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I love the internet. There’s always a new community of unhinged weirdos to discover.


And if you can't find one by golly you can make one


Exhibit one: SRD.


You mean SRD-D.


But not SRDD-D. They’re totally normal.


Yeah that's when we full circle back to reality but it takes you a week to notice it's all backwards now. But at least we have cake today


I’ve been reading up on a subreddit of teenagers (most don’t identify as being teenagers but it’s extremely obvious) who think that they can train their brain to live in the world of My Hero Academia for years at a time and post their methods on how you can do the same It’s funny but…..it’s also kinda sad


wait. Wait what?


r/shiftingrealities It’s all in good fun until you start to think that maybe the reason these people are resorting to unhinged strategies to “shift their consciousness” or whatever because they’re trying to mentally flee bad home lives Found that sub through r/astralprojection which is….an interesting sub in its own right


There's a really good Strange Aeons video about shifting and maladaptive daydreaming as a newage internet religion, super interesting if you don't want to dive into the subreddits directly


here's [that Strange Aeons video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbWp0z5p8x0) for the lazily curious.


I don't think its a coincidence that reality shifting took off during the pandemic, and it's always seemed really sad to me. Like a bunch of people who are so miserable they want to go live in an anime, that's not cringe, it's depressing.


huh...this is basically r/Mandelaeffect conspiracies but instead of involuntarily shifting to a reality where the fruit of the loom logo is slightly worse, it's inter-universe bungee jumping


Went through the top all-time posts. What a fucking ride.


The good news is you can shift into a reality where you never saw that sub at all


I’ll always shift into a reality where you saw that sub though


That’s cool, it won’t be the real me in that reality, it’ll be a clone I’ll be living it up in my own reality


Yeah reality shifting seems like someone kind of reskinned astral projection and lucid dreaming for the tiktok crowd


its Shifting, Reality Shifting, basically these people think they have the ability to "shift" realities so they can go have fun with their favourite characters etc for as long as they want before coming back to their mundane lives they're actually just daydreaming/lucid dreaming, but they're under the delusion that they're actually shifting realities and its become this "cult"/new age religion basically with them reinforcing themselves having "abilities", with specific "rituals" they need to do to shift realities (which usually just turns out to be a way to lucid dream) it got really popular on tiktok a few years ago, so you saw young people talking about their adventures in the Harry Potter universe or one of their animes etc, obviously its had staying power since its basically an echo chamber, like the people who think the Mandela Effect is actual reality shifting or people messing with the timeline etc




I guess they can spend time with their tulpa while there 


My latest new weirdo community is one that started up over new traffic control measures here in London. They call themselves the "anti -ULEZers" and they're just kinda against any restrictions on cars or air pollution. Anyway there's been some drama recently between two groups of singers! The Ulezettes are a bunch of women who turn up at the protests and (badly) sing songs into megaphones about how much they hate the London mayor but to the tune of wartime songs. And ULEZ FEAT did the same thing but it's a mixed gender group. Now the Ulezettes are accusing them of copyright infringement for stealing their idea, ULEZ FEAT are accusing them of slander, family members of both groups have got involved annnnd it's all kicking off on Facebook. I LOVE IT.


weirdo British London-NIMBY civil war, combining some of the three worst aspects of modern politics lol


New? By god son these are Cathars


I’m sure those people have rational opinions on sex work.


Imma be searching for this specific debate on that subreddit for the rest of the evening 😭


You are a braver person than me, I hope you find what you are looking for in your search.


been searching for a few minutes and there are some funny things to say the least. most interesting being a post titled “haveing sexs is expensive” and one of the costs listed being “stretch mark cream is 20$”


Amazing lmao


would you believe me if I said that they listed the shaving and waxing as a cost of $100+ too


> I've actually been following and commenting on this sub for quite some time now and am an asexual, sex-negative feminist who is opposed to sex work, casual sex and non-reproductive sex in general. From the pinned post.


For people who don't want sex they sure talk about sex a lot. Sex sex sex sexity sex.


Like childfree.


