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>This is why people insult our food. Utter perfection lmao


Look man, all I'm saying is my food doesnt come out like blisters with baby vomit topped with brussels sprouts.


But topped it with 2 pounds of melted cheese, that's a game changer there.


Thanks for the laugh.




It's got all the hallmarks of a great British dish. Green? Check! Brown? Check! Something that looks to be fried? Check! It's only missing the tea and fries.


Needs an obscene amount of brown gravy on it.


I’m British I swear r/UKFood is straight up trolling.


All the top posts are just english breakfasts lmao


English Breakfasts ***OR*** Absolute depression meals. There's no in-between. Edit: Gentlemen, delicious food and depression food are not mutually exclusive to one another.


O yes there is...beans on toast


What has the world come to??? Canned beans on shitty toast qualify as depression meals, how couldn’t they???


You've obviously never had beans on toast, it's far better than it has any right to be.


Especially with a hunk of butter that the beans melt. …. stupid Peppa Pig…


If I learned anything from reading Kitchen Confidential, it’s that every great meal’s secret ingredient is a big chunk of butter.


O its a staple...1 that blends english breaky with daily depression!


You're saying you've never had ragu la dorito?


I’ve had the next best thing, clinical depression.


Ragu la Dorito is 'bout as British as they come


They do, it is not taken seriously


Solid pfp ☝️☝️


That’s a karma goldmine for r/stupidfood


Serious question, American, going to London in a few months - food recs?


Yeah- don’t listen to Americans on Reddit, London has plenty of great food. Just avoid the touristy places


Blood Sausage and peas are disgusting .


Listen to the Off Menu podcast….they discuss their dream meals with guests, and a lot of British restaurants are mentioned. They are all gathered on a list too.


I’m actually horrified based off what i saw when i scrolled in that sub for about a minute


I didn’t believe you until I hit that link. OMG stereotypes exist for a reason.


The sad reality is, a lot of it tastes good. They're not going to win awards for taste, but they sustain you well and are usually a comfort food in many ways because they're hot and just... work. I don't think I've ever had a British meal I stopped eating because of the taste, but I don't think they're the best meals I've had. Just consistently "Yeah this'll do me."


Hahahaha in the first sentence you say "a lot of it tastes good" and then follow it up in the next sentence with "not going to win awards for taste" So yeah... you yourself is saying "well we eat it for sustenance" yeah, like gruel or something...


Tastes good and not going to win awards for taste are two different things though, my mate is good at football but he's not going to be signed by Real Madrid.


Well yeah there's countless things that taste better. This is the sort of meal I'll default to though because it's easy to make, doesn't taste bad, and keeps me warm on a cold day. Gruel on the other hand does not taste good. It barely tastes.


>it barely tastes 💀




I think it’s the plating and lighting not doing the dish any favours. Your description sounds tasty. Also brussel sprouts don’t seem to be overcooked (taking the terrible lighting into account)


For me it's also the American bias of green on green food as suspect. Gonna need some beige between those green layers to find this acceptable.


Or simply no green at all, like the forefathers intended. Maybe collards if you're southern, idk.


Those Brussel sprouts look too healthy, gonna need to throw some garlic butter and Parmesan after you roast the hell out of them.


Brussel sprouts should be roasted or pan fried. Boiling them is a crime


Yeah the difference is night and day. Also keep more of the nutrients too.


It's also important to state that while we do eat all of these things in the UK, this isn't a common combination. I have never seen anyone serve Brussels on a bed of mushy peas before.


Why is this getting downvoted? It's completely mundane food. Maybe a little bland, but it probably tastes fine.


Yeah, it's probably delicious with some seasoning.




I like those fuckers raw honestly. They’re better roasted but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nibbling them and eating the layers that fall off when prepping


I love sprouts, but raw?! Just the thought of it is making my intestine quiver.


