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Let the record show that OOP is definitely not mad.


*OOP calmly writing 100 paragraphs to explain just how not mad they are*


OOP is a corn cob


Like the tv station?






pet absorbed deer ask psychotic screw shy snatch placid gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Music nerds are far more likely to know about the intricacies classical music lol


Totally depends on where their nerdly interests lie.


I prefer techno rap


Only specific music nerds. One might even suggest a genre of music nerds.


I can't believe music nerds are just like pokemon


Tibetan Dark Lamacore used "Obscure"! It's super effective!


Except absolutely no one chooses them.


Depends on the music nerd. Some specialise in classical, some specialise in rock, some specialise in jazz, a lot cross between genres. The one unifier though is that they’ll talk for hours about intricacies that no average listener actually cares about.


Bro fucking thank you! It always boggled my mind watching these people subdivide genres almost endlessly based on real small or subtle differences and then watch the same people act as if all music before 1930 is classical


>the same people Is it? Is it the same people?


I'm a huge music nerd and I'm also the worst at identifying genres of anyone I know. It's at the point where I don't even try because boy do people get mad when you're wrong 😂


I read a theory that we're entering a sort post-genre world, because genres arose due to regional demographics, limited travel, and limited spread of information. Or specific instruments that are only available in certain areas. But with the internet, you can find a video teaching you how to play in any genre or style you can think of. And you can get pretty much any instrument online, or use a sound kit if you can't get a physical one. With modern artists pulling inspiration from so many different places, genres have kinda become tags you can mix and match, rather than exclusive taxonomies. Also the people who get really angry over genres tend to be gatekeeping dickheads, at least in my experience.


> I read a theory that we're entering a sort post-genre world I've heard this but it always seems at odds with how easy it is to more or less know these other genres and blend it with other genres often in the music stereotypical fashion. it also seems to ignore that other genres have come about or progressed by cross-pollinating well before the internet was a thing.


eh it's less post-genre and just more that there are a lot of crossovers between things. also back before the internet you still had genres that would be popular among a country/the globe and it would just develop a regional flavor (like Southern, East Coast, West Coast Hip Hop, Memphis Rap, New York Hardcore, etc). ideas were still exchanged, just not at the speed they are now. even with the stuff that seems to be eschewing this a bit (hyperpop, PC music, etc), they're still amenable to categorization


This makes a huge amount of sense and is kinda why I feel weird about assigning genres to things! It often seems to make more sense to say "it's like This Thing crossed with This Other Thing" vs trying to assign a genre to it.


This is literally just what postmodernism is.


Ain’t that the truth. I’m surrounded by musically inclined people irl and while that has been good for expanding my tastes, I completely avoid talking about genres. Too many increasingly niche sub-genres out there for me to keep track of.


If it has electric guitar it's rock. If they talk fast it's rap. I don't get what's hard to understand about this?


**me:** "... Yeah I'm not much into metal." *Prepares myself for the half hour lecture on the diversity of metal and how my statement that I don't like metal apparently 'makes no sense'*


There’s people literally in here doing that exact thing lol


To be fair, it seems like a lot of genres -- particularly electronic music and metal -- have so many fucking subgenres that half of them only apply to a single artist. I don't even play the game anymore and just listen to what I like, which is bass-funk trip-hop and scadanavian baby deathcore.


>Where I'm from techno can also mean all electronic music. IDK why this is vexing people so much. Just listen to the music, enjoy it or don't. >But if you're wondering I just repeated [what I heard](https://youtube.com/shorts/lnjZeCaZbq0). yes, in MyCountry we call all music made with electricity "techno"


Electronica? Straight to techno. Playing a keyboard or electric guitar? Straight to techno. Piping in some "classical" music through _electric_ speakers? Believe it or not, straight to techno!


Lmao I didn’t know about this drama. I saw the x-post of this in the DnB sub and thought, huh, I wonder why they wrote “techno rap.”