Or /r/minionhate


My favorite thing when I discover a new group of fucking weirdos is their terminology. For the incels, it was "femoids" and such, for the anti-natalists, it's "Breeders", for the anti-sex it appears to be "sexuals" and "crotch brains" which is just amazing.


My favourite one is that naturists/nudists call non-nudists "textiles" as a derogatory term.


That's so funny. A slightly more common one that I've actually heard in real life is hardcore motorcycle people calling people that drive cars "cagers".


I think cyclists do as well.


Definitely something that Calvin's dad would say


Extreme vegans have got "bloodmouth." I bet the Dog Free folks have got a couple good ones. I don't know how people can say this shit unironically without feeling like a joke.


Oh shit, bloodmouth, I love it


Rule 1 of inventing your own slurs: don’t make them sound cool as fuck if you want to offend people. _my name is Bionic Bloodmouth, son of Degu Bloodmouth_


Kinda reminds me of the "tacos on every street corner". You're making us sound way more badass than we are.


That seems to be a recurring thing among the far-right. They paint everyone even slightly to the left of them as demanding all these things that actually sound pretty damn good, to the point that I'm usually just left thinking "man, I fucking *wish* the Democrats would actually push for even half of that instead of rolling over again."


the funniest one ive heard comes from 4chan transphobes, and that's "zippertits". apparently it's supposed to be demeaning towards trans men because top surgery scars look like zippers (???) but its just so absurd that its funny to me


jokes on them, I *wish* my tits came with zippers. take em off and donate them to a trans lady who needs em more than me. Swap tits with friends. Maybe keep a pair around for drag purposes


Imagine if you could change tits to match your outfit. Back hurting? Hormones acting up? They just keep getting in the way? Unzip 'em and leave 'em at home for the day .... Somebody REALLY needs to invent zipper tits.


It's like a dnd home brew class


Dog free tends to use dognutters and then more specific is shitbulls I actually found a weird niche drama chain there once The dogfree sub cut ties with the anti pitbull subreddit bc not all anti pitbull people are anti all dogs. Dogfree also fight with child free sinc ea lot of childfree posters are like my dog is better than your kids, there's an anti cat subreddit that doesn't like dogfree bc a lot of dogfree posters are cat owners then you get the pet free people and it's ultimate form seems to be petfreechildfree Also I've seen various insults thrown out by various terf groups and can't take them seriously like 'gendies' 'sparklegender' etc Tbh I kind of want to steal/reclaim sparklegender it sounds fun


Wow its like a nuclear fission reaction of weirdos.


We must find a way to harness them. Could be the key to unlimited energy.


dog-free weirdos say "dog nutters". anti-pitbull people specifically say "pit nutters". neither paints a pleasant image


In this life, you're either a pit nutter or a nut pitter


Carnist is another vegan term that I unironically love they make us sound metal af just for eating a cheeseburger


That, or followers of some kind of carnie-based religion.


Its a sociology thing. Having unique terminology is a way for groups to maintain self cohesion and differentiate themselves from outsiders. More radical, isolating groups take it much further and in a way, strange or silly sounding terminology works even better.


This and how they adapt social justice language to position themselves as oppressed instead of just holding extremely fringe and unpopular opinions. The thread of how "sexuals appropriate innocent words" is absolutely amazing 😳


Nudists have a slur for non-nudists too - "textile". You're welcome.


I love this one. Is it used in a sentence like "the textiles don't like it when I walk around the mall naked"?? Textilers? "Those filthy textiles" lmao it doesn't stop being funny.


"Textiles are taking over our beaches!!" when someone walks in pants on beach where nudists usually hang out in. Usually it is about some teritorial dispute, about places where you can kinda maybe expect naked people. But it is really funny when they feel this kind of contempt for someone commiting a simple ac of wearing pants. And, of course, there are radical nudists who would really like to walk naked everywhere. Also there is one other front of the war, that is people who like to walk naked for horny reasons. Some nudists really hate those people, because their nudism is good and pure. And they also fight over territory.


