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The fact that the OP of that post can’t comprehend why people don’t like being annoyed by loud jerks is bothering me. Tho I guess it tracks for that subreddit. Never heard about it until today, but it’s apparently a subreddit dedicated to saying “I like what others don’t like. I’m different.”


The 10th dentist is billed as a better version for r/unpopularopinion, where you post opinions that are actually unpopular In reality, it’s full of posts where people make up the most contrarian thing possible, even if they don’t actually believe it. Example: I once saw a post of a guy claiming he likes eating Oreo’s…..with toothpaste instead of cream in the middle


Thats specific enough I would be ready to believe they were making a reference about that youtuber who gave a homeless man toothpaste filled oreos and received like 15 month sentance from it.


> Thats specific enough I would be ready to believe they were making a reference about that youtuber who [gave a homeless man toothpaste filled oreos and received like 15 month sentance from it](https://people.com/crime/youtuber-who-sickened-homeless-man-with-toothpaste-filled-oreos-sentenced-to-15-months/). Average Youtube "prank" channel


Unless something changed in the intervening time it seems like he was allowed to have a YouTube channel again within the last month.


In fairness to the guy from your example, that’s mostly what the sub is intended for (i.e., 9/10 dentists (aka normal people) do this, but that last dentist just has some completely different shit going on in his mind), mainly for beliefs/actions that don’t *hurt* anyone but are so incredibly bizarre it offends you anyway. But it has mostly just become the sequel to r/unpopularopinion, with a lot of posts that are just rage bait or thinly-veiled bigotry.


I went to see what the sub was about and was disappointed. I was hoping for some kind of Doctor Who parody sub.


It’s so much better before the API changes last summer TBH


I remember reading a post by an anti-cop guy advocating for law enforcement to have the authority to execute repeat criminals, it’s wild there


How does one hate cops but want them to summarily execute repeat criminals? Makes no sense


That’s why it’s such a good read, I have no clue what was going on with that guy as well


The best part of 10th dentist is all the people who discover they’re gay there.


it used to be really good but after reddit did the API bot thing, the bot that regulated good posts from bad posts got deleted and now its like that


Ouch, I remember it used to be much better


> The 10th dentist is billed as a better version for r/unpopularopinion, where you post opinions that are actually unpopular Yep, it was supposed to be r/unpopularopinion without the *blatant* fucking racism/bigotry; a place for mild takes about things that don't really matter but people might have a strong opinion on. But, since this is Reddit, it of course started trending towards the unhinged that were desperate to make it unpopular opinion 2.0.


Is that a sub? Sounds fun!


Haven't checked there in a while, a few years back I saw a mod sticky that was titled "What's with all the eugenics posts lately" and that was enough for me, thanks!


What's not to like about extremely loud noises that are also completely unnecessary that come out of nowhere and scare you half to death? Come on bro. Bro it's not that big a deal bro.


Hey, and don't forget that they're so heavy that they make every other driver significantly more at risk in being in a fatal accident by sharing a road with them. That's my favorite part :)


It's not the oversized trucks that are obnoxiously loud though.


The best feeling in the world is being in a deep sleep at 2AM and getting jerked awake by the loud farting/popping/revving noise of a car that drove down the street right outside your window.


I'm currently sitting in the office, trying to work, with the idiots opposite blaring bad music. And when I say bad I mean the worst Sanremo hits of the last 20 years. My Italian fellows would know, as of now they are playing the pigeon one


But you see they are loud loveable jerks. We can tell how cool they are by how loud and large their truck are. Everyone woken up at 2 am in their neighborhood to the sound of some flooring their Cummins diesel should wake up and cheer for them in a chant of USA, USA, USA!!!! /S


I am, in fact, too cool to drive around with a muffler that sounds like it's been hit repeatedly with a baseball bat.


