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Who the fuck wants to have a conversation like that in front of company?


The friend who asked seems like a shit starter


Well if she’s such an expert, perhaps she could help with the smell


Yeah but OOP sounds like a terrible shit finisher


Tbh, I would totally expect the type of person who doesn't wash their ass would also not have the social awareness to make this a private convo.


women be committing self dunks with their friends


Wash yo asssssss


If you must




*scratch scratch scratch* to wash up


It's important to practice good hygiene


At least if you wanna run with my team


I'm 'bout to get into some shit that I've seen This fool's breath hummin' so bad it'll melt your ice cream


Poop in the ocean


born to shit forced to wipe


If you don't like the berries then stay outta my patch.


Yes thanks, I think I will.


He's not used to the fragrance..


you gotta shower, kids.


And you gotta *wash your ass* while you’re in the shower. With soap.


Clean it like you're selling it.


I’m a male nurse who works at a medical spa so lots of lasering vaginas. The amount of girls who come with pristinely clean vaginas but neglected buttholes will surprise you lol


lots of lasering vaginas So many great reads of this


pew pew


[NSFW, but I've honestly always loved this art](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/dcny0/oh_japan_you_are_awesome_nsfw/)


😂😂 the comments. "What I would do with a vagina"


>so lots of lasering vaginas. I've never read such a sentence before


I’m hoping/assuming he meant lasering vulvas


They obviously do, because vagina is just like penis, referring fi the whole shebang as well as the specific part that it actually means. The only time anyone uses vulva is when they're "um akshuallying" something that everyone clearly understands.


I mean, you would hope a male nurse providing treatment to female anatomy in a medical setting wouldn’t need to be “akshully-ed” but here we are


A nurse isn't required to use medical terminology everywhere all the time. By using context clues, it's very easy to tell when someone says "vagina" whether they mean the outer labia, vulva, or vaginal canal. I'm a woman, I honestly hate this push to basically shame everyone who colloquially says vagina to prove they are the most feminist and everyone else is unintelligent because they're using the wrong words.


I’m a woman too, not sure what you stating that has to do with it - it’s not a feminist statement to say what I said, it’s weird you think it is.


Well, I can't think of another reason why someone would be so pedantic about it.


Because I was replying to a comment that said: > “so lots of lasering vaginas.” > I've never read such a sentence before So my point was that this male nurse in a medical spa was probably doing laser hair removal of ***vulvas*** (not literal, actual vaginas)? [That said, I don’t know what “spa” might entail (don’t think we have “medical spas” in my country) but of course, laser can be used in cancer treatment and also “vaginal rejuvenation” which would actually definitely involve vaginas rather than just vulvas.] Just think if a medical professional is talking about anatomy they should use the correct terminology - regardless of gender. Perhaps the nurse commenter was using the correct term, depending on the treatment he actually provides - it was ambiguous. That’s all.


Right, I guess you're missing the "it doesn't matter, no one cares, everyone knows what he meant, no one is lasering the vaginal canal and we thought you'd be smart enough to understand that" part of the comment. Being a nurse doesn't mean you have to use medical terminology, especially on the internet where everyone can understand what he meant... except pedants.


vaginas are used to mean vulvas **colloquially**. what's more probable, nurse that doesn't know the difference between vaginas and vulvas, or someone using vagina colloquially and everyone understanding it's vulva?


But why?? What is the pathology here? If you care about your skin, you gotta care about ALL of your skin. Even the butthole part.


I’m a gay male so I’m probably the last person to ask about this question lol. one of the most shocking things about this job was learning how close the vagina and butthole are. My only hypothesis is just they’re just so hyperfixated on keeping there vagina clean because they know someone is about to be down there that they forget about the back park which is also lasered 9 times out of 10.


This just concerns me and raises more questions, but I'm a little stoned right now, so I'll just let it pass over me.


>I’m a gay male so I’m probably the last person to ask about this question lol. Must be a top then? Because if there's anyone that knows about cleaning up down there, it's a good bottom, and I've known a few.


