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I always tell people to NEVER let the window company do the stucco repairs. I see this all the time. You don’t need to install wire lath in this scenario and it’s very normal to go over existing stucco but this is a poor quality job from someone who doesn’t do stucco.


Exactly what I was going to say


apparently there's only one guy in the Austin area who is any good at it and I could never get a hold of him, which I was warned. The end result isn't great, but it isn't awful. Unfortunately the paint they got, using a piece of the old stucco to match, didn't match perfectly, but it's close enough and is replacing almost all of the previous paint, so it's not a huge deal. I still owe the windows company more than half the total, so I have some leverage if there's a major problem. I'll be going over every inch of every thing before I pay. I'm not going to nitpick, but with the money I spent I'm not going to let too much slide. Thanks for the feedback.


A lot depends on what’s behind the original stucco, if it’s paper and styrofoam, that needs to be replaced and properly layered so there is good drainage, he should at the very least scraped the old stucco so it has good adherence also should have used a bonding agent along the edges and surface for the new stucco.. unless you had plastic expansion trim around your new windows you definitely need metal lathe in the corners overlapping and tied into existing lath. If all they did was cut out the existing windows by way of a straight line and cut tool and they didn’t tie anything in. In less than 2 years you will see a crack around your window. It’s best to bust out the stucco expose some lathe remove window, properly seal and add new lathe and primary mud then finish coat


The process is reasonable, so long as they bonded the new stucco to the painted surfaces. If the existing stucco is in good condition, it can be used as support for the new stuff. Old stucco is strong stucco, so in many cases this can give you a superior result over a total replacement. Whether the work is up to your expectations is another issue entirely.


Redid my stucco 25 years ago, new over old is still pretty solid in Midwest. Yours looks very good from photo.


Terrible work. This would never fly for us. That’s so so bad