I always love that sub because who in their right mind would pick the toothpaste 1/10 dentist recommend vs the one 9/10 recommend? I don't care if it makes me a sheep if sheep get to keep all their teeth. Like maybe your opinion is unpopular because it's wrong.


That's not what that means, though. The idea is that you're hearing the 10th dentist's dissenting opinion as to why they didn't recommend that toothpaste. Also, 9 out of 10 dentists recommending a specific type of toothpaste does not imply that there is a different type of toothpaste that only the 1 dentist recommended, or that the other nine dentist can only recommend one brand. It's all marketing bullshit anyway. What really happened is 10 out of 10 dentists said "Yes, we can confirm this is toothpaste. And yes, we recommend using it as opposed to not brushing at all." That brand's marketing department turned that into 9 out of 10 dentist recommend that toothpaste (they knock 1 off because it makes it sound more believable to the average consumer).


From what I heard they basically line up a bunch of toothpaste brands in front of the dentist and ask them “select all that you would offer to a patient”. Of course, as any toothpaste is usually better than no toothpaste, all the dentists point out a large majority of the options available. Which usually ends in at least 8 or 9 pointing to the one the company is hoping for Again this is just what I heard, it could be entirely BS


Also Oral B give out a metric fucktonne of free samples, if you work at a dentist practice you'll never have to worry about buying toothpaste or electric toothbrushes.


“Bro, do your own research bro.”


I don't like loud vehicles but, having ridden motorcycles for 4 decades, when my motorcycle is loud people are less likely to pull out in front of me. Worth it. If people would pay attention when they drove, I'd ride an electric.


All I know is that I suuuuuper loved getting woken up at 4 am a few years back because my neighbor has the loudest vehicle in existence.


You can tell how many gerontal delinquents a person lives near by how much they hate motorcycle pipes and modded pickup trucks.


There are some wild takes in this one. At the heart, the drama seems to boil down to whether other's preferences should have any effect on the choices that one makes. The person with the loud car very clearly has an answer to that.


“We live in a society.” “Yeah, well, speak for yourself.”


>At the heart, the drama seems to boil down to whether other's preferences should have any effect on the choices that one makes. In some form, I think you've come up with an excellent summary of American politics in general


Ha! Agreed! And my belief that other's preferences matter and that pluralism is (generally) better than one group dictating things is pretty strongly correlated with my politics.


The eternal confusion of freedom and anarchy.


It’s the same arguments people use against fireworks. As long as you aren’t walking up the entire neighborhood at 5 am I don’t really care how loud someone’s car is. As long as you aren’t shooting off your fireworks after midnight I also do not care. Neither of these topics are worth the amount of rage or armchair psychology they seem to inspire on Reddit


It's annoying at any time of day! Hope this helps!


It’s no louder than half the other stuff you hear in a city. Reddit hates the suburbs but has the most surbuban reactions to anything they don’t personally enjoy


And what of the people who live out in the boonies in relative quiet and still have to suffer these braindead losers?


> It’s no louder than half the other stuff you hear in a city. Cars are literally the only thing that make cities loud and it's dumb suburb cunts like you showing up to do it. Hope that info manages to find a foothold into your smooth brain so it can eventually sink in.


> Hope that info manages to find a foothold into your smooth brain so it can eventually sink in. Doc, I gotta buy you, like, a proverb book or something. This mix'n'match shit's gotta go.


Reddit doesn't hate suburbs at all. It's the exact opposite. Reddit is super pro suburb. Anyways people are allowed to have unnecessarily loud cars and other people are allowed to call them annoying. Most of the other noises in cities are necessary 


Citycels be seething over Suburbchads, many such cases!


How does an Anal Jihad work?


Anal Struggle to support the Palestinian people from the oppressive colonial Zionists


I do. People work nights and actually I care about loud noises even when I'm awake already.


>  As long as you aren’t walking up the entire neighborhood at 5 am I don’t really care how loud someone’s car is.  I do. I would rather not have my ears blasted out by some asshole with a stupid car. 


