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I am never prepared for the twists these titles take.


I was like, "OK the order of words is totally tracking as a reddit exchange, and then BAM, 'in r/piracy'" Oh golly how did arr piracy get to this point


All that plundering booty inevitably led us here


Killer booty...small tits tho...but perky especially for her age.


You wouldn't download *a wife* would you??


I tried to do that once and she gave me a virus.


Nope. Just build one myself: [Mitsuko.](https://youtu.be/kpgRVsjGljI?t=9)


Reddit would totally download a waifu 


I mean, did you expect this drama in a polyamory or sex-related subreddit? I feel like there's way less likely to be people clutching pearls about threesomes in those kinds of places.


Okay but moral superiority in r/piracy? C’mon!


I dunno, back when I was pirating the Sims there were plenty of people who got pretty morally superior about it due to general "EA bad" and "I'm protesting the use of SecuROM" sentiments.


I also pirated the Sims 4, but I'm not pretending it's for some moral reason. I wanted the DLC and wasn't about to pay.


Yeah this is me with a lot of games. I’m not pretending it’s for any noble cause so much as it is me being broke and having more pressing things to spend money on.


I've never even played the Sims 4, I'm talking about the Sims 2. I don't think any of the more recent Sims games even came with SecuROM.


I had a pirated copy of the first one that didn't have any sound. It was a little weird the first time I played a legit copy and actually got to hear it.


Ah, back in the days when they removed audio and/or video files from a game so that dialup pirates had a fighting chance of downloading it. If you felt fancy you also downloaded the pack that added the missing files back in


> there were plenty of people who got pretty morally superior about it due to general "EA bad" and "I'm protesting the use of SecuROM" sentiments There's like a small *kernel* of merit to piracy (e.g. literally no way to access said content) But fact is the vast driver of piracy is "customers want free, not cheap but FREE shit" and online with discussion forums, pirates for whatever weird reason get super self-conscious and feel this weird need to turn it all into a moral crusade that justifies their piracy. Which is real weird because no one in those forums are actively crusading against piracy, because if you are in the piracy subreddit, there's a pretty good chance that you want to pirate. You can actually sus out it isn't a moral crusade because a common argument is: "I don't want to benefit network executives with cash if I watch it and pay for it legally! I want to support the little guy" and you respond: "Oh hey several artists, actors, designers, VFX and other employees have Patreons and small donation tabs. You can totally pay them like $5 of beer money which is way cheaper than the legal source but directs most of your funds directly into the little guy's hand" and pirates get *really mad* and yell and scream at you and tell you to shut up and start inventing more excuses. When /r/shoplifting used to be around, that entire subreddit was filled with that behavior. It feels like a recurring pattern in any gray-black market forum and it is just so weird to see people be *that* self-conscious each time. I don't think anyone goes to a strip club and starts pontificating to other strip club visitors: "Oh I'm doing this because I'm supporting women! You see I'm supporting careers!" - they all shut up and enjoy the show.


Ugh, they’re the *worst*


Not sure which group of self-justifying pirates are worse. The "morally superior/ethical" group, or the "i wasnt going to buy it anyways" group. Personally, I'd say the latter. At least the first makes *some* logical sense...if you're an idiot.


>[SecuROM](https://i.imgur.com/mcicZin.gifv) *There's* a blast from the past. Right up there with StarForce. Now it's *all* about Denuvo, which pretty much put every other DRM implementation into retirement.


New to r/piracy, eh? Those guys are veryyyyy egotistical about it How they're sticking it to the man, and they'd definitely pay for it if they put out games worthy of it! Hours played: 200




I once saw Kim Dotcom give a speech. Halfway through I started thinking that maybe piracy is wrong after all.


How tf it even end up there? lmao like what happened


Moral superiority on a topic other than property law? Yeah, I can see that.


Oh, man, if you spend enough time in those circles, you'll soon see just how morally superior a lot of them see themselves as. Especially the younger ones who think they're hacking the planet by sticking it to the man!


