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Did OOP post there thinking it was a subreddit about *actual* nice girls??


> Did OOP post there thinking it was a subreddit about actual nice girls?? His comment history is exclusive in /r/incest / /r/incestroleplay etc, so a creep and a dummy.


They were banned in incest.


H... How d'you... Was he not fucking his daughter *enough*?


They don't allow solicitation posts, nor do they allow those with a history of solicitation to post there.


> They don't allow solicitation posts ...how would you solicit for incest in the first place, that's not exactly something you can ask strangers for


bro what is your flair lmfao


[bookmarked the thread cuz I get asked this enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/13pzklo/going_to_test_something_here_russia_is_bad/jlcecth/)


That made me laugh way too much šŸ˜­ thank you


After a night of eating shit and success in Helldivers, that was the laugh I needed to top it off. Thank you.


I always suspected that sub of being compromised by a bunch of bots.


That thread is interesting.


Poetry. Thank you.


There is a lot of attempts solicitation for incest or other roleplay, which the OOP was guilty of based on their history. When someone comes in new to post, mods look at their history. If they are obvious roleplayers, they get permanently banned. Just asking for a DM/PM is grounds for being banned permanently.


> If they are obvious roleplayers, they get permanently banned. "Fuck off if you're not actually practicing incest"


They have a rule that states "Assume every post is fiction, react as if it was true." So that's what people should do. There are hundreds of roleplay subreddits they can play in. incest isn't one of them.


so it's like nosleep but for ppl who wanna bang their sisters?


That's fantastic. I wonder how often they are posted to SRD


Little worried about how familiar with the incest sub rules you are


Funny thing about that...


Which you know for perfectly explainable reasons, for sure


When the *incest subreddit* gets tired of your shit you gotta just fuckin end it Jesus Christ


The mods there don't around, and they firmly believe in the " around and find out" concept.


What?? How the hell do you manage *THAT*??


Yup. I don't think we're dealing with a genius master of context cues here.




Honestly find it hilarious he thought nicegirls was a subreddit to meet submissive women for his fetishšŸ˜‚


There used to be a guy obcessed with superhero movies that kept giving people advice to go to Mexico or other poor countries and try to buy young girls from their father. Dude nuked his account but it was disturbing. He has a blog where he went on about how purchasing someone isnā€™t sexual slavery because heā€™d be glad if Gal Gadot purchased him for sex.


Sounds like a r/passportbros user.Ā 


I thought that was a sub to make fun of those kind of guys butā€¦ Nah. Itā€™s legit. Just a bunch of guys who think itā€™s cool to brag about taking advantage of women in other countries.


Tried to be? He posted so much in superhero subs he stood out. He was widely considered a sex pest. He wrote in his blog how recently he was accused of sexual harassment and predatory behavior for the third time and itā€™s the reason he was discharged from the army. He says the reason he has ptsd is because he is scared of women after both his ex wife and a female army member accused him of abuse. Later he had issues in LA because of the same reason. He was accused of trying to prey on women who barely spoke English.


šŸ˜± Women accused him of abuse? No way he seems like such a *nice guy*


Right? Total angel. https://houseofadesertvoice.org/2023/10/23/the-t-shirt/ In case youā€™re interested. Itā€™s like reading a manifesto


Wow. That sub is terrible in a fascinating way. So much mental gymnastics whenever someone gets called out.


Can I just point out that /r/nicegirls is *not* an R4R sub?


Seems like he should be posting in r/honestgirls instead Oh shit thatā€™s actually a place. Kinda.


Imagine my disappointment when I saw a distinct lack of girls from Nice.


Maybe they took r/nicefrenchgirls?


So that's why I've had so little success posting there! TIL.


I actually laughed at him not even using his real face but a Memoji. Yeah I think you know why not 18 year old wants to fuck you dude. Cause you're old and you look old.


This guy's FB profile pic is definitely a selfie taken with the phone too low and too close to his face.


Hey, some are into that


I'm reminded of a recent Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend podcast episode where he interviewed a fan who said Conan was too old for her, and she preferred someone like Larry David


Not everything legal is moral.


r/AmITheAsshole disagrees with that lmao


This sub is the best place on Reddit because you come into a thread to read peopleā€™s reactions to popcorn and you get a guy not only role-playing as popcorn but also jet-pissing on us in the very first sub thread.