Oh shit, I didn't even think about the voyeurism kink people and the conflict there, but that makes perfect sense




quoting the opinions of Kant of all people as gospel is 100% Phil 101


I take offense at that. I took philosophy *2*01 so I can quote Kant.


My main takeaway from Philosophy 101 was that his name should have been Immanuel Cunt.


> so it's best to conceive You’re on thin ice with this pun mister. 




You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


*pregnant pause*


Shout-out to this one on the antisex post >hi first off All thank you for discussing some important İssues on subreddits like that but I dont really think you are anti-sex either you seem to defend that sex is okay in an healthy long term marriage which can't be said you practically are roleplaying as a pro marriage christian. This ideology is about the act of sex is wrong the existence of it is wrong and with the invention of alternative reproduction methods sex has to be gotten rid off altogether that's what this ideology is about


This is some Dr Bronners level ramble.


The hell did I just read?


As an IVF kid, I'm pleased to know that according to these guys, I'm inherently superior because of my in vitro origins. Future of the human race right here!


I’m both glad and disappointed they used that one period.


Anti*sex?* I get that they're Ace, but you'd think they'd realize that most people aren't. Never thought I'd see people weirder and more extreme than Reddit's antinatalist community.


Given their obsession with childhood purity, I suspect there's something else going on other than asexuality.


>If the people "are under the boot" and thanks to that "oppression" they're equally pure, childlike and innocent, I'm in.     >>When we were children, we were innocent, without swearing, without drugs, without alcohol, without sex and so forth. Why to reject this natural purity?    >>>maybe someday you will miss that primal purity with whom we are born.     Yeah, I'd like this guys hard drive checked.


50/50 pedophiles or victims of pedophiles.


Sadly, a large number of sex offenders were victims themselves. So it's probably both.


You're the first one to hone into that when that was the first thing I noticed! "We must end sex so that we can be pure like children" made my skin crawl


Someone should tell them about the Shakers, they were a religious community that shunned all forms of sex, even between married couples. They died out (guess why) but made some great furniture along the way.


They've *almost* died out. There's one Shaker village left in Maine with two members


Awww, good for them!


I check in every year or two to see if they're still kicking. One is in his 60s, the other in her 80s


Male and female?


Yeah, Brother Arnold and Sister June


The Shakers! Yet another kooky American cult


>kooky American cult We're just really good at cults, okay?!


Comes of having so much empty land for communities to separate themselves in.


I like to think that cults are the real American Export


We got some competition with Japan and Korea I'm recent years but I firmly believe that if we harass enough Christians online we can create another death cult to rival moonies


For what Japan lacks in sheer volume of cults they make up for in intensity - see Aum Shinrikyo literally sarin gassing a train station and killing more than a dozen people.


Okay leave the Shakers alone though lol. In the 1800s, Brother Frederick Evans suggested reforming the US government to have national and state senates be comprised entirely of women and I think that's pretty cool.


it made me a lot more sad than my skin crawling, i have to admit. like what happened to that poster to make them no longer an innocent child. and did they have something that happens to a child to make them no longer innocent, and extremely, *extremely* sex-repulsed. that's something that ends up creating a lot of sad possible answers. :(


it reminds me of something michael jackson said about kids, that they were pure and innocent or something like that


He basically had no childhood. The Jackson 5 started when he was 5. Makes sense that he always had that yearning for being a child. Not that it is an excuse for any… you know.


yeah, the minute they started talking about “purity” and “childhood innocence” alarm bells started ringing. it's like they were... I don't know... _fetishizing_ those things.


Involuntary chastity is an actual kink I've seen once or twice.


One of the oldest kinks in the book. All the "medieval chastity belts" in museums are fetish pieces made well after the Middle Ages.


10000% Whenever people keep going on about purity and innocence and think of the children... All we need is somebody to talk about how it's "depraved and ruins our nubile bodies"


They are probably conservative Christian teenage dorks. Only they can be so obsessed with purity. Or a nazi...