Have you seen any of the recent Switch emulator discourse? (outside of some reasonable discourse about legal technicalities) A lot of people on this site think of themselves as moral crusaders sticking it to evil Nintendo, who won't let them play games for free on PC.


Actually it wouldn't surprise me, pearl clutchers do seem to enjoy seeking out stuff to be morally outraged about.


Even /r/swingers has pearl clutching about men sucking dick tbf


black lives matter. stop the police state


the fact that the whole thread started with a joke comment saying "im not gay but i would so suck you off" is just 🤌


I know right? Like that’s not the sub I expected this to be in. Absolute fucking whiplash with this one


>I have more sex in a week than you will have in your entire life. Also have a hot 100lb wife with a killer ass..small tits tho...but perky.... >Edit: oh u are just a child.... Imagine dunking on another redditor by describing your sex life and your wife's body in detail, and then realizing the person you're dunking on is ten. Good thing he turned out to be an adult


Why would anyone describe their wife like that to strangers lmao


I like how he negs her about the size of her breasts, then clarifies that they are perky *for her age*.


The whole comment was unhinged, but that part got me.


He had an incredibly easy path towards having the upper hand in this argument but he squandered it entirely and just made them both come off like freaks


He really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory there.


Negs her again. Truly a tone poem of self own.


Because she probably doesn't exist and this guy is trying to flex.


He invents a wife to flex, but also complains that his imaginary wife could have a bigger chest. Absolute icon.


He is operating on a level we can't even comprehend, a gooner beyond gooners.


Because that's his dream wife, who doesn't exist. A 100 pound waif with a killer ass and perky tits? Probably thinking about the teenager he was ogling near a high school.


Because she’s not real.


It looks like he assumed it was a kid because they posted about power rangers, but I don't think kids like power rangers anymore, I don't think it even airs anymore.


It was airing normally until 22. 23 had a 30th anniversary Mighty Morphin movie and a short "final" with Zedd as the villain that tried to bring in as much Power Rangers lore as possible


follow fuel fuzzy shocking rude pause file wrong zephyr divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Specifically, is the Asian one still yellow and the Black one still black?


The one I watched during childhood had a black green power ranger. I think only mighty morphin power rangers had the infamous color coded ones. 


I don't think they've had that issue since Operation Overdrive or so in the 2000s, under (iirc) Disney. And everybody, rightfully, can think later "Shit, was that racist? *Possibly*", but it was unintentional at the time and Zack's actor even *advocated* for him to be the Black Ranger and supported it for years. Now having the Red Ranger, next season, being Native American. That shit *had* to be intentional.


I remember them making some joke about it in that newer movie. The white kid looking at this suit and saying "I'm black!" and the black kid reacting, or something like that.


That was actually an Asian actor, funny enough.


christ i never made that connection




They're making an all original Rangers show that doesn't use Super-Sentai footage.


They kinda do, but they fall in and out of love with it quickly. Power Rangers has always had a weirdly short shelf life with kids, but a new batch comes along every year, so it kept the waterwheel spinning.


And of the two of them, he's somehow the reasonable one.


>You had this reply in the bag. You could’ve said almost anything and the entire community would’ve been on your side. You chose the one angle that would make you look weird as fuck All the dude had to say was "Threesomes are a perfectly healthy thing for couples to enjoy" or "My wife doesn't think it's gross" or even "No one asked for your opinion". Absolutely anything would have been better than what they went with. 




Suddenly an emaciated wife makes perfect sense


Yeah that's *exactly* how people like that type. I wonder if they know how recognisable they are.


