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The real crime is putting that ranch powder on. Holy smokes that’s awful.


that was literally my only take away from this video. i am beyond befuddled and quite frankly don't think i'll ever be the same again


I hope they cut their air intake and got bbq in their mass air flow sensor. Oh and got the shits too. It is well deserved for putting ranch powder on it.


The AnalArtiste will never ve the same again!! This is a national tragedy on par with Pearl Harbor. Lmao. Sorry dude I lost it on your comment and your username is just "mwah"




What was inspiring about that?


I was looking at a bottle of ranch powder the other day wondering if it would be ok on ribs. Is it a bad idea? Is it because of the powdered dairy in there?


You can season your meat however you want. That being said, cooking meat is sacrosanct to some people and you would never serve ranch seasoned ribs to a hard core bbq'er. Its very non traditional. Some people are adamantly against BBQ sauce on ribs. I think it's memphis style ribs that just use dry rub. I think traditional dry rubs use paprika, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, maybe some cayenne (i think...not an expert)


You seem to know sum about ribs. So something I always wondered after seeing it at a cookout. They boiled the ribs, before they were grilled. Is that normal for any special bbq type of thing? Or did I witness a bbqtrocity?


The only time I really hear about that is with beef ribs because they have a very long cooking time. Pork ribs like this are pretty quick on the grill. I think its 2 hrs if i do them in the oven. Meanwhile beef ribs are like a full day thing. Also I do use just sweet baby rays usually because thats what my kids like.


You witnessed a crime


Par boiling them can render some fat out for a crispier and quicker method. I don't do it. I just pull silver skin off, pat dry, coat in mustard, cover in spice rub, smoke or bake for a while, then finish with your favorite sauce on top under the broiler to caramelize the sauce.


I mean to each their own but I would never. The only white powder going on is garlic and onion. But let me know how they turn out? It just doesn’t vibe with ribs in my humble opinion….


As a non American, what the hell is that White powder they use ? I have never seen it


Ranch dressing mix https://www.hiddenvalley.com/products/ranch-seasonings/seasoning-shakers/original-ranch-seasoning-mix-shaker/?&msclkid=7899a276250317d3f6a6c4f0bd828170&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=HVF%7CGeneric%7CLT%7CP%7CKW%7CProduct%7CEnglish%7CENKW-ENBR&utm_term=salad%20dressing%20mix&utm_content=Seasoning%7CShaker&gclid=7899a276250317d3f6a6c4f0bd828170&gclsrc=3p.ds


I believe it is known as American flavor to the rest of the world.


ranch is mostly garlic and onion powder lol. I think the dill might make it a little weird though


That ranch powder is essential for a Mississippi pot roast, along with au jus powder, pepperoncini peppers, and some butter. Super easy to make.


It's good on chicken. Only one way for you to find out


They must be from the Midwest. I'm pretty sure children born there just walk out of a corn field with a bottle of ranch.


Oh, yeah. Children of the Corn from the Hidden Valley Ranch.


I imagine that's pretty salty and then to add all that garlic salt? Just gross


Yeah seriously. I was gonna say this is not stupid. Just a good idea. Until I realized that she put ranch mix on it wtf. That's like, potent ass pungent ranch concentrate


Yup. I'm a fan of ranch in many things but ribs is a definite no.


Not even a one shot video, bet it never actually cooked on engine at all, much like edited


Those ribs look cold to me. Don't see any steam coming off them at all


And no trace of meat juice or any other normal cooking sign.


The no juices. That shit should be leaking and splatterd all over the place. Specially it open like that? It would have def boiled over lol


Not to mention the crust on it. Engines are no more than 100°C. Plus, it's in a spot where a lot of air would go so maybe 80°C. That's not enough to cook a meat like this. It would, but it'd look more like boiled mmeat


And it would be at least mildly toxic from the fumes and the road pollution.


Fucking disgusting although fake af.


