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The Nintendo subreddits are always full of the weirdest people.


The Nintendo Community as a whole is full of the weirdest (And most obnoxious) people, They make the sonic community blush


You know at least I feel for the Sonic fans. I mean you have the group of them who's name I won't involve here. But. The vast majority of them just want another Sonic and Knuckles game or Sonic Adventure It seems and Sonic Team is busy coming up with some random element to base a game on.


Nintendo fans are definitely worse to me because they fall into one of my most hated categories of fanboyism: they have legitimately some of the best and most interesting and well developed games and ideas in their corner and they still manage to obnoxiously oversell them.


That’s how it was, but Sonic series has kind of stabilized in terms of the games. They got 2D ones and 3D ones with formula people aren’t offended by, a bigger team, and some more Sega money. They’re cranking out 7/10s over there now. It’s real golden age for us Sonic folk.


That's awesome. The last time I really saw/heard anything was when Frontier came out. So I am a little out of date with my sonic news.


Nintendo fans will never beat the manchildren allegations. I dunno what, but *something* happened around 2010 and the average Nintendo fan became this bizarre corporate cheerleader that defends the company like a baby bird imprinted onto a rock.


they're the disney adults of the gaming community


That is the _perfect_ description


and they do it for free


Nintendo still comes out with baller *games* - and it is hard to reconcile that with the shittiness of the *business* side. So many people just... don't. It's easier to just praise it and do mental backflips to justify it as perfect, rather than acknowledging that the thing you like is flawed, if the thing you like is a lot of your passion. And the games are good, generally speaking, so there's a lot of passion. Similar things kinda happen with some fans of games made by companies in scandals. It's a lot easier to reconcile "I like game" with "game was made on the backs of people getting harassed/overworked/etc" if you insist people shut up about the latter half.


As a recovering addict it was because Nintendo for a bit was the only one still trying to consistently make unique games. This isn't true anymore but mostly because of the indie scene. I still think Nintendo is on average and better than most big gaming companies but my biggest problem with them is that they hate and punish their biggest fans. 


I think the Wii U era kinda broke a lot of these people


Bit shocked considering some where defending this because, Because fan games like this have existed for a while now, One I am familiar of is a taiko no tatsujin arcade port remakes, If I remember correctly, It was a like a replica of the original taiko no tatsujin arcade game, Where you can mod your own songs and custom textures in, Its open source and free. Again several games like it had existed throughout and they were fine in the eyes of namco or any other company, Like sega too, Why should nintendo go on a mass copyright spree on those games if its fine by the rest.


konami not going after stepmania feels to me like konami incompetence than them just letting them swim


As a fan of Ninty, I agree.


At Christmas ‘91, when I was 7 and my dad got me a Sega Genesis with Sonic packed in (just for me btw and not a family gift to share with my other 3 siblings. NBD) had I known how the Sonic fandom was going to turn out, I would’ve asked him to take it back for a SNES.


If you let your capacity to enjoy something be influenced by its fandom, you’re going find yourself rather low on options.


Try criticizing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet around Pokémon fans.


I don't know what kind of bizarro Pokémon subreddit you've been on, but I've only ever seen negative criticism of Scarlet and Violet. Like, the common consensus is that it sucks because it's buggy but at least the story and soundtrack are good. 


I know it's usually like that, but I swear I recently had a run in with Pokémon a fan on r/patientgamers and got negative karma for saying that I couldn't finish Pokémon Violet when someone they couldn't finish Sword.


I am still surprised people forgave this game and liked it, I even had one say its their favorite pokemon game ever. Atleast with Shin Megami Tensei fans, The Re Relrease SMT VV Or Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance was a whole entirely new game, That fixed alot of the problems that the previous game (And I mean by that heavily) had, So despite the scummy re release tactic by atlus, It was understandable for people to like the game and forgive it on that part Can't say the same for scarlet and violet.


SV is a technical mess and objectively could have turned out better but I will honestly stand by my opinion that I really liked it and that it might be my favourite Gen. It just introduced so many Qol things along with many Mons that are among my favourites now. I also enjoy how the battles play out Like again, I admit that they have major issues and I wouöd never defend them to the extent that some people do, but I feel it's a bit shortsighted to go completely into the other direction and pretend there is nothing to like about the games


I got downvoted by them and told that they would go on to be considered one of if not the best Pokémon generation in the future. It's insane.


Where were they when the bug fest was ongoing with this game? The game looks really low quality, And I don't really like the character designs, Especially the male protagonist. It was the first time that I preferred a gym trainer (grusha) in this generation over the protagonist


They were never fixed either after Game Freak said they would fix them.


Thats insane, So its still in that state?


Yes. The game is so badly coded that they can't really fix the memory leaks and other issues without significantly overhauling the game from what I understand.


I guess I just don't feel compelled to be mad about it if they actually just reused assets from one of the games, like yeah sure we can have debates about fanworks and copyright and whatever, but if they just steal the assets then I can't be all that mad that Nintendo is not cool with that... like that doesn't seem like some sort of crazy corporate overreach or anything, which Nintendo is known to have done before.


Yeah I’ve been really annoyed at the latest things Nintendo has been doing, but this seems cut and dry


You get paid to write that?


Yes, Nintendo pays people to acknowledge how they made unreasonable copyright claims in the past, that is what paid shills do, mildly stating that it is understandable why they filed a DMCA claim over someone reusing assets from one of their games. It can't just be that this is not the thing worth getting up in arms about


he did it for free, lmao this neighbor


What ARE you doing




Oh that's the N word


Imagine wasting your life like this. Delete your account.


stay mad


[every single exchange in that thread can be summarized by this](https://imgur.com/XE608Ut)


Tbh sometimes it is a valid argument, not here tho.


yeah i just thought it was funny i kept seeing it over and over


Imagine how the world could be if the average person cared half as much about anything that actually matters as Gamers do about their screen time.


Username...checks out???


The speed with which we went from “a takedown request was issued on a project that used ripped assets” to “**Eat. The. Rich.**” is pretty amusing.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240621061255/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dl9i31/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dl9i31/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1dl2vfa/nintendo_files_dmca_against_fanmade_rhythm_heaven/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240621061416/https://old.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1dl2vfa/nintendo_files_dmca_against_fanmade_rhythm_heaven/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1dl2vfa/nintendo_files_dmca_against_fanmade_rhythm_heaven/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


It's hard to agree with nintendo when they haven't released a rhythm heaven game for like eight years now even though they crap out warioware games every 3 years. MAKE MORE RHYTHM HEAVEN OR AT LEAST LET PEOPLE MAKE IT FOR THEMSELVES


That's a shame, it was pretty fun seeing remixes.


Yea pretty shitty, but from what I've read it looks like the plan to release again without the assets. Hopefully not the end.


I was there and commented once when it was pretty empty. I just ignored the shit storm that came after. lol