Not to take away from the rest of the thread lmfao but long-term use of suboxone isn't that out of the ordinary as far as I understand


As far as I understand it as a former addict, 10 years is….very abnormal. Suboxone is meant to get you through withdrawals, and then you wean off of it. It’s sold on the street alongside heroin (I still have a decade-old strip in a box somewhere…I used to stock up on a few strips when I was determined to quit…ultimately didn’t need it), so it’s not like he’s definitely getting it from a doctor. It’s famous for being abused just as much if not more. 10 years suggests he’s now dependent on suboxone which…is arguably a far far worse situation than heroin. There’s a reason doctors don’t prescribe it for years, it is a fucking nightmare to get people off of it once they are dependent. But sure, there are probably irresponsible docs out there. Doubt this dude could afford 10 years of legit suboxone though. Typically not covered by insurance, and typically your supply is pretty tightly controlled. Unless he’s just filthy rich or something. There are far better solutions out there now. Vivitrol was available when I was using and apparently things have become even better since then. I personally had to use gabapentin (ordered via “dark web”), which worked fantastically for me. I came across a study that showed actual relief of withdrawals when gabapentin was used, and just went hard in that direction when I learned it wasn’t a drug with any common serious side effects. Good for multiple tries at quitting til things align internally and externally and you finally get your breakthrough that takes, even if it’s just for a longer period than the time before your last relapse. Keep trying is my advice for anyone out there reading this, now that I’m on this tangent. Don’t get too fucked up about relapses, though I know it’s hard for other people to understand relapses as part of the process. I eventually stopped trying to make promises to the people around me and just made them to myself. No guilt to deal with that would cause you to start lying to the people around you to avoid disappointing them, and a safe way to make measurable progress without a loved one who might not fully understand addiction breaking you down. Though if you have someone who does understand, then definitely take whatever support you can get. It’s not just a one-and-done thing. The mental addiction is just as brutal, and you’ll need to fill that void with something you love to do. Find that thing. If the NarcAnon steps process works for you, fantastic. Do that. If you object to it (I hated the idea of declaring that I was powerless to change myself, but that’s just how my mind worked) do what you can. Keep going. It’s not impossible, though I’m sure you’ve met people who say it is just like I did again and again. Don’t listen to that bullshit. ok soapbox over.


My understanding was that suboxone was used long-term for some people who were using a long time and would be high risk for relapse if they went off all substances. Maybe I am thinking of something else though. Suboxone only got me high 3 or 4 times. After that it just kept the withdrawals at bay.


Methadone is typically what’s used for long-term maintenance since it’s less difficult to get people off of. Suboxone is a complete nightmare for longterm users, it clearly was never supposed to be used in that way, and was formulated to try and prevent that kind of longterm use/abuse. But they ended up just making something that’s a complete monster next to any typical opioid, just as susceptible to abuse. You are correct though, a few years isn’t unheard of. 10 though…something is wrong.


Not to mention dunking on someone for using doctor prescribed medication is kind of gross. Change the medication to lithium or Wellbutrin and I'm sure the comment would have a completely different score.


100lbs of ass




I mean my partner* is about 5'1 and while their weight fluctuates they have been 100 lbs and a healthy weight. Its more concerning if she is taller but thats not absurdly low for shorter women


Huh? I don't believe the dude but 100 lbs isn't an insane claim. That's a fairly reasonable weight for a shorter woman, think 5'0" or shorter. Most women are taller, but there is a decent amount of women who will be around the height and weight.


Yeah, that's about what I weighed when I was 20.


It's what I weighed when I was 20 as a 5'8 guy


Bud, I'm a fully grown adult woman who weighs between 100-105 pounds. I'm just short. "the size of a literal child" is super fucking offensive.


Well also like, children also vary in size. I am 5'8 and have been this height since ~7th grade. I had a classmate who was like 6'2 at that age. Are men who are 6'2 child sized?


I know a few women who are 4'10 or so, claim 5'0" say they weigh around 100 and they aren't "flat".   But then again this dude probably wants a woman who looks 12.