-Doesn't care what you think, this isn't about you. -Makes a reddit thread asking why you don't like him, is very active in comments.


Stop commenting in the 3 day old thread. It’s extremely obvious to see who’s breaking sub rules


This isn’t necessarily easy to blame just on popcorn pissers, anymore. The Reddit app is constantly putting old threads in my feed. As an example: this post is the TOP POST on my “Popular” feed rn, and it was posted more than 24hrs ago. Look at the age of your comment vs mine, and you posted *several hours* after the OP. And this isn’t even a good example. I have several posts at the top of my “Popular” feed that are 4 days old. The algorithm also LOVES to show posts that are cross linked somewhere else. Like I’ll see a post and then 40 posts later, I’ll see the SRD or TwoHotTakes thread on it (or vice versa). Admins bitching about popcorn pissing, but then their algorithm encourages it. Dumb. The content in the feed is also random as fuck. Like, why do I have 4 day old posts from a local community’s subreddit that’s 2k miles from where I live, with 4 upvotes and no comments at the TOP of the “popular” feed? Shit is fuckin whack.


The algo keeps trying to feed me posts that are months old.


The man can't stand moped slander


Some of my highlights: >you aren't a necessary person >get a vasectomy immediately to keep your genetics from becoming a boil on the hairy swamp-ass'd taint of the next generation. >Cop skull = lowest quality person? Try human trafficker >we need more triple parking loud fat angry wife and child beaters >People who say oof and don't want to genocide people they don't like are boring >that isn't an internet hivemind opinion, it's a fact. >I’m gonna rev first gear as loud as possible outside of the local children’s hospital >Believe it or not, there are people who don't care about you >You lump all automotive enthusiasts together and then wonder why we've decided not to car about you. (I just like the accidental pun in that one) >Living things make noise. Adapt or die. >Cars aren’t alive, hope this helps ♥️


>why we've decided not to car about you. They do not car about me 😔🚗


I car about you 💜🚗


Thank you


New rideshare slogan just dropped


>Everyone you meet can tell that you're insecure.


some people just really need to feel like the baddest motherfucker in their cul de sac


Lol I just got back from pet sitting in a wealthy suburb. The neighborhood was FILLED with giant lifted GMC trucks. Like bro you live in a gated community and work at an investment firm, who do you think you're fooling with that truck?


I've heard people like that called "pavement princesses" and I kinda love that


At least in the UK these things only exist because they're taxed as commercial vehicles rather than company cars when bought by a company, therefore people choose stupidly large trucks rather than cars because they're significantly cheaper? It means people can drive car style pick ups rather than white man vans (which your middle class-lite sales execs would refuse to drive). Maybe it's a similar thing in the US? Tax is strangely lower on what is a monstrosity of a vehicle rather than something sensibly sized?


Don't know about the taxes, but CAFE, our emission law, standards are lower on "light trucks" which make it advantageous for car companies to sell more of them. Though many consumers in the U.S. also like to fulfill the idea that they could go on a camping trip if they wanted to, or to haul great amounts.


No one is fooling anyone. If you ask them, they just say that they like driving them. It ain't that deep.


Some people are definitely trying to look more outdoorsy than they actually are. I know people like this.


Jeep bros… My rather upper class town has so many spotless and shiny jeeps, with not a scratch on them.


*Why* do they like driving them


And they like driving them because car companies have successfully tied being masculine to owning a truck


Idk, I think a lot of them do it to feel more manly and tough. Especially in this place - I legit saw a confrontation in a parking lot where a woman's kid sort of stepped near the truck and the driver screamed at her and called her names. That guy had some other issues buried deep down that he's not dealing with, lol. Also...they were originally created as a worker's vehicle to haul things. Or to drive on rough terrain. None of these people are doing that in a suburban gated community. Plus they're so horrible for the environment, and where I live, gas prices are INSANE. Like $6+ a gallon for those giant-ass trucks. There are other more budget- and environmentally friendly vehicles out there that are also fun to drive. I guess I just don't get it.