I think they are saying that they are the last person to explain the underlying thought process behind NOT cleaning your butthole


“He who cleans his house expects guests. Fact.” Edit: this is a joke and I wash my ass daily with soap and warm water


not serious question but, if you're in a shower how do you NOT wash your ass? Like...I just don't get the mentality, you are in there to get clean and you just...skip the dirtiest spot on your body? its fucking bizarre


Going off the vibes of my ex they either don't shower... or they believe that water/soapy water from their hair/body would do it.


I've seen a decent number of stories on Reddit of women complaining their boyfriends don't wash their ass.


It's definitely become easier once I moved to Japan, though. The spray toilets do a pretty good job.


I do too, because I hate my hairy ass when it's not clean




The quote was originally from someone asking why men don’t shave their buttholes. I am a very clean person for my whole body but I definitely don’t shave my butthole, too much work


As a hairy butt hair owner, I wish I could shave my butthole. But I am scared of complications, like cuts, the itching, etc.


I would recommend getting a pubic hair trimmer. It isn't a cleave shave but it helps. Still is a pain in the ass to trim hair down there though.




Not interested in the endlessly moving goalposts for what counts as “good hygiene” so I’ll pass. I’m not getting laser treatments to appease some guy on the internet who thinks my ass is unwashed despite me washing it.




You’re the one who said not shaving your ass hair is equivalent to not washing it, because it’s just hygiene.




You can’t see it


As a guy whatever time in our life they taught us this hygienic stuff it focused mainly on hair, behind the ears, armpits, and genitals. I think maybe because these were taught as the 'make sure to get spots', maybe things that should seem obvious just never occurred to us because of an established habit getting in the way of that.


>But why?? *Butt why?


We need to make bidets a thing in the US. I have one at home and I can’t imagine living without it.


A heated bidet.💋🤌


don't go down on someone who smells like shit??? behold the coward's path unrelated, i have pink eye


A warrior who has never fought in the mud is still but a hatchling A warrior who eats mud, however, is an unfortunate warrior indeed.


The wise warrior covers himself in mud so as to be camouflaged from the Predator.


The warrior wise Suffers no demise


LOL the boyfriend apparently told her he could smell her butthole when he went down there. How do you let it get that stank? You're supposed to wipe until the paper comes out clean.


I wipe until there’s blood


What if there's blood before I even start wiping?


Then you’re H-O-T-T-O-G-O


My daughter sings H-O-T-D-O-G-S You know hot dogs are the best Good luck singing it any other way now.


Still a song about getting in between some buns 🤷🏻‍♂️


What is a hot togo?


[The song that’s been living rent free in my head for a month now](https://youtu.be/xaPNR-_Cfn0?si=sdS2igxbkyRIp01B)


Lmao my wife has been blasting this one thirty times a day lately. This is her summer anthem this year.


As is the usual tradition, my wife was playing it on repeat a few months ago and moved on, then I got reminded about it and now I'm playing it on repeat for the next month.


I feel like that song was everywhere for a hot (to go) second last year, then disappeared, and suddenly it's everywhere again


Chappell Roan's kinda made another big hit with her song Good Luck, Babe! so, that might be why.


My 11 year old sings this on repeat. 


We call that a period.


It’s the only way to be sure


Or, even better, do what I did and get a bidet




If you already have a garden hose, you can pull it through your bathroom window. If you live in a warm climate, the water that's sitting in the hose will be warm. Total cost: $0. You can thank me later.


"This bidet is solar powered. Carbon footprint: zero."


Gotta have a partner to turn it on and off though. That’s a whole new problem.


You can get a sprayer attachment with a trigger to control the spray, if you have a garden hose, you probably already have one of these. This way you can leave the tap on and be ready to clean at any time.


Well hot damn. You’ve thought of everything! Do you employ this method personally?


No, I found an old pressure washer on the side of the road, which provides a more thorough cleaning experience. By using a siphon to steal gasoline to power it, the cost still remains $0. It does requires some mild exertion to start it up, but the boost to physical fitness can also provide benefits to your digestive health.


You made me have to think about a pressure washer and what it would do to an anus. Take your stupid upvote. I love you. I hate you.


Or wet wipes, life saver for me


Just don’t flush em! Lol


I don't, I have a bin in my bathroom next to the toilet


Aren't wet wipes bad for your pipes?


That's why I use the bin


Leaving shitty wet wipes in your bathroom until your bin's full is a whole different kind of gross imo.


