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I have some opinions about uh, all of the subreddits involved here, but isn't this kind of overt raiding against reddit ToS?


I once had a subreddit actively try to dox me, create fake screenshots of things they claimed I said, began calling me a pedophile and various anti-Semitic names, and offered a reward for anyone who “scalps” me, and the Reddit admins said it didn’t violate TOS.


Valuable discussion, no doubt about it.


Always hilarious to me how the ***biggest*** pieces of shit on Reddit fucking hate spez despite Huffman bending over backwards to not ban and/or revive their favorite ["It's aBoUT eThics In gAmInG jOURnAlISM" harassment sub.](https://archive.ph/91Qk4) Which quite naturally emboldened the worst pieces of shit on Reddit to start [faking death threats to start more harassment campaigns against those "SJW wokies" GirlfriendReivews](https://redd.it/orcfm6)


Meanwhile Chapo banned for being anti slavers


No chapo was banned for being a cesspool.


And brigading, as it so happens.


Yeah 99% sure they don't even read reports. It's almost certainly just a bot. I've had people try to dox me as well for the horrible crime of being queer. I was told to just block the accounts because they can't ban them over it. As if blocking them stops them from doxing me.


I'll never forget that the reason they were harassing me wasn't even for "normal" reasons such as racism or homophobia. It was because they believed that we're all slipping between alternate realities/the government is doing experiments in regards to time travel or reality alteration which explains why people misremember certain things. I...disagreed. And that set them off.


hopefully they post your address from the Bearenstein universe instead


Oh man, those Mandela effect loonies? Yeah that's a weird as hell corner of the internet. Sorry you had to deal with them, and with reddit's awful moderation.


The funny thing is that in terms of that, I do find it interesting how large groups of people, because of varying circumstances, can come to the same incorrect conclusions. Discussions about that kind of thing are actually fun. However, some folks can't accept being wrong and HAVE to believe that the government/reality is lying to them, as if no other possibility can exist.


It’s scary how they’ll sometimes just take some random who disagrees with them and just decide to make that person the number one enemy of their community. It’s legit dangerous to engage with them sometimes.


I told a cop to eat his gun and was permanently suspended with a quickness. Use that information how you will


Based tbh. ACAB




I've reported *actual-calls-for-violence*, and in the space it took me to refresh the page, I got a notification from the Reddit admins that the comments "didn't violate TOS". No human actually fucking read my report.


Meanwhile I got temp banned from Reddit before for calling someone stupid when they were literally being openly bigoted. You’d think Musk ran this website too or something.


This is how Facebook works too. I got a warning for saying someone must have the memory of a goldfish, while the guy I was arguing against was making all sorts of sexist comments in his position of legalizing spousal rape 


I got banned from r/Movies *permanently* for calling a racist a Nazi in a thread about a potential movie about George Floyd. Whichever Mod that did the banning is really telling on themselves. Shortly after that I got a message from reddit that I need to be more respectful to the community. Can't even describe the whiplash I got from that.


A lot of subs prioritize the right "language" over the right "message" You can openly express Nazi views so long as you don't directly advocate for violence. But nobody else is allowed to call them a nazi, because that's "Bad language" You can say all gay people shouldn't exist in the first place. But calling someone homophobic is an "insult" and will get you punished.


This is almost exactly how most social media ToS's work these days. You can say whatever horrible things you want as long as you don't "insult" people or use the wrong words. You can facilitate a genocide as long as you don't use slurs and just use abstract language and dog whistles. It's civility politics taken to their logical extreme.


I got banned from world news because I said nobody cares about brown people being genocided when it’s done by white people. They couldn’t call me antisemetic because I’m also Palestinian Jewish lmfaoooo


Makes me think of the r/houkai3rd mod that banned me after telling me I needed to be more respectful to the community. Keep in mind that it all started because someone made a post called “Adam makes Bronya normal.” and was just a post of a man fucking a lesbian into becoming straight which folks were celebrating because she “needed to be fixed”.


Have you heard abput the Tumblr CEO meltdown ealier this year? During the fracas, he dropped the detail that Tumblr literally had a contracted moderator who was biased against trans people and was also accepting bribes. I gotta wonder how many other sites/services have problems like that. Like, what are rhe chances that Reddit has some contracted admins who are alt-right and use the position to push their agenda without being caught?


100% If your site doesn't screen for alt right mods they will get in, and they will go ban happy for any reason on those they hate while defending to the death their allies. And since 'neutral' mods are giving everyone the benefit of the doubt long after they should that means the left gets banned and the right runs rampant.