They like the image and lifestyle it projects.


The song "I'm An Asshole" by Denis Leary is the image and lifestyle it projects.


I liked when that song was ironic


OOP: "Why do people hate loud obnoxious nuisance noises?"


I'm sure there is juicy drama in there but I can't get past the OP not getting why people are annoyed by loud trucks.


I'm wondering if this guy has ever [lived in Tucson](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/rwI4bl3XUU).


I can't get over either side. They're both ridiculous assholes.




> The driver wasn't born with a loud exhaust.  😂😂😂


One of the highlights for me is the person who indicates that 'you can't exactly make a motorcycle that quiet' as if people don't go out of their way to get them as loud as possible.


"*It's so people hear me coming in traffic!*" That's not how sound works. At all. It's the Doppler Effect. Just admit that you think it makes you look like a big, tough boy.


I agree genocide all loud trucks Anyway, mildly more seriously, there actually is a genuine issue with american trucks and their size: they're fucking useless as trucks. Year after year, model after model, american trucks get bigger, higher, and generally just fatter. They waste more parking space, more road space, and their sheer bulk makes it increasingly harder for drivers to see pedestrians - but here's the fucked up part: their bed sizes have not been growing proportionately, and in many cases are actually shrinking. And it gets even worse because they're often lined with the most fragile fucking plastic, which means if you actually use your truck for anything a traditional truck is used for, then your truck bed will quickly become a hot spot of jagged plastic that kind of cracks, shatters and explodes when you're hauling a heavy load of shit around. Basically the problem is that american trucks these days are made for people who want to look like hard working truck drivers, but would never actually live like one; meanwhile an increasing number of genuine truck drivers are seeking out older or foreign trucks because they don't want a useless vehicle basically designed to do nothing but run down animals, children, and cause accidents with their massive blindspots.


The M4 Sherman is shorter than the Ford F150. If a machine designed for combat would be less obtrusive than a machine designed to go to work and back then something is wrong.


Is an F150 even a good technical? Like dude get a hilux.


I would murder several families for a compact pickup. I need a vehicle with a bed. But I can't find one for any price; the local climate is not kind to old trucks, and manufacturers don't like making new trucks without extended cabs and six foot tall front grilles. 


Depending on where you are and what you're looking for, try checking foreign models out. Climate here is hell on vehicles in general (tropical island, salt air and high, humid, heat is unavoidable) and I've been seeing a pretty notable rise in kei trucks which are insanely cheap and cheap to maintain as well as being very small. They aren't legal in every state though.


Every time I hear one of those loud cars I just think of that infamous south park episode. I also assume OP is the type of person who plays speaker phone music on the Metro.


Because they significantly lower the quality of life for hundreds if not more people for literally no gain. Loud cars are also just like the lamest possible thing to be into, but that’s personal preference. Like I like screaming at the top of my lungs in a hospital but I imagine that’s frowned upon for good reason.


Depends on the hospital and why you're screaming. 


Way too many people derive a major chunk of their self worth from qualities about their car. Size, sound, rolling coal, etc. I’m all down for personal choice, but take some looks in the mirror when it becomes a central part of your identity.


Things like making your car obnoxiously loud or rolling coal are purposely antagonistic. It makes them feel good because it makes other people angry, and because they can control the emotions of others, they feel in control of some little bit of their world.


I know a guy that unmatched someone on tinder because they liked a car that was electric and he didn't think it was a good car


I just want a conduit for my self-righteousness and anger and fortunately car bros are sub-human apes that are easy to hate. Also what is it with zoomers and saying things like “ahh” instead of “ass?” It’s the fucking internet! Bunch of Disney babies


I really hate the puritanical self censorship trend that spawned out of fear of the algorithm. I don't care how old man yells at cloud it makes me, saying shit like "unalived" instead of suicide or death is pathetic.