There's also the delightful crossover of "grew up uberconservative, now surface-level progressive but haven't changed their mindset" Which is how you get people spouting weird tradwife purity bullshit but framing it as "sex is problematic and rapey, that's why we're better"


It’s funny how that works out sometimes. I grew up like that, religious boarding schools with mandatory church attendance, I am missionary trained. That turned me into an atheist shameless hedonist.


My guess is older teenagers/young adults who find the transition from childhood to adulthood somehow traumatizing, and blame the existence of sex for such trauma.


I say that based on growing up as a conservative Christian teen who was obsessed with finding what is now called a "tradwife" Not quite the same thing but purity culture made a mark.


Even the Nazis liked sex so much they handed out medals for having lots of it.


Nah if you check out the profiles of the most prominent posters you can see, that many of them are just very depressed women and often SA victims. It's quite sad actually


Well that's depressing


Whenever you have a highly marginalized community you get a shard that ends up becoming supremacist as a way to cope. "They fear us because we are so much better than them" etc.


Very strong antisex attitudes are surprisingly common on the asexual subreddits in general, though they are not the majority view. It’s a source of near constant drama on those subs.


Asexual subreddits constantly fighting over asexuals that fuck and asexuals that don’t and if demisexuals are real and so on because all queer communities love to have gatekeeping


>because all ~~queer~~ communities love to have gatekeeping FIFY


I'd argue it's worse on gay communities because of the sheer insecurity of often belonging to a publicly persecuted minority. people are so scared of it that ypu end up with rules that in practice ban people for saying hallmark movies don't really have a homophobia problem


>Never thought I'd see people weirder and more extreme than Reddit's antinatalist community. Hahaha I had the identical thought. That old meme about how on the internet you can find your niche group that want to fuck toasters is so true. What strange fucking groups these people find themselves in. The interesting part is that while the anti-natalists seem to be mostly depressed teens with too many philosophy books, the anti-sex folks seem to be some kind of strange Paleo Conservatives? I think? They seem light on philosophy and heavy on "purity" whatever that means.


Perennial problem of ace subs is the conflict between sex-positive and sex-repulsed aces. A certain strain of the latter is very fucking weird about sex and bodies.


A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a group of anti-sex women (and one weird male simping mod) took over /r/deadbedrooms and tried convincing everyone that trying to work on your sex life is "diet coke rape". And that actual practicing sex therapists (female, even) "don't understand consent." It lasted like 9 months, but imagine having people come to the community at the lowest point in their lives and accusing them of being monsters for having basic biological desires. It was bad, they took over the narrative for like 9 months.


Seems like a (un?)healthy mix of ace and people with straight up trauma, I live for these weird corners of reddit though


Are they asexual or can they just not get laid and take out their frustrations by pretending to have moral reasons why they *shouldn't* have sex?


Also possible, but OP did call them Asexuals. I'd wager there's a mix of people genuinely confused as to why humans want sex, turbo-incels like you're describing, and badly hurt people who can't see sex as healthy anymore.


One of the most common types of threads and posts there are "look at this kink I found. Sexuals have something wrong with them, they're degenerate animals". Quite literally "they eat the poo poo" but applied to everyone with a sexuality.


>"look at this kink I found. Sexuals have something wrong with them, they're degenerate animals" You're telling me these people haven't even read enough queer theory to know that the "opposite" polar of asexual is *allo*sexual? Really just calling folks "sexuals" instead? If they wanted a word that covered the use-case of asexuals who have sex, they could've come up with a fuckin' rad slur codename but this is just weak. Smh. They could've spent all their non-sex time reading theory but instead they've gone to Jupiter to get more stupider.


>You're telling me these people haven't even read enough queer theory >is *allo*sexual You are assuming many people read queer theory(actually even know that's a thing that exists), and know what allosexual is(I certainly don't)


for people so anti-sex, they sure do talk about it a lot


I mean, that's not weird. Anti-cop folk for example talk about cops plenty.


also to add, it's partially about pink polar bear syndrome. that's right, that's gonna stick for a while, sorry. the thing that squicks me is the mention of “purity”, “childhood” and “innocence”. like... you could have gone with `beep boop does not compute` or... I dunno, modrons, or ultra rational talk.  but you zoomed into childhood and purity. that's... notable. _and_ concerning.




