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I feel you OP. I really want Sagat, my main since I was a child, to come back. I know his story is "over" since he no longer seeks revenge on Ryu but V introduced he was battling w Setsui no Hado which could be a pretty interesting topic to explore further in 6. Also he's just a fun and iconic character. I hope he'll be DLC at least.


I'm praying Vega makes it into 6, idk if I can live without my SHEOOW, EEEYOOOOO, SHEEYEHAA, PYOOOO HIYAAOO, SHA!




He's my favorite SF character. Possibly favorite male character in gaming. He was my main in Alpha 3 with Ken, main all through SFIV with various subs, and he was a sub in SFV but my most "natural" character if that makes sense. It's hard for me to buy this game day one without my main for like 2 decades in the game. It's disheartening. And before someone bring up SF2 I was less than 10 years old and didn't get a manual on how to do special moves in SF until Alpha 3. I was literally mashing with Ken before then.


I'm with you on that.. I remember playing SFII on an arcade machine and making it to Vega's stage for the first time ( hadn't seen anyone make it there beforehand either) so when he jumped on the cage wall in the background, I was like "what the hell is he.. oh SHIT!" Never been so excited to lose haha- and I was hooked after that - I played him in every title in arcades ( I was that one guy who could go in with a couple quarters and leave an hour later after pissing off a steady stream of hopeful players till they let me finish my game šŸ˜) and on the gaming systems - even built a realistic metal set of claws and a fiberglass painted mask at the fabrication shop I worked at for one Halloween I hadn't played SF for a number of years bc life & the Army so when I got out I bought SFV to reminisce - Was SO very disappointed. It just wasn't Vega - So I thought - maybe SFVI - and bc he is not even in the base roster I am thinking it likely when he does return in a dlc he will have the same SFV moveset - I hope I am wrong but - I'm not keeping my hopes up - well, let's hope I am wrong eh? Cheers.


Yeah the main reason I didn't main Vega in SFV cause I was salty he allegedly got nerfed prior to Season 1. From what I heard, he was a beast in the beta and they neutered him. I wish he was still charge, but if you play Vega right he still has a solid neutral which is what I gravitate to when picking people in fighters. Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of playing SF2 in arcades since where I'm at in the Midwest there weren't a lot of places that had arcades. The ones that did had stuff like Asteroids and Galaga while rarely having the first Mortal Kombat there. To this day, I wish I grew up in an area where there were a lot of places with arcades.


Yeah same I started on SF II, but got good during the Alpha series because I actually saw move lists and how to do moves properly


I was heavy into Mortal Kombat as a kid and could literally do every kind of special move including fatalities/animalities/brutalities/etc in MK Trilogy but I could not shoot a Hadouken or Shoryuken at will. I didn't know you had to roll your thumb on the dpad to do the moves, so I was mashing and every once in awhile a move would come out. Due to me not knowing how to play correctly and not seeing any of the flashy shit unless it was the computer I fell back until around 1999/2000 when I get Alpha 3 on PS1. That game came with a manual for every move in the game and after like 10 minutes in training mode I was able to do specials effortlessly. took me a bit to learn how to combo into them but I was like 10 or 11 give me a break lol


I used to see the arcade move list sheets sometimes that's how I figured out the moves, and I used to practice them at home


I want Vega in this game more than every other just so he can smug look all his opponents, showing disgust at just how ugly they are.


The game is after SF3. Vega has either killed himself because now he is "Old and Ugly", or he is so full of surgical procedures to combat aging and looks deformed as fuck. Actually... Deformed Vega who thinks he is still pretty would be an awesome redesign for him.


His motivations to do SF6 ? He got so ugly he wants to rips everyone's face off so he could still be the "most beautiful one" and he enters in total madness and delusion. Also something something about Cammy and Chun-Li


Look up ā€œFallen Balrogā€ from Cannon Spike.


will love that story arc be funny if they introduce an Oro-looking dude and call him Vega on screen


No way. That man is gonna look like heā€™s 23


This is interesting.


Give Vega back his charge moves. They castrated him in SFV.