Avoid subs with alt-right and contrarian reactionary mods like the plague. It's the fastest way to get a target on your head and quickly suspend your account.


locally to me, someone's running a tractor selling scam on facebook marketplace. Always the same, several hijacked facebook accounts posting too-cheap tractors. Nonsense machine translated specs. Same basic format. Pictures of tractors from various european countries. Been going on for at least two years now. I used to report them and every time I did, facebook flagged it as legit. Same thing happens when i report obvious scam ads too, the kind where a celebrity's super secret investment tip is revealed or elon musk is selling penny stocks. It's hopeless.


The mistake you made wasn't being a media company, reddit admins might actually do their job if you made it into a news story.


What happened? Could you elaborate?


Gonna be slightly long: Basically, months ago in r/MandelaEffect I disagreed with someone about the existence of magic/sci-fi. They believed that when people misremember things, it's because the government is either tricking us via deepstate brainwashing or reality itself has changed due to people slipping between similar realities. I said it was because sometimes people just misremember things because that's how the human mind works. The head mods of r/MandelaEffectScience exception to that and decided to attack me over that. It started with them all of a sudden calling me a government plant meant to disrupt them by causing discourse. Which I'm not, I'm just some random asshole. Then they began calling me a pedophile that RP's as teenage girls, which I found confusing until I figured out what they were talking about. They were referring to a D&D type character I'd made, who was a teenage girl. However, them using her to call me a pedo didn't work for a few reasons. Reason 1: The character was 14, and I myself was 15 when I'd made the character. Reason 2: They only knew about the character because I'd made a comment months before that (Which showed that they'd been digging through my history searching for something to use) in which I was talking about how another player in the setting was trying to sexualize the character, which I shut down entirely. So I was actively NOT using the character in a sexual manner. Reason 3: In that same campaign, that character was one of multiple characters I'd made. She wasn't even my main character, she was the daughter of my main character. After that, they showed up with "screenshots" of reddit comments of me talking about D&D rape scenarios I'd been involved in, except those were fake. And when I pointed out that screenshots are easy to fake and they should just provide links to the posts where I'd made those comments, they repeatedly refused to do so...because they knew they couldn't due to those comments not existing. Another user even did some weird thing with the Wayback machine that showed that those comments didn't belong to me, but a different user, which showed that they just went to some other subreddit and photoshopped my name in place of someone else. After that, they began stalking me all over reddit, randomly commenting where I was while calling me a pedophile and insisting that people should out me and come to their subreddit. They did similar things to other users, but I specifically was a special target because they had nothing on me other than faked evidence and were desperate for anything they could find. They also admitted to using r/MandelaEffect as a way of hunting down people who disagreed with them to target for harassment, and the mods of r/MandelaEffect fully sided with them, stating "We don't care, since they're not doing the harassing in our subreddit." and allowed those users to keep participating. They did, however, ban ME because they decided me being there is riling them up. This was after they made a post offering a gift card to anyone who provided evidence that led to my 'scalping', which is what they call it when they manage to get rid of a user they disapprove of. And in the end, Reddit decided none of that was against the rules and nothing was done to them, meanwhile I was banned from that subreddit because the mods decided I was the problem, not the people actively and openly harassing me. Not even the worst mods I've seen, honestly. I've been in a few subreddits where the moderators were absolute shit. So I'd put them in the top 5 worst mods. Just slightly below the openly homophobic mods of r/houkai3rd since while those mods are shit, they at least *pretend* to care about harassment of their users (They don't. They made it clear that they see the non-homophobic users of their subreddit as the real problem and that the bigoted users shouldn't be called out for their behavior.), but above the r/TwoBestFriendsPlay mods since they at least weren't openly fetishizing black folks and talking down to anyone who spoke out against the purposeful exclusion of minorities in games. The same subreddit where a mod openly said that the fetishization of trans people is a good thing because “it makes them feel included”. Worst I've interacted with are still the mods of r/BlackPeopleTwitter since they were straight up banning people for NOT being racist a few years back. Tho funny enough, I am currently temp banned from r/houkai3rd because the mods told me to be more “polite and open minded” towards the homophobic users and I responded by not doing that.


ok that’s crazy but whats up with r/twobestfriendsplay? did I miss something, when did they fetishize black people?


