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Someone tell this person the difference between being alive and living. Yeah sure the dog is kept alive, but that's it. The thing that confuses me the most is why did OOP even buy a dog if they weren't going to do any activity with it that requires a dog. Especially huskies need and want a lot of excercise. So then why buy one when you're not going to do that. They could have bought a hamster and had the exact same experience.


Too many people buy dogs based entirely on aesthetic and "vibes" with absolutely no regard for the temperament and needs of the dog. Huskies are working dogs that need copious amounts of exercise to be happy and healthy. They are more than just "Cute wolf-dogs with personality and norse vibes."


>Too many people buy dogs This was all you had to say - some people should not have kids or pets, it's shocking how bad some pet owners and parents are.


It makes me want to bite people!!


Well that's funny cause I'm feeling like I want to get bit.


It’s always the most unqualified people who get huskies


To breed and sell the puppy probably...


No “probably” about it, he admits this is why he is looking for a “pet friend.” Why the fuck else would it need to be a female husky?? Can’t believe he was trying to play that off as socialization.


Hopefully the pups end up with more appropriate owners


Hopefully they escape into the Himalayas. Okay I checked and Noida is in northern India but unfortunately not the part where you can see mountains with snow on them.


Noida is part of Delhi NCR. The summers there are _brutal_


The North is much worse in the summer than the south, temperatures are frequently in the high 40s and have even cracked 50 a few times this summer.


Hopefully there a zero pups born in such a climate.




Please don't encourage people to view hamsters and other rodents as "easy" pets, they actually have very complex needs and are usually REALLY poorly cared for.


Hamsters are absurdly challenging, I've seen one die because it got scared when a light was turned on


tbh the concept of an 'easy pet' needs to die out, some pets are easier than others but no pet is by itself easy to care for.


Oh I totally agree!


Same reason people deliberately buy violent dogs without training them. They think the dog is cool and don't regard it as more than a fancy accesorie


Tbf people do that with kids too


Yeah I love buying violent kids


Hey, my kid is a sweet little angel and it's not my fault he ate that pitbull, the pitbull shouldn't have provoked him by existing.


Average pi- hey wait a minute!


Who was talking about kids? What's your point?


OOP was.


> why did OOP even buy a dog if they weren't going to do any activity with it that requires a dog. Especially huskies need and want a lot of excercise A lot of these foreign dog owners get them as status symbols to show off their wealth.


Foreign to where? Animal abuse is an *everywhere* problem.


Foreign to India... buying alsatians, pomeranians, doberman, etc. Recently corgis and golden retrievers are famous breeds.


Oh you meant foreign dog breeds, not foreign owners of dogs lol. Sorry I misunderstood you. x Out of curiosity, what dog breeds are most common in india? All those breeds you listed are so common around me, I didn't consider that wouldn't be the case everywhere.


[foreign dog] owners, not foreign [dog owners] lol


Hehe, now I see what I did wrong. Like this xkcd https://xkcd.com/37/


the **bully kutta** is indeginous


just from looking up Indian dog breeds on wikipedia it seems to be almost entirely shorthaired breeds which makes a ton of sense for the Indian climate


I don't like corgis myself, but that breed is at least likely to be okay in the climate.


Hamsters aren't 'easy pets' either. They're less than a dog, but if someone can hardly do the bare minimum, I would reccomend a plushie or a pet rock.


I read an article a few years back about a sudden surge in *specifically* husky puppies being bred and sold in India. The article said it was considered a status symbol because it would show off that you could afford to keep your home air conditioned enough to accommodate the breed. Regardless, anyone who knows the barest thing about Huskies knows how sick and cruel this is.


On one hand it's definitely cruel. On the other hand, India has like 6/7 states that regularly receive snow.


This. In himachal if someone bought a husky id think yea okay but nope bastards from my state (delhi) are buying them


Growing up in a part of Canada that goes from high 30s in the summer to low -30s in the winter we had a Husky that refused to go inside no matter what. Their coat insulates against heat to some degree, but with parts of India regularly going above 40 and staying there I can't imagine those dogs are having a good time. They hate being cramped up but they'd hate going for a walk in that too.