Honestly I don't even read the threads linked sometimes I just go to the comments of the SRD post itself to get my popcorn.




Veganism also. That one gets a ton of self-generating popcorn.


You forgot circumcision debates


What do these terms mean? Jet-pissing is a new one for me (and popcorn role play).


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


Well, watch me corn-play on your piss-plane.






It means they need to touch grass.


> role-playing as popcorn but also jet-pissing on us That's definitely a flair


>also jet-pissing on us in the very first sub thread. Yo we don't kink shame in this sub. Except sometimes when we do.


People get too hung up on things being ā€œlegalā€ making them feel like theyā€™re technically in the right


And I always say with these that part of the scary part to me is targeting someone who is 18. I don't mind age gaps. And if someone younger and older want to consensually hook up, awesome, none of my business. So even being 50 if the man had come into the thread looking for a 20-something to hook up, then it's almost like "fine, he is aging and wants to hook up with someone younger to prove something to himself or recapture his youth - a bit odd, but if it's consensual then whatever." But targeting 18 years old just tells me he wants the youngest person possible and if the age of consent was lowered to 14 tomorrow, he would probably be posting and asking for a 14 year old. There is something about requesting 18 specifically that just makes it feel much more slimy and dangerous than just wanting someone younger.


It's like paying minimum wage. It's basically saying you'd go lower if it was legal.


And coincidentally, the same people who hate the minimum wage are the ones who hate the minimum age.


Very often they go hand in hand.


This seems like the spot where Praximus Prime will chime in.


It must be possible to turn this into a slogan...


It's like when you ask someone "what's the lowest you'll date" and their response is "well obviously not younger than 18" and it's like...the only obvious part of that is it's illegal for an adult to pursue someone younger than 18. But now, with that answer, I think it's pretty obvious that the age limit itself doesn't mean much to them outside of legality.


Yeah and it's funny, because when I was 16-20 and I saw older guys with 18 year old Mrs. America wives I thought it was awesome and they must be successful. Now if any of my friends got divorced and started dating an 18 year old, I would look at them funny and would think they were really struggling mentally. I still remember after my last breakup when I started seriously dating again, I didn't really care too much about age in either direction (within reason). I was 29 at the time and had one weekend where I had a date with a 21 year old and 23 year old. These were fairly casual dinner meet ups and the entire time I was at dinner listening to them talk, they weren't saying anything "wrong," but I just remember being very aware of how they were in a very different life stage. Everything they said was very Pollyanna or was just a younger person's way of thinking about the world. I was polite, but ended the dates after dinner and after the second one went home and changed the age minimum on my site / app filters to 25. If my husband and I got divorced tomorrow, the idea of dating some 18 year old even if they were incredibly attractive doesn't even seem like a "win" it just seems sad. My current husband wouldn't be jealous, he'd be laughing with his friends about how pathetic I am and how the divorce must have broken me. And I can't imagine bringing some poor, well meaning 18 year old kid around my peers for a group dinner. They would be nice, but even if the kid were incredibly bright he'd just be out of his depth trying to have serious life conversations with a bunch of older people with kids, mortgages, startups or career dilemmas, etc.


I'm 30 and I live in a student town, so that's happened to me a couple of times as well. I just want to meet someone who understands that I'm going to be making a lot of sound when getting up from the sofa, and no I won't be having more than two drinks on Saturday because I was planning on putting up some shelves on Sunday.


Yeah, it's the targeting that is my real issue. I mean, if this was an Am I Wrong (AIW) post and it was about some 50 year old who just got divorced and was at a bar and met a younger woman there and they were having fun and consensually decided to hook up and at some point he found out she was 18, then I don't have any issue with it. Hopefully they both have a story they will enjoy and remember in the future. But either consistently going after very young looking people or targeting 18 year olds is just a massive red flag that they might try to get away with having sex with the youngest person possible that the law will allow. 18, 16, 14, 12... it's only the threat of getting in legal trouble could be the only thing stopping them.