You can be 100lbs and fall within the healthy BMI range if you're under 5'1'




Seriously... I knew an adult woman, late 20s, just shy of 5 foot, who I would ballpark in the range of 100 pounds who was an attorney. There was nothing about her that looked childish, not in her appearance, demeanor, or behavior. Frankly - she was intimidating as a person! Very attractive though, and she knew it. She was popular among non-monogamous folks and I cannot think of a single person I would describe as being creepy for it or about it - that was *never* the vibe. Granted I didn't interrogate that angle much cause it never occurred to me - but someone being sort of kind of ballpark in the proportions of a "child" doesn't make them anything like a child in practice, appearance, or personality.


Yeah, treating short women or women with a smaller chest like children is really obnoxious and infantilizing, and accusing their partners of being pedophiles for it is just absurd and offensive. Hate this shit


Because you can t possibly make a one off statement that they find gross without being a bad person clearly.


I don't think that's a reddit-specific thing. It's just the top insult many people can think of so they try to paint people they disagree with in that light. Look at how many conservatives started calling anyone they didn't like "groomer."


Redditors have become so obsessed with outrage and virtue signaling they’ll automatically assume the worst shit possible because they’ll get upvoted for it. Never mind how presumptuous, off base, hypocritical, or offensive and infantilizing it is. 


Yeah, there's an absolute pedo panic going on here.


They're heroin addicts.


the r/piracy at the end of the title made me choke on my water I was not expecting that 😭 that comment chain is gold


i’m going to pirate your wife from you


You wouldn't steal a wife. You wouldn't steal a relationship. You wouldn't steal spousal tax benefits. Wife-piracy...it's not just stealing...ITS A CRIME.


i’m asian and grew up in a third world country back when original VCDs (yes during that time) were expensive and limited. My dad would come home from work with a new movie everyday that he bought from some chinese guys stall and since a lot of them were recorded in cinemas, they would play that ad in the pirated movie itself and it ingrained in my memory. Back then i didn’t even know what piracy was and thought black shadows moving across the screen was normal. the pirated version of harry potter i watched started right at hogwarts (i guess the guy was late for the screening) soo when i finally saw the original i thought the scenes at the beginning were like deleted scenes lmao


This commercial did such a bad job of making piracy look less cool.


Especially the "You wouldn't download an X" variant. I absolutely would 100% download a car. I already would have if the ones we could download weren't either bare frameworks or needed sophisticated 3D printing to make real.


Ah, but you would download a wife


I always make sure all my wives I download are virus-free and come with keygens.


I regularly download ur mom.


Thanks for the flair!


"/r/piracy is in shambles right now" "Is it because the Yuzu emulator and the whole debacle of emulation not being piracy but frequently being used for it?" "No, the morality of threesomes"


"Stop sucking people off and start seeding, it’ll be more helpful to the sub" was my favourite :)


I wasn’t expecting it, but it makes sense and I’m not surprised.


>I suspect it bothers you so severely because you're a coward, and you can't accept that deep down, it makes you *so fucking hard.* > >But again, at least you out yourself so obviously with this disgust and anger. **Everyone** reading your comments can tell. **Everyone knows.** > >And they're never gonna suck you off. I love when Redditors start monologuing.


>Everyone knows. And they're never gonna suck you off. Beautiful


I've been waiting for a long while for something that would replace my old flair, and I think this is it.


Do yourself a favor and bookmark/save the comment that provided it to you, because after a while, you'll start wondering yourself where in the hell it came from, and so will others. The flair I had before this one came from an old SRD favorite, a Redditor named DarqWolff, but I could *never* find the actual source comment because just searching my flair on Google led back to hundreds of my comments on this sub because that's where the phrase was popping up the most. After that, I started saving the link that gave me my flair so I wouldn't waste a bunch of time trying to find it again.


Good advice, thanks!  My prior one was "Its dicks like you that makes socializing hard" (sic), and fuck if I could remember when and how that ever came up.


Too long for a flair I’d guess but it would make a banger


lmao I love the anime villain monologue


You sly dog, you got me monologuing!


