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[There is another tragic case of Tania Head, a well known 9/11 survivor, faked being in the South Tower during the attacks and served as President of The WTC Survivors Network before people found out she was lying. She was not even in the United States during the attacks.](https://www.howandwhys.com/tania-head-the-woman-who-faked-her-9-11-survivor-story/)


Joe didnt reveal anything, this has been known since the beginning.


[Sen. Bernie Sanders questions Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a Senate Budget Committee hearing.](https://youtu.be/dX2qvbznGKM?si=dU--kUztybQnlGS-)






Are you okay?




The DoD hasn't ever passed an audit. i can't recall how many trillion are estimated to be missing but more than 2 trillion. We all know coffee cups don't cost $1200. That money goes somewhere. It flows right back to the oligarchy.


babbys first 911 conspiracy




What about Larry Silverstein taking out some insurance policies on the towers right before the attack?


What about all the gold missing in the basement???


Yeah, forgot about that. It just seems like it was one big money grab


That and a reason to get backing for the Patriot Act and invasion of other countries which allows for more military bases in strategic positions in places you wouldn’t have otherwise. Not to mention other reasons we don’t know and never will


For sure, it ushered in the current surveillance era.


Old news government is just a big money laundering operation get used to it.


We’ll get all the details in 80 years.


with the Kennedy assassination reveal.


The inly way to change that is to make everyone aware so we can all fight it together, business as usual sucks ass for most of us


This person gets it. Kick and cry all you want. It won't change a God damn thing.


I’ll believe the official narrative if they could just explain building 7


Something about diesel fuel burning in the basement that caused it to collapse just like the other two. Two big buildings smashed by jetliners and 1 smaller building with a fire in the basement all collapse exactly the same way? Not suspicious at all.


There was foundation damage from falling debris, but the main cause allegedly was the uncontrolled fires near the center of the building that ruined the integrity of a central structural support column. There's a helicopter view of the crash out there that shows the center collapse first. It's unique in that it went completely unattended for like 8 hours.


What about the video were Silverstein told the guys to “pull it”? Thats demolition talk used to blow up a building.


Two big buildings collapsed next to and on top of a smaller building


There’s video of the building falling. Looks completely intact and not much in the way of falling debris to take it down. It also falls perfectly like a demolition. Idk. Maybe the videos just aren’t good enough to see the debris.




That reminds me of that tragedy


I walked through blood and bone to find my brother.


Peace be with you.


Joe Rogan isn't "revealing" anything here. WTF?




>Joe Rogan reveals… Please fuck all the way off.


Want to know what’s funny about this? There’s fact check sites that say that Rumsfeld never said that. It’s wild really


I mean, there’s literally video of the press conference where it was stated…


And some of us actually watched the press conference as it was happening


Just wait another year or two when AI video becomes so indistinguishable from reality that history is retroactively altered and there's no way of knowing once the disinformation campaign utilizing it gets rolling. Why release something like the JFK files, when in a few years from now the public will start to believe it less and less? Same with Nixon and any scandal involving the CIA. They're just waiting things out and there's nothing we can do about it. Perhaps even when the truth about UAP comes out it won't even be real. But there's no way we'll know.


thats their luck


Google: "What is a checksum hash?"


That was such a worrying thing when "government fact checked" became a thing. Higher ups get to double checkmark facts of history, what they want to be true and everyone will blindly follow it. You can have a list of things where half of them are true and the other half are coverups and a huge group will die on the hill that it's all perfectly honest and truth in the universe.


They’re so naive and believe the government is truthful and has their best intentions at heart


Generally speaking governments have been dictating “facts” and writing their own history since the inception of giving away your power to someone else to keep you safe. Now, here we are with government unable to compete with their facts up against endless video evidence. It’s unraveling and it all comes undone soon.


Thats what the left wanted because of Trump. Nothing was fact checked before Trump.


Actually, he did say it... There's literally a clip in this video of him saying it. But it is taken out of context. If you actually read his speech, he wasn't saying the day before 911 2.3 trillion dollars disappeared. He was saying our financial systems are decades old, and we can't track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions over the years. Someone else in the DoD said the same exact thing a year earlier.


That's even more suspicious, because the press conference was real, i saw it.


That's one of the reasons we're allowed to tinker with AI. In the future they'll just tell us any inconvenient videos/photos/sound bites were Ai generated. Case closed /s


It’s a good reminder. Most people don’t know about this.


Rogan is a boner.


I’ll just leave this here: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/rumsfeld-did-not-reveal-loss-23-trillion-day-before-911-2023-09-14/


Black budget, sure. But there are a lot less riskier ways to hide this then launching planes and missiles at yourself. Edit: Also, extremism in Islam has and continues to be a concern for most western countries. I can't remember when but I remember during some stressful times Putin said "we have the information about 9/11 if we do not get insert demand", I believe it was when Obama was president. This falls inline with that psyop, could we have known it was coming. sure, could those people have done all that to get a insurance payout, sure, but Russia very much wants us to think its our own government, les not forget what they do to their own people, with evidence.