Y'know, that's a rather terrifying point - I hadn't considered that before.


> But targeting 18 years old just tells me he wants the youngest person possible and if the age of consent was lowered to 14 tomorrow, he would probably be posting and asking for a 14 year old. There is something about requesting 18 specifically that just makes it feel much more slimy and dangerous than just wanting someone younger. I got absolutely destroyed in a different Reddit thread for saying that. I got called a horrible person for even suggesting that a 40 year old who slept with a 19 year old would sleep with minors if it was legal.


The range was 18-25, but yes, if AOC was lowered, heā€™d be asking for 16-25 or whatever.


Actually - even though I just commented in agreementā€¦ seems this dude lives in NJ where age of consent is 16. So I guess heā€™s not actually going as young as legally allowed. Huh.


I think itā€™s also because r4r subs wonā€™t let you ask for anyone below 18 without a quick ban, so thatā€™s probably part of it lol


Sure, but given he's posting this online, wouldn't it be seen as soliciting a minor if he asked for a 16-year-old on Reddit?


People using legality or religious commandments as a basis of morality are using what is called ā€œpre-conventional reasoningā€. It is an immature level of moral logic that many pass during adolescence. Sadly, many cultures and belief systems instill this and delay peopleā€™s ability to critically think about morality.


I'd say those using age of consent are using conventional moral reasoning -- -- conflating *morality* with *legality*. Pre-conventional is straight out "if I get in trouble for doing it, it's bad because I don't like being in trouble" reasoning and "if I'm good, I'll get a cookie and I want a cookie". Convention is heavy on if something is legal it must be moral, and if it's illegal it must be immoral. They struggle with the concepts of "unjust laws" or "legal but wrong", and flounder entirely when it comes to things like "civil disobedience" because to them that's is like *actively choosing evil*. Post conventional moves into moral reasoning separate from law and order, and into morality based on the concepts *behind* laws. Rush Limbaugh nicely demonstrated his inability to make this jump when he complained about how liberals thought "consent" was made some sort of *magic difference* between moral and immoral.




Where does "I just mimic the morality of people around me" fit? Because that's like 80% of the population.


Interesting. I go through all of those depending on the situation.


I think we all do. It's called being human.


People only use the excuse "this isn't illegal" because they don't have any actually good excuses. At that point you've conceded that this isn't a good thing but just not bad enough that you'd get arrested.


This - if their best defence is the legality of it, it's because they're already aware that the morality of it is lacking.


or, as i always heard it put. just because you have a right to do something, doesn't make it the right thing to do.


Honestly, too many people canā€™t wrap their heads around this. 100+ years ago it was legal to own a slave, didnā€™t make it right.


Here's the thing, is it acceptable? Yes, he's soliciting an adult. But it's also acceptable to drag his crusty ass for his behavior


>šŸš©What in the hell does a FIFTY year old man need with an EIGHTEEN year old girl? šŸš© >>He likes that 177% age difference. >>>1080p -> 1440p ass percentage "1080p -> 1440p ass percentage" is fucking poetry.


I don't get it


1080p and 1440p are both resolutions for electronic displays (TVs, monitors, etc.), and 1440p is a higher resolution (eg it has significantly more pixels than 1080p). 1080p is roughly 2 million pixels, whereas 1440p is over 3.5 million pixels.


Thanks, Bob. Now can you teach me to make a luck potion


> My brother in Christ. This is the wrong subreddit, but instead of searching for the correct one, search for Jesus instead No wonder they locked the thread, no further comments needed. Edit: I spoke too soon. > What if Iā€™m 18, smokin hot, down to clown with a 50yr old, but I lie A LOT..?


>What evidence do have OP has malicious intentions The specific age of the woman hes seeking. >I donā€™t think *you* know what predatory behavior is. >>I know it's not inherently connected with age Except when it is. >>>>>You sound like you were diddled by your uncle When defending older men seeking young partners, this was the wrong insult to reach for in the bag. >>>And lets not kid ourselves about the sexual marketplace... I need yall on srd to promise me if i ever type out those words in that order, that you'll take me out behind a shed and put me down.