"and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad." https://x.com/dril/status/549425182767861760


Can't accept drum and bass. We need jungle I'm afraid.


Real emo copypasta (which is actually correct and goated)


"Real Emo" only consists of the dc Emotional Hardcore scene and the late 90's Screamo scene. What is known by "Midwest Emo" is nothing but Alternative Rock with questionable real emo influence. When people try to argue that bands like My Chemical Romance are not real emo, while saying that Sunny Day Real Estate is, I can't help not to cringe because they are just as fake emo as My Chemical Romance (plus the pretentiousness). Real emo sounds ENERGETIC, POWERFUL and somewhat HATEFUL. Fake emo is weak, self pity and a failed attempt to direct energy and emotion into music. Some examples of REAL EMO are Pg 99, Rites of Spring, Cap n Jazz (the only real emo band from the midwest scene) and Loma Prieta. Some examples of FAKE EMO are American Football, My Chemical Romance and Mineral EMO BELONGS TO HARDCORE NOT TO INDIE, POP PUNK, ALT ROCK OR ANY OTHER MAINSTREAM GENRE


The funniest part to me is that screamo wouldn't exist if it wasn't reacting to Midwest emo. Like pg 99 and Orchid are way heavier than Rites of Spring or Embrace and they wouldn't exist if someone hadn't been like "wow adding alt rock to emo is weak sauce what if I added grindcore instead"


Techno is a term for all electronic music like how Nintendoes is a term for all video games.


It's like calling all sodas 'Coke'.


Which they do in some areas of the southeast.


You mean pop?




My favourite was hearing about a combination of Techno and Disco called Tesco (one of the largest supermarkets in the UK).


Isn’t that just house music


Apparently Tesco is a thing. Maybe it leans more into classic disco.


[Throbbing Gristle did it](https://youtube.com/watch?v=La6s228vk34)


That's just [Donna Summer - I Feel Love (1977)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZqqvrWCs3Q)




See also: "Screamo" used for anything with abrasive vocals


I do this religiously, to the point where my friends have stopped fighting me on it since their annoyance just fuels me.


Honestly the worst. I've started telling people that word is deragatory towards metalheads lol


it's even worse for fans of the actual Screamo genre lol


We need a copypasta similar to the emo one


it basically is the screamo pasta lol. screamo=real emo. the pasta came from a screamo forum which was also the place that coined the term skramz


I was the front man for a a Metalcore group, Djent group, and Post-Hardcore group over 10 years ago, I just learned to accept that most people would call me a screamo singer no matter which group I was performing with lol


I long for the days of 2018 soundcloud trapmetal


Hell yeah! Artists like Sullivan King helped bridge me from the Metal scene to the Trap scene. Trapmetal shows were always a good time too because Metal crowds tend to be better than mainstream EDM crowds.


Techno 🤝 Nintendo 🤝 Transvestite The holy trinity of well meaning boomer umbrella terms that make you cringe when they drop it in public


That’s a pretty good punk band name in the 80s, not gonna lie


That sort of has been true since really the early 90s, but only for people who don’t listen to the music.


> No I don't mind being corrected, I'm offended that people can't just enjoy it without being pedantic. I get the mentality, but at the same time it kind of sucks going into something expecting one thing and finding out it's something else entirely. And then if you try to make an alternate suggestion, the other person takes it as denying the music quality that is apparently inherent to the genre name. And no one calls all electronic music Techno unless they're still living in 1996.


I call it all techno but honestly I’m 39 and I don’t really care that much about genres of music. If someone clarifies the genre for me then cool I guess but I’ve never really had it come up in conversation. I just listen to whatever music and songs I like I guess. Edit: I did not expect a disinterest in music to be this controversial. My apologies. This is the most I’ve ever talked or typed about music genres in my life lol


>I call it all techno but honestly I’m 39 and I don’t really care that much about genres of music. I like to go to electronic music shows in NYC. I especially like the Brooklyn Mirage venue. Whenever I tell people what kind of music the shows are I just shorthand it to either 'techno' or 'dance music.' People who don't know any better will get a pretty good idea of what you are talking about.