That's one of those places where they're a lot quieter about it than most "progressive" gaming subs. They'll claim they want more diversity in media, but then when you pay attention you quickly realize that their desire isn't "because representation" It's more "Ooooh, chocolate goddess\~ I wanna fuck that ebony queen\~" type stuff. I noticed it a while back but generally got dunked on if I brought it up. But when Yoshi-P made it clear that people like me are "unrealistic" for his magical setting and they pretended like they cared for a week only for the mods to quietly begin deleting comments disagreeing with that stance and shut down any non-agreeing discussions about it I got legit annoyed. And don't forget that they used to straight up call any black person they saw "Woolie" as a joke because "Haha, black folks look alike, get it?" until he said that it made him uncomfortable. Basically, it presents itself as a progressive subreddit on the surface, but underneath, most of it's progressiveness is just it's users wanting to fuck "exotic" people. I got made fun of quite regularly because my desire for diverse races and body-types was genuine, rather than fetish based. Edit: I should be fair tho. They don’t *just* fetishize black people, that’s my bad. They also fetishize trans people and any woman who looks like she weighs more than 100 pounds and can do more than 10 push ups.


Thank you for the detailed reply. I spend a lot of time on that sub, mostly just the discussion threads and for updates on what the guys are up to now. but oh yea i've definitely seen people get real weird about buff women there, not recently, but maybe i've just gotten better at avoiding the hornyposting in general. I don't feel like I've seen that behavior when it comes to black women or trans people, but idk I easily could have missed those comments or just not thought much about it. and yeah, some of the Woolie jokes I've seen over the years seemed...not great. I don't listen to the podcast so I guess I just hoped I was missing some context or something :/


Yeah, I used to spend a lot of time there too, tho I got banned back when I started speaking out against how the mods were silencing folks who disagreed with Yoshi-P's stance that black people are too unrealistic for his new game. (TLDR: They spent a week pretending they disagreed, and then quietly started deleing posts/comments that went against it.) I remember another user openly using alt accounts to harass me which I pointed out, and they decided to ban me while patting the other user on the back. Funny enough, they did that often. They'd come up with new rules, refuse to put them in the rules list, and then punish you for breaking those rules. Like how they'd ban you for even mentioning Hogwarts Legacy while refusing to actually say it was against the rules. Oh, and I wish I had a link to the time where the sub got together to bully a guy who was having a mental breakdown and tried to apologize for something racist they'd said. I remember the guy basically explaining that he'd fucked up and wanted to earnestly apologize and do better. The sub's collective response was to tell him to die and that his attempts to change meant nothing and he should just stop existing as far as they were concerned. And when I chimed in that the guy's trying to do better, I was mocked and mass downvoted. Or that time where in a post about "What would you do if you has Superman's powers?" I said that I'd try my best, but probably do a bad job and burn out because I don't have Superman's willpower, the collective response was, "Yup, because you're a shitty bad person who could never be a hero no matter what. Only people who do charity without asking for anything in return could ever hope to be a hero." Which I found funny because I love me some charity work. I do it all the time IRL.


There are so many "progressive" subs that will immediately defend racism, misogyny, and/or transphobia as long as they think it's funny/sexy enough, or involves a content creator that they like. So it's disappointing to hear that the SBFP sub is that way sometimes, but not surprising. Reddit never changes.


This is a weird thing that really bugs the hell out of me. I've noticed a lot of times that some folks it feels like because they think they're the "*correct*" type of woke, or that because they call out racists/sexists/homophobes that it then gives them permission to be really shitty to some group or another, or they use it to do weird purity politics so they can justify harassment and more subtle shitty behaviour that's pretty fucking (insert word)ist if you didn't know they were supposed to be on a progressive subreddit. Like for example, as much as I loath Shapiro and his sister's politics, it's really fucked up to read the more subtle dogwhistle sounding stuff about him, or the fucked sexism and misogyny tossed at his sister because she's got big boobs and is into "traditional gender roles" so now it's okay to act like fucking Mad Men or something. It's really concerning to see how some justify their own bigotry because "They're the otherside" and I'm kind of glad to see it because it's made me a hell of a lot more aware and paying attention to my comments and internal monologue and debating if I sound like that or not.


Yup, that's exactly how that subreddit is. Their progressiveness is skin deep. The literal moment the conversation becomes deeper than "I wanna fuck the brown girl." things get really 1930's Alabama over there.


I've read that sub a few times out of curiosity, and there was something really freaking weird I was picking up about how they discuss race and body types, but I just wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not.


Yup, pretty much any time a female character is anything other than "standard cis white girl", it becomes all about fetishization over there. Brown? Fetishized. Muscular? Fetishized. Tall? Fetishized. Trans? Fetishized. And if you point it out, you become the villain of the topic. I mentioned it in another comment, but a mod at one point outright stated that "fetishization of trans women is good because it makes them feel included." I was also often made fun of because my insistence that diversity for the sake of actually including people, not to fetishize them, was the way to go. All because they seemed intent on the idea that me saying that was actually me covering up for my own fetishes...because they simply couldn't comprehend the idea of someone wanting diversity for reasons other than fetish fuel.