The sexual marketplace has terrible prices. That's why I buy all my cocks from Costco, wholesale.


I stopped participating in the sexual marketplace once it was overrun by speedrunners. I just can't compete with "fastest mario" as a sexual archetype.


This is truly one of the funniest things I've read in years.


It's from an infamous, absolutely unhinged rant on Twitter. Here's part 1 of 14: > I was thinking about why so many in the radical left participate in "speedrunning". > The reason is the left's lack of work ethic ('go fast' rather than 'do it right') and, in a Petersonian sense, to elevate alternative sexual archetypes in the marketplace ('fastest mario')


"You're a beta male, Sonic!"


That's funny considering how much speed running involves inputting commands precisely and practice.


[And of course its legendary adaptation](https://youtu.be/n__GJuqLb00)


How can one be both alternative and an archetype??


By having pink hair?


> in a Petersonian sense everything was a mistake


Completing a task as efficiently as possible symbolizes poor work ethic. Makes sense lol.


Were they literally talking about speedrunning in video games?




SmallAnt gets around I guess.




I've heard the price of Costco sausages hasn't changed since 1986


The OP (who isn't the same guy as the guy arguing) posted looking for "uncle niece roleplay" šŸ¤®


Welp, really hope he doesnā€™t have any kids in his life. How disgusting. Imagine finding out your uncle was posting that shit. Actually makes me shudder.


Meanwhile it's impossible to open a porn site without being bombarded by step-whatever shit.


>>>>>>You sound like you were diddled by your uncle >When defending older men seeking young partners, this was the wrong insult to reach for in the bag. These lines hit a little different after viewing the 50yo's post history.


You missed this gem from the same weirdo: >Because that's under the age of consent. But if you mean that we need to raise the voting age for women, that they shouldn't be allowed to sign a contract, or drive, or do sex work until age 25, then I'd agree. It literally never fails to amaze me how far men will go to dehumanize women. Fuck me or I don't respect your right to vote, work or drive. That's normal.


> sexual marketplace This phrase alone makes me feel so ill


Also when defending a guy seeking uncle niece incest roleplay, definitely the wrong insult


"Report my nuts you fucking dork"


Absolutely insane, but letā€™s be real, I donā€™t for a second believe this is a real account, itā€™s just too much.


I find it very easy to believe. Reddit isn't exactly lacking for perverts


And old people LOVE Memojis


Wasn't it WSB who blew the lid off how many older users were on r/teenagers? They auto-banned everyone who posted on the sub for being underage, and then got a flood of users asking to be unbanned because they were in their thirties or even their forties. Edit: Nope, it was r/drama, as explained below.


No, that was r/drama way back when


Unfortunately, most of the links [no longer work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/s/Cnlvgnms1u)


Op posted several requests for play partnersšŸ¤¢ I'm inclined to believe it's real


Every post about big age gap relationships has these weirdos come out pretending they can't understand what the big deal is. I can definitely imagine one of these guys lacking so much self awareness they post this expecting a good response.


Life is usually stranger than fiction.


I love how he repeats "honest" twice, which suggests that he didn't just give up on marketing himself to women with enough of a grip on adult life to recognize a shitty deal, but he most likely got played right back when looking for a sucker, lmao.


For me, the *funniest* part of this is not only the OP mistaking r/NiceGirls for a place to find "nice" girls, but *also* that Facebook-tier avatar picture the 50-year-old probably thinks is an accurate representation of what he looks like and the *best* way to attract some barely-legal poon.


"Barely legal poon" You get jail for that phrase.


If someone is getting as close to break a law as possible without breaking it, odds are they *want* to break that law.


My first thought was "if he's just looking for a one and done hook-up, that's not the worst thing ever." Then I looked at OOP's profile and saw all the request posts for uncle/niece roleplay šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


>uncle/niece roleplay I think he misread the subreddit as /r/niecegirls


If it makes you feel better, he wants to be the niece.


Time to revive the "Ah, the old reddit switcheroo" meme.


ah, the ol' reddit [niece-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1bmm6gw/personal_use_vending_machine/kwi2958/?context=3)!


Hold me, stepbrother, I'm going in!