Our weird hobby is gawking at people with weird passions and hobbies.


It reminds me I’m at least somewhat normal


Is this a hobby? It's like having "destroying stamp collections" as a hobby. r/antiphilatelist let's go


Please don’t tell me this user unironically thinks Kant would support their concept of purity. By “emerge from your self imposed intellectual nonage” he surely meant that we should force ourselves into childlike ignorance and immaturity, right? Kant’s opposition to sexuality has nothing to do with any of this purity junk, it’s all about using your partner as a mere means to pleasure. (TBH, I think latter Kantians have done a much better job at creating an account of Kantian sex ethics that fit with his system of ethics than he did, I would guess Kant himself may have been sex repulsed, although I am not all that well read on him so I might be wrong) Edit: also why is this user trying to get at with the primal stuff. Sex is about as primal as it gets, next to eating. Edit 2: I just noticed that the sub icon is the Youth Anti Sex League badge from the 1984 movie adaptation, what the actual fuck is going on


>I'm against swearing, hookups, drugs and violence, meanwhile favouring politeness, purity and innocence. When we were children, we were innocent, without swearing, without drugs, without alcohol, without sex and so forth. Why to reject this natural purity? Damb I hate to be the bearer of bad news about what's "natural" to this one


Lol I was swearing as much as possible as a kid and so were most of my peers. I remember getting in a fight with one of my friends when we were like eight because he said we had to stop being friends because I swore and he was quitting swearing 😂 I was not gonna stop dropping f bombs for his puritanical lil ass.


When I was a kid I had some weird idea that adults pretty much never swore but kids always did, because all the kids I knew cussed like sailors and all the adults I knew would swoon if someone said "darn" in front of them. Interesting the conclusions kids can come to about things based on their experience, lol


I remember when I learned the F word and my parents told me I shouldn't use that word until I was older and had better judgement. I spent some time wondering how I would know when I had better judgment. Until I was about 12 and went fuck it, which worked out.


Also, drugs are natural too. Even dolphins play with poisonous fish to get a buzz. Hell, kids have all kinds of games that involve spinning around to get dizzy. Our brains really like feeling a bit besides themselves sometimes.


yeah this guy is gonna have a rough awakening when he learns that his idea of child-like innocence is more specifically just the way that we currently treat children in modern western culture, cuz imma be real i feel most little kids would enjoy drugs and the like if they could, kids arent particularly known for their self control


Kids don't typically do drugs because they have no way of getting them and they're surrounded by adults who won't let them.


Plus kids are constantly hyper, euphoric and hallucinatory as a natural condition. Most drugs do nothing for them except make them feel sick.


my first impulse to people arguing for the naturalistic fallacy is to introduce them to the [homosexual necrophiliac duck rapist](https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/06/dead-duck-day-marks-that-time-a-scientist-witnessed-gay-duck-necrophilia/). apart from the glass window, everything else was natural, buddy. that's your nature.


> I'm against swearing, hookups, drugs and violence I'm against one of those things. Also as a child I was 100% swearing and I would occasionally catch sex on adult films when I walked in when I wasn't meant to and it mostly just made me feel nothing/weird cause I didn't understand what I was witnessing. But this idea that we have to be children forever because they're "pure" is insanity, these people seem so goddamn miserable.


I saw a big debate in there about whether anal sex is more degenerate than vaginal sex, and whether or not that makes the poster who thought that homophobic, and whether that’s good or bad. Fun stuff


With the way they write, I almost wonder if the common factor is that all (or most) of them are just young? It’s got the kind of inflated vocabulary and overly serious righteousness that I associate with younger teens. Who, more than other groups, tend to be anti-Adult Stuff (drinking, smoking, sex, etc.) because they haven’t quite aged out of the ingrained training that it’s not okay for them to do, and/or they’re still going through puberty and aren’t experiencing sexual attraction that much yet. Pulling the theory completely out of nowhere, just something I saw (and experienced) when I was around that 13-15 age. Hell, I was (personally, didn’t project it as a moral thing) anti-drinking until I was like 20 because it felt weird and scary. If I’d been exposed to slightly different social environments, I can totally see how I would’ve been willing to join a community dedicated to bashing on stuff like that.