*Faked* screenshots? No no, they clearly came from an alternative universe. Sorry that you had to find out that au you is such a loathsome human being. But hey! Maybe that means there's a version of reality where the mods of that sub aren't vindictive loonies.


Jesus Fucking Christ


Reddit is such a fun place~


Would you elaborate on r/blackpeopletwitter mods?


It's been a few years, so things may have changed since then. But back when I used to frequent the sub, things started getting VERY racist. Straight up posts there were nothing more than "White people bad. White people evil." They even made some sorta posting system that made it so you weren't allowed to comment in specific posts unless you confirmed with a mod that you yourself were black. They started banning folks who pointed out how clearly racist all of that was. The mods told me that me disagreeing with them proves that I'm just some white racist. Which is funny, considering I'm black and was calling out racism, not supporting it.


Here's a secret: Just use the words "stop harassing me". If they respond in *any* way to those words (even with an "okay"), you can report them for harassment, and they'll be banned. Of course that doesn't work for people who constantly make new accounts, but it works for everyone else, at least.


I question OP for even knowing this drama exists.


> but isn't this kind of overt raiding against reddit ToS? is it, but would require a little legwork on part of the attacked subreddit


This is the reddit that let the_donald brigade other subreddits for years so who knows


im too old for this


No one is young enough for this


>Clicks top subreddit name because curious. >Gets blasted with a man with a dick out doing anal something. >Will not learn anything from this trauma until another weird sub name comes up.


dawg that wasn't just a man with his dick out doing anal something that was fucking ai porn using george floyd's face


I'm sorry what


I believe he said that god has forsaken this foul world and we deserve it.


That's why Jesus is never coming back.


I mean technically we are following god's plan, so I guess they really wanted us to make AI George Floyd Feral stuff for some reason? Edit: George Floyd porn piece was from the edgy sub. This is what I get for commenting at work and not clicking risky links to check lol.


Is this where you want to be when Jesus comes back?


yes, the *entire* internet yes, i'm aware this action cannot be undone


Yeah, I saw that too. No one in that subreddit is seeing the pearly gates




The kids are *not* alright


That.... Is a whole lot worse than just gay porn.




If mental images were crimes, that was a capital offence.


Well, I did have to see. Honestly, quite extreme content for reddit these days.


Yeah, you're right, this kind of shit is gonna be gone from here pretty soon and I feel extremely conflicted about that fact


*”He just keeps cumming. Where is it all coming from!?”*


Damn, I really should have read the description of those subteddits before I clicked on the link


This "thug posting" shit is just ungodly, unimaginably cringe and it baffles me how so many people still find it funny


It’s probably white kids who only know what black people look like because of GTA.


> It’s probably white kids on reddit? no


Hey! I’m one of the five black people on this site. Put some respect on my name 😤😤😤


Maybe I'm just seeing things where there aren't, but it feels like some people find black people extra funny. I'll notice some non-black YouTubers only using reaction clips of black people. Or in those You Laugh You Leave videos where one person seems to laugh way easier at videos featuring black people. I don't think that makes them racist but it definitely feels weird.


Those people find them extra funny because they don’t see them as people. Just caricatures and stereotypes.


[Same as it ever was](https://edu.lva.virginia.gov/oc/stc/entries/jim-crow-caricature-of-an-african-american)


A subreddit full of racists that fetishize black men attacking a subreddit full of furries? What a fun day.


Yeah it's absolutely racist and it's absurd how people get on the ass of anyone who points it out.


It’s not even fetishization. They just despise black and gay people so much that they find the combination laughable.


Trust me, those are *not* furry subreddits. Furries don’t want to fuck animals, Zoophiles do.


Too bad the folks making those claims are openly racist and have a subreddit dedicated to the mockery and fetishization of black men.


Oh yeah no, everyone sucks here and my day is far worse for having borne witness to this mess. I just don’t wanna be lumped in with animal abusers


It's wild learning the different social cliques and groups within furries, you're generally thought of as a single group but I'm glad the literal dog fuckers are in the minority and generally hated. And the behind the bastards episode on far right furries was very interesting.


Behind the Bastards did an episode on alt-right furries? Holy shit, that's gotta be gold, what episode number was it?


My bad it was the worst year ever podcast that they did, [they went to a convention as part of it](https://omny.fm/shows/worst-year-ever/part-one-how-the-furries-fought-the-nazis-and-won)


Feral stuff is a pretty noticeable subset off people in furry communities, denying that just seems weird. Half the furry sites I use have an explicit feral tag even.


I find a lot of places differentiate between Feral and Zoo by saying that the Feral needs to be able to have higher intelligence and be able to speak. While Zoo is just banned, and rightfully so.