*You want me on that cock, you* need *me on that cock*


So many good potential flairs.


>monologuing Oh boy, when do we get to the atomic supermen?


>Stop sucking people off and start seeding Yoink.


>What if he stars seeding... people?


"seed moar" is *indeed* the motto of piracy, but combined with the first part, it makes for perfect flair.


ive been tempted to make my flair some ancient private tracker drama that included the phrase "check your pronouns and seed your snatches" but it feels like cheating since it was outside of reddit


Goddamn, even still, that's some *prime* flair material. Sounds like something I'd read in the comments of a movie on PTP, given how uber-right the users have become there since 2017. Hell, cheat away. One of my first flairs here was a combination of an actual Redditor's comment and a Twitter user hilariously adding to the comment after the screenshot made its way off Reddit.


fuck it haha, you sold me, i’m doing it. it’s from years-old JPS purgatory (restricted users) forum drama.


>you are nasty (not the bi part, to be clear, but the sucking a man off WITH ur SO) I find it really funny that somehow despite everything else this guy isn't homophobic.


He’s not homophobic just threesomephobic




Maybe he just doesn't want to share?


He’s not the one that’s sharing anything though lol


Ok so really random sub for that argument anyways here’s some good flair: Get over yourself prude Also I have a 100 lbs wife with a perky ass…small tits tho Stop sucking people off and start seeding Ok Mr.Neverheardofathreesome You absolute fucking idiot. You empty flower pot, you. Get over the fact you can fuck whoever gender you want


>Stop sucking people off and start seeding This one is so real. Your ratios SUCK.


Already forgot we were in r/piracy and assumed this was some some breeding term I’m too vanilla to understand


Reddit's favorite guessing game: is this hyper specific jargon, or a very niche fetish term? You can play on basically every subreddit!


My favorite example: posting a video of [lubed milky yellows](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/sfbzns/lubed_milky_yellows_first_time_having_lubed/) on Reddit for others to listen to.


Hey I didn’t have much options in that thread it was kinda weak lol


> Your ratios SUCK refers to people generally having many downloads and few uploads, making their ratio 'suck' (taking more than they are giving). He's not insulting your list.


it’s a torrenting reference, just a joke.


>Stop sucking people off and start seeding That's flair material. Even better without context.


The second one is amazing


It keeps going: >I have more sex in a week than you will have in your entire life. Also have a hot 100lb wife with a killer ass..small tits tho...but perky specially for her age.


Bet his child sized wife would be stoked to read that description.


history theory makeshift fanatical grey grandiose forgetful cake elastic fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Ok Mr.Neverheardofathreesome Hello new flair


>Get over the fact you can fuck whoever gender you want Helloooooo my new pan flair


You missed possibly the best one: > Everyone knows. And they're never gonna suck you off


>You absolute fucking idiot. You empty flowerpot, you. So awesome. I love it. Feels to me that fights like this are the bedrock of srd. Good find OP


Taking "You Empty Flowerpot" for my own.


> No, it isn't. You don't understand the concept of marriage. Not sure why I find this so funny. Nice find, OP.


>One user thinks a threesome is against the entire concept of marriage in Okay, sure. I wonder which sub... >piracy WHAAAAATTTTT


Sucking someone off with my wife always bring us closer together. Also >or a adult with unhealthy powe r ranger infatuation I'm on his side, why he gotta attack me like that


But piracy is all about sharing!


people share too much on here


> people share too much ~~on here~~ **online** Let's be candid; this is not and has not EVER been a Reddit-exclusive problem.


If anything, the fact there's no real names and pictures here is an improvement after Facebook.


> sounds like you could use more bi threesomes in your life. Yoink


/r/piracy went down the shitter really fast the past couple months. Idk what happened but goddamn some of the threads have become insufferable.


probably because of the rising price of streaming services bringing in the general public to pirating content


Combine that with the sub staying open during the API protests (IIRC) and you've got a nice recipe for a bunch of new users coming in to shit the place up.