If you're name is anything to go by, your favourite band gets relegated to the "alternative music" genre, which is about the most underwhelming description for KGLW as you can get.


I’ll be honest with you I have no idea what that means lol


Oh, glizzy wizzy implied you might be a fan of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizzard. They genres hop like no-one else, their last album was a EDM/trance album, which was immediately following a heavy metal album. They've ranged from Mongolian throat singing, to rock, to psychedelic music. So most record stores go "Ah fuck it" and just call it all alternative music.


Ok that is wild. Thank you for the explanation.


well techno is a specific kind of music. so using over-broadly is inherently bizarre. imagine if a friend of yours referred to all classical and orchestral music music, ever, as 'oompah bands' since they all have winds and brass and percussion; perfectly fine 'umbrella' term, right? no. just makes the person talking seem ignorant.


> classical and orchestral music music This is hilarious to me cuz you basically did this by using the term “classical.” Classical music is a specific era of music between about the mid-1700s the early 1800s, between the Baroque and Romantic periods. To an enthusiast, Bach’s music is wildly different from Chopin’s, but both of them are colloquially called “Classical” by those who aren’t even though neither are. But real anti-gatekeeping OG’s dgaf about pinging people on the terms they use to describe something when the meaning is fairly clear. I’m a big ‘ol music nerd -practically invented a (tiny, insignificant) sub-genre of dance music with my writing partner- but I’m not about to get all up in someone’s ass because they can’t parse the difference between a track with live bass with a distortion pedal and someone playing an electronic bass on a keyboard.


Relevant xckd: https://xkcd.com/2501/ As an old man, I agree with techno dude. Same way that if i told an average person I played ttrpgs, they would probably just assume that means D&D.


People who aren't into the genre just call it techno. It doesn't really matter how old you are.


Yeah I’m not into music enough to care about all of that 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s cool if people are. It would matter if I was going into online music communities and people corrected me. But I’m not so it’s really not important to me. Sometimes my Spotify streams some daft punk and then it starts going into other music that might be like that. I’ve never once thought about the genre. I either like it or I don’t. This has never come up in a real life conversation for me lol


It’s only bizarre if you’re into the music. If you’re 40, 50, 60 years old, you can just call it all “techno” and people mostly know what you mean.


I don't think it's an age thing. Electronic music took off in the '80s and '90s, and there are plenty of old fogeys who listen to it. Meanwhile, my friend group is in their 20s or 30s, and none of us would bat an eye at calling electronic music techno. Hell, I probably listen to more electronic music than any of them, and I would absolutely not have caught or cared about the difference between techno and whatever genre is in the link I don't want to scroll up to see.


Yeah good point, but that's kinda the same thing in a way. I'm talking about 40, 50, 60 year olds that didn't pay attention/care when they were alive and this music was budding in the 90's. Now they know about it and maybe use the wrong terminology, but whatever. That's kinda similar to a 20/30 yo that wasn't alive or was a baby when the music was forming in the 90's. They've heard it now, they like it, and they don't give a shit about learning the vocabulary. \*I'm not trying to defend OOP here; their reaction is the problem.


Yeah, it would have been so easy for OOP to not comment or say, "Oh, I didn't know that," and move on with his life.


Yep lol.


Got it. Gonna call all orchestral music oompah bands now.


From now on I'm going to call those oompah bands.


And if "oompah bands" was only a colloquial term like 20 or 30 years ago before it was successfully rebranded as OIM (orchestral instrument music) and everyone goes to "OIM festivals" so that you would stop saying "oompah bands" like a dumbass, but you've been too busy grilling and mowing the lawn, so you missed it until you made a reddit post, and then decided to argue with everyone who is confused and call them music nerds lol


Imagine caring about something so silly


EDM is the better catchall term


Just be prepared for fans of genres like techno and ambient to lose their shit if you call their music "EDM" lol.