This might work on some cars. Specifically, cars with exhaust manifolds that are placed in an accessible spot where you can lay the ribs on. Exhaust manifold heat shields get really hot and easily over 350°f. I'm not sure if that spot they laid the ribs on is over the exhaust manifold, but I doubt it was over it




Didn't you see her slightly burn her fingers on the foil it was so hot? /s


Right on the part where it's resting on the plastic bit of the car, so hot, so real haha


Exactly. Show me the fast forward trip, then you getting out of the car with a cooking thermometer and checking the internal temp...otherwise...fuck off.


Mythbusters did this with a Thanksgiving meal. It's doable, just ridiculous.


I have a cookbook somewhere called "Manifold Destiny" with car cooking recipes. My dad used to do it with a can of chili tucked somewhere in the engine so it would be hot by time we got up in the mountains to play in the snow.


I had the same book! Never tried cooking on the engine, but it was a fun read.


They sure did! And SHOWED IT!!!


Right‽ Like if you didn't temp dat shit, there ain't no way I'm believing it. Rage bait


But her hair is messed up when she gets out, from sticking her head out of the window like a dog for 4 hours. You couldn’t fake that sort of detail /s


Yeah, this is a parody channel. She does a lot of these, they're quite good actually.


Even if that video was edited and the smoked them normally, those ribs still look terrible. They look super overdone. Also, that lady looks legit crazy. Her husband(?) is probably a reluctant participant in these videos just to keep her sane


These people make me more sick than even looking at the shit ribs.


I make myself sick when I look in the mirror. That's just because I'm ugly.


I remember seeing a video of her berating and verbally assaulting some non-white people who dared to go to the same public pool as she did. She sucks. Edit: After doing research, it is not the same person. They look very similar, and I just went off of that. Apologies to both ladies Blair Featherman and Aldey for confusing them as each other. I'm sure neither wants to be the other.


>that lady looks legit crazy She's got the crazy eyes at least.


She's put a bunch of those rage bait cooking videos online. She's one of the few people who actually puts her face in it and I find her very annoying every time I see her. I think the first video I ever saw her and was her making a Sunday in a toilet


The husband always has such dead eyes.


I thought motor oil was going to be the secret sauce... 1/10


Reluctant participant? I know reddit hates women by large, but he's just as much of a shitty influencer as she is. Also if you marry someone who sucks, chances are you suck too.


Thank you! Once she finally got them cut open and showing us the meat, I was appalled. I don't believe it was cooked on the engine for various reasons, but wherever these ribs were cooked, it was for too long.


She's got crazy eyes. She looks like someone who freaks out in public alot over the smallest or weirdest things.


Im just so glad he was there to speed along the whole process. She was trying her best to draw it out.


It’s hard to adjust the temperature under the hood /s


>puts on mitts >takes off mitts >touches hot tinfoil Some real cereal, milk, bowl logic


Lmao then after she pretends like the foil is hot she proceeds to keep grabbing with her bare hands


I mean you can do it. People in the kitchen grab hotter stuff. But yeah this video is very likely also fake and they just cooked it and then put it into hr car.


I have the feeling if someone really did this, it would catch fire.


I have a brother in law that used to do this on the reg. It really works. I still refused to eat it tho just on principal. As far as I know no one ever got sick, but still. They did NOT smell as good as when they're cooked on a grill


Yeah, they actually sell these things you can strap to motorbikes that'll cook fish and stuff while you ride. It basically wraps around the hot part of the exhaust (no it doesn't cover the actual hole for the exhaust) and I've seen it tested and it did cook the food. I would never eat any food that's been sitting near an exhaust though, nor the inside of an engine. It'd be littered with particles you probably shouldn't be ingesting.


Tinfoil reflects heat and does not absorb it. You can cook something at 500°F and the tinfoil can be touched and picked up if you're only touching the tinfoil. If you touch what you're cooking through the tin foil it will be hot.


Yeah, lots of upvotes from people who have never cooked with tin foil I guess?