I saw a vet behaviorist and was brainstorming on ways I could physically tire out my border collie/aussie. And he actually told me to limit to 20 min exercise and to really focus on mental stimulation.    He told me not to start biking with him, because that repetitive long distance running could damage his joints    One of the reasons is your creating an endurance athlete and the more you rely on exercise to meet your dogs needs, the more exercise he will continually need to reach that relaxed behavior.   Anyways I found that really interesting. And there is so much training you can do instead.    I’m very curious what mental exercises he’s doing though. But I still have suspicions with this guy, and the breeding nonsense is red flags. So I’m not condoning this dude.    But anyways  I love to try and learn from the most qualified and experienced experts in the field. That’s how I pursued my professional dog training certifications.   Heavily exercising dogs to get to the desired behavior is not the recommended route. 


Hahaha, that's hilarious advice. Makes some sense though. My mother's dog is definitely in the 'endurance athlete" category. I wonder if the recommendations for border collies and huskies are the same, though, re: forms of stimulation -- border collies are fiendishly clever.


Oh but so are huskys! And he’s the advice was towards dogs in general. He was talking about previously overworking a Dalmatian he would mountain bike with. 


You need to know your dog breed if you run with them. I see people being like I can run 3 miles easily my dog should be able to to. No my guy humans evolved charatristics to run long distance 3 miles feels differently to them.


>I want a pet friend to socialise. Preferably female husky because yes i want to breed him. He’s my kid. I’m not ignorant to neuter my child. Maybe you can neuter your child. ✌️ Is it a regular thing to breed your child with a new child you buy and bring into your household where this guy is from?


Fucking lmao




It's also difficult to take dogs for a walk because everyone keeps spontaneously breaking into massive song and dance routines and dogs don't know the steps. What do you mean Bollywood movies aren't documentaries?


They obviously are Do you mean [this isn't how the royal family celebrates each day](https://youtu.be/K1aJHjcN_II?t=158)?


I thought r/SubredditDrama was where we came to laugh at the racists. Guess one slipped through


Even the "liberal" subs on Reddit are racist against Indians.


Prolly an unpopular opinion, but Liberal and conservative subs are the same when it comes to South Asian/Asian racism. Only difference is that one's more open about it


There have been so many times where I have peeked in the profile of racists here, expecting them to be active in subs like r/conservative, /r/PoliticalCompassMemes etc, only to find them active in subs like r/politics, /r/democrats etc.


This sub has racist tendencies. It rears itself more clearly in overt instances like this but it’s mostly the covert ones that remain.


Idk is “dog breeding is similar to arranged marriage” really racist…? Actually I’m gonna answer that question myself: lol, nah


yes, yes it is buddy It’s called racial stereotypes


Is that a stereotype tho…? That’s just, like, a fact. An observation. A thing that many, many people still defend as virtuous and efficient.


> That’s just, like, a fact. An observation. A 'fact' that's unrelated to the topic > A thing that many, many people still defend as virtuous and efficient. I kinda agree here. People from outside India should go and teach those Indians the correct way marriages must be conducted, and why their system is deplorable and inefficient.


Buddy, people from other countries criticize other countries all the damn time. I'm literally from the US of A, and people from other countries criticize us all the time. It's nothing personal.


Buddy, people criticize other countries, cultures and people according to their biases and perception.


So what are you even trying to say? That no one can criticize anyone else?  And yeah, people are biased. That doesn't at all contradict what I said.


Agreed. The best arbiters for what is/isn't racist regarding South Asians are people who grew up on the West Coast.


It's racist to mention arranged marriages now?


It’s racist to jump to a stereotypical conclusion based just on the ethnicity of the OP


Did they say that OP conducts arranged marriages or that arranged marriages are common in India?


“o-oh, you see, *technically* the OP wasn’t accused of anything (which they very clearly were), so everything can be discarded like the comment was made in an absolute vaccum and wasn’t bringing up the stereotype based on nothing but his ethnicity, with very obvious implications of the connections to the OP” Either you’re wilfully ignorant, or just dumb. Edit: Dumbass blocked me after leaving this reply > It's okay, India can rest easy knowing that people like you will defend them :) I’m Indian, lmao


It's okay, India can rest easy knowing that people like you will defend them :)