So furries are people who animal features or in animal costume (that don’t tend to look like the actual animals), ferals are basically humans trapped inside animal bodies, and zoophiles are actual animals?—Did i get this right?


Prettymuch, yeah. The further down the list you go here, the substantially far less accepted you are. Wanna fuck Daffy Duck, and Bugs Bunny? Furry. Wanna fuck characters from the Lion King? Feral. Wanna fuck your local pet cat? Zoophile.


basically yeah. Ferals teeter the line, but are sentient and consenting.


As long as it's just a fantasy and no actual animals involved I think there isn't really a big difference honestly.


Probably yeah.


I mean, it's no different to shit like guro, and as far as I am aware, people ain't making constant internet rallays against that shit


Yeah that's true. People uses to rage against splatter/slasher movies in the 80s but seems like everyone gave up on that.


Reflexively downvoting this post because OP is part of one of these fucking gross cringe fest communities.


That "thug" subreddit is borderline incomprehensible even with the explanation. I tried looking at the top posts and I have no idea what's happening. I feel like I'm reading a foreign language.


They superimposed George Floyd’s face over a video of a dude using a dildo while jerking off. I really don’t want to know anymore about these subs and I’d like to forget they exist.


Never have I seen so many people who really, and I mean REALLY, needed to grass until I stumbled on those threads


OP getting exposed in the comments lmao


Anytime one group of people just casually decide to brigade another community for no other reason than “This is too close to something I find objectionable” I generally tend to side with the people being brigades even if I don’t like what either side is doing. It doesn’t help if it’s a bunch of virulently racist 4chan rejects raiding a porn subreddit


I just wish any of these people would admit they just want someone socially acceptable to bully instead of pretending it's a battle of good and evil


For those who don't know, "feral" in the furry community means "not anthropomorphic".


So would a Meowth be a feral or an anthropomorphic creature?


A meowth is feral. **The** Meowth is anthropomorphic. The Alolan Meowth is also anthropomorphic.


And Galarian Meowth needs to see a barber


Thank god we've got minds sorting all of this stuff out, I wouldn't want to live otherwise


[I am a 3 or 4](https://imgur.com/gallery/furry-scale-2023-AfA3dRP) depending on if I am wearing a disguise or not


Of course there's a scale.


that scale is older than most of Gen Alpha lmao


All of them, apparently the "Furry Scale" goes back to 1996


That specific one are [originally from 2010](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/11313122), though.


Then I have avoided it for a long time, only to be inflicted by it today. You lost the game.


lost again after 2 days 😔


I'll give you a call after payday 


That's right!


Look, I've spent time in niche kink corners of the internet, and when you do, inevitably you'll be exposed to furry art porn just scrolling through a discord chat or twitter feed (it's actually kind of a problem in certain spaces). So I'm sure there's nothing in this sub I haven't seen before. Edit: Well...I'm back, everyone. And I was wrong. I was very, *very* wrong.


> Look, I've spent time in niche kink corners of the internet, and when you do, inevitably you'll be exposed to furry art porn just scrolling through a discord chat or twitter feed i used to get a lot of commissions of fanart for fandoms i liked a few years ago. my preferred method of looking for artists to commission was throwing "commissions open" into the twitter search bar. the things that i saw were… it was something


I feel like im going crazy because this sort of stuff just does not phase me at all


Unironically makes an ethical dilemma more interesting: "If a non-human creature that was sentient and could talk offers itself up to be food, would it be ethical to kill and consume over a non-"sentient" animal?" Spin answer to this question with that fuckery.


There’s a scene based on this idea in Douglas Adams’ *The Restaurant at the End of the Universe*. The characters dine at the restaurant and their server brings out “The Dish of the Day”, which explains how delicious each of its body parts would be in various preparations. Arthur is very uncomfortable and his companions point out that it is surely better to eat a creature that wants to be eaten rather than one that doesn’t. When he attempts to order a salad, the “Dish” mentions that he knows some vegetables that don’t want to be eaten either.


>"A very wise choice, sir, if I may say so. Very good," it said, "I'll just nip off and shoot myself." >He turned and gave a friendly wink to Arthur. "Don't worry, sir," he said, "I'll be very humane."


I have a lot of things to think about and there is no way I'm crowding it up with that.


There's an old koan where a monk asks Zhaozhou, the Chinese Zen master, “Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?” Zhaozhou answers back, “Mu.” I think about it a lot.


What does ‘mu’ mean?


It translates literally to something like "none" or "without" but contextually here means something closer to, "The question is wrong and I refuse to answer it."


