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She'll return, but right before they release sf7


And she’ll be D list again




I hope she comes back. The Alpha games are criminally underrepresented so far in SF6.


Yeah SF3 and Alpha characters are non-existent. It's really just the world warriors and SF6 originals (along with SFV DLC characters).


I hope there's a little love for Alpha and 3 in season 2..most of my favourite characters are from that era.


Me too honestly


Wasn't Mika an alpha character?


Yup! She’s in Alpha 2 I think? I could be wrong but she’s definitely an alpha character.


Yep, she's in alpha 3


4 and 5 are filled with Alpha characters (yes, many come as DLC). They won’t acknowledge the existence of 3 & EX, so the only place to draw characters from is Alpha, the extended World Warriors (Deejay and friends), or other Capcom titles. Here’s to Skullmania dlc in the Fall.


I agree the likelihood they'll add anyone from EX now that FEXL is a thing is incredibly low, but why wouldn't they acknowledge the existence of 3? There were 5 characters from SF3 in SF5 and 4 characters that referenced SF3. SF4 had 7 SF3 characters. Jamie's story has Yun and Yang in it. The storyline for SF5 also fed right into setting up SF3. SF6 is the first time they've moved beyond the 3S in the timeline, I'd be surprised if they never acknowledge that.


In short, you’re right. I played II, Alpha series, and even IV before playing 3rd Strike. I guess I moved Makoto, Yang, and all the dudes who aren’t Necro, Remy and 12 into that other side of my memory. Good call. Though, I guess I think Capcom still snubs 3 because of old reactions to the game, and the lack of weirdos like Necro coming back, but they brought Oro and Gil back, so never mind.


It definitely feels like they get snubbed. They're never on the base roster and the only one to make repeat appearances since 3 is Ibuki. It doesn't seem to matter how popular Dudley and Makoto are. It feels like they gave them to us in 4, and now that's it.


4 *is* my favorite… I’m sure the actual player stats for Makoto and Duds weren’t great, but I’d buy a bundle to play them. Hate doing anti-air punches with Makoto by accident, but the world is better with karate girl in it.


Speaking of 4, I hope we see Poison again. SFV Seth was great, but I'd like to see C. Viper return (assuming there's some limit on returning SF4 characters).


I'll have to consult the cards.


should be pretty high since she's a key figure in the whole "apocalypse" storyline.


she has connection to bison/shadoloo which 3/4 DLC characters in season 1 had (Rashid friend was killed by F.A.N.G, A.K.I was trained by F.A.N.G and Ed was another bison clone baby), given where the plot is going she or Menat will probably come back at some point.




Oof, I felt that.




Very slim... No, I don't hate the character. I just feel Menat has a way higher chance, and IF we do get Menat, I don't see Rose coming.


Menat was extremely unpopular in SFV despite what people might try to tell you, she was as used as Fang, you can go check SFV usage rates and she's consistently bottom 2-3. No one actually gave a shit about Menat as a character.


People liked Menat as a character, they just didn’t like playing as her.


I love setplays characters but just like most setplay characters she required too much investment to learn in a game I lost interest in. If they give her a second try, I definitely main her.


I hope she gets a rework if she does come back. Same with Elena.


Yeah same here, so far SF6's been amazing with reworks.


People actually bought costumes for her even though she had one of the lowest play rates which is why Menat and Chun-Li had so many costumes. Like there are people that actually buy the costumes and don't play her.


Agree to disagree. If I respond how I want to, this'll devolve into senseless arguing so... agree to disagree. 🤝


Menat is mandatory


With all the love and the respect due to Rose, if we get Menat I'm good without her. I absolutely need to see Menat


Same here, man. She's not my main or anything, but I like her moveset and appearance. My personal "must-haves" are Sakura, Laura, Sagat, Poison, and I forgot who else. I'd have to look at the SF5 roster. Basically, a dream would be they put most SF5 characters back in, but Idk... 🤷‍♂️ They're way too slow with DLC as it is.


Hopefully high, she was my secondary in V. I'm holding off on even buying the game until they bring in characters that work with my playstyle... or they just bring back my mains. Whichever comes first.


It's possible she can return, but given how the theme with SF6 is characters that are under their former master like Ed, AKI & Kimberly. It's also possible that her protege Menat will also be come as well.


gosh i hope so. her and dan are two of my favs.