Whatever happened to an hero


I'm fairly sure an hero would get through the algorithms cos it's just so abstract to what gen z actually know lol.


> I really hate the puritanical self censorship trend that spawned out of fear of the algorithm. I'm more surprised it hasn't caused some sort of mass exodus. It seems like a very late 90s/early 00s internet thing that we all moved away from ages ago.


Is it really more pathetic than ranting about children's slang? Got any too hot for TV opinions on their hair cuts? Their clothes? The hipity hop?


It’s no different to that leetspeak thing that emerged to get through past censors.


That was to be kewl as h3ck more than to evade censorship.


It's either TikTok (getting around censorship) or slang, probably appropriated from AAVE.


It’s appropriation 95% of the time. There’s very few slang words that kids on the internet come up with themselves and when they do we get shit like “gooner” or “coomer” 😂


I mean all slang comes from AAVE. Name a single piece of slang that doesn’t. Online or offline, only AAVE really has the creative freedom to do that. Millenials got their slang from AAVE and so did Gen X.


>Name a single piece of slang that doesn’t Deadname


Calling people Disney babies then calling people that enjoy cars as a hobby sub-human is so fucking hilariously ironic


Oh you sweet baby, some day you’ll learn to understand everyday speech and humor. But until then, no I don’t think of car people as sub-human


Lmfao this is the most Reddit interaction I've had on here in awhile. Thanks for the laugh weirdo




> They are for the lowest quality person out there, dudes with cop skull. > If you have some vintage 1970s muscle car that you take out and drive, cool, I get it. If you have some diesel lifted pickup with the cleanest bed on God's green Earth that clogs up two parking spaces, I'm sorry, you aren't a necessary person. Please get a vasectomy immediately to keep your genetics from becoming a boil on the hairy swamp-ass'd taint of the next generation. Total Truck Death, perhaps Redditors can be keyed after all


“my car puts a smile on my face every day” is one of the saddest things i’ve read in a while


Wait why? Unless I'm misunderstanding the context, isn't it just a person saying they enjoy one of their possessions ?


Not a car, though


I guess I've met enough car enthusiasts in my life that I'd never see someone's happiness about their hobby as some sad thing. I know one guy who has been working on 2 antique cars for a decade, it's his favorite free time activity.


*Fun est verboten! Der Überseether!*


I mean fixing up a car is cool. It’s basically a big Lego set. But being happy about driving a car? That’s not good. We should enjoy building machines, not driving the things.


I still don’t get why not. A lot of people enjoy driving as well.


“We should enjoy building machines, not driving the things.” What even is this statement. So a pilot can’t enjoy flying? Only the mechanic that built the plane. The whole purpose of a machine is to be used. A car is still gonna be driven. It makes no difference whether the person enjoys driving or not.


Well, flying is cool as hell. But driving is boring and restrictive and stressful. The car is a machine of necessity, and the plane is a machine of beauty.


This sounds suspiciously like an opinion statement.


Well, no, it isn’t. Nothing’s fun about driving. Pottering along in traffic, carefully driving at set speeds through little lines and markings and signs that tell you exactly what to do at all times. It’s boring as all hell. There’s beautiful modes of transport, like planes and trains and armoured vehicles, and then there’s boring ones like cars.


That’s just like, your opinion, man.


I think you're falling into the same trap as the OOP, who wonders why anyone would find a loud exhaust annoying: the inability to understand that some people find joy where others find discomfort. For me personally, as someone who loves cars and driving, I enjoy the sounds, sensations, and purpose of driving. The feeling of being connected to the mechanisms of the vehicle, listening to a sonorous engine or exhaust note, the feeling of g-forces on acceleration or cornering, are all very fun to me. The freedom of choosing your destination and trekking to it is thrilling. Even driving slowly and safely on public roads, with a car that's sufficiently engaging, can be a great experience. You listed a lot of the downsides of driving... traffic, speed limits, stop lights and stop signs, etc., but also consider that there are open stretches of highway, twisty backroads, race tracks, drag strips, off road courses, and all manner of ways to enjoy the diversity and versatility of cars.