Couldn't agree more. Got no clue 'why' they thought Vega needed a Ryu style moveset, while leaving Guile untouched... Absolutely barbaric. Along with the whole 'leaving fan favourites such as Guile and Blanka as paid DLC'...


I have not played vega at all, but anyone thinking a character needs a lore specific reason to return is asinine. Street fighter has a huge cast of awesome characters and there should be as many as possible in each entry


alpha ryu vs wide ryu


I see so many "They don't need x character, because y character covers that role!" Meanwhile, they have like 6 different variations on Ryu/Ken... At least they gave each an actual specialisation to separate the main two, but I mean c'mon...


isn't that the exact reason that everyone hated MVC infinite? people like characters for a lot reasons, but I feel like (regardless of why you started playing a character) you get attached to the character itself


Just gimme Vega. I want no one else


Your devotion is noted.


No Vega No buy.


We need Pyscho Powered Vega for SF6. Vega is the perfect psychopath killer for bison soul to take control of. I would add Bison's Scissor Kicks, Headstomp & teleport to Vegas's moveset. I would give Vega the pyscho crusher as a super art also. https://mobile.twitter.com/seimogodios/status/1326857540106326016


I'm coping at this point. Hope he's one of the rumored missing 2-3 characters nott part of the leaks. Or that he is an ealry dlc. He was my main since SF2. Vega was the character that got me to learn how to play street fighter as kid, and him not being in 3rd strike is also the reason why I don't play it. But I do use Cammy as a second main, and the newcomers look fun. I'm still buying the game and season pass, I'm just a little bummed about Vega missing from the game. Plus it personally feels weird that Zangief and Dhalsim are in the game, But not R. Mika, Vega, Balrog, and Sagat (tbf Sagat was late dlc for SFv). Also this is just me being a Vega fanboy/fanficing but he could have been a great main villain. Something like him not wanting to grow ugly and old. So by using psycho power, soemthing related to Gill, attacking/kidnapping/using newcomers, and/or the science of dolls (despite being overdone) to help him keep his beauty by hurting others could be a cool concept. But that's only a rough idea that could flop.


I'm yanking time out to go to yodelling school in Lauterbrunne. I will return!


Best music


And design


I love Vega... but what would he do in SF6? Shadaloo is gone. If Capcom gave him some other motivations for him to return, I'd absolutely love that.


They could show his character progressing after Shadaloo falling, characters don't necessarily have to remain in the same place.


Story in this game is bad anyway, I just need my main


What did he do in SFV? Arrive, be an asshole, then leave Story isn't everything lol


That's the worst thing about the leak for me. No vega means I'll need a new main fire the first time since 3


... eww i don't like that...


Same for me, heā€™s my main since street fighter 2


Adapt, if you want to play SF6 or keep playing SFV if you don't want to.


A lot of us are losing our mains lol just deal with it. There are going to be character archetypes to try, I wonā€™t have Alex or Sakura so Iā€™ll just have to try out someone else like Deejay.


But both Sakura and Alex play way differently from Deejay, unless you're saying you're going to try out a new style?


Exactly. Iā€™m sure there will be a grappler that Iā€™ll like but why not try something new?


Exactly, I used to main Ken and Blanka then once SFIV came around I got into Sagat for the first time and I realized I really like this dude. From there on characters I never really used before like Sakura became my mains. I used to always not like Sakura because I felt she was inferior to Yuri, but now I like the character (I still like Yuri more though lol). Even characters who I used to play occasionally in SF 2 like Cammy are now part of mainstay characters. I love this series so much and I would love for everyone to enjoy it.


Shouldn't have to deal with it though tbh. SFIV released with a roster of 25 characters. Taking a step back to 18 is just bad. There is no such thing in a fighting game where 'less choice is better'. The only, and I mean only, reason that they cut the fighters from the base game, is the same reason they did for SFV. So they can charge extra for each of the fan favourites that are missing. That should never be a tactic defended...


That's fair.