That's why I don't leave them


You seem to have thought of everything. But landfill or incineration?


Don't flush them, and take your trash out and there's no issue


This is the way.


Butthole doctor here, wiping with toilet paper is not enough to eliminate the smell — you are merely brushing the lips of the beast, so to speak. If you’re expecting someone to come into proximity of your ass, please be considerate and use a bidet and/or a scented moist towelette for good measure.


I also wonder if it's like the story of the dude who constantly told his girlfriend that she smelled so that she felt so self-conscious that she would never leave him. Maybe she *does* wash her ass thoroughly and smells perfectly fine, but he told her she smells like dirty butthole so that she's so embarrassed she never asks again for worry that she still smells. Alternatively, maybe the boyfriend is an idiot and thinks vaginas are supposed to smell like cherries or flowers or like the "pussy" scented incense from the county fair. Of course, the whole situation just reads as extremely messy and nobody is coming off as especially mature, so a hygenic issue is the most likely cause.


According to oop he was lying about the reason until her friend called him out in public.


That gaslighting story was evil genius territory. Intentionally convincing your girlfriend of something like that just to keep her insecure and unwilling to leave you? There is a lot of forethought to that and none of it good.


I remember that one. Ugh


I'm sorry, but what county fairs are you going to where they sell pussy scented incense? It's been a minute but I do not remember that.


The 90s in western NY were wild, apparently. I distinctly remember the weird floral and spice scent that didn't smell like any vagina *I* have ever encountered, and how oddly vulgar it was that you could buy it right there next to the pogs and face painting booths. I assumed it was a widespread thing. Pussy incense must be mass manufactured somewhere. There's no way that guy was a small batch artisan. I assumed every incense booth at every fair had the same selection, including pussy.


The whole situation seems incredibly fake 


Oh, absolutely. I'm just a little surprised that just about everyone is automatically taking the dude at his word that she can't wash herself instead of coming up with alternate theories. Like, a regular-ass post about an old lady being a little intrusive with a toddler at the grocery store is met with a chorus of "she wanted to kidnap that baby!" and other outlandish shit, but this post couldn't even get a "he wanted to embarass you in front of everyone because he was embarrassed." Just a wall of "wash your ass, dummy!" and, if we're going to entertain probably fake posts, we need to go all the way and really explore the space.


Yeah I'm also inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to the lady here. There's many believable alternatives to bad hygiene and like... the guy only tried once? That doesn't sound like a pussy eating enthusiast.


look im a big blowjob/ass/pussy eating enthusiast but if i get down there and it smells like straight ass im done bro. might ask them to take a shower but it's tainted, i'll never forget the smell of butt right in my face.


I'm more inclined to believe, on the scale of probabilities, that someone has a shitty partner rather than a shitty asshole.


two things can be true at once


Certainly can. I still attempt to cling to my sanity by pretending people do, in fact, regularly wash their ass though


Or shower???? its not like toilet paper is actually gonna clean your ass


I'm going to guess you're a bidet user based on this comment, but for the record, there's been reports of people with hygiene problems who take a shit then hop in the shower, but don't scrub back there at all, and the results apparently are horrible wet skid marks in their clothes. The person who reported this was a gf wondering why her boyfriend always stank, and then was starting to get concerned because her own clothes were starting to stink, because they shared a washing machine. Pretty sure they also eventually broke up because she didn't want to have to deal with teaching her boyfriend that.


Jesus christ, ew. I mean gross people are gonna be gross people, I dont really know what to say. Actually I don't have a bidet, but I would never dream of asking someone to go down on me and not take a shower before. An actual shower where I thoroughly wash my bits that is


Yeah, I think that's fair, I just also think that's why everyone is emphasizing a good scrubbing. It doesn't work to just let the water gently wash down the back and into the crack and expect to get it all.


This reminds me of a story my brother told of an ex school mate that used to smell and was a bit weird. One day they talked about bathroom routines and he explained he never wiped after dropping a deuce. The conversation moved on and then they talked about showering and he said he doesn't use deodorant or soap, and explained he just rubbed all over his body with water to get clean. Only after a few seconds did people realise the horrid of what he was admitting. >!he would rub his unwiped ass dirt all over his body without soap to "get clean" and they have been forced to share a space with this person that always has a funk about him.!<




Man that's crazy. I understand that sometimes you might compress the whole wash and have to do the bare minimum to get out faster. But ass/balls are the single last region I'd take out of the order.