What? Tinfoil absolutely absorbs heat. It’s aluminium, which is decent at transferring heat. Aluminium foil (it’s not tin anymore!) doesn’t feel hot because it is so thin. There is so little material there to store heat when compared to your fingertips, it just dissipates across your skin and doesn’t feel that hot. If you compressed a roll of aluminium foil into a tight ball and popped that in the oven, it would burn the shit out of you


Tbf tinfoil hardly retains any heat. You can take something wrapped in tinfoil out of a 400 degree oven and almost immediately (gingerly and carefully) touch the tinfoil to unwrap it.


Cutting the ribs while still sitting on the engine with nothing but some foil preventing juices from flowing everywhere is giving me anxiety


What juices? These things are bone dry


As dry as the ladies who waste their time talking to me.


U wish that ladies talked to u Just kidding. Stop being negative!


As dry as Ben Shapiro’s wife


And the knive keeps barely missing the intake tube, I was waiting for her to slice through the plastic.


Is no one going to point out that she's using a bread knife FFS!?!


Exactly. That knife will punch through the foil easier than the meat. Not to mention if grease leaked out while they were driving. Grease pouring out all over a hot and running exhaust manifold / turbo is just asking for a fire. WTF would you cut it sitting there....


Is it just me or does anyone else just hate all of her videos. Always stupid overly excited and drawn out


I think I’m at the point where I just hate her. She evokes intense annoyance from me.


Right! Her and that Justin guy immediately irritated and instantly switch to anything else


That lady shakes like a 90 year old.


She's dt'ing from boxed wine.


And antidepressants


It's from the lead consumption from cooking food near a hot battery


With a mixture of carbon monoxide, oil fumes.


Not to mention she only seasoned one side. Who tf only seasons one side?


As someone who has always had shaky hands since I was little and everyone teased me for it… fuck you.


https://www.amazon.com/Manifold-Destiny-Guide-Cooking-Engine/dp/1416596232/ I used to have a copy of this book. It's a thing.


Same here. I'm starting a new job soon where I'll be doing a lot of driving so thinking about pot roast on the manifold.


I too own this book, and made use of it when I was driving cross-country (IT consulting), including cooking ribs in foil on a long trip. It is fun to do but not a precise process, you have to pull over to check temperatures and stuff tends to get burnt on the bottom. You also need to carry a lot of supplies including lots of tin foil/paper towels, and an instant-read thermometer. Also - found out the hard way not to trust hood pressure or gravity to keep foil-wrapped packages in place - I improvised a crude clamp to keep them on the engine block using bent coat hangers, which my mechanic silently removed a couple of times. I wonder what he thought. At any rate, I ate better and healthier than I would have otherwise - recommended.


Definitely a thing in the snowmobile community too,


Cancer ribs. Nom nom nom. Can't afford a fucking cutting board though.


They’re putting money aside to save for the cancer treatment that they will inevitably need


Crazy eyes


I knew she was batshit insane when she dumped a ranch seasoning packet on the rack of ribs. Not to mention the rest of the seasonings. That has to be the worst rib rub ever created. I know its just ragebait and it is done well, but I can't fucking stand this travesty


Big ol' forehead too.


Good pork is cooked slow until it's 190-210 degrees. You'll have to pry her's off the bone with a crow bar.


The "theory" was proven viable by The Mythbusters and Alton Brown. Fully Thanksgiving dinner in fact. This? Fake


I think some people get off on creating videos that cause people to damage their property or bodies. There's no way that doesn't shift around during a 4 hour road trip, and no way the engine reaches temps of over 300 degrees.


I’m gonna start a channel now. First few ideas: - Cooking a steak on my bare driveway - Washing my clothes with my yard sprinklers - ironing my laundry on my blackstone - using my dishwasher for a sauna - Using toilet water for mopping Be sure to smash that subscribe button!




Back when my Dad was in his twenties (he's in his 70's now) he was riding in his motorcycle, hit a rattlesnake, decided not to waste it so he gutted it and wrapped it up in tinfoil with oil and garlic, then wrapped it around the tail pipe of his motorcycle and kept riding for a few hours until it was cooked. he said it turned out pretty good.


Calm down Alton Brown


You can cook ribs at 225 which could technically be feasible but I still think this is fake. And also the ribs would be awful.