We love rose!


I hope high. Love what they did with the character in V. We don't really have many setup characters right now, it's mostly just Blanka and Kim.


Please for the love of god if she makes it, not her SFV version


100% Agree, her Alpha 3 and SF4 versions were the best. She was terrible in 5.


Her SFV version was the best Rose has ever been. Implementing her Tarot cards into the moveset and adding more of that fortune teller fantasy in 6 would be incredible.


Yep, best version by far.


Hard hard disagree


Well enjoy disagreeing because the grand, grand GRAND majority agrees SFV Rose was a major improvement and I'd bet that's gonna be how she's gonna work in any future incarnation. In capcom's eyes it was a success.


Who is the grand majority you speak of? 😂😂


Lmao youre talking out your ass now. You are not the “grand majority”.


Naw that's the version that needs to come back, the cards and teleport are too good to pass up on. Reflect was the only thing missing from her, which she can have all that back anyway cause there's no V guage.


What didn't you like about her compared to older iterations? I thought it was her most fun one so far.


Reflect being limited, a core feature of hers previously, to a v reversal is the biggest reason. And her card gimmick. Just felt clunky (which is most of sfv to be fair). And i didnt play her much beyond the first month or so after release, so i dont know if they changed her, but she just felt so different from her previous versions.


I did miss the novelty of the old reflect, but to be honest I didn't ever find it THAT useful, except for absorbing them with the LP version. I always had better exchanges just throwing out soul sparks at different speeds. Card mechanic I could do without, but I really enjoyed her little soul bombs and her crazy combo flexibility. Also the air sparks were really fun.


This is Rose Ball erasure.


Very easy to not make it clunky on a redo, the cards I mean. It would be great in this game, more so than reflect anyway because the fireball game isn't even that important to this games outside lukes. Anyway they can ditch that but that teleport needs to stay, that would be agreat tool to have in this game, more so than reflect, but she can get that back too.


She was amongst the last batch of SFV characters to be released so chances of her reappearing in 6 are extremely low.


Poison was added in Ultra and she still made it to V. Ultimately Capcom just does whatever they fuck they want, Ibuki for example hasn't missed an SF since her introduction. And Rose does have significance to the story.


So was Dan though, and I think Dan is likely to return.


Wouldn't it be the other way around where it's extremely high (except Twelve)? Especially since S. 5 cast of SFV wasn't even planned until way later in its lifespan.


P good. She’s popular with the girls and the girlies


Low in my opinion. Menat on the other hand is extremely likely and I guess she will be a background character for her similar to Fang. If SF6 has a really long livespan then she has a chance, it is not like Fang where I would see no chance, but I see a lot of characters bein way more likely then her. It also imo depends on when Menat comes, if Menat comes already in like Season 2, I think Rose has more of a chance then if Menat comes in like Season 5.


If Menat is season 5 I will be crying. I'm really hoping she's next season.




If you mean the leak with 6 characters that is already confirmed to be be fake.


Was it? Haven't heard that. Edit: Ah... Looked it up... Interesting.




I dunno man, we aren't Capcom


Hi I'm capcom


Hi, John Capcom


To unlock rose, win 10 perfect rounds in arcade mode


I knew you could be there for me


As a Rose main. Very low IMO. She was sent to SFV DLC to die. Menat is more popular and prints more money.


33.33.. repeating of course


having to pay for her twice is a point of friction, shes gonna be a late arrival.


Slim, unless the Dictator somehow returns along.


No, thank you.


Probably if they make a future Bison returns themed DLC characters.


She returns possessed by dictator, with a combination of both movesets


I just want to point out that both Rose and Menat can easily be playable in the same game. Despite some similarities between specials, they play nothing alike. Depending on where they take the story, Rose has a decent chance to return. But I don't want her to return in a last season again. She deserves better than that.


I wouldn't be surprised but I would expect it later in the games life to give maybe a hint to the future and keep the in case of emergency break glass reboot a possibility


Low sorry


Not before Vega


From a personal perspective I'd be proud of having a second italian character in the game - gameplay wise... I liked her in SFV and I'd love to see her back :0 But if I had to bet on someone I'd go for her disciple, Menat. Iirc she was kinda popular back then


Really low


Prepare for trouble! And make it double! To protect the world from devastation! To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth an- Oh sorry wrong universe


Probably towards the end of the games lifespan just like sf5


Their vision of prioritizing the “new generation” for SF6 is at the top of the agenda for Capcom so I doubt rose will return. However, here protege Menat……….