I've been told I'm strange bc I love sprouts and am perfectly happy to eat them just cooked plain. Plenty of the time I eat them I just steam in microwave and put a little salt, pepper and devour lol I don't have a (safe) working oven so can't roast them or I would. I get why people wouldnt like it though. I grew up hearing how disgusting sprouts were; talked about on the same level of hate as lima beans. I hadn't even tried them until I was 18 or 19, and have never understood why they are so despised lol


I like brussel sprouts but I'm of the opinion they should never be boiled or steamed and these look to be.


I tried peas mashed like that in Sweden. They were good actually. 


I don't eat meat and this sounds like a damn good meal to me. Brussel sprouts are amazing.


yeah i’m sorry i even think it looks like it slaps!!


I would eat this in a second. I learned to love mushy peas. It’s also so inexpensive to make and healthy


It actually looked tasty to me - I love my sprouts! I was just wondering how the peas were cooked. I’d rather just have plain peas than mashed, but I’m game for trying new things with my favorite veggies.


I’d probably eat it 🤷🏼‍♀️. Jacket potatoes are nice. If the mushy peas are made well they’re also good.


Absolutely agree! It looks like a pretty simple and normal meal. Mushy peas is the type of thing that people judge harshly before tasting them, they're delicious!


Would eat.


Honestly would murder this


This looks just fine? Could use some seasoning but that's it. This is definitely not what's wrong with UK food.


It doesn't look the most aesthetically pleasing but it's fine food.


Potato’s, smashed peas, small cabbages sprouts. Honestly quite good.


“I don’t know what this is” =/= bad or stupid.


It reads in title what it is. E. Never had mushy peas when in England. I bet they are good if done proper. Understood vinegar with chips there.


Mushy peas are very easy to make. They're made from marrowfat peas, which are absolutely delicious.


Some fried cheese, sprouts and pea mush? Honestly, I would totally eat this.


There's no fried cheese in this.


Whatever this cheesy looking thing is


It's a jacket potato with cheese on top


Jacket spud with cheese on top. Nothing fried.


It’s potato loaded with cheese and grilled. I think they call it broiled in the US.


it’s a baked potato in the US, you dont really broil a potato


Right. I've broiled potatoes but only for a few mins after baking to melt cheese or reheat a bit but that's it. Wouldn't just cook it like that


What is even wrong with it. Few peas go alright.


God, this sub has gone to fucking shit.


They’re forgetting that most “British food” is contemporary and came about from people cooking during the rations of ww2 so a lot of our food is naturally “unseasoned” or visually unappealing


They used to eat a ton of aspics here after the war for its cheap high protein. We didn’t keep that around.


and what a problem? quite edible


Why don't Americans have potatoes, cheese, peas or sprouts? Not a fan of mushy peas myself, and it's a random thrown together meal but in comparison to Americans throwing 8 boxes of lucky charms, some sour nerds and a gallon of Mac and cheese into a swimming pool this seems pretty normal.


It's like when Americans baulk at beans on toast. Bread and beans as a meal is literally a thing they invented. You ever seen "They Call me Trinity"? When old Terence Hill slams that entire loaf of bread, entire pan of beans, American mouths start to water. I've seen it in the YouTube comments. https://youtu.be/cOZH57odl_k?si=Ba03pMnE_lsmC1zG Toast the bread, change the recipe of the beans to be more rich and tomato-y, and place it on top of the buttered and toasted bread and they lose their minds!


The real crime is these sprouts are not roasted


OP be like „this is neither a burger nor pizza nor chicken nuggets, i can‘t identify this“ and proud of it for some reason.


Nahh man you should see the Brit I cam across, dude had 8 boxes of crumpets that he would topped over his pool filled bangers and mash. He even threw some fish and chips in the pool to make them swim. I asked if he needed help to eat all that and he said no. I thought to myself if only Americans knew our typical diet. Man would they be surprised.