Ok I'm kinda newer to reddit relatively but can someone explain what was the deal with the API protests? I've been trying to wrap my head around them and I just can't seem understand it.


Reddit used to have an open API meaning third party apps, bots, etc... could access the Reddit systems without paying. A healthy ecosystem of apps, tools, etc... was developed. Reddit (probably in light of a SOONish IPO) decided to start charging for access to this system, and charging quite a premium too. This rightfully made people angry.


> Reddit (probably in light of a SOONish IPO) Whenever a tech company makes a controversial decision, it's fun to look up whether or not they're preparing for an IPO. Reddit as well sent me a message for theirs which made it particularly easy, with the note that if you're not in the US (which I'm not) you can't partake. So Idk, thanks I guess?


Bro they sent me a DM on Reddit, an email, and then another DM and email saying "it's closing soon don't miss it :(!!!!" Brother I'm not even American. Pissed me off tbh


I've been on Reddit 10+ years and I've never spent a single cent. Why tf would I invest? Lol


Some threads from there popped up on my feed during the Yuzu thing last week and hooboy…


A good deal of it did actually make the jump to Lemmy, unlike most subs.


That sub has always sucked. It's a place you visit to ask a question, and if you're lucky, you might get an answer. People who sub to it take it as an identity, and people who cling to things like torrenting as an identity should be avoided. Imagine if everyone who had cable TV hung around r/cable and argued about the tenants of cable television. It's fucking absurd.


I have to go there semi often for the megathread and my god the amount of self righteous bull shit and unoriginal memes is maddening. The amount of times I have had to see someone ranking companies they pirate from, or getting exceedingly angry they were banned for asking about piracy on a fan sub or just deeply misunderstanding basic political philosophy and using it too feel good about stealing from indie devs. It is a nightmare of a sub.


>oh u are just a child Bruh you were just bragging about how much sex you have haha


First I see people discussing communism in a danganronpa discord server and now this. Don't even know what to say lol.


The average danganronpa fan is fresh out of middle school so I don't think it's that surprising that they would do that.


what is up with the morale of modern pirates smh


What does this have to do with piracy??


Seeders deserve blowjobs, but not from married couples since that's not what marriage is about apparently


P2P piracy relies on those brave men and women who are more than happy to share their seed with many


I will come in you bro


The picture shows how much his rig uploaded over its life. Piracy only works because people are willing to upload or "seed" content for free. They're joking about sucking him off for how much he's uploaded.


If they don’t like it, they should stop doing it.


Responding to puritans with "i have sex and you don't lolz" is peak reddit. Yeah, dude, that'll show those sex-haters.




> But that goes against the entire concept of marriage itself. Wait till he realizes that marriage has longer history than his parents and the original purpose was to sell your daughter for money because she had no other purpose in life


Theft, ok. Consensual sex, not ok. Ok buddy.


Is NASA stealing if they had a Star Trek replicator to make Taco Bell for sustenance in space for free? Point being an item is available for replication, they do it and reap the benefits for free, nobody's property got lost


I mean we already have this in reality. 3D printers, and Games workshop have already lost the legal battle.


Neat More reading on that?


So recreate gta 5 NASA can do it with tacos, why can’t you?


I really don't care about piracy (i also do it) but from a moral standpoint I think it's hard to argue that it's not theft. A producer of a product offers a product at a price point, you can choose to buy it or not, the secret third option is theft.


Yes, but their point is that the original product that the producer makes is left untouched, because the "thief" just copies it. If internet piracy actually straight up stole the original product then I would agree with you. But the fact they don't, is what muddies the water.


The original product is the game, movie, or book, not the physical medium it's on.