Techno is absolutely EDM, at least to the vast majority of people. Anyone who tries to argue is a gatekeeping nerd. Ambient is certainly not EDM but to be fair its far enough outside the general understanding of electronic music that I think most people don't even think about/know about it.


A lot of modern American/Canadian/British/Australian bass artists make and spin ambient music leading to a slight increase in its popularity.


Fair, I don't know much about ambient outside of Eno and Aphex Twin (and I'm not a particularly big fan of what I hear either)


yeah I'm pretty surprised to see people still calling it all Techno when it seems like the vast majority of catch-all uses moved to EDM ages ago. And as someone in their 40s, I get that Techno *used* to be a catch-all, but it really hasn't been that way for a while.


oh pull the cork out.


>And no one calls all electronic music Techno unless they're still living in 1996. ? I still see people call it Techno all the time and I'm only in my 20s.


and I am proud of you for keeping the elderly company


I'm pretty sure it's just who you're with. I see people who aren't into the genre call it techno all the time that are all young. Everyone knows the term techno it's not something that really died out here. I'm sure it might have died out where you're from, but where I live it's still widely used as a catch all.


Few want to order a burger and be served a deli sandwich. The details matter.


It's like ordering a cheeseburger, and getting an Oklahoma style smashburger. It's pretty much the same thing, but a very vocal minority of food enthusiasts will try and correct you and tell you that the two are absolutely nothing alike.


Naw you can't go burger to burger comparing techno and D&B. This is just not a burger to burger comparison.


Bad analogy IMO. Closer would be ordering a fish sandwich and getting a bacon burger. Or the difference between blues and jazz. There are substantial differences, it's not just nitpicking.


People in this thread are kind of showing their ass when they say they're 40 and don't get the drama. If you were in college at any point in the last 10 or 15 or so years and called the party's music "techno" you would just get looked at like [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/799/Screen_Shot_2021-03-18_at_11.50.15_AM.png), even it was literally techno lol. It's not a music nerd thing, y'all are fucking OOOOOOOOLD. OOP is oooooold


Lol, I was at a party college 15 years ago and never once heard electronic music at a party aside from Daft Punk, and if someone had called it techno then no one would have cared.


The drama isn’t the guy saying it’s techno music. The drama is the guy saying it’s techno music then arguing with every single person in the thread. He could have just said “oh, I didn’t know. My mistake” but instead he went full internet on them.


I'm 24 people still call it techno. No idea what you guys are talking about unless it's a regional thing, but where i'm from it's still widely used.


Yes of course techno is a huge thing still, bigger than ever in many ways. The only people not realizing that are "EDM" Americans


Even worse is that me made a post to his own profile with some Eminem lyrics “nobody listens to techno”. Dude cannot possibly take the L and would just rather make himself look worse I guess.


He cited such an old song for that too 🫨


If op thinks techno is an umbrella term for all electronic music, why not just call it electronic music?


Because techno is shorter


Electro sounds cooler though


It does if you don't read Spider-Man comics because that guy goes down like a chump all the time


But EDM is even shorter


Because it wasn't called "electronic music", it was called "techno". In the 90s.


Cause techno is the umbrella term, obviously.


Ah, this reminds me of how everyone I know calls the music I listen to "screamo." Doesn't matter what it actually is. It's just screamo.


That always bugged me when I was growing up. Just because they're screaming doesn't make it "screamo." Screamo is its own specific thing. 


Also a good chunk of the time they aren't even screaming.


We'll go blue in the face trying to explain it. Anymore, I just let people call it whatever they want.