This, is some good food is what it is. I was revolted by the thought of mushy peas as I always hated over cooked peas. But they had it as a side at a wonderful fish and chips place, and I immediately went searching for and honing the recipe. It’s basically peas sautéed in a ton of cream and butter then mashed. The better looking recipes I found finished it with either mint or lemon juice. I found that the lemon juice makes it too wet, so I use both lemon zest and mint. -Start by melting a knob or two of butter in a saucepan. -Add a small minced shallot and sauté till softened. -Add 2 cups defrosted young frozen peas, add salt and pepper, and cook that through till the peas are starting to soften but not discolored. -Take off heat and mix in the zest of one lemon, and a small bunch of chopped up mint. -Mash that all with an immersion blender slowly adding .25 to .5 cup cream same way you would for mashed potato. Enjoy warm or chilled. It is super rich tho so a small portion as a side to fish is enough. I don’t have a ton of recipes memorized, but this one is so good and so easy it gets done a lot. Absolutely not “stupid food”


Try using marrowfat peas. I find them to be more creamy and rich.


That’s what some of the recipes had mentioned, but I’ve never seen those in my markets.


That’s not “British food”. That’s some guy throwing random ingredients together


It’s pretty clearly jacket potatoes with cheddar and Parmesan cheese, Brussels sprouts and mushy peas


Americans when they dont see burger or pizza for every meal of the day


Ntm on this. Genuinely kinda looks good


Happy cake day


Thank you! I didn’t know Reddit showed it lol


obvi not “UK Food” just someone in the UK happening to make food. If some random makes a meal, how is that now a national dish lol.


Mushy peas is a British thing tho


Its not eaten with Jacket potatoes or like this though. Its pretty much exclusively eaten as a sauce with Fish and Chips.


And mushy peas are good


i don’t think parmesan jackets with mushy peas and sprouts is a “UK food” though is it lol. mushy peas is standard here obvi, however this random assortment is not a staple or a dish.


I've always thought of peas and potatoes as the UKs equipment of rice and beans. Both combos are basically a cheap carb plus a cheap legume protein that provides the major nutrients needed by humans.


I am British. This is not British food.


Love the people thinking this is a serious post. Most the posts on that sub are taking the piss.


Is it ugly? Absolutely. But this is a yummy meal!


Cheesy potato, brussel sprouts and mashed peas…


Just because it's in a UK sub it doesn't mean it's a typical British meal, because it's really not. Never heard of this combo in my life and it's not something I'd ever make. This is just somebody who clearly loves sprouts and mushy peas. I've seen Americans make wayyyyyy worse combinations of food


Delicious. It's delicious


No yorkshire pudding or fish n chips 😕


I constantly think that sub is this one...every post.


I grew up in Ireland (very similar food) and I also have no idea what this is.


What kind of food is that ? im curious


I lived in UK. I can confirm that the food tastes exactly how it looks. 


It’s funny how food in the UK is like this but the commonwealth food is DELICIOUS! 😋


Now I get why Australia moved away from meat n two veg. We keep telling ourselves it was because of lots of waves of immigrants. It was because we were trying to get away from this shit! 😂 As an old British prison colony we were just eating what they used to eat, meat n two veg for dinner. Then in the 40’s and 50’s the Italian and Greek families coming here brought us pasta, souvs and baklava, and fucken COFFEE. 60’s and 70’s our Viet brothers and sisters bring us Bahn mi, pho and rice paper rolls. 80’s our mates from Lebanon start feeding us HSPs; we start talking South Melbourne Market Dim Sims, and Modern Australian cuisine is really starting out as its own thing (by this time in this tangential rant I am now making up dates. I think I have a point to circle back around to but fuck it read on whilst I continue to amble through cuisine insanity, and my own insanity) 90’s we’re starting to play with veggies gluten free lactose free and special diverse diets because the food is actually really cool. 2000’s heaps of us stop drinking - previously a massive stereotype we were secretly proud of but by now we’re feeling a bit grown up and got our big boy/girl/otherwise pants on. 2010’s we’re trying on fast food that’s not so fast because everyone is trying to open Australian cafes overseas and it’s actually pretty gooooood and everyone is noticing our coffee too because we won’t drink anyone else’s by now and I think I can come back to the point now. Basically because of plates like this… fucken… thing… Australia INVENTED ITS OWN FOOD CULTURE to say “FUCK you Dad I’m not eating this shit you plated up for me!” (UK being Dad and us the bratty child…)


As an American who doesn't mainline bacon grease and deep fry my beverage for every meal like people seem to think we do, I would try this. This looks like a decent meal for the wintertime. Not gonna win any awards for flavor, but throw some actual seasoning on those peas and you have yourself a filling meal on a budget.