Reddit kind of skews young I think, at least it seems so. You’re probably correct that a lot of them are younger. Focusing on child-like purity, while creepy as hell, comes across as younger people panicking about being an adult and being scared about being an adult There’s a lot of things about being an adult that feel scary. Sex, drugs, smoking, and more when introduced young can fuck you up, but if you’re never exposed to it at all it can seem double scary. I garner most of them will grow out of this belief or forget entirely


I mean, to be entirely fair, is it possible to be anything other than scared of being an adult? I’m an adult and I’m scared of it. I’d take being a kid any day. They should be railing against the constant non-stop responsibility with no reward, though, not sex.


>They should be railing against the constant non-stop responsibility with no reward, though, not sex. going to start infiltrating fringe internet groups to start redirecting their vitriol away from whatever niche obsession they have to the capitalist bourgeois, like a reverse FBI agent. Oh, you're antisex? Well, boy oh boy, guess who sells and markets sexualized content to the public!


Oh dear, the tumblr/twitter puriteen phenomenon has escaped containment? It's been a fandom thing for a few years (writing about bad things happening to fictional characters means you want to do those bad things in real life, also those childhood friends are practically family so thinking they'd be cute together is promoting incest, also a two year age gap is paedophilia, also etc etc) and I think they may have found their natural home in that subreddit


Nobody tell them what a popular fetish reading antisex posts is.


I wonder how they feel about chastity as a kink. No sex, but *very* far away from the "childhood purity" they're being so weirdly obsessive about


I don't think they're smart enough to understand the difference


95% of it is creative writing and fapbait most likely.


It’s extremely funny that r/ratchetandclank is a related subreddit. If they saw the fanart I’ve seen…


This is going right in the "For my own sake, I refuse to believe any of these people are serious" pile.


I grew up in a fundamentalist religious home. The obsession with and degradation of sex was extreme. Anything sexual was bad. Christians have a weird hatred of anything horny. So this doesn’t surprise me at all, and it wouldn’t surprise me if this is just an attempt evangelizing that message without the religious talk


Took a very quick look at that sub. Seems to be mostly people who see the degrading side of sex and are afraid or convinced that all sex is degrading. They seem to focus on hating kinks in particular. I wonder what the age range is. When I was younger (guess I was a late bloomer) I didn’t understand the appeal of sex, and I hated this sort of expectation that as a teen I should be wanting sex and that if I wasn’t there was something wrong with me. And I’d hear about some kinks and just be unable to understand how or why someone would want that and fear that there was something twisted about human sexuality itself. But time passed, I matured, my views changed. There are kinks that don’t make sense to me, and that’s okay. If these are kids and teens, and if their understanding of what sex is comes mostly from, I don’t know, hardcore porn, or really if they’ve only been exposed to the more extreme or violent side, then I can hardly blame them for being afraid of it.


>Sex freaks will destroy anything in their paths just so they can have another orgasm.  Yoink


I browsed there and we seem to have a lot of antisex and antinatalist overlap. Discussing if sex for procreation is inherently less depraved than just sex for fucking’s sake: >Does this purpose include creating a new life without its consent?


Didn’t realize the [Shakers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakers) had a subreddit


This is some weird popcorn and I'm genuinely impressed at OP for finding it and making this post.


A lot of strong opinions about their perceived persecution. Meanwhile I don't think about them at all.


There are some truly bizarre and dark corners of the internet. Talking about "degeneracy" and "purity" reminds me of Nazi propaganda, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people started out as incels


>I'm against swearing, hookups, drugs and violence, meanwhile favouring politeness, purity and innocence. When we were children, we were innocent, without swearing, without drugs, without alcohol, without sex and so forth. Why to reject this natural purity? Not that there's anything inherently wrong with not having sex if you don't want any, but this is definitely some kind of trauma response


The obsession with the "purity" and "innocence" of children is really, really, REALLY creepy. Hopefully the FBI monitors that shit because...yeah.


