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Open casting tends to purely be for marketing, the studios will go to specific casting agencies for extras. If you’ve no experience getting to be an extra in a major production is unlikely, or your role will be so minor you’ll not even be seen. Often such roles require you to wait around for hours on end, when it comes time to shoot the scene it’ll involve even more waiting for a few minutes filming and doing the exact same thing about five/six times. These things aren’t as exciting as they seem, it’s mostly the credit from the experience. The more experience you get the more often you’ll be asked to do more work.


I slightly disagree, I have been casted in a couple of movies by just being in the right place at the right time. A casting director just liked my look and I ended up in that film. My first job being an extra I had 0 experience and was casted walking through a store in a major city. There were big names attached to, sometimes you're just right for the part. I also know people who got their start from open casting calls. You are 100% correct though, I stopped doing extra stuff because it is so super boring. It literally takes all day to film a couple small scenes. The pay is alright and they feed you but honestly waiting around all day and doing the same things over and over again is just awful. It's not even like you get to meet the actors either, they specifically tell you not to bother the talent. The only cool part is seeing yourself in a movie (or TV show).


I’ve been an extra a bunch of times so I know it does happen if they’re wanting people with a specific look/style. I had very little experience though it was mostly, right place, right time that I got to be an extra in World War Z. Generally the open castings they’ll sign up any hopefuls to an agency though the vast majority are simply to help feed hype. I know loads that were turned away without even been seen by anyone. I was the same, did a handful of things thinking that it would be cool though very quickly got boring and the amount of effort for very little pay really sucked out any excitement I had for trying to make it a full time thing.


That's a good one, where you a zombie?


I was indeed.


So like you had to sit in makeup too? We're the little snacks at least good? Or is it bottom of the barrel stuff Like honeydew? *Fuck honeydew*


It's like the Jared Leto of fruits


Snacks? There weren’t any snacks. Food was ok, provided by a mobile catering service so was a bit like school dinners lol. A lot of people didn’t even have any make-up on though I did so i thought that would mean I would be within camera shot…nope not even close lol. I did tell the make up team I was willing to wear heavier prosthetics if needed, I knew if I got that it was pretty likely I would’ve got some screen time though unfortunately I missed that opportunity. Things like that can bump your pay up so it’s always worthwhile letting the crew know.


My daughter filled out an application to be an extra at Star Court mall/Gwinnett mall (five minutes from our house), but they said that she would need to be willing to get a haircut and perm, but she was on a competitive cheer at the time and they had strict rules about hair so she declined. She isn't with an agency. We did a walk-thru the mall during filming and saw the extras in their 80s garb, all just sitting around in one empty store, waiting for filming. It was really interesting!


Casting calls for extras are made by Casting TaylorMade only. If you want to apply for a role, [this is what you're looking for](https://www.instagram.com/castingtaylormade?igsh=ZjZnYXBheWg5eG5l).




Do you know if there’s one for the uk?


They're only looking for extras in the Atlanta, Georgia area.


Oh sorry I mean an Instagram for casting calls, not necessarily for stranger things


Different shows use different casting companies. Both Stranger Things and OBX have casting companies that post on Facebook.


What do I need to apply?


The link in their bio takes you to their website where you can see all the roles they are casting for and what they require.


Thank you


You should do this, I went to one such casting for Season 4, got a minor role first, the creators really liked me, my role got expanded, we shot a 18+ scene with me and Nancy, then my character got cut out in post-production.






Ah, guess I was born at the wrong time. Because you have to be 18+ to be in


Proof? (Asking for my uncles nephew)


Could you provide specifics in how you slotted in before being cut if your allowed to say ? Its cool if u cant, Im just curious Edit: I wasn't impolite was I ?


They were just joking


Don't sign up with those people, trust


nine9 is not a real site for casting. CastingTaylorMade is what does extras casting but they havent posted abt extras needed in a bit


They now have AI


People are so fucked who do small time advertising voice work, customer service call centers, extras, all of it. And what the dumb duck studio heads forget is that all these extras and commercial-grade talent, all of the mass of "poors" they are so ready to throw away comprise one of the best pools for the production of long lasting character actors who are believably normal human beings. They're removing a major entry point for self-taught/natural actors and people who can't or couldn't afford to study film or theatre, and it's intentional gatekeeping. Studio heads will glady cast British gentleman as American Patriots in any film rather than actual Americans. All they care about is their internal legacy and their parasitic money suction. There isn't a studio head in America that I would trust to make a truly new or revolutionary story. A24 as a studio is close to great because they encourage experimental work, but how long until they're just another New Line Cinema, bought out and turned into little more than an imprint at the front of the film? Especially now, given how successful they've been? (Although I'd posit it's the lack of substance everywhere else that's driven people to A24 as much as their substance, some of their work is VERY hard to watch, especially for childhood and relationship abuse survivors, not because they glorified it, but they accurately portrayed it like Hereditary (specifically the dinner scene) and Midsommar (the head, the tail, the whole damn thing)).