PREACH!!! Now that itā€™s coming back to XBOX, SF is no longer dead to meā€¦ Claw addition would be perfect scenario! Pleaaaaassse


me too homie. I'll be sad without vega for a bit. I was thinking about maybe trying out Juri this time, at least until vega comes out. Here's hoping.




My favorite character, but honestly if he retired from fighting I would be fine with it. Also blonde Vega best Vega.


I just want to spam the monkeh move


He should be in prison by now.


Vega started seeing wrinkles and swore to never fight again.


maybe will return as Fallen Balrog


No Vega no Buya


I know Capcom might go ahead and sell the Ex-Shadaloo dlc pack with at least Sagat, Boxer, and Claw, maybe even someone with Bisonā€™s moveset (given the little story bit with the Bison ghost for Ed in V, maybe Violent Ed)


Well with SF5 they added a crap ton of characters as DLC. Maybe they'll eventually add Vega, Sagat, Sodon etc. (Maybe just wishful thinking for Sodom)


He's one character I'm pretty certain will be DLC. Too iconic not to come back at some point.


Vega but put him in his Street Fighter Duel clothes


Vega is 20% of the entire fan base letā€™s face it heā€™s a trademark character, so donā€™t worry troops we will get our 4 shadoloo mains


This has been my constant thought for the past week or so. I REALLY hope he comes back for Street Fighter 6. In my opinion, he's a very interesting and unique character, and he's very fun to play as, regardless of they make him motion or charge. I also just honestly don't see myself fully maining someone else yet. We need our beautiful slicey boi!


It's been 30 years, he's taking a break.


But heā€™s popular so why the break?


His story is over? I dunno; personally I'd prefer if the majority of the SF2 cast either retire or get a good revamp/shake up.


That would be terrible and it would sink the franchise again after the last time they try to retire the sf2 cast.


Strong disagree; 3rd Strike failed for a laundry list of reasons; "not jacking sf2 off, again, again, again" is a pretty modest part of it.


Iā€™m pretty sure there original idea was to not have any of the SF2 cast return. Apparently everyone hates it so they added Chun, Ryu, Ken, and Akuma.


It wasn't originally going to be a Street Fighter game to begin with.


I've never liked using him so no sweat off my nuts, but it does suck for those who do main him.


theyre waiting for deadpool & wolverine to come out cuz timothee chalamet could be playing vega as guest character like how bison and zangief was in wreck it ralph disney has the ownership for capcom


he is probably busy in flamango cavern


At this point SF iv is just the King of all SFs


Look at the leaks AKI is your new main


So youā€™re telling me after 3 decades Iā€™ll have to replace my main with ugly weirdo


Cry more




Get with the program


Yeahhhh.. you know how it goesā€¦ she is the new Vega, has a claw, kills or learns from Vega in her end storyā€¦ blah blah blah blahā€¦ a 5 yr old could write the story, give me muh claw back!






He got too old and ugly.


I noticed there is no boxer, claws, or dictator. Maybe they are tired of the mixups


If Edā€™s in the game, I suspect Boxer will have an NPC role of some kind.


https://youtu.be/9gtu2Yb0nk4 He couldn't get past the red tape


The whole shadaloo is gone šŸ˜” ig there will be no balrog vega and bison there is a slight chance for sagat but his story on revenge is over


The 4 lords fell


Thank God Vegas shit


Good, now we try to get rid of Blanka


I just demand someone to represent Spain. D:


canā€™t believe we got blanka and Honda back but no actual interesting sf2 characters


That should be hanging in a museum.


Very nice his my favorate character in street fighter


Vega's been my main since once of the SFII re-releases that first brought him into it as a playable character, along with the other bosses... With how they absolutely butchered his move set for SFV though, I'm not even sure I 'want' him to be in it. Probably wind up skipping the release altogether with how they played the DLC's in the last one. Absolutely disgusting.


I have always been a fan of Vega. But he wasnā€™t one of the original playable characters for SF2. And I feel like those are the only ā€œuntouchableā€ characters. Iā€™m talking about Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Zangief, E Honda, Blanka, Dhalsim, and Guile.