The whole engine is covered in plastic. There's nothing hot for that to sit on. The fan blows right underneath that to keep temps down.


Is this the bitch that says to make cotton candy in the dryer?


Imagine tasting something off with your lunch and she shows you this video…I’d punch her in the face…this is the stupidest stupid food so far. OP wins r/stupidfood


I’ll pass. Crazy eyes can keep those ribs.


the eyes don't lie. she cray.


I used to work on bugger truck delivering building materials. We commonly straooes burritos and other things on the upper half of the engine.. we called it truckers lunch. This one old dude taught us to do it. He would affix canned items to his engine as well. In various places. This is nothing new this was the 90's


1) the wrong kind of smokey taste for your food 🤮 2) using a sharp knife so close to the engine's oil, cooling and air intake pipes 🫣


I wouldn’t even let her in my kitchen


Love it when my girlfriend snorts lines of Adderall and gets amazing ideas.


The smoky taste is not hickory flavor. No sir, that's valvoline high mileage synthetic right there.


It's going to taste like gas


Totally real and smart


So faked.


Red Green did it better.


No way this is real. No juice? Cut it right over engine and no smoke or sizzle off the exhaust, c'mon it's bullshit.


I hope pork grease leaked into their mass air flow sensor




Remember... An animal was born, raised, had feelings emotions hopes and dreams to live and experience a fulfilling life... just to be murdered one day ... For this. I bet they did not even eat it but threw most of it in the bin. Fucking humans.


If the meat starts to leak liquids to your engine then there is two options; possibility to damage your engine or make the car smell like pork lol


Invest in your kids education folks…


Red-green show anyone?


MythBusters did a full thanksgiving dinner like this. It worked 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus Christ, even without cooking ribs on an engine with an entire packet of ranch powder, this chick seems unhinged.


And here’s another example of “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”


As a mechanic, No


Adderall script refilled


There is absolutely no way she “forgot” and “had” to cook them this way and a 100% chance that she immediately told everyone about it — “they’re never going to know”


I hate the internet.. I get more stupider by the moment


Cloris Leachman?


Barring everything else, slathering this perfectly good rack of ribs in Sweet Baby Ray's was the true food crime.


Rich pretty people do things for attention


This is the first one on this sub that made me say “oh come on” out loud.




White people and their tiktoks.


This broad is annoying


Jesus loves you ❤️


I was sure she was gonna cut into the radiator hose


Nothing like that savory exhaust smell on my ribs.


If my family members cook food on car engine and feed me I’m shooting them up.


Red green did an entire Thanksgiving dinner in the 90s. You are an amateur.


TBH, the Mythbusters did cook a whole meal this way. The only difference from this lady is that they actually did it.


Manic episode eyes.


Crazy eyes much?


Why is it sped up, I mean it does mean we get through all that bullshit quicker so actually I redact my previous question and replace it with the statement. Speed it up more


She looks crazed. Like constantly “would like to speak to the manager” crazy. And those ribs look… not great.




1. I've heard of truckers doing this since the 60s/70s, so that part isn't new or surprising 2. Why the FUCK is she using a bread knife? That screams stupid food more than anything.


As dumb at this video is, you CAN cook on an engine. Look up the book “Manifold destiny” I’ve done a few good recipes.


Half that shit is sitting on plastic 🤦‍♂️




reminds me of Jeremy Clarkson smoking fish in the bed of a toyota with diesel exhaust


So. As stupid as it may be. A different scenario and all, a while back when i was in the army we would get these shitty cans of meat (allegedly) that would resemble spam cans. Anyway my favorite food was putting those cans between the exhaust of the transmission and the metal block, after the tank drills and driving around for 2 hours it would come out so warm and tasty - at least when youre a tired, hungry soldier. So its stupid, but sometimes its not stupid


She should have triple wrapped it. You don't want engine fumes and grime getting in your food and there was a hole there


"Our family loves my ribs" is a bad sign of bad cooking.


It’s clearly fake right?


How the fuck are they chared from the top if only heat comes form the engine below


they did this on Top Gear like 20 years ago when Gordon Ramsay was the guest


This is how u get cancer


I woke up about 15 minutes ago, and already my day is ruined.