I don't think they are asexuals there, these sound like incels overcompensating--just like how the Men Going Their Own Way sub just could not stop talking about women.


Not about to write an analysis on them or defend them, but I've been watching them like a hawk for a few months and I really don't think they are. They post about how all male sexuality is inherently rapey pretty frequently. They're misogynist for sure but more... incidentally? They just don't remotely know how any normal human being "works" at all whatsoever, so they're everybody-ist. They cannot even concieve the abstract concept of grass, let alone touch it.


> They cannot even conceive the abstract concept of grass, let alone touch it That's a flair and a half right there, my goodness


I actually knew a couple anti-sex people, years ago on Discord! I didn't know there was a word for it, but that's exactly what they were! Yes, they ultimately asexual, that was my take talking to them. Their ideology was a bizarre mash of anti-porn feminism and purity culture; I could not tell ultimately if they were far left or far right, but they were far *something*, and they hated bangin'. While they had some incel-ish traits, I genuinely believe they either had low or no sex drive, and their anti-sex worldview was a combination of their own sex repulsion and an inability to see the world from the perspective of anyone who wasn't them. They literally did not believe that women watched porn. Like any women, ever. There was a lot of talk about all men being rapists, but they also wanted all women to cover themselves? It was negativity directed at everyone, because the vast, vast majority of humanity would never accept their strange ideology. I could talk about those people all day, if I wanted to.


> I could not tell ultimately if they were far left or far right, but they were far something Far off the deep end.


Antisex seems filled with young asexual women and non-binary/ftm asexual people that hate sex because ace or dysphoria or both. So generally annoying each chamber hell.


I saw some users also posting in NoFap communities. The cis guys in there seem to be the weirdo new age type that think they can archieve enlightenment by not jerking off.


In this moment I am enlightened, not because of any phony god's blessing, but by my own semen retention.


They're kind of where the NoFap types end up. From NoFap to semen retention to these crackpots. I'd call it a pipeline, but they'd probably think that sounds too sexual.


> I'm sorry.. but EQUAL citizenship? >What world do you live in? In the USA men are second class citizens.. >In order for men to receive the same rights / privileges afforded automatically to women namely: >• A drivers license >• A student loan >• Other government funded assistance >They need to agree to be drafted to fight for their country.. >Women get all the above without ANY of the associated responsibility or risk.. So before you’re 18, you’re equal, but the second you register for the selective service — you lose all your rights? Lmao. And I’m not gonna presume to speak for women, but I’m sure a lot of them would gladly sign up for it if it meant they got paid equally for the same work as men or — ya know — got to have bodily autonomy.


I don’t speak for all women but I can say from my perspective I support bodily autonomy which means I don’t support the draft for anyone. They are incompatible.


Agreed. I think that the draft goes against basic human rights for everyone.


To be fair, it's not registering that would make you lose some rights.


>And I’m not gonna presume to speak for women, but I’m sure a lot of them would gladly sign up for it if it meant they got paid equally for the same work as men or — ya know — got to have bodily autonomy. The funniest shit to me is that the only people against the draft for women (besides leftists who don't support the draft in general) are conservative men. There have been attempts to make women sign up for the draft and it always gets shot down because conservative men don't actually want women to get drafted they just want women to shut the fuck up.


> conservative men don't actually want women to get drafted they just want women to shut the fuck up. conservative men don't actually want women to [Insert any number of things here] they just want women to shut the fuck up.


> • A drivers license > > • A student loan you can get these before the age of 18, the earliest age at which you must register for the selective service, so I’m confused


I thought this was more insane before I got to the draft bit but, the draft is not happening ever again. I do wish they'd formally remove it, but an all volunteer army is simply too good, not to mention we don't really need meat waves for wars anymore. It sucks but it's basically like those ancient unenforced laws that ban you from playing tennis on sunday.


The draft is right up there next to dying of cholera in things I’m worried about in 2024.