Oh! I thought maybe it was an onomatopoeia, like ‘woof.’


It's one of the older memes in Buddhism, used to refer to just that very situation where the framing of the question makes finding truth in it impossible.




Well now I can't unsee that. Thanks for ruining the ancient Buddhist meme bro.


Is 'mu' 无/無, pronounced *wu* in Modern Mandarin?


That a cat has the buddha-nature, obviously.


The additional ethical issue here is the question of **why** it wants to offer itself up. Is it genetically engineered to desire being eaten? If it, is there a difference between humans genetically engineering a sentient species to have a desire and humans brainwashing a sentient species to have a desire? Or are these creatures that evolve separately from us? And if they are, do we get involved in trying to boost their population to our needs to work as a suitable food source? What's the ethics of helping to spread a sentient species if your motivation for doing so is to eat them?


Given this arose from a discussion of furries, the answer is the creature is into being eaten as a sex thing.


Ah, vore


As food (heh) for thought, I'll throw another perspective into the ring. Its still *carnism*. Carnism is the philosophical thought that we value some life above others for essentially no reason, and is the philosophical cornerstone of the vegan movement. In your example we look at killing to two things and consider it more ethical to kill the thing offering itself up. In reality there actually have been instances of people voluntarily allowing themselves to be cannibalized and its considered illegal to eat them still, though we still prey upon unwilling flesh. So why would some of us consider eating a 'willing' animal better ethically when we don't accept that about humans? Carnism. Human life is more valuable because... reasons. Another thing to consider is that while there is a choice between consuming the willing or the unwilling animal, there is also the choice of not eating an animal. This isn't meant to be like, preachy. Just adding to the discussion, its an interesting moral dilemma!


I think it's less about the cannibalism morality and more about that currently society considers anyone who would do it or agree to it to be suffering from such obvious mental illness that it renders the question of consent moot. Also it's a bad idea because prions. There have been some groups that practiced ritualistic cannibalism of loved ones though as a way of honoring their lives, which that does maybe raise some interesting and relevant questions. But I also think that usually happened after people were deceased, and most of the famous cases I hear of seem to be people who did an un-premeditated murder, then decided that was the best way to hide the body, poor decision after poor decision basically. I think I only really remember once where it was a discussion of pre-existing consent or even potentially eating part of someone while they were still alive, and the person who had agreed was seen as having been vulnerable at the time of agreement.


I would agree that being unable to consent to such an action and being of sound mind is likely impossible, though I'm personally not entirely sure on it. That's a different issue entirely though. The case in particular I was thinking of was [Armin Meiwes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes), who got in contact with a man named Bernd Brandes online who requested that he cannibalize and murder him, to which Meiwes agreed and did. He did indeed attempt to feed Brandes part of himself, to which the latter was too weak from blood loss to partake in. There are other cases of consensual killing in the wiki article.


> we value some life above others for essentially no reason There's a reason. It's an innate instinct. All living things value their own species over others, and all living things want to keep living. Humans are omnivores, not scavengers or photosynthesizers, so we kill other living beings to live. Some people see avoiding this killing as a higher value and become fruitarians because eating fruit doesn't harm the plant. Unfortunately the health outcomes of this practice... aren't good. Rapid tooth decay is usually a leading consequence. Pledging to reduce the harm and footprint of your existence, as some humans choose to do, is what needs explaining, not the instinct of living things to survive until reproduction.


>Human life is more valuable because... reasons. Because we're capable of intelligence and sentience on a level other animals simply aren't.


So greater intelligence and sentience justifies what is generally agreed to be immoral or even sadistic behavior towards those species? And in what way? Animals have cultures, feel emotions, take mates and value the well being of tribes and family members. Sure they can't do rocket science but neither can I. If the only line is that they're not us, then that feels like a very arbitrary reason to justify at times horrific behavior.


And why species specifically as the dividing line for acceptance? Surely there's gotta be at least one human dumber than the smartest non-human animal we've ever slaughtered, why shouldn't eating them be fine then? What if we somehow reanimated a neanderthal? What if it was an unintelligent alien species that morphed to exactly copy our form down to the DNA? What if they morphed to copy pigs instead?


Exactly. Is a human who is incapacitated from birth edible? Can I wear its skin? What about about forcibly impregnate it? Plus intelligence being the dividing line is a very slippery slope. We have a long and and very dark history of claiming some people are less intelligent than others and are therefore open to normally unacceptable treatment. Fun factoid though, humans have historically been very, very kind to our least abled. We have evidence of a woman in prehistoric Arabia who died of diabetes which is exceptionally rare. We believe that diabetes was due to overconsuming sugar as her teeth are in worse shape. She appeared to be paralyzed in four limbs, which means her family fed her sweet dates. It seems that despite her being unable to contribute to the tribe or mate they loved her and spoiled her. If there is anything natural about the way we treat other creatures I'm inclined to believe its with compassion. Somewhere along the way it just got mixed up, and hopefully that can be corrected.