I think it's hard to argue that it is theft, morally. When something is stolen, the owner loses the item. They can't use it themselves, they can't sell it, whatever. When someone downloads your game, you don't actually lose anything. You might argue that you lost potential sales, and sure, some people probably do pirate products that they'd otherwise have bought, but accurately quantifying that would be...hard, and then there are also people who bought your product because they've liked it when they pirated it. Theft has clear harm and victims. Piracy doesn't. It may still be morally wrong, but it's absolutely not theft from a moral standpoint.


It can be theft, sure. How about someone who was never going to buy the product in the first place, or is unable to? Seems to me like they don't hurt sales and if anything just expose the game to more potential legitimate buyers. I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert on the matter so I'll leave that to [the actual experts who came to the same conclusion](https://www.engadget.com/2017-09-22-eu-suppressed-study-piracy-no-sales-impact.html).


>A producer of a product offers a product at a price point, you can choose to buy it or not, the secret third option is theft The secret third option is piracy, which you are of course absolutely allowed to think of as theft. I personally do not think it is.


What in the name of Reading Rainbow did I read.


Piracy contains a lot of useful information but man are the users in there obnoxious.


Someone that is overly concerned with _how much_ they have sex is compensating for something. Someone trying to make a contest out of it screams "teenager who found another teenager with newly discovered hormones." Sex just is. It's not an exclusive club. And bragging about it like it is some kind of elitist club definitely screams "it's all I have."


This reminds me of something that happened to me a few months ago. I said I don't understand why people do hookups cause it seems pointless to me (I'm ace) and I got an incredibly angry who spends all day posting on, of all subreddits, /r/sex, telling me sex is meaningless, love doesn't exist and I'm a self righteous prick for only wanting to have sex with people I love. I guess in his mind *I* was the fucked up one for not wanting to spend all my time having sex with people I barely know, aight buddy.


I mean…you post about an “open” relationship of any kind and you’re bound to get angry people with tons of personal baggage. I was just talking about how JFK’s marriage was, yes, a voluntary open situation by Jackie’s own (sometimes graphic) admissions. Just that brought out…such rage from very odd people who insisted that I, personally, was a filthy cheater who just wanted to justify my own sexual urges. It was weird. I thought we were talking about history here!


I imagine both types of people are fed by the exact same mentality. "If you don't act exactly as I do or like the exact same things I do you're a weirdo freak and are personally destroying society" or some shit. Anyway, was there any indication in your comment that you were in an open relationship? Cause it sounds like those guys flew off the handle for no reason otherwise.


haha, no, I don’t subscribe to them. Though I AM ok with my partners in longterm relationships having sex with someone else as long as we communicate about it. I think of it as “ethical monogamy”, people change over time and I want my partner to be happy. If they want to have a little fun on their own, that’s fine. It doesn’t often happen (usually we just bring people in on our thing). Definitely not an open situation as far as the emotional/relationship side goes. If you don’t have trust and communication about exactly what you’re doing you’re asking for trouble. I mentioned not a bit of this in the comment described though. Anyway. What is this. Where am I.


Wtf 💀💀


That was good laugh. thanks


Literally just a picture of [surplus drama.](https://i.imgur.com/MplUgLc.jpg) Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240307014952/https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1b89eco/laying_my_12year_old_rig_to_rest_good_night_sweet/kto0swn/?context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1b89eco/laying_my_12year_old_rig_to_rest_good_night_sweet/kto0swn/?context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


That immediate reaction makes me embarrassed to be a polyamorous bi guy. …. My fiance is about 100 lbs with similar assets too… ugh.


"Hey man that be going a little too hard here" "Yeah?! Well I FUCK and I SUCK and I describe my WIFE'S TITS!"


Yeah but you didn't whip out your partner's measurements to try and win(?) an internet argument lol


he honestly had the reply in the bag. he somehow found exactly the wrong post. literally the worst comment you could make.


>You had this reply in the bag. You could’ve said almost anything and the entire community would’ve been on your side. You chose the one angle that would make you look weird as fuck Nah, let's talk about my wife's body graphically lol


I was just in that thread too... 💀