant dicks in the snow when you were a kid, did you?


Where does that Arrow point?


Yes. Yes they could. Math and distance were actually around back then too.


Anyone who lives in a climate with snow knows you can make designs in fields without being elevated they turn out a little wonky like these.


With some ropes and lime.


Yes they could and yes they did. Established fact.


People in ancient times were just as smart as we are today. In all likelihood, there was probably someone in ancient times with more natural IQ than anyone in recorded history.


They could and they did.


I might be the most ignorant people on this universe but i hate it if we downplay the might and ability of our ancestors. Just because they play with rock and dust doesn't mean they can't make anything grand. Remember one of our ancestors brave the vast ocean only rely on stars, are you saying they can't figure that out without some divine or outworld intervention?


Would really like to know how *we know* that these things are 2,000 years old


They had Nascar that long ago?


If we could build the empire state building im sure some very bored people could draw some lines in the dirt.


yes they could? 🤷‍♂️


I’m Ron Burgundy?


***Damnit!*** *Who typed a question mark on the TelePrompter?*


Berkeley students did it with no assistance from up above [https://www.berkeleyprep.org/news-detail?pk=601016](https://www.berkeleyprep.org/news-detail?pk=601016)


Bro, they're lines in the dirt. It's not a quantum computer.




What amazes me about Nazca is not the geoglyphs, but the thousands of trapezoid across the land. Take a look using Google Earth - some of these trapezoid stretches over mountains, the only way you can do that is from the air. There's just simply no way people can create a straight line that stretches for miles over uneven terrain. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/XGEhLHdS9Di8C8tb7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XGEhLHdS9Di8C8tb7) Turn on **Satellite** layer to see it. https://preview.redd.it/4xz1orbbyizb1.jpeg?width=2650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d9dd78761d118a15a4f34682b20758bad31b80


How could the only way to draw a straight line be from the air? I am sure straight lines have been constructed without aerial devices. The straight lines on mountains are impressive, but can easily be man made. These were intelligent, talented people with a lot of time on their hands. I’m sure if you could be right next to the lines you’d see the imperfections by the hands of man. From a plane, yes they may look surgically straight, but man has done much more impressive things than this


If you zoom in you can see that they arent that straight and its not too hard to follow a compass or landmarks


I'm sure anyone could with enough time and patience.


Why would anyone do this even if they have the time? This is just another tiny portion of the Nazca line: https://preview.redd.it/n7zcjs9mfjzb1.jpeg?width=3042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888256d0fcbbac2f22f3e02f3bde0609b92b6825 Why would people create these shapes and lines? You can easily tell that it's not made intentionally, it's random - and caused by something in the air scraping the land.


Why did people draw that S thing in school books? Send some links with some evidence on something in the air scraping the land and not someone pulling or digging etc. I genuinely haven't done the research on it. I don't want to completely dismiss the idea, the odds aliens exist are 100% but it doesn't mean they've been here. It seemed silly to ask how they could do it when I'm sure you could think of at least one way humans could do this. I mean have you seen graffiti?! lmfao if we saw that in a field we'd be like wtf is that shit. What if they did math that made it super easy to take it from paper or whatever they had onto a bigger scale. Again I just thought it was odd to ask how could they do this and not a complete dismissal of aliens. Just trying to be realistic with my thoughts lol


they probably did this as markers for ‘visitors’ from some place, that tells that this is the planet with lots of flora and fauna etc.


The Why Files did a video on this, I suggest watching it


Tell me you didn’t watch “Art Attack” as a child without telling me you didn’t watch “Art Attack” as a child.




Yes they could and they did.


Love the Simon Garfunkel cover


I believe aliens built the pyramids before I believe ancient humans couldn't have made the NASCAR lines.(auto correct. I'm keeping it.)


Let me ask you another question. Can an alien civilization with advanced technology capable of interstellar flight, create images that look better than shitty kids drawings? I mean look at the kinds of crop circle designs people can make using just drawings, ropes and simple measurements and then ask yourself this picture represents any kind of advanced knowledge or tools. Look at the corn maze designs people with GPS can make and then try and tell me the people who made this had even more advanced tools at their disposal.




SIGH. Yes, YES humans can, and DID build this without help. Stop with the conspiracy theories. Humans have been capable of great things for a long time.


Y'all really think early humans were dumb as shit lmao.


The ancient civilizations had more than what is actually being told. They had lighting, the magnetic field, drill tools, battery power, and they even built better builings & blacksmith better than we do. i have no doubts they had the knowledge of some form of flight, no aliens involved, but untold truths of the past.


I went to Peru a year ago and fulfilled a lifelong dream of seeing the Nasca lines. Nasca is very out the way but worth the trip and the 30 minute flight over the lines to see the ones in the video and more. Just freaking amazing to see them in person and learn how they were made, and how one German woman devoted her entire life to preserving them. When they built that highway you see towards the end? They built it through several of the formations without knowing they were there. She kept other roads from being built, and eventually Peru got on board with the preservation. They are still discovering new formations to this day.


The Big question is why they were so bored as to do this?






The Peru/Mexican alien mummies were found in a cave near the Nazca lines (if everything about their discovery is true)


I wrote the word "FUCK" 50 feet long out in the dunes with sticks when I was like 9 so the airforce guys flying over would see it. I imagine people with actual skill, a proper goal in mind, and the kind of passion that comes with likely spiritual matters, wouldn't have too hard a time figuring it out.


There are hills nearby. You can see the shapes from there


Everyone can do it, except the people with no arms and legs


Oof. They’re worse off than lieutenant Dan


Now that we know that there are ancient alien mummies in that area, maybe it wasn’t humans who created these petroglyphs. Maybe NHE’s also make art.


Yes, because that is what happened. If you believe ancient aliens or some foreign influence conspiracy theory you're essentially saying "I hold the racist belief that these people were too stupid to do the things they did". Which is humorous, because they knew how do to do it with the technology they had, and you have no idea.


How is it racist? I agree with you on everything else but that link doesn't make since... you're the second person i've seen that linked it to race when there's been no mention of it other than by the 2 of you


One of them is literally 'the astronaut'


They can draw something like this with basic math. It’s not that hard.


We built bombs capable of evaporating entire cities and you think drawing lines is beyond our capacity???


You just scrape the ground for a long time? People were bored AF back then.


Lots of time on their hands, flat environment. Entirely plausible.