I also remember this, the answer is probably inside that tear drop he donated to New York for 9/11. The secret was so grave to keep that Osama was dumped in the ocean and no one was allowed to know where. Weren't many of the seal team that killed Osama later killed in a helicopter crash? Edit* Yes, tragically, in August 2011, just a few months after the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, a U.S. military helicopter carrying members of SEAL Team 6 was shot down in Afghanistan during a mission. The crash resulted in the deaths of 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALs from SEAL Team 6, as well as eight other U.S. service members and eight Afghan commandos. It was one of the deadliest incidents for U.S. forces during the Afghanistan conflict.


Seal Team 6 has nearly 2,000 personnel. It is not just one small group of guys. It’s a whole bunch of different groups of guys. Some members that were on the Osama operation died in that helicopter crash. But the majority are alive & still kicking.


Just loose ends


but they did shoot themselves, that's literally what happened bro. your ignorance is terrifying


This is like one of the fist things "truthers" bring up. Been hearing this shit for 23 years now. Look at recent news, the government has misplaced billion and trillions of dollars. Its laughable


Serious question, why is it laughable?




I love seeing downvotes come in for asking someone to elaborate like we all should know indefinitely why it's laughable as if the US government is just fantastic at budgeting and money management.....


In the pentagon, where the plane hit, was store the financial records as well.


I do remember that


This theory has been around since 9/11 happened. Old news.


Jesus Christ he is a real dummy


Rogan appeals to the intellectually lazy.


this is literally brain rot


true, distrusting our government who would stage a terrorist event against itself is "brain rot." why use deductive reasoning or fact or even consider why every single piece of information surrounding this story makes absolutely no sense.


The corruption in this world is beyond comprehension.






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I thought all that was supposed to trickle down?


Joe believes absolutely everything he's told...


this is cut out


well that's okay in this case because what he's been told is true, 9/11 was an inside job. it's proven. we even have new whistleblowers and footage of the "plane" (missile) hitting the pentagon


Proven, genius? Show the definitive, indisputable truth. You'll be rich and famous...


>a plane slams into the very part of the building they are doing accounting Don’t really feel like the specific floor they hit mattered too much 🤷‍♀️


he's talking about the pentagon getting hit with a missile dingus


20% chance to hit any given side on the pentagon 100% chance whatever side they hit is going to be housing trillions of dollars of transactions the govt wants to write off lol Like why is it so much more likely this is a massive conspiracy and not just the govt being opportunistic over hiding trillions in waste after a terror attack?


how is that better in your eyes?


I’m not saying it’s better but just pointing out that a lot of these conspiracies are too involved for their own good. Like okay let’s say the US govt was directly overseeing the entire terror attack and gave specific instructions for the pilot in the plane that hit the pentagon to hit the specific side and floor he hit. Okay, but what if he doesn’t do that and hits any other side by accident (stressful situation yanno)? Does that change the govts plan? “Oh shit he didn’t hit the accounting department guess we have to fund *another* massive terror attack and try to get this right?” Or do they just say he hit their accounting dept no matter what because they have wasted trillions of dollars in the worst ways and need an easy out to completely write off all accountability for that while also making themselves look like a victim?


zero cameras pointed at the plane… fine yep just a millisecond parking 5 dollars camera


Amazingly lots of people can’t see the controlled implosion


If true, it was the crappiest implosion in the history of building demolition. I’ll give you building 7 fell pretty strangely, but the towers went all over the place, damaging nearly every structure around them. People point to the puffs of smoke coming out the windows, but that’s what happens when downward pressure forces huge volumes of air out on its way down.




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So that’s why they don’t like crypto?


Hardly anyone remembers 9/10/01


So they planned all of this out without anyone knowing in just one day?…


The money is lining joes pockets from some of this ridiculousness




one stone many birds i guess


Joe Rogan didn't reveal that, it was well known back when he was just a host on fear factor. Jfc


Today’s fear level color- “Blushing Peach” - we are all going to die.


Remind me in 30 days.... mark it


These 2, some trillion dollars went to pockets, luxury life, and fake agencies.


Oh that makes sense. Could definitely organize that in a day


Do you think the money went missing in one day?




Osama died of *renal failure.


My eyes are killing me


I fixed it. Thank you


joe rogan is an idiot


This has been known pretty much sense 9/12




Stop listening to joe rogan for information. He don't care about truth. Wake up yo


Rogans mouth just means bullshit


Cry more


who's crying babes, don't like facts huh?


Everthing literally happened though?


What wasn’t true?


Who likes Joe still?


me, a trasparent person, rare skill


Tamiflu will help find those trillions like it did fight bird flu


I honestly believe the government takes so much money from us that they can't nearly spend it all. So they have to come up with a way to get rid of it. Boom 9/11! Plus now they can all get rich from the wars. It's truly disgusting!