> The car is a machine of necessity No it isn't, and there are many cars which are made to be fun to drive.


>but driving is boring and restrictive and stressful Clearly you’ve never been on a train or a plane if you think that’s the case.


When a train is properly funded it’s a glorious smooth ride where you can sit back and relax and work and read a book and look out the window as you glide to your destination. And planes get a pass because the ability to fly is something that doesn’t get much credit as being amazing.


The new Bugatti would say otherwise. Driving might be boring, restrictive and stressful to you. For me, it’s a moment where I can be by myself, listening to music and clearing my mind while cruising.


Cmon man no one drives a Bugatti except that one Tate guy. They’re like the least cool cars.


Clearly you don’t know anything about cars. If you can appreciate a plane for its engineering despite not knowing how to pilot, you can do the same for a car you can’t drive. Higher end cars show how driving isn’t just a commuter’s tool and push automotive engineering to its limits.


No wonder a debby downer like you is posting topics like "There is not a single point to living past 18" Learn to enjoy things ffs.


I’d enjoy it if I had a plane, or a boat, or an authentic WW1 rifle. Hell, some guy built a replica FT17 in his garage. That’s a thing worth enjoying ownership of. Also don’t go rooting around in my posting history, that’s just creepy.


Your post history is public, and I wanted to know if you were a troll or just a sad kid whining they don't have everything they want in their early 20s, and it was the latter.


I’m not a kid, man, I can drink. Do you not want an authentic WW1 rifle? I think having a way to leave my village without having to drive an expensive car is a perfectly reasonable thing to want for someone in their 20s.


>I’m not a kid, man, I can drink. LOL


“I’m not a kid I can drink” This is one most painfully immature non self aware comments I have read.


seeing someones post history is a reddit Feature, nothing creepy about it.


Why though? I enjoy driving my vehicle and I'm not even a car person, shit I'm basically a dunce in terms of how cars work or what parts are called.


disagree, I got one of the cars I always wanted and I enjoy driving it every day.


Fellas, is it sad to smile every day?


An old man,  He stands on his porch.  He is filled with so much pain.  He smiles every day. 


Bros never heard of a car person 💀


is it sad to enjoy things now?


I think they mean the context. This is a person defending being an inconsiderate asshole because it brings a smile to his face.


Fellas, is it gay to like your car?


It's fine if it's your dick going into the exhaust. If you're on the receiving end, then it's gay


Even if you say “no auto” afterwards?


Its gay if you like kissing dudes in your car


fellas is it sad to have a hobby


I think that says more about you than it does about them. Would you say the same thing if someone said that about their books, their crocheting, or their sports team? People have different hobbies and interests


But books and sports teams and crochet are social things, or things you can create, or things that teach you things, or things with a variable outcome. Having a car isn’t a reason to smile. It’s just a product.


Fellas is it sad for people to just repost minor variations of the exact same reply over and over?


hey guys is it sad to enjoy a modern invention that revolutionized personal travel


I mean it’s not exactly done good things for personal travel. I can’t get to the train station because they’ve put a bloody 60mph road in the way. It’s the epitome of negative externalities.


Loud cars will make me visibly cringe and wanna cry, I don’t think that’s very safe while I’m driving but it doesn’t happen that often. And it’s not like I can wear headphones in the car. That being said, I’m not going to deprive anyone of their “right” to have a loud car, but you bet I’m gonna make jokes about their dick size.


Huh, I thought body shaming wasn't alright, but i guess it's fair game. I saw this lady in a loud Challenger, is she a titless bitch? Fatty? Tiny clit? Or is it only alright if we body shame men?


Sorry, I should have said, I’d make a joke about their insecurity over their dick size. We don’t body shame, you’re right.