Don't get stuck


Reminds me of vaushā€™s, ā€œI donā€™t want to fuck a horse! I just want to be the horse fucking a very small woman. Totally different!ā€




A lefty political streamer named Vaush accidentally opened his ā€œto be sorted folderā€ on stream which contained a lot of porn, including some loli stuff (underage hentai) and horse hentai. At one point while attempting to defend himself, he made it clear that he just wants to be a horse fucking very small women, as if that somehow makes it better.


I feel uncomfortable wearing the dress


Idk dude I think itā€™s pretty gross to be 50 and willing to fuck someone who could still potentially be in high school.


>willing Boy do I have bad news for you


Actually, it's "rolplay" he's looking for. Totally different thing.


The guyā€™s comment history is insane lmao. Uncle/Niece inc*** stuff. Guy is probably a serial killer. Someone keep tabs on him. I love that the person below me is getting upvoted for a stupid argument about whether or not to censor a word that I donā€™t want to use to begin with.


Incest isnā€™t a slur but I agree with you




>I don't think you know what predatory behaviour is >>I don't think you know what predatory behaviour is When you know the coversation is really going somewhere


This isn't drama, it's just a "get a load of this guy" post.


>I can tell you typed that through tears >>Report my nuts you fucking dork Looks like popcorn, quacks like popcorn, tastes like popcorn... its a duck! But forreal, i don't mean this in a bad way but why am i always seeing comments on new srd posts goin "this isn't drama"? I know its not you every time, its different people, but whats the special classification for drama? Can't "get a load of this guy" also double as drama when 'the guy' appears to be loaded?


> Report my nuts you fucking dork fukken yoink


10/10, looks great on you. Congratulations on your new flair


thank you, it is slimming




A lot of people seem to want the old rules back where the sub got like 3 posts a week instead of the 3 posts a day we get now.


> Report my nuts you fucking dork How do I get this as a flair?


Which way are you using reddit? If you are on the terrible mobile app, you can tap your name in your comment here, and hit "Change User Flair" copy/paste


Thanks mate. I thought mods had to do flairs on this sub.


I think the [SRD is not a call-out subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules/#wiki_srd_is_not_a_call-out_subreddit) rule pretty well spells it out. There should be multiple chains of arguments that OP is able to link to in their submission. But what we have here is a just a single link to a single thread of a weirdo arguing with everybody else. I know the mods will occasionally make exceptions if one person behaving badly is exceptionally amusing (like when two people argue with each other for days on end), but this doesn't fit the bill. One person getting clowned on by the rest of the sub might be funny, but it's not drama.


Its not OOP in the drama though, its two different redditors battling it out under a single thread with a bunch of other redditors, so i don't think its a callout post of OOP. The title of this post is just describing that post. SRD mods themselves have made single chain posts because as long as the post has enough 'child comments' it can be considered enough drama A recent example by [titcj](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/0esHBPNw6Z)


It is drama cause there's more than one guy to get a load of.


There were a few others within the comments defending OP, but was mostly the same as always, repeating questions that have been answered. Bad faith argument. Dramatic in a sad/embarrassing way, not a comedic way. Never hurts to be reminded of some Reddit lessons either, I suppose. Defending these relationships is a red flag. Being an active member of the Mass Killers sub is also a red flag. Put them together (as if one needed to) and its easy to realize that a person like that should be avoided at all cost.


Is it drowning out the dozens of other posts made today? who cares


As a 46-year-old, **NO**


Man I haven't even hit 30 and 18Ā is already incredibly young. Dude is fuckin weird.


I'm 33 and my sister is 16. I can't even begin to imagine being attracted to someone only 2 years older. Fucking gross


Posts like these are always fun because I get to sweat nervously in the corner with my 68 and 57 year old parents whoā€™ve been married 35 years and met when my Mom was 18. Yup. Completely unbiased opinions about age gap relationships here. Hahaha šŸ˜…


I'm 30 and I won't date younger than 25. College students make me fucking UNCOMFORTABLE.


Same energy as employers who pay minimum wage. Theyā€™d go lower if they could.