What is it about music that makes people unable to accept they may have just a passing interest in it? It's so common to see people make false assertions with such confidence when it comes to music. Especially when talking about genre and subgenre. Edit: aaand now it's coming from inside the thread. "Genres? It's all music bro"


It's like when I make a comment about something electrical to my electrician friends. They might laugh at the joke but then correct my incorrect usage of certain terms, it would be pretty immature to throw my arms up and act like it doesn't matter, because it does. Same goes for music, whether you have a passing interest or make a career out of it.


I feel like this is especially the case with punk music, because are a lot of people who have strong opinions on what punk is, and get really mad at any perceived gatekeeping, despite not actually liking punk music beyond maybe a few Green Day songs. Yet you always get these people who are like "punk can be anything"/"it is actually more punk to not be punk" etc. sort of takes from people who don't even like that kind of music. People should be more comfortable just admitting that they don't know something, instead of getting into arguments with the people who clearly know a lot more than them. Like OP could have just admitted to being clueless about electronic music, but instead he wants to argue with people who clearly knows a lot more than him for some reason.


This is exactly it. Like I have no idea about music genres. If someone told me that The Offspring was a certain kind of punk (is it? I have no idea lol) I’ll take their word for it but it’s not something I have any real interest in. I’m not going to argue them because I obviously don’t have a clue 🤷🏼‍♂️


> The Offspring was a certain kind of punk (is it? Yeah, early stuff skate punk, later stuff pop punk. > I’m not going to argue them because I obviously don’t have a clue Yeah I'm with you on that on a lot of types of music, including electronic music lol


I’m like that for nearly all types of music haha But I know a lot of different kinds of bicycles and disc golf stuff! But to almost everyone else they’re just bikes and frisbees. And that’s cool too!


The only thing I know about discs is that frisbee is technically speaking a brand name, but i still call them frisbees regardless lol.


Hell yeah!


I assume you guys call them frisbees when talking to people who are not interested in it though


99% of my interactions when playing in the local public park is them asking what I’m doing and I say “it’s disc golf!” And kind of half-ass explain what it is. Sometimes people are like “oh it’s like a frisbee” and I usually say yeah and let them hold a disc or try a throw. Then they’re usually surprised they aren’t shaped like frisbees at all haha (except being round) But if anyone asks “what is disc golf” while I’m not playing I usually say “oh it’s just throwing frisbees but at targets” because that’s way more palatable than saying “disc” like it’s something completely different. I don’t expect anyone to actually know because no one has a clue what it is haha


The first time I ever encountered something like this was as a teenager when American Idiot came out and I had a grown man get to the point of almost screaming in my face that Green Day isn't punk at a concert.


Oh the stupid arguments Green Day caused back in the day. I still come down firmly on the line of "sure, they're punk, but I don't like their music".


Yeah its in this very thread now. People admitting they don't know or care about the music getting bent out of shape when corrected by someone who does know and does care about the music. It's fucking bizzare. Metal is rife with it too, someone liked Metallica when they were 16 now theyre complaining about "elitism" and "gate keeping" not realising they sound like Graham Hancock arguing with someone who actually studies history and archeology.


> Metal is rife with it too, someone liked Metallica when they were 16 now theyre complaining about "elitism" and "gate keeping" not realising they sound like Graham Hancock arguing with someone who actually studies history and archeology. Metal seems to have this weird thing where people perceive saying a band isn't metal as like an attempt to criticise the quality, as though metal is some exclusive club for good music and something being hardcore or rock or industrial instead makes it bad. It's bizzare how weirdly upset people get about it.


Sleep Token has entered the chat


Yeah you've described it better than I could. I don't get it either. Metal isn't some exclusive club, metal is just metal. I don't get why people get pissy about it when they'll often admit they're not even into it much.


From my own experiences, including my own actions, music genres are (for whatever reason) treated like sports teams or political parties. People know, or think they know, what genres they like, and what genres they dislike. So if there's a song they like, but it's a genre they've written off, then they try to convince themselves it's not actually that genre. IE, I like most electronic music (especially complextro!), but absolutely *hate* Dubstep. There are some dubstep songs in my playlist that, for the longest time, I was *adamant* weren't dubstep, because surely there's no way I'd like that garbage, right? Nah, past me, that shit's dubstep, and it's fine that you like it. At least, that's what I've seen.