That was such an wild comment I literally had to reread it to make sure they weren’t being sarcastic 😭


I'm Ace and that sub is wild to the point of it ironically being funny.  One of the top posts is [someone ranting about how they can't believe sex is considered normal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antisex/comments/wwkn83/i_still_cant_and_never_will_get_over_the_fact/) I mean really, come on. 


> Men fuck women( penetrate them) in a stab like motion. If they're shit at it maybe.


"I'm against swearing, hookups, drugs and violence, meanwhile favouring politeness, purity and innocence. When we were children, we were innocent, without swearing, without drugs, without alcohol, without sex and so forth. Why to reject this natural purity?" Really? No exposure to ANY of that as a child? Was this guy Amish?


Yeah, I was going to say, a quick round of (insert Call of Duty game here) with voice chat on should disabuse anyone of that notion pretty quickly.


Look another sub created around the hate of something that became a cesspool.


> maybe someday you will miss that primal purity with whom we are born and yoink


I didn’t know Rex Mohs had a subreddit


[Antisex, you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gavlcbunY00&ab_channel=%E1%9B%8A%E1%9A%A8%E1%9A%A2%E1%9A%A8%E1%9A%B7%E1%9B%96%E1%9B%9A%E1%9B%9F%E1%9A%B2%E1%9B%81)


The whole conversation from the brigrader is nuts > You have been enslaved to your passions not liberated. [User] and I are fighting to liberate you from your superstitious beliefs regarding sex. Conescending much? > > Superstition? Really? From the people who seem to believe that sex is only okay inside a marriage? > >> Yes. I am an Augustinian not thomist or calvinist; so sex is only tolerable with in marriage not good. Many homophobic orgs say that sex is good within marriage when that isn't true. Like how many people are that deep into specific Christian philosophies they would expect everyone else to know what they are. They certainly don't teach that at my Catholic school. Then he gets called out for trying to push his religion on everyone else and so he says: > It is not the case though. Each have different philosophical as well as theological positions. Augustinians like myself hold platonist and stoic views on reality while thomists have aristoteliean views. Platonists and stoics have different views on sex that Aristotelians. As if pushing an extremely niche religious philosophy isn't pushing religion. You're just doing it in a way that will annoy 99% Catholics in addition to everyone else.


Bruh at least antinatalists just wanna fuckin' die, I can respect that. These people just want the world to be *boring*, and that I can't forgive. And honestly, I'd like some opinions on this from people here: the obsession with childlike "innocence" and "purity" ironically feels like it continues to fetishize children even in the absence of overt sexualization. Like, it shoots *way* past the mark of trying to de-sexualize youth and soars right back around to being creepy. I don't know if I can bring together a coherent argument for that position yet, but the more I'm reading of these people the more disturbing it seems. This whole wing of thought goes far beyond feeling no appeal or hostility to sex and sexuality, and in a noticeably strange and cultish way (ironic, since I'm scrolling through that sub and seeing a lot of references to sexuality as a globe-spanning cult). ETA: I've come to the belief that r/antisex is the result of Andrea Dworkin doing a fusion dance with Matt Walsh and you can't convince me otherwise.


> the result of Andrea Dworkin doing a fusion dance with Matt Walsh Incredible. Evocative, yet chronically online. In forcing us to truly stare into the void, Antisex is eliciting some of SRD’s best work.


A group of very mentally ill people now have a place to call home in what ever hobby they love. I wonder how much overlap with antinatalism? Cus ive seen some ... takes there regarding people in war torn countries being too stupid to not have sex and are thus selfish. Yeah a very hot one


Why do I feel like this is somehow a secret sex fetish despite ostensibly being the opposite?


> there are a few (presumably unwell) “sexuals” in there too. oh, I presume they’re all unwell in there


Christian purity culture is a constant spectre with a truly horrifying and ironic number of bastard offspring.


I've heard this in real-life. Mostly from a very specific demographic: young, single Indian men. Makes me wonder about the demographics of that sub. I don't even get, nit in the slightest, where these people are coming from. Do they ever say *why* they think sex is bad and evil? I am missing something.