To be fair it's the Harkness test we must look through. 


This has, essentially, already come up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes Consensus so far seems to be ‘no’.


That's just beastiality?


Its a way of drawing their original characters, or their fursonas. Its the same artstyle as something like Lion King. Now, feral *porn*, can be thought of as Lion King with visible genitals on the animals.


Well when I feel off about the way my life is going I'll know I didn't end up in whatever this is That said - not sure this is drama in the usual sense but fuck if I care what this kind of infighting is about


I thought we moved on from black men twerking 5 months ago


Man, that whole thing is just peak 2010's reddit. If a preist or monk dropped holy water on that thread, it'd burst into flames.


Okay so I won’t be clicking any of these links


Be thankful that you didn't 😵‍💫


Thank god that as bad as being a teen in the early aughts could have been, none of us no matter how pathetic could have been in a place like that.


This is so incredibly cringey. Holy terminally online youths. Like the yiff is gross, but dedicating yourself to “raiding” them is just as lame. Do they know that Reddit will totally drop the banhammer on brigaders and brigading subs? It’s trivial to make new accounts but the admins hate the practice…


The year is 2014. Hating furries is like, totally the hottest thing right now!


That specific sub is *not* a regular furry NSFW sub, it's literally just about drawn bestiality There's a pretty massive difference


Neither of which is worth caring about, as long as nobody is being harmed couldn't care less what people jerk it to


Bestiality is bad because it physically and psychologically damages actual real life, alive, living animals. Feral furry porn hurts nothing because it's lines on a screen. There's a pretty massive difference.


I really wish my flair would stop being relevant.


> are subreddits known for what are basically edgy comedy memes (if thats your taste) NSFW memes involving gay porn, usually black gay porn and others Conservatives are such sexually oppressed folks, they literally needed to invent an edgy meme subculture just so they have an excuse to look at gayporn. *We're not gay. Looking at and making black gay porn isn't being gay, we're edgy!* Sure bud, sure.


Why not choose to go after the literal bestiality subreddits first???


We all know why.


i need to go to confession and beg for forgiveness


I often wander through here and the Popular sub and think " Damn all these likes and clicks..maybe i AM the weird one for not liking/being into whatever the topic of the moment is. " This is not one of those times and IDC if that makes me weird or not.


>are subreddits known for what are basically edgy comedy memes (if thats your taste) Translation: [***Super fucking racist*** r/CringeAnarchy-style "edgy comedy".](http://archive.is/xmOgT) That sub was such a racist shithole that they had their AutoMod set to reply to any comment with "ni\*\*er" in it to reply [with ***this*** shit.](https://archive.is/kQR8z#selection-2165.0-2223.39)


For anyone surprised: they're just doing the same shit weird homophobic racists have been doing since basically the dawn of the internet. Spamming people with porn because they think the very concept of gay men, and especially black gay men, is beneath them and exists solely as a weapon to "offend" other people with.


by the way kiddies, if you see "thug" on Reddit, it's specifically referring to big oiled-up naked black men


In my reddit, it refers to a chonky Warhammer clone that asks 'who needs little guns when you can just weld on more armor'. I prefer my reddit.  Thank you, father, for playing Battletech with me when I was a child. And for not being a homoerotic racist.


Between this and the Helldivers 2 furry drama, they cannot get a break.


The what now?


A furry artist posted art that they drew of a furry character in Helldiver gear in the Helldiver discord art channel. People vomit reacted. A mod started banning people who vomit reacted. Asmongold and some other streamers started talking about it, and their fans harassed the furry artist into privating all of their socials.


The mod was right and the fans sound butthurt.


I remember watching a Warhammer 40k animation in the twenty aughts where they were torturing and mass executing furries for being slannesh cultists, and this entire thread just made me remember that time is a whole ass circle. Like we know why these types hiding under the label of just being "edgy"gravitate towards fictional authoritarian governments and targeting furries, they aren't fooling anyone.


oh yeah I remember that, holy shit was it cringeworthy.