A vegan meal .




Guarantee it tastes as bland as it looks.


I thought it was chicken nuggets, peas and guacamole


Not the most appetizing meal I’ve seen but far from stupid no?


I can officially say as a British person. I have never seen this monstrosity in my life.


UK food in a nutshell: take extremely plain food and cook it down until it loses all structure and turns into mush, then serve. 😅🤣


It’s just so….. green.


Baked potato with cheese, mashed peas, and brussel sprouts. Doesn't sound too bad honestly. Not stupid.


Multicolored barf.


I thought this was fake food lol


How is that weird? Baked potatoes with cheese aka loaded baked potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and mushy peas which is the only uniquely British thing here really?


Not from the UK, but this is my understanding: Jackets = jacket potatoes aka baked potatoes Sprouts = [Brussels] sprouts Mushy peas = mushy peas


r/ukfood can literally be summed up as "full English," "roast dinners," or some abomination like this. Oh an my fave "American here, trying Yorkshire puddings/toad in hole/full English/Roast dinner/beans on toast, for the first time. How did I do?" Rinse, repeat. I'm convinced it is now just a troll sub.


This looks good though?




I'm American and I would tear that stuff up!


I couldn't do mushy peas the couple times I tried them while in the uk but it's more of a texture issue for me than taste. They tasted fine but I also don't like mashed veggies or potatoes to begin with so i couldn't do it


This doesn’t even look bad but I love peas and Brussels sprouts. I cook down a can of peas and throw a slice of American cheese on top until it melts and mix it in. Delicious. I don’t know what the fried things are though.


The Brits conquered half the world for spices they refuse to use.


Minus all the bloody sugar of course...!!!


Many Brits have ancestry in that “half of the world” so…


That's only true if you ignore the foods that use the spices. But then again, if Brits use the spices, people claim that the food isn't British. Brits can't win...


Dog shit from a dog who drank a bottle of green food colouring with rabbit shit from a rabbit who drank a bottle of green food colouring and some other bullshit food that isn’t real, you shouldn’t take the UK seriously, they don’t even exist, they just pretend to do so.


They robbed the whole world for spice but didn't put any in their food


It’s two jacket potatoes 🥔 with Parmesan cheese on top and a pile of mushy peas ( blitzed) with Brussel sprouts on top. If it’s any consolation this is the first time I have seen a concoction like this.🤨😂


This dish is so British it is 104th in line for the throne.




This doesn't look so bad. Just keep the sprouts and mashed peas seperate.


Who used Shrek's testicles to replace peas?


You ever see cartoons when you're super young and the British ass supervillain goes back to their tragic past and shows their life it shows this EXACT type of food. I swear to God like I feel I know a super villain who ate this type of stuff.


I know exactly what you mean! I can’t think of which cartoon is it but I know I’ve seen something like that


this isn't dumb at all, its a perfect example of why people dont think much of british foods but its neither excessive nor stupidly displayed. its just plain simple food, probably taste's pretty decent actually. Mushy peas always look bad but i've had some once and they're actually pretty good.


No-one actually fucking eats that here mate 😂


At least roast those brussels.


I love mushy peas and I’ve never been to the UK.


Why are the high-fructose corn syrup people commenting on this?


It's a baked potato with cheese on it and a side of mushy peas and sprouts. What's so hard to understand? It's not stupid, though it's a bit of an odd combination to add the sprouts


Us food is canned cheese and mechanically processed meat


This isn’t “UK food” - this is someone making a monstrosity for Reddit points


It's just regular food, Potatoes, peas and Brussel sprouts, not a "monstrosity"


I love for my foods to only be pastel colors with a "mushy" consistency


How do you not know what it is? They said exactly what it is. Could you not be bothered to read?


Looks like something my dog puked over my cat’s wet food.