Reddit please be normal about India challenge: Impossible


Honestly it's not even a reddit thing, it's just a people thing. I remember when I was in high school, nobody at school believed that neither my parents nor grandparents were arranged marriages. I never even bothered trying to explain to them that my grandmother has a master's degree, and that she and my grandfather initially met in their master's program. Other students would also get angry with me, because they studied a bit about Hinduism in our school's comparative religion class. But they didn't understand that "Hinduism" is like a dozen completely different religions and philosophies all jammed beneath one label, and that what they get taught as Hinduism is mostly the north central Indian version. So there kept being these situations, like, they'd ask about various Indian gods, and I'd try to explain that my family doesn't worship any gods, and then they'd get angry at me for being wrong. Westerners view India as merely an object upon which to enact their own intellectualism. Hence why it often ends up being an invisible prejudice. It encodes itself in people's desire to feel as though they know, not in their desire to justify not knowing. People are threatened by the idea that they might not know, and so they respond by enacting their knowledge (often very limited knowledge) upon the target.


I remember when most of reddit was supporting Hank Azaria voicing Apu and claiming his caricature was 'accurate'


Kinda horrifying that even the "progressive" subs like this are racist against Indians so casually.




> We I love how brown people aren't afforded individuality unlike white people lol.


Extreme r/CanConfirmIamIndian energy over here


"Hey guys, check out my dog. I'm kind of dumb. India btw" "DID YOU KNOW THEYRE ALL PEDOPHILES AND SEX TRAFFICKERS?? ITS PART OF THEIR CULTURE"


Inb4 "well I didn't SAY that WORD FOR WORD [fussy replies]" like get real. We know what you're talking about and it's not unique to India.


Least racist American liberal




Tbf plenty of Indians are very black and white as well as brown. They're very diverse.


India isn't called a subcontinent for nothing, it's very large


Arranged marriages aren't child marriages tho


At least he's not from USA, he would've shot up a school and then the dog.


Ahh yes I see you’ve pointed out a proud part of my culture, I will now bring up your ongoing national tragedy, I am very worldly and am dunking on the amerijerks


>Is it a regular thing to breed your child with a new child you buy and bring into your household where this guy is from? This is how arranged marriges work. Families getting toghether and deciding how to breed their children. 


Arranged marriages in India are basically using your parents to act as Tinder for you. They don't usually literally decide who you marry.


> This is how arranged marriges work Agreed. The best place to learn about arranged marraiges and Indian culture is from ... Swedish people --- Edit: The swede blocked me but still expects me to answer his questions. I'm also gonna assume that PewDiePie was the norm and not the exception.


>The best place to learn about arranged marraiges and Indian culture is from ... Swedish people    It doesn't sound nice when you call it out for what it is.  What does my nationality have to do with anything?    Kinda ironic you are complaning about racism in this thread. Tell me, since I'm swedish and can't comment on arranged marriges, who can? Or it's just better to end this convo here. Have a good one.




They comment in r/ABCDesis, it's clear that they took your criticism a *wee* bit too personally.


Outting yourself in SD is a choice


Outing myself? In what way? Why do you keep making new comments?  Also did you switch accounts?  https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1dm2ei6/comment/l9ugcr0/ How about you accept a block and end the conversation?


Wow sometimes I realize that cancel culture really does exist in a few dark corners of the internet. A similar thing happens when vegans bring up hard human topics like slavery — people latch on to some perceived slight and hammer you for it, only getting more emotional and enraged when challenged. Thus all the responses like “wow you’re such a racist fuck”, which is funny for a comment that didn’t mention any particular race, really… I guess you can be racist against all the cultures that still sometimes practice arranged marriage, but that’s a long list!


"I want to breed him. He's my kid" 😬 Flair material?


Absolutely fucking not, lmao.


How dare you




If OOP refers to sniffing and other similar exercises as minds games, he’s not completely wrong. In lieu of physical activity, sniffing sessions do use a lot of focus and energy for dogs. It’s a very effective way to tire out high energy dogs on rainy or I guess in their case super hot days. I usually do snuffle mats or other puzzle treat dispensers for my mini Aussie on rainy days. Hopefully they’re still getting out for walks when the sun is down or whatever though. That said, it’s still wild to be raising a husky in such a place known for sweltering conditions. I’m hoping this was a rescue from abusive conditions and not a pup shipped in to India from the start by OOP.


Mind games are especially important for herding breeds like collies, if you aren’t going to give them actual jobs.