That's really just an issue of maturity I think. We can all look back at our youth and have a big ole cringe at some of the silly music opinions we used to have.


The greatest version of this will always be proud "I only listen to video game and anime OSTs" dudes aka "I don't care about music enough to listen to things that Persona 5 is inspired by but I still think I'm superior to you for some reason" aka "I will listen to a generic pop rock song but only if a japanese person is singing it also I'm better than you." They literally have a passing interest by definition but refuse to act like it lol


It's because you are surrounded by it all day. Any other form of art has to be consumed more or less "on purpose". It escapes most people that listening to music and actively listening to music are two very seperate things.


Yeah and some people seem to react negatively to that being pointed out. Like not really being into music is character deficit.


> Edit: aaand now it's coming from inside the thread. "Genres? It's all music bro" You're not the main character. Techno was a catch-all term for electronic music. Some people still use it that way.


I am so happy that another person linked S3RL's "Genre police" in another response. A banger and on topic!


Rave Girl will always be an all-time favorite of mine <3 S3RL 5eva


The track "misleading title" is probably one of my favorites... but it definitely isn't for everyone.


> A lot of people wonder: "What is the blues?" > I hear a lot of people saying "The blues, the blues..." > But imma tell you what the blues is. > When you ain't got no money - you got the blues. > When you ain't got no money to pay your house rent, you still got the blues. > A lot of people holla 'bout "I don't like no blues," but if you ain't got no money and can't pay your house rent and can't buy you no food, you damn sure got the blues. [Howlin' Wolf](https://youtu.be/OpKB6OZ_B4c)


I really don't understand why so many people are physically incapable of just going "oh yeah, my bad". I whip that shit out all the time when I’m wrong and my quality of life is decidedly higher because of it.


Me: I hope it’s that 🔥Irish kids song


Music Fan Nerds™ are some of the most pedantic and obnoxious types of nerd you’ll ever meet. Their favourite pastime is arguing over the exact correct names of music genres. It’s always a minefield. Never try to engage lol


And the best part is, there are no real world consequences to "winning" such an argument.


I think the winner gets to kill the loser, I think


But they're both losers..?


"That's not real metal!"    - Every metal fan ever, about any metal song they dislike


Also: “Thats not X Metal, thats Y Metal” of which both are basically the same


> Where I'm from techno can also mean all electronic music. IDK why this is vexing people so much. Just listen to the music, enjoy it or don't. Do people where you're from call all electronic music techno, or do you mostly just know people who don't listen to any electronic music and therefor can't distinguish subgenres? Some people never consider the possibility that the experiences of themselves and their friend group are not universal. Yeah you don't know people who like that thing or do that thing, because you only hang out with likeminded people and you just repeat each other.


i thought the people behind the video would at least have labeled it correctly on youtube or the description provided for the video (and since comments are turned off, there's not help there) but they really only used #rap in there, so i can understand how/why it would be vaguely referred to as *technorap* but since they have only been reddit for a year, they're now learning to disable inbox replies, especially if drop into a former default


Do you need your enchiladas to be labeled as “Mexican food” every time you order them?


Oops, ordered the Mexican spaghetti on accident


Would that be Cincinnati Chili?


I’m pretty new to DnB but calling that song Techno Rap is so random lol. It’s very clearly DnB


I just call it all dance music. The sub genres never made sense to me anyways. Deconstructed club? Dariacore? Nonsense!


A lot of the dance music genres are because djs like to play songs together that sound similar and they have very specific tastes so need a word to describe the very specific sound they’re looking for.


But drum and bass has been around for a long time and has a distinct identity. I'd personally call it a genre in itself at this point. If you'd translate this to other genres, you'd think it's weird when someone refers to progressive rock as black metal. "But they're both rock!" doesn't make much sense in that scenario.