"Report my nuts you fucking dork" Found my flare


Sir, this is a Wendy's


So is that a sub full of the type of person r/niceguys mocks? Because that sure does look like what it is.


omfg i am 49 and cannot imagine dating anyone in that 18-25 age range. super gross.


Who said anything about dating?


Man you don't even need to be half that age to feel weird and gross about it. Did you suddenly feel like an autonomous adult the second you turned 18? I fucking didn't. 18 year olds are schoolkids. Your reasoning for not sticking your dick in one should not be limited to age of consent laws alone


This is either a sad man or a really awful troll..


I kind of feel a guy looking for an age gap like that should if anything be avoiding honesty. Edit: holy shit looking for Uncle and Niece role-play in his comments. Makes my skin crawl.


Can we please raise the effort levels? Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240326012507/https://old.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/ZQh7BfoPdT) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/s/ZQh7BfoPdT "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Just to be devils advocate hereā€¦is it predatory when heā€™s openly vocalising his intentions? He wants to bang an 18 year old. Some 18 year old out there might wanna bang some gross 50 year old. Sounds like a great match if they can find eachother.


Heā€™s essentially saying ā€œI want to fuck a girl as young as is possible without getting arrestedā€. Ā Itā€™s legal for him to do that and itā€™s also legal for people to tell him thatā€™s a gross thing to want.


If youā€™re nearing the age of retirement and are specifically seeking out a teenager who has up until very recently had to ask an adult permission to use the bathroom, something is very fucking off.


The post was removed so I canā€™t see his original language. Ā If he openly admitted to looking for someone to act out his uncle/niece fetish, talked about rules and safe words and stuff like that, took steps to ensure any women who were interested were mature and experienced and truly looking for the same thing, and was truly willing to let the ā€œnieceā€ set ALL the rulesā€¦ I dunno MAYBE. Ā But if the legal age of consent was 16, I get the feeling this dude would be looking for a 16 year old. Ā If the legal age of consent was 14, maybe heā€™d be looking for a 14 year old. Ā And making the argument that 14 year olds can totally be mature enough to make these kinds of decisions. Ā And who knows, maybe somewhere out there there IS a 14 year old mature enough to make that decision without having lifelong relationship and emotional problems afterwards. Ā But the odds are, sheā€™d be fucked up by it. Ā And I think MOST 18 year olds would be fucked up by it too. Ā But the law needs to draw a line SOMEWHERE. Ā So itā€™s just a question of how much effort heā€™s putting in to screening potential partners, and whether he realizes this shit is playing with fire and has the potential to really hurt someone.


Completely separate to this situation but I think we as a society need to have a discussion about the legal adult age. Because officially that person is an adult on basically every capacity (other than drinking alcohol in the US which has never made sense). But the language we use for 18 year olds is all still juvenile. "18 year old girl" instead of "18 year old woman". Is 18 an adult or not? If we're gonna adjust the official adult age then we should do that instead of having young people in this weird limbo where we give them adult expectations while still somewhat coddling them like children and infantalizing them. It's even worse that we pick and choose. If an 18 year old murders someone they're quick to be called a man. But then change the situation where they're a victim and suddenly they're an "18 year old boy". It's odd


The age of consent is not even consistent across states, most have it at either 16 or 17. Also the threshold at which you can drive a car is usually pretty different than when you can rent a car, which is different from when you can buy alcohol/weed/nicotine, which is different than when you can vote/join the military, which is different from when you can still be under your parents health insurance, which is different from when you are considered a dependent by default for FAFSA loans, which of course is different from when your FERPA rights kick in, etc.


With all laws around consent there's going to be a chunk of space where things are "legal but still fucking creepy." Hell that's true with a lot of law, because we value not fucking over people with bullshit laws. I think it's an important space to have, and we shouldn't be trying to 'fix' it.


Almost as if maturity was a gradient and there isn't some magical line where a child is transformed into an adult overnight


Agreed but for legal purposes there has to be an age. Unless we're going to put things like age of consent, ability to join the army, drink, vote etc all on some kind of sliding scale. And how would that be measured anyway?


So what are you proposing?