I feel the same way about loud engines as I feel about clacky keyboards. I know a lot of people love them, but my misophonia-suffering ass hates them.


ah so that's what happens to the people playing music on loudspeaker on the bus when they actually manage to get their own vehicle


I'm DEFINITELY not compensating for anything and I'm going to post and argue so hard on reddit to prove it.


"My car engine soothes me so it must soothe EVERYBODY" Honestly the engines aren't even so bad compared to the people who live around me with massive speakers in their trunk. They turn the bass up so loud that it shakes my house when they drive by...like how can you even hear the other parts of the song?


I left that sub when every post started being about incest.


I'll be honest, for me it's a couple things. Firstly, redlining your car in a neighborhood is a dick move. Second, not all loud cars are equal. Your Folgers canned 4-banger, or your straight-piped VQ don't sound good.


As we're now all intimately familiar with over in /r/Seattle now, if your car is loud enough it's actually against the law and you can be fined and forced to pay $83,000.


The entire thread has inflicted me with some brainrot, I'm going to binge on Skibidi toilet eps while practicing Fanum tax to the hoes at the function while mewing.


If it gives me an instant headache it's too loud.


Do the people who can’t talk about anything except this “genocide” realize how tiring it gets avoiding them on every single topic ever? Its actual brain rot at this point.


The "genocide" comment here has nothing to do with Palestine.


What genocide are they even talking about? I'm assuming they are referencing Palestine but I do not see the connection to the comment they replied to at all lmao


> What genocide are they even talking about? It's literally the first comment linked in the post. The one saying guys with loud cars are "dudes with cop skull" and should be forcibly sterilized. People in the thread are jokingly referring to it as a call for genocide of loud-car-drivers.


The person they're replying to said that certain types of people (annoying truck dudes) should be sterilized and not pass on their genes. It's obviously an exaggerated insult, but if you take it extremely literally it is a call for genocide of annoying truck dudes.


"Everything is political" people are the fucking worst!


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042422/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dkffbd/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dkffbd/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. Original post - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042523/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/?sort=controversial) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/?sort=controversial "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. A call for genocide? - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042644/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y3m2y/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y3m2y/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. Maybe this is just a hivemind thing. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042825/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y66ly/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y66ly/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. This one gets surprisingly wholesome. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042845/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y2qzj/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y2qzj/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. A calm discussion about bell curves and the subtle concept of nuance. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620042946/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y4pmy/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y4pmy/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. On the nature of nature. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620043651/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8ymkvk/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8ymkvk/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. On the subject of subjectivity. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620043832/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y9enu/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8y9enu/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. OP weighs back in. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240620043933/https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8yzgnc/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/1dhnehz/i_dont_get_why_people_act_like_loud_carsbig/l8yzgnc/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


I want to see a full phrenological write-up of “cop skull”, it seems like an interesting phenomenon.


I think they're referring to Punisher window decals with a Blue Lives Matter flag overlaid. Stereotypically common with the noisy truck people being described.


Duh, no idea why I didn't immediately think of that sticker - something made me imagine some cop-looking motherfuckers, and in my imagination they do tend to have similar looking skulls.


>**I want to see a full phrenological write-up** of “cop skull”, it seems like an interesting phenomenon. Well, you certainly have passion for the field, haha. [Link 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1d8e5no/comment/l75p9r0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Link 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1d8e5no/comment/l75ut3b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Cop skull made me lol


> > I disagree completely with everything you said. > > Cop skull = lowest quality person? Try human trafficker just to name one "type of person" that maybe you would agree is worse. > > You choose one decade of cars you like and the rest owners losses the chance to have a family if you don't like it. > > You decide how someone uses thier property, if they use it in a way you see unfit? (Clean bed) no family. > > Dad on hard difficulty voluntarily, because you walk around filled with hate. Unless you forgot the /s > This reads like someone with a blue checkmark on twitter Fuck you Elon.