Its a troll post. No one eats that


Looks good tbh I love jackets 😋 apart from the mushy peas I find them disgusting 🤢 i tried them multiple times at different places it’s just not for me.


Thats called we havent done the weekly shop so you will eat whats left in the cupboards and fridge and like it


They do like peas and beans .imagine if we had smaller portions and healthier veggies every meal. Ozempic would go out of business. That being said, I myself no longer find Dennys grand slam big enough


I’m American and just went to London and will say don’t judge this food on its appearance. It’s quite good.


Peas with brussel sprouts and potatoes? Id eat that. They just make it look terrible lmao.


Looks like baby shit.


That's not UK food, dont tar us with this disgusting brush! WTF even **IS** this?! I've honestly never seen a photo of a plate that made me gag. This one has the honour of that...




Welcome to UK🇬🇧


When I visited the UK and they asked how I wanted my peas….. Meanwhile, my husband declared that mushy peas “solved the problem with peas!” His exact words. I was unaware there was any major pea problems, but here we are.


Na mushy peas is god tier, i cannot digest this slander


Seems like a great way to gas yourself in your sleep


It's jacket potato with cheddar and parmesan, mushy peas and Brussel sprouts. Could do with a protein of some sort to round it out but I'd probably eat this if the sprouts are seasoned. I am British though... Honestly if you want to see what our real national food looks like, the answer is Greggs, fish and chips and doner kebab.


Looks good WDYM


Baked potatoes with cheese, mashed peas, and parm roasted Brussels sprouts. It's all visually recognizable, 100% of it


I'm American, and before reading the comments, I'm gonna take a stab. To me, it looks like some kind of pea puree, with Brussel sprouts and a jacket potato.


Stayed in the UK for a few months a couple years back, I swear the only good food there was from somewhere other than the UK.


Oi ya we got the fockin squiggly squabble for dinner innit




Looks awful. Very depressing.


I’ve had it, it’s pretty good tbh, but looks like vomit. I am American, I will note, I had it on a trip there. Everything looked equally disgusting.


Aaand this is the point I realize this sub isn't r/stupidfood it's r/idiotsragingaboutfood


Doesn’t look appetizing at all lol


It's obviously a Jackets Cheddar Parmesan Sprouts Mushy Peas.


Is that a struggle meal?


mushy should not be in the name of a food lol


Not from the UK but I'd be willing to try this. Why are people so closed-minded?


Yo. Why they eat like it's still the middle ages and Bartholomew has yet to return from the market from whence he ventured 3 days ago whilst Beatrice suffers the black death?


Because an entire generation learned to cook under pretty severe rationing. That kills a food culture. Then those people can only teach their children what they know, and the cycle continues.


Looks like baby shit topped with 2 chicken nuggets, and a handful of frozen peas, for garnish


This is what they stole all our spices for?!?!


Ha uk don't know cuisine


Just call them s/mashed peas and this would sound delicious. Edit: typo


It's not UK food. It's not even food. Some vegi/vegan non binery person regurgitated it.


Thousands of years of history fueled on this travesty


UK food is the most disgusting food on the planet.


This is just someone’s random combo, none of us eat this on the reg.


Hey OP, I appreciate further proof that a solid third of the posts on the sub are just racists who are scared of food from cultures other than their own


I'm in a restaurant group and this dude posts stuff like this daily to troll with various sauces like daddy sauce, slap sauce or whatever other one he's found.


UK food is disgusting. There fixed it for you.


Looks good 👍, like a comfort meal that's filling and nutritious! Little baked potato with melted Parmesan, mashed and seasoned peas (ever had a good split pea soup? It's delicious), with some Brussels sprouts. Only thing I would change is roasting or sauteing the sprouts, I hate them boiled. I honestly think a lot of British food looks good, save some of the sausages/meats, but I don't eat that in America either. I'd totally eat beans on toast, fish and chips, roast dinners, some of the pies and rolls they make, all the fruit-based desserra. I just don't like the names of some things...like I'm sure clotted cream is delicious, but hearing that name makes me shiver 🤢