> take a shit then hop in the shower I mean, that's what I do, but then I follow through on the washing part.


Op believes in the three wipe only rule


I think the guy suggesting to take a shower after every poop, before sex, and after sex is the sole reason for the global water shortages.


Lol implying that guy ever got laid 


When he meets the woman with a colostomy bag it will be love at first sight. She never poops from her butt.


Wait... So does a colostomy bag haver have the cleanest ass?


That's the theory that i'm working with. When I have a chance to do the research I'll inform the scientific community. Also does the 4th hole taste like food or poop.


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What’s crazy is that some people actually think it’s a flex to not wash your genitals and b-hole. I know OP never said that but it’s still wild that it happens


Search reddit. It's not uncommon for men to not wash their assholes. There are posts upon posts of women complaining about it. It blew my mind reading some of the stories.


The people piling on OP for talking to her friend about her relationship is so wild to me. Like, you need to talk about this kind of stuff when you don't know how to handle it. I would go absolutely crazy if I couldn't talk about my relationship to my friends.


>The people piling on OP for talking to her friend about her relationship is so wild to me. They're piling on oop because she was with all her friends confronting him telling him to explain himself. It's one thing to confide in a friend. It's another thing to be there with a friend to confront him. Like the only outcomes from doing this with friends is a) the boyfriend says how he actually feels and risks embarrassing oop and being attacked and dogpiled by the friends at that moment or b) lie to keep the peace. There is no way to constructively communicate when the power imbalance is this skewed.


> confronting him telling him to explain himself That's a misrepresentation of what she described. She said her friend asked him about it, that's hardly her confronting him and telling him to explain himself.


In that case it's a massive asshole move on the friend's part to put him in that position. Poor guy is early in a relationship, encounters a super awkward sexual problem and doesn't know how to tactfully address it. Then he finds out all at once that his girlfriend has been complaining about this problem to her friend and gets interrogated about it over dinner. THEN the girlfriend goes and posts about it on the internet!


I mean I do feel like there’s a line between “talk about relationship” and “talk about sex with your current partner.” I would be pretty unhappy and embarrassed if my husband was displeased with our sex and took it to his friends so they could hassle me about it


I just assume all girls I date share intimate relationships details with their friends, because multiple sitcoms told me that women be doing that. These people need to watch more TV tbh




I hope you don't share intimate details about your partners to your friends without your partners consent


i think a lot of it is guys who dont understand the concept of talking about your feelings to others. society has told men that they need to solve their own problems and not be a burden to others, whereas women bond over sharing aspects of their personal lives with each other.


I think it's just plain simple desire for privacy and not wanting people to be gossiping about your intimate stuff. People have different boundaries about these things. There are a lot of women out there who would be quite put off if their partner was sharing intimate details about their sex life with his buddies too. Doubly so if one of them asked why she wasn't giving enough blowjobs out of nowhere.


There is a big difference between not knowing how to talk and wanting to keep your sex life private.


Imagine people labelling this a controversial take.


where drama


Is fake, fake drama.


Ya mama's house


Blows my mind that people have oral sex without showering first. I thought that was just common courtesy.




Oh my gooood you were just born!




Holy shit I have literally never met a baby before. Happy birth day dude!




I have had the good fortune and distinct please of giving oral to about a dozen different vagina-owners in my time and I have never once been overwhelmed by the smell of ass. Clean yourself jfc.


found the showerphobe


Anyone who practices proper hygiene and eats an adequate amount of fiber isn't going to reek. Maybe it could happen on the rare occasion or if you go through the backdoor. Never in my adult life have I had ass overwhelm my senses when going down on person. Edit: My typo implied the opposite lol.


>practices proper hygiene and eats an adequate amount of fiber is going to reek Did you mean *isn't* going to reek? Unless you mean they eat so much fibre they're constantly pooping.


Hahaha you're correct, I had a major typo that implied the opposite of what I meant. An adequate amount of fiber in your diet ensures clean wipes.