I agree.


They did casting calls in Albuquerque for the 4th season and I’m aware of at least one person from that who had significant screen time.


I don't know if it is real or not but if it is just be sure you figure out how you are going to say "these pretzels are making me thirsty."


this is so funny because it’s true. i took acting class as an elective in high school and one of the things we were taught was how to be an extra. if they need people in the background talking they’d have you mouth random shit like “watermelon coconut”


Do not work with Nine9. They are poachers and scammers. I've been avoiding them for a while now.


general rule of thumb: don’t trust instagram ads or tv commercials. if they wanted a public casting call for extras, they’d have a way to let people know directly and not through some company you probably haven’t heard of. (source: a streaming service show filmed in the town i lived in at the time. i will not be disclosing what show or be any more specific because i still live in decent proximity to that town and don’t want to disclose where i live in any capacity on the internet. i will tell you it wasn’t stranger things. no sarcasm or hints when i say that. it wasn’t.) this is no different than those commercials that used to run back in the day talking about “you could be disney channel’s next hit! call this phone number and give us the funny numbers from the card in mommy’s wallet!”


No because the only one real is Casting Taylor Made


I see it is real with stranger things on that and I shouldn’t use this one. But do I saw at least on the last website that I have to be 18+


what you posted is totally fake, fraud. The only real one is Casting Taylor Made


Yeah, IK. I looked at that casting Taylor made account and there was actually stranger things casting extras in it. Go look.


No these are typically scams




Season 5 isn’t going to be out until 2026 ……




Dam I wanna be in stranger things I think it would be awesome


Do extras get paid?


I was working as a background actor for approximately a year. Even though I waited around all day long, it was so much fun and then my agent called for a part in a Western with Kevin Sorbo. They had all my clothes ready for me even the size 10 Western boot lace up a funky western skirt and funky shirt and a shawl with a bonnet. I walked behind Kevin Sorbo with the sheriff and they were in the middle of a western town although I waited all day long, it was so beautiful there in the country and the food was beyond fantastic. I cannot believe what they get to eat compared to being to being a background actor. The name of the movie was “The Avenging Angel” If I was asked to do it again at my age at 70 heck yeah I would do it again if , I would work hard to get my they’re called certificates to be able to get into my mind fails me at 70, but to be able to get into the agency where you can get hired on as an actor. Man, if I was only 20 again. They used to film in the Bank of America building where I used to work as a proofreader. I was only 23 at the time I met Beau Bridges and he had asked me out for a cuppa coffee. Mind you this was before he was married, I was so ashamed to say I had a baby I had to pick up from the sitters that I told him no. I must have talked to him for over an hour while he was filming. My boss did not care we laughed and we talked and we had so much fun, if only I could have said yes to go to that cuppa coffee my life had might have been different. And he was married to his wife for so many years he must have been a half decent husband I have so much respect for beau Bridges and he’s a very handsome man. I’m sorry about that. I said no. I still think about that today. If only I wasn’t ashamed to be a single mother at 23 with a baby, but that was back then if you have the opportunity to do background acting, you might get that chance like the guy above who said that you might get pulled out it is true, and then you will get a certificate. I think it’s called the guild work hard and you will make it. It’s a lot of peoples dreams to be an actor. You can be anything you want to be in this life. I have done so much and have loved everything I have done, enjoy your life while you’re young


I’m guessing you have to be 18+ for it?


Hmm is the casting done on a black leather couch?


Cool apply


I actually mean, is this real?


It is real. And also through an agency.


no they are not. it’s really dangerous to lie about this sort of thing, especially in a forum where children and teens may be present. Stranger Things in particular appeals to many audiences, i suggest you tread lightly when spreading lies. you can read several complaints and instances of Nine9 breaking the law and scamming people out of their money [here](https://www.bbb.org/us/mi/birmingham/profile/talent-listing/nine9-0332-49002968/complaints)


What do you think? 🤦🏻


IDK, I saw some stuff about having to pay hundreds of dolllars for it even though it I don’t see anything about that for this


In what world would you have to pay to be an extra? Dont extras get paid for the work? Its obviously a scam.


Ah so you’re the type to just believe everything you see online. Cool


I’m just being safe and there was a whole reddit thing about people’s stories about it


Hope that person didn’t affect you the way they intended. Some people can just be callous for no reason. Good on you for asking, we all need help sometimes.


He’s literally asking here first lmao, if he was the type to believe everything he’d have applied already without hesitation, don’t be a prick