I think, especially in America compared to the UK/Ireland, the average person doesn’t know what defines drum and bass as a genre. You can show them examples and they would get it, and they would understand that it’s a different genre than stuff like David Guetta and Skrillex, but they couldn’t identify it in the wild. I think it’s less like the different between prog rock and black metal and more like the different between djent and blackened death metal. They’re different, but you can’t expect a random guy off the street to know which is which.


Dariacore mentioned????? I feel like that one's really easy to identify but it's also a very insular genre, not one that generally gets muddled with others. If you hear samples of 2010s pop music joined with random meme references you've found Dariacore


>The sub genres never made sense to me anyways. Ever wonder why that is? Ever wonder why something you don't understand or care about doesn't make sense to you?


How are Coucou Chloe and Amnesia Scanner the same genre? Why do people get mad if someone calls Sewerslvt breakcore? I enjoy the music, but the classifications really seem a bit haphazard. What would you even call Iglooghost? There’s so much variation in electronic music that trying to pin everything down seems futile.


>There’s so much variation in electronic music that trying to pin everything down seems futile. Yeah but its not though. Genreification is actually very utilitarian if you're into music and spend a lot of time trying to discover new bands. That's why there we genres, subgenres and subsubgenres


This is not meant to be argumentative or anything like that, I’m asking as someone who really struggles to understand the differences and intricacies of music genre. What do you look for when determining what genre something is? Especially when you get down to something like subsubgenres. I’d also like to know how much artist intention factors into that, because I don’t think many musicians are thinking about it that deeply when they make music, especially people responsible for pioneering entirely new genres.


> What do you look for when determining what genre something is? If it musically fits the characteristics of that genre.


Like what kind of characteristics?


All sorts of characteristics. What instruments are played? How are they played? Are there vocals? If so, what do they sound like? Is the music loud or quiet, fast or slow? Does it use a blues scale? So, if a song has distorted, downtuned guitars, harsh vocals, and loud, heavy drums, it's probably some kind of metal. But to really know the difference between all the sub-genres and sub-sub-genres, you just have to really immerse yourself in that style of music. I can get super granular when it comes to categorizing Country music and its adjacent genres like Bluegrass and Folk, because I've been listening to those genres my entire life, but I'm clueless when it comes to the many varieties of EDM.


I don't really understand the question to be honest. It depends on the genre, and a lot of it is just that if you listen to a genre you'll know. If a song is like very fast punk with aggressive vocals and more of a focus on rhythm than melody I can tell it's hardcore punk. If that song then has downtuned guitars, more harsh vocals, and breakdowns (big tempo changes) I can tell it's metal core. I wouldn't know the difference between electronic genres because it's not really what I listen to.


Artist intention is funnily enough almost completely immaterial for the same reasons you state. They're often too close to it provide anything approaching objectivity. They're usually fairly wooly in their descriptions of their music. What it usually comes down to is what is it similar too and how different is it too a "baseline" of that genre. Genres usually have a core of certain characteristics and the community just kinda feels it out. It's never an exact science and usually comes down to community consensus in the end.


I call it all techno because it's funny.


Sportsball lol xdxdxdxd


Sportsball is also funny.


Damn, for a moment i thought i would have the honor of having a comment on this sub. I was on that thread and made a simple joke, OP went full psycho


> I'm offended that people can't just enjoy it without being pedantic Local man uses the internet for the first time


the takes in this thread sure are somethin "i don't know much about this field, therefore the people who do know about it are obnoxious nerds" ps [we need jungle i'm afraid](https://youtube.com/shorts/rfXNUdxj3Hs?si=oxbRcSZUzGzTt34W)


As someone who has used techno as a blanket term for electronic music, this thread has just made me very confused about what to call it now. Techno? Electronica? House music? EDM? I have zero idea. I shall create an atrocious mish mash of all of them and use that instead. It is now Houtronechnance Music.