Yeah if your border collie is restless just text them something passive aggressive and when they ask why you're being weird tell them you weren't


My Vizsla gets a lot of game sessions throughout the day, you aren't going to wear her out physically so you have to engage her very derpy mind. The big two are hiding treats and making her search for them and another is hiding several toys and making her find a specific one before she gets a treat. Granted that is on top of ~4 miles in the morning/afternoon and some fetch around the middle of the day


This is massively overstated. I'm on my 3rd herding dog (collie, corgi, ACD) and most of the time they're plenty happy just looking out the window between walks and tagging along for whatever you're up to in the house. They all got/get walked about 2-3 hours a day and don't seem to care much about 24/7 activity once they get older. This is like that ridiculous myth of "your border collie needs an on switch and off switch or they're gonna be stuck in 'on' all the time!"


A lot of people aren’t spending 2-3 hours a day walking their dog.


Then don't get a working breed lmao?


Or do the mind games


Or how about you get your high maintenance dog the physical activity it deserves lmao 


Even a slow feeder helps. My friend's pup is way happier since starting one of those, despite it being bought to prevent him puking up his dinner because he's so excited to go outside.


Have you tried feeding a meal entirely with a snuffle mat? It can function both as a slow feeder as well as giving them a great lil nose/mind exercise.


I’ve used topples for meals and my dog loves it. They’re like Kongs but have a wider mouth and a hole in the side. I stick high value food at the bottom(beef scraps, cream cheese, whatever I got that he can’t have much of), add kibble and wet food on top, and then jam a carrot in the side to make it so he has to eat through the kibble and carrot to get the good stuff. On hot days I’ll freeze it before giving it to him which makes it last longer and cools him a bit, not much but a bit. He goes crazy for it, will usually eat the whole carrot for the crunch, and it keeps him occupied during our own meals.


I don't know what it's called, but my dog likes this little rocker ball that she has to knock around to get kibble out of. She has a bunch of puzzles and mats that I swap around to keep things interesting


Delayd satisfaction is good for pretty much everybody


Given that he wants to breed his dog, I think he bought the pup. I don't think people who rescue animals are this, well, selfish.


>Hopefully they’re still getting out for walks when the sun is down or whatever though. One of my friend primarily walk his dogs at like 3 am thats when he and them are both awake for some reason. But Looking up Noida night temperatures I don't think that would help all that much with huskies, holy fuck am I glad I don't live there, 32 celsius and 70% humidity? At night? I would die.


Husky’s can be weird as hell. My mom has one in Florida and he’s been fine, he loves the sun.


My sister living in Texas got a long haired husky just because they were beautiful. She never walked him and he lived in a small bedroom. She finally ended up giving him to me because he began growling at the baby when she harassed him. I live in NY. He loved the winters! He was highly reactive but we worked on it a lot and he was a sweet dog. He passed away this year from cancer. I miss him.


My friend had a husky in upstate NY and it was amazing especially in the winters taking him skiing. Moved to texas and the husky poor thing was depressed af.


We live in a spot where it gets really hot in summer and cold in winter. Our husky mix isn't as horribly hot and unable to do anything in summer as people make them out to be, but they are much happier in winter. In summer I have to be very vigilant to bring extra water, take breaks, and always have a plan on how to leave whatever activity in case they start to overheat. Winter they can just run for ours, and as long as I check their paws every so often for signs of them getting frost bitten they are fine.


I love how people use such minimising language lmao. "He's reactive". He's not "aggressive to dogs and children and possibly very dangerous". No, he's reactive to people existing. They don't bite people. They "mouth" them.


The words exist because they are different things. Dogs who want to bite without provocation are rare but exist. Almost any dog will bite if provoked enough (and too many people expect them to put up with absolutely fucked behaviour without reacting then are shocked if they ever do.) Reactive is what it sounds like: a threshold that's lower than it should be - and that threshold can be improved. (And a dog can be reactive with dogs or only big men or children or any mix. They're separate things.) You don't have to understand dog behaviour, but it's a bit embarrassing to go around shutting people down over it. Shelters that re-home dogs that should be put down due to temperament and people who don't handle their reactive dogs well are a thing. That doesn't mean that dogs are either Good Dogs or Bad Dogs and it's impossible to fix issues.


Reactivity is a real thing. Educate yourself so you don't sound so stupid.


Of course it is. It's a real word that minimises the truth behind what is actually happening. That's what makes it hilarious.