I feel so bad for our future grandchildren. Grandma’s cooking was the bomb for so many of us and something to always look forward to. Heck some of us are tryna save that little recipe she had on that little deteriorating piece of paper. Instead our grandkids are gonna be like “granddad, do I really have to eat grandma’s car engine ribs?” And yes, little Timmy. Yes you do. Don’t get in the way of grandma making content.


Enjoy your trichinosis.


These people's votes count the same as mine. No wonder we're fucked.


Mmmm emission seasoning that won’t cause any cancers


I hope that foil got punctured and leaked juices all over their engine. Fuck this stupid bullshit.


I’ve got some biscuits warming on the catalytic converter; should be ready in ten miles…


Fucking hate this bitch


she sounds like an asshole bbq dad


“You can really taste the fumes!”


I wish she had cut a rubber hose when cutting the ribs.


My biggest red flag is they cooked one rack for them and her whole family?!


And then cut it and ate a rib. Like rather their family is really small or they all will only get 1 rib. It’s damn embarrassing


Idgf if this is real or fake, if I was the camera man my only response to any of her bullshit would be "I want a divorce".


Using 4 hours of gas, that is cheaper then a grill


Honestly I think this is great.


I think some guy once made a cooking book for Truck drivers where he explained what food you can cook in what Truck on what tour... like broiled chicken in a MAN TGX420 from Frankfurt to Paris has to be placed left of the intercooler, spice it with herbs, roll into aluminium foil, do not drive via Lyon... or something like that... don't roadt me, I'm no Truck driver...


Imagine being married go her😂😂 that's worse than a 4 hour drive


That lady looks like she eats adderall for breakfast lunch and dinner.


My ex brother-in-law had a cookbook for cooking in your car engine and used it several times.


Wow. The cadence of her voice and her fake perkiness are unreasonably infuriating.


I am more bothered by the check that they didn’t remove it from the engine before checking it.


As a member of the health care community, I'd like to thank her for the job security.


My daily reminder that we are in the worst timeline. Thanks.


Why is she trembling


Response to doubting this will work. "Why? Have you not seen these things on TikTok?" I hate people.


First, that does not look like how she left it when they closed the hood. Second, playing this with the sound off, she seems unhinged, maybe with the sound on, it changes the whole video?


Why are people so dumb?


If someone does this to me I will upper deck there toilet


The voice alone is insufferable


This was a thing when I was a kid (I’m 60+). Back then most everyone drove for vacations etc. Cooking on the engine was real. There was even a cookbook. Funny thing, the book told you how many miles you had to drive before things were done, not time.


Why is she cutting meat with a bread knife?!


I don't think that's safe. I don't care what she said about pork only needing to get to 160°. That just doesn't seem very safe to me. I sure as hell wouldn't need that. Not only that, who the hell puts that much ranch on ribs? Edit: I would not eat that. Gross, that does not look done to me. That doesn't look safe. I hope she has fun with that bout of food poisoning she's going to have later.


That is vile! Undercooked, reeking of exhaust and antifreeze. Can you not plan ahead(cook the day before)and eat well-prepared ribs in the car? Is there no oven or grill at your destination? I don’t understand how anyone can eat ranch.” The chips that taste like vomit and feet. I won’t allow anyone to open a bag of ranch chips in my car.


Only has to get to 160F… BULL FUCKIN SHIT. This is an edible rib, you would not die from eating this…BULL FUCKIN SHIT. There’s a reason why these ribs taste awful, and why ribs are never cooked high and fast for only FOUR HOURS. This is a crime against humanity.


MMmmm... carbon monoxide ribs!! Beware that post-meal nap LOL


Just say you don't know anything about engines. Small mammals survive in engine bays for months at a time. This is still stupid but there's no reason to add any more stupid to it.


Tell that to my exhaust-smoked brisket. 14hrs at 2000rpm using 92 octane. Only the best for my family!


I bet those ribs taste like gasoline and brake fluid!


Ain't she the Uno card game lady that got her ass handed to her?