I just say electronic music. No room for inaccuracy.


If you know that you're using it as an umbrella term for electronic music then you already know what to call it, you just call it electronic music.


Idk, people were also talking like it’s called EDM, not just electronic. Also electronic feels incredibly vague, like a lot of pop music would fall under that definition because it’s still focusing on electronic sounds and percussion, but the vocals, cinematogrophy, and coreography play a much larger role in pop music and it’s clearly a different genre than \*gestures wildly*. Also, this is such a non-issue because I do not have a particular affinity for this genre of music. I listen to it, but I listen to a lot of stuff. Genres are hard and confusing, and I know the subgenre I seem to enjoy most is called catstep…? At least most of what I listen to sounds like examples of catstep I’ve heard. I could be completely wrong. It’s good enough for a random layperson such as myself.


All EDM is Electronic Music but not all Electronic Music is EDM. You already admitted that you aren't very privy to the genre distinction so there's no need for you to argue any further.


EDM is the most accurate catch-all 95% of the time. Electronic music is overly broad, and when non-electronic fans say EDM they're not referring to ambient or IDM etc., they're referring to house, DnB, techno which is all EDM


I mean, you’re the one bringing the drama from the thread in here in response to my very obviously smartass joke. I love me some Houtronechnance music. Maybe I’ll go learn how to make it, and then I’ll be a Houtronechnonancer. Edited to add: Now that I’ve had a chance to look over what people are saying in here, it’s rather obvious you posted this here for people to agree with you and echo the “music nerds’” sentiment, which is unfortunately working. OOP is a tool, but so are you and the rest of the people in here getting really personally invested in this genre drama. Like seriously, you legit said “so there’s no need for you to argue any further” which is complete tool behaviour.


Tool behavior is admitting you don't know about something but then continuing to argue about it lol. You're literally doing what OOP was doing, so who's the one actually bringing drama in here? Who was the first one to resort to name calling in this situation? You might wanna take a long look in the mirror and figure this one out for yourself.


See, here’s the brilliant thing. I don’t care what the correct term is. I have already long decided that learning the intricate differences in genres is entirely too much effort for something that does not enrich my music listening experience. And it’s really funny that you care so much that I made a stupid joke about seeing so many differing corrections in the original thread, a joke I made precisely because it is something that would cause more ridiculous outrage in the original thread, and have basically outed yourself as one of the terminally online dipshits personally invested in the drama that we generally make fun of on this subreddit. You are part of the show, and you don’t even realize it. Edit: lmao legit blocked me, you are really only further proving my point.


i dOn’t cArE! (But watch me reply ad infinitum lol)


> I have already long decided that learning the intricate differences in genres is entirely too much effort for something that does not enrich my music listening experience. I don't really get why you're making multiple long comments on this post arguing about genres if you also don't care about genres? I don't care about the difference between different types of whiskey or scotch or whatever, so if it comes up I just like move on. I don't go looking for arguments and call people "terminally online dipshits".


OOP's emotional immaturity notwithstanding, music nerds are a disease. It really doesn't matter what music is labeled as.


it's actually really useful if you get into music and are looking for something specific


People that just use music to vibe with/relax without giving it much thought are mostly incapable of getting this. It just seems like unnecessary effort to them. Non-music people feel the same way about genres that I feel about well-maintained lawns.


yeah i feel like the people of this ilk that are willing to voice their opinions on it make a lot of weird assumptions and i feel like are reacting to some bad experiences when they said something wrong. it's like, no dude, i just really like some specific things about some of my favorite bands/records and i'm trying to find *more* of it. it's no different than being into beer, wine, food, etc.


I don't know, if I requested smooth jazz from Spotify and it played Slayer, I'd think music labels matter at least a little bit.


My favourite fish is the dolphin and my favourite African country is Spain


It cracks me up when people are so precious about music genres.


I was just arguing with OP on that post and now I see the thread posted to r/SRD lol.


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