I went to Trinidad recently after not being there in a while and was shocked by the amount of huskies I saw there now. Not sure if it’s becoming a trend to have one there but I kept seeing them on walks and hikes. I felt so bad for those dogs because it can get so hot there.


IIRC, huskies are popular with people in developing countries who want to seem "wealthy/higher class".


OOP read that double coat dogs can manage in cold weather and hot weather and refuses to consider that statement wasnt meant with an 80C delta in mind.


Anyone that owns a husky is a hot climate (like this one) is a horrible owner and should be banned. yes they are pretty dogs. Yes, they have a lot of personality. The word “Siberian” in the name should give you a clue about where they ideally suited to live.


Probably one of the reasons the user keeps it confined to the ACed home


That's very context dependent. Places like India or Florida, sure, where the heat doesn't relent at night. I grew up with huskies in Socal and still raise them in the midwest. You need to exercise them early in the morning when it's cold out. They nap most of the day regardless if they are appropriately exercised. Some huskies even like the heat. It's 95 degrees highs right now, and my younger husky refuses to come inside. She insists on sunbathing throughout the day. She's harder to get inside during the summers than the snowy winters. With that said, there are many irresponsible husky owners because they do not exercise their dogs adequately.


My Husky loves to go outside and lay in the sun when it's 100+F outside in the Vegas heat. She is spoiled beyond belief. She gets plenty of play time and treats and toys. She also loves going up to the snow to the mountains in the winter or laying out on the cold payment. Stop being a generalizing asshole .


Your 100% right and the idiots downvoting don't own huskies. Their fur is insulting in heat and cold. My younger husky loves the heat. She'll throw a fit if you don't let her outside in July.


Ignore the downvotes you’re 100% right. Huskies do better in the heat than 90% of other dogs due to their natural “air conditioning” dual coat. Golden retrievers regulate their temps worse than huskies. Mine also sunbathes in the summer heat; I can’t get her inside unless I physically pick her up.


OK but nobody made you get an Arctic breed in a hot desert climate. I'm sure you love your dog, but it's not being an asshole to point out that Arctic breeds like huskies are generally happier in cold climates. It's not rocket science. Why not get a dog of a breed that's adapted for heat?


You know what she’s not getting for 5 months of the year, an appropriate amount of exercise.


You do realize it gets cold at night in the desert even in the summers? You walk them at night and in the morning.


Low in Phoenix is 89 today.


The hottest city in the US with a high of 106. A 17 degree swing. Huskies can handle 80 degree dry heat as long as they get water and you don't overdo it. But what the hell do I know. I've just owned 8 of them over 30 years and your trying to lecture on something you have no experience with.


You’re the one that told me you could just walk the dog after it gets dark in the desert. So, I used a highly populated desert city. Would you prefer Vegas? Vegas will also have approximately 1 hour under 90 today.


Did you not read what I just wrote?


Good to see drama from my own country. A lot of these foreign dog owners get them as status symbols to show off their wealth and their dogs suffer from lots of diseases due to being cooped up in the house and in extreme heat they are not supposed to live in. A lot of my family members have dogs but they are the local variety commonly derided as "street dogs" but they are native dogs.


Indian local dogs are extremely resilient and some of the most adaptive, intelligent, and sociable pets in the world. Problem is that since they are so common, people who wanna show off their "exotic pets" don't even consider them as pets and would rather get huskies or bull dogs as pets.


Which breeds of dogs are native to India?


Here are some. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds_from_India


Why couldn’t this jackass just get a Canaan dog? Looks quite similar and as the name implies, adapted to living in extremely hot weather


Idiots poor dog looks under weight ASF


Most dog owners shouldn't be dog owners, just as most parents shouldn't be parents. I can't imagine not exercising a dog daily, and it's fucking 110-degrees out today. The dogs still can't wait for their long (post-sundown) walk.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Geez man


I know.


in a different, colder climate.


Maybe the Himalayas.


Most emphatic dog lover


It should be illegal to not give your dog exercise


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No, dont take your huskie outside if its too hot. this is India. these are working dogs accustomed to living on snow. He is looking after his dog intuitively. you aint kept the dog alive, he has, mind your biz. i dont think you know about this breed if you say otherwise. Ive seen dogs die from just a short walk outside. the dog wants to live.


the point people are making is that it's inappropriate to own a dog like a husky in such places, not that he should take the dog out in hot weather