In the case of relationship age gaps and judging if one is creepy, the most common concern is warding off coercion or unrecognized manipulation. These problems can more easily arise from a severe power imbalance in the partnership. Some examples are the younger party's naivete/lack of experience or insecurity, or a more tangible vulnerability like financial/career instability or a lack of supporting friends and family. However, one thing to note is that imbalance is a DELTA figure, as in, the difference in personal stability, security, maturity, and experience between two people. The larger the power imbalance, the riskier it is that one party can (intentionally or not) exert an unhealthy or unsafe influence over the other. An 18 yo isn't a juvenile legally, but the question isn't about legality; it's about creepiness and power imbalance, which as a delta, depends on the other party. 18 yo dating a 22 yo - few have issues with that. 18 yo dating a 28 yo - you'll see more eyebrows raise. 18 yo dating a 40 yo - a lot of questions. Again, all of these imbalance factors are on a spectrum, so if the younger party is more established on many of those factors, it's not out of the question for them to manage just fine. But if they aren't, they could be more vulnerable to coercion or manipulation. And like it or not, older partners seeking out much younger ones often come with baggage or yellow flags. Why is it people may say a 30 yo dating a 50 yo is less a big deal than an 18 yo dating a 50 yo? Again, it's those imbalance factor deltas (stablility, security, experience, etc.), which are often not as large for those ages. So healthy relationship age differences in adults shouldn't be seen as on a fixed legal/illegal demarcation age (18), but more as an imbalance delta that varies from age to age. There are some more stable 18 yos out there and less stable 30 yos out there, but understandably there's a trend that younger is more likely to be vulnerable to these imbalance factors than older.


I'm fine with a 18-50 relationship being legal, I just want to hit this guy with hammers.


What's the age of consent for being hit by hammers though?


We did and it was 18. If you have some better, more logical way of doing it, that's fine but you really don't.


Except for we didn't. 17 to be in the military, 18 to vote, but 19 to smoke, 16 for sex in many states, 21 to drink, 21 to rent a car pretty often, like 12 to get married to a 65 year old, 18 to take a $100,000 school loan but not a $50,000 home loan from the same people at a much better chance of breaking even on the investment. I'm with the other guy, I find it weird society says 18 to be shipped for years to other places and kill people, but it is too immature to have a smoke. 18 is adult age to drive a tank but not a rental car. 16 in many places is adult enough to have a child but not mature enough to rent a room. 18 is when your crimes have you tried as an adult because you're an adult and can make adult choices, unless they decide otherwise in which case it's 5, but you can't make adult enough choices to crack a beer.


Thank you for summing this up. I'm not sure why so many people seem to replying to me in a "gotcha" way as if there's some kind of competition going on here. I would never claim to be qualified to make these decisions for an entire country but I don't think it takes a genius to see there's some flaws in logic here


Yea, it's really odd to me as well. Like, I get it that it's a weird conversation that challenges things many people see as natural and set in stone, but the system is extremely wacky. I'm not saying there should be 1 age for all of it, but some consistency would be nice. For example: One time there was a legal case in a state near me and it was all over the news at the time. 2 17 year olds had sent nude photos to each other, thus, created, distributed, and had CP. So they were being charged for a sex act with someone the same age who were both over the age of consent. The thing that made it a big deal, is the judicial system had to decided to.... Charge them as adults. For doing something that was only illegal because the law said they were not adults.... So, 2 people old enough to consent, did the one sex act they weren't able to consent to, and were being charged as doing it as people old enough to not be charged for having done it despite all other issues of consent being ok under the law.


I remember similar stories coming out around the height of Snapchat. Minors sending inappropriate messages to eachother and then getting into legal trouble for creating and distributing CP despite them being the same age and only sending it to eachother. I will say that as messy as this all is, I do find it pretty fascinating watching society stumble through changes and how long it takes. We can all see cracks in the wall but there isn't some magic tape to stick over it and call it a day. Some of this stuff wouldn't have been an issue before the rise of social media and phones having internet access and cameras etc.


Assuming youā€™re in the US, smoking has been at 21 for a few years now per the federal government.


ā€œShould someone go to jail for thisā€ and ā€œshould this behavior be socially encouragedā€ are two very different bars.