I think the only reason I was watching it was because people I know were sending it around and thought the conversation about what the "original source" might have been was funny and interesting to them. But also yeah for the record, none of the furries in the video were ferals, just regular two legged talking fursuit wearers. I think the charts and graphs probably get things mostly right, like things probably do get a little weird the closer to animal on four legs it all gets, but there's also a pretty big difference between like, my little pony or the fox with a bow in it's hair that you just watched repair a spaceship and explain the diagnostics to you, versus an actual pony or an actual fox. And frankly figuring out where exactly someone is in regards to those lines is also not really something I want to spend a whole lot of time contemplating, let alone deliberately go into one of their spaces to attempt some kind of witchhunt. I think groups going into a porn sub for that reason are just looking to either get outraged, titillated, or probably both at the same time.


I dunno if I've seen the exact animation but I've been around the net long enough that I remember when the "exterminatus" "fursecution" memes were done unironically, but yeah it was always either anthropomorphic furries or people in fursuits being brutalized.  I'm on the same page, I think feral porn is unappealing and off-putting, but I think there's a difference between like talking neon dragons in adult content that makes me be like "ugh, aight then, moving on" if I stumble upon it on Twitter, and actual bestiality or like photos of animal genitalia with sexual messages which was genuinely disturbing and nauseating, which I had the misfortune of also seeing on Twitter once. Witch hunting the former just seems like petty bullshit to me, who fucking cares, it's weird, it's unpleasant, but there are actual things worth getting outraged over. 


What the fuck that’s an entire nothingburger


It's gross as shit but from what I can gather there are no actual animals being harmed here? Seems like a violation of Reddit TOS to me.


I would imagine so given how things like loli/shota are banned


I meant brigading


Ah, that too


so many children were left behind


So racist porn sub that goes as far as using AI to put Floyds face on porn battles against zoophile porn sub? ye enough internet for today


Reminds me of /r/spacedicks






wtf did I just read? Oh god I hope the chat one was a troll. Also made the mistake of clicking on the first sub and scrolling down to get an idea of what it was. Terrible day to have eyes lol. But will I learn my lesson for next time? Doubt it. 🤣


That's enough Reddit for today


Yeah I'm closing the app now 😵‍💫


Yup, it's all true. I've been keeping up with it. Also, from what I can tell, a few plushophile subs were raided too, the smaller feral subs seem to be basically lost because they have no mod activity, but the bigger ones are fine last time I checked, and are getting back to schedule after clearing up the raider content, of course I expect more waves to hit, but who knows. Also, feraladdiction specifically went private for some time but is currently up again and unprivated. On a side note, I just want to say that I was actually in wordington when the thug jokes started, and man it's kind of sad to see an originally wierd but fairly funny niche wordington joke turn into a unfunny tumorous blight that ruins everything it touches.


Don’t make me tap the “FICTION IS NOT REALITY” sign again. I don’t care what fictional drawings people are getting off to. If it’s not hurting real living things (and it isn’t), mind your own fucking business and let the weird porn fans enjoy their weird porn.


I feel like people forget how often regular porn depicts morally bad or illegal acts. Student/Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Cop, Masseuse, Baby Sitter, Step-Taboo, "Help I'm stuck" and other dubious consent, any spying on someone changing scenes, etc. but there's zero outrage about that because everyone understands it's not real.




there is no god


Overly online edgy teenagers are always so embarassing


What an embarrassing race to the bottom by both sides, my condolences to the families who have to put up with any of these people, be it racists or zoophiles.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617042758/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dhp5h3/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dhp5h3/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. r/thugsaucesthesequel - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617042938/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. r/thugsaucesthetrilogy - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043059/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthetrilogy) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthetrilogy "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. A battle well fought, it has been an honour fighting alongside you on the siege of zoophiles 💪💯🍆 - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043220/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhh7ah/a_battle_well_fought_it_has_been_an_honour/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhh7ah/a_battle_well_fought_it_has_been_an_honour/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. cuh what💀 - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043642/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhj2um/cuh_what/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhj2um/cuh_what/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. https://www.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhlu4k/Fellow thugs: spam the retard's comments (DISCLAIMER: ANYTHING I SAID WAS JUST TO GET INFO, I HATE THIS FUCKER AND HAVE NO INTEREST IN WHAT THEY DO) / - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043723/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhlu4k/fellow_thugs_spam_the_retards_comments_disclaimer/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dhlu4k/fellow_thugs_spam_the_retards_comments_disclaimer/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. Raid this zoophile sub - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043823/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dh9tju/raid_this_zoophile_sub/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthesequel/comments/1dh9tju/raid_this_zoophile_sub/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. Lmao zoophiles have been spam reporting our posts relating to the raid on the zoophiles - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240617043844/https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthetrilogy/comments/1dhhd7v/lmao_zoophiles_have_been_spam_reporting_our_posts/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/thugsaucesthetrilogy/comments/1dhhd7v/lmao_zoophiles_have_been_spam_reporting_our_posts/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


they deserve it!!!