I hope so. She has a connection with the Psycho Power, so you can only hope she turns up to the fray. Also she is my second favourite character, so needs to return!


Less that I would like


There are just so many characters competing for the extremely limited spots for DLC. Furthermore, she was almost not released in SFV. I don't think Capcom holds her highly enough to put her in the next 2-3 seasons.


Very low since everyone was dying of thirst for Menat in SFV.


Not sure how well her over the top anime style fits SF6. I'm sure Capcom would do a great job with making her work, but I doubt they have her in mind for now. Maybe a few years down the line when the game has like 40 characters and everyone people wanted is in the game.


Her style would fit. Kimberly, and Akuma got translated well.


Kimberly is a new character made for this game's style. Akuma's style is evil shoto, which obviously works fine in this game which has evil characters and shoto characters. Neither of these have anything similar to Rose.


Doesn’t JP function as her anyway? (I hope someone gets that reference)


I’d say it’s a possibility.


I was actually annoyed when they brought Rose back when they'd given us Menat as the successor. I know they're very different but it would be like bringing in Yung / Yang when we have Jamie. That being said, I think they could bring back both easily.


I don't mind having the successor and the master in the same game, especially with Rose and Menat as they play so differently. Ken and Sean are two of my favourite characters to play in the SF3s. I'm still holding out that we get Guy in SF6, but I also don't want him if he's going to be too similar to Kimberley.


That's what I'm getting at. Ken and Sean are different enough. Guy and Kimberly would likely be too similar, but Zeku would be different enough, but I'd want the roster to grow so there's more diversity in the cast.


Don't you think Rose and Menat are more different than Sean and Ken?


Yes, but I still have less interest in seeing Rose return. Sean hasn't been around since 3S. They did the revision of Rose and it was great, we don't need old Rose to add little to the game.


I maimed Rose for a while in every game she's appeared in. I hope they bring her back. Big fan.


I liked Rose a lot before SFV, ditching her iconic reflect special move and making it a stupid v-reversal was an absolutely horrible decision. All for bringing her back to SF6 if they keep the projectile absorb / reflect / upward reflect move from SFA & SF4 https://youtu.be/o7Qwz-yIiVo?


I would love if they gave us Yun/Yang even though we have Jaime. They play completely different to Jaime.


I think Jamie would be closer to Gen than Yun/Yang. But considering bother Menat and Rose were in SFV, I wouldn't rule out having overlap like that entirely.


Jamie is explicitly trained by Yun/Yang iirc. I'd rather see more different fighters than stale repeats.


Somehow I didn't like how Rose looked in SFV. The peak Rose "look" was her introduction in Alpha and I just don't know if they can really translate that look properly over to SF6.


I thought the zigzaggy hair was a classic look but no she had regular flowing long hair in Alpha, and just a zigzaggy bang. Idk I think she'd look great in 6.


There's something about her facial look in SFV that just didn't hit the mark. I can't pinpoint exactly what it was, but it didn't capture that Rose look from Alpha. I think SF4 probably did it better although I've never played that version of the game.


Maybe they brought her back because no one played Menat. Only FANG saw less selection.


What are the chances for the foil to M. Bison to show up in a game without M. Bison? Zero until he shows up


Isn't Rose staple? Plus, there's the matter of the upcoming apocalypse and Rose being part of a time loop.


She was in SFA SF4 and SFV. Only missed SF3 since her introduction. Huh, I never noticed that. I bet she's someone at capcom's favorite.


I maybe wrong, but I think Rose is a staple


Hopefully zero


If she comes back, I'd love to see the SFV version of her come back. SFV had my favorite playable version of Rose.


Idk man. I never liked fighting game characters that just straight up fight with "magic" or "psycho powers" or "the wind" whatever. I like SF characters that do martial arts mixed in with some fantasy bullshit like fireballs and elements, but not when their main way of fighting is fantasy magic bullshit. I don't like Rose and I hope we don't see her in SF6.