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Most interesting Honda fight Balance idea: Give Honda 6 headbutts per round and when he uses more than that his account gets deleted.


I just want it to be more easily punished for how simple it is to spam and deal heavy meter damage on block. Blanka ball is even worse.


That would be awful for the character tho. He trades a lot to have access to those headbutts, his quickest medium is 8 frames for example. I mean I understand disliking the matchup cause he’s totally a bully character and that can be annoying but they really can’t make headbutt worse without killing him


Zangief's quickest medium is 8, and he's not getting a full bar of block damage on hit. Gief's heavy punch does about 80% of a bar -- same as Honda's medium headbutt -- and that's hardly as spammable, fast, and invincible as Honda. I don't think Honda's some huge threat or broken exactly, but I'd say he definitely does too much meter damage on block in a game where meter is both restricting your offense and defense options.


True but Zangief and Honda are very different characters design wise. Zangief with just one grab can do almost half your health, that’s not really something honda can do. Hondas whole thing is that he does a ton of drive damage, this allows him to get really good pressure once you condition someone enough. Also in burnout his strings are way more scary. However, you can play around headbutt pretty easily, drive impact can stuff it if you time it right and parry stops you from losing bar. Also even if you do block it Honda is -4 so he can’t do much, you just have to be careful and not click a button that will whiff/be too slow or he’ll steal turn back


This aged beautifully look what they doing to him now in season 2 😭


Blanka ball is a lot more balanced and predictable plus if accidentaly try to DI at best you get him vs at worst he damages you through armor. With Honda he can counter DI back.


Doesn’t seem like the practice helped you didn’t perfect parry one time lol.


Yeah lmao. We'll get him next time fellas (I did land some perfect parries on a different Honda a few minutes later, so I guess the practice wasn't totally useless)


Lol Im a Cammy main in Masters and i still cant perfect parry him most of the time i honestly cant stand Honda.


I just stopped and started perfecting DP lol


Pros don’t pp Hondas bs consistently nobody doing that


inb4 some liar comes on here and says he consistently perfect parries it without thinking.


In SF4, Vega had a victory quote that goes something like: "Your kind should be culled from the population". Applies to players like that Honda.


To be fair it looks like hes pulling a page from Justin Wong and just seeing how far you can get in the ranks by just using head butt.


When he's doing it that predictably you can DP him free. I would even check his DI reactions because there's a chance he'll just do another headbutt instead.


You will always have to work harder than the Honda player smh


Practice reacting with Cannon Spike.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it


This is your brain on Honda.


Most Talented and Most Intelligent [M]ediocre Controller Honda.


Average Honda main ( don't kill me guys this is a joke)


😂Is he trolling or did he actually do this the whole match?


He basically did it the whole match, yes. I ended up winning the set but I wasn't having fun lmao


As long as it works...


Is it? He did 19 head butts over 22 seconds only landing 3.


and with modern he is spamming headbutt in a way no normal player can do either, lol so dumb


Inb4 "Normal doesnt give advantages" "Damage Nerf" "You dont have the full moveset" Does it matter when you can scrub it out like this.


I’m just curious how this is even fun for the Honda? He’s at the rank where people know how to anti-air on reaction, this can’t be getting him enough wins to justify playing in the most boring way possible?


He probably did get here by steamrolling lower rank players who didn't know how to react to it, and is stuck here now because he still occasionally gets matched against people who don't know what to do.


Maybe he just wanted to be a bit silly


Sometimes you just want to be annoying and if you notice someone can't punish something, you spam it until they die or they learn.


The fun isn't in the gameplay, the fun for him is seeing how far he can rank by just headbutting. And in that I can respect him.


You could probably do this until high diamond if not master. Plat players do not have the consistent defense/anti-airs that people seem to think they do. If they did, they wouldn't be in plat. I'm not saying plat players are garbage, but solid defense and consistent anti-airs should get you to master pretty quickly.


I find these matches hilarious. They're not the coolest or most satisfying, but at some point I'm just rolling on the floor from the sheer absurdity.


If you only try to parry the head butt in the long term it will not work out well for you. You need to be doing more. Since you are + after the head butt, you should be looking to apply pressure - either stick out a low forward or even a low forward into drive rush and then start your oki pressure. Honda has a very poor wake up defense outside of SA1.


>either stick out a low forward Pretty sure low forward is outside of range after blocking and gets beat by Honda doing another headbutt or whiff punishing your low forward.


Depends on the version of headbutt used. Against light you can try to take your turn back with the plus frames since there's not a ton of space between honda and you. Heavy on the other end is an amazing space trap tool. Medium is somewhere in the middle.


What you said is actually not just applicable to the Honda matchup. It's something I need to work on in general against every other character. I'm having a hard time climbing out of Platinum right now, because I realize I should be doing a lot more than just being patient and punishing obvious whiffs and stuff. I should be utilizing a lot more tactics like safe jump setups, pressuring people with drive rush after blocking a big attack, trying to walk people in the corner and control space more. etc.


Yeah, although whiff punishing is well beyond what I would expect folks in Platinum to do. I have four characters in Master and I never even try to whiff punish - yet.


He's so baldy designed


Hondachads stay winning


**Unlimited DOSUKOII! Works**


Is it so easy to spam that cause of modern controls. Never used modern or Honda so no idea how he does those


Yes. Go learn how to headbutt and buttslam and you'l probably hit gold in a few hours. People with time can deal with it because they learn the reactions, but for anyone that only casually plays it can be very frustrating. In locals you can counterpick, but that's not gonna happen online so you adapt or just deal with the bs. I'm hoping Ed is a hard counter.


Yeah I rarely see a Honda if at all and about 3 weeks ago I encountered one that spammed butt slam. I had no idea what to do and basically had to put my controller down before I threw it at my tv. I practiced some stuff in the lab after but haven’t encountered a Honda in ranked or casual since


I have the same experience. Rare to see them, but always the same strategy. All the strategies I have seen to deal with them revolves around reactions and then applying constant pressure to keep them occupied after knockdowns.


No, it's a charge move. Difference between classic and modern is just pressing forward.


Game sucks


You helped him practice his charge skills in return lol


It’s easier with modern. All he has to do is keep holding back.


I didn't saw this... No brain Honda play then


Please tell me you won that, bc the frustration of watching this gave me the neck thing hahahaha


Love it. I don’t play as Honda but the few times I do face him in ranked I enjoy how it’s full on clownery every match lol


I just had a match in which a keen PP'd my headbutt. Mind you, I wasn't just spamming it midscreen, I was pressuring him. It went butt slam to 2x crlp to headbutt, all blocked except headbutt. And it was the first time I used Headbutt in pressure too.


As a Honda main, he went full unga bunga. Also, DI those headbutts. It's free.


can we please get separate lobbies for modern and Classic, this shit is crazy that they are trying to force this scrub mode into being.


Master Honda here. As cammy you can use st.hk after a blocked headbutt to stuff this. It also stuffs his st.hp space trap.