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>If youre gonna ask a question, why do you ignore the answer? I feel this so much in the medical advice subs LOL


I feel this several times a day answering calls and emails in IT


...yall got shrooms growing in your puters? The fuck you working at?


To stir up drama; y'all eat it up.


"Is this mole cancer?" "A doctor knows." "Please, I just want answers!" "No." "HOW CAN I BE SURE!" "Bitch, go to the doctor like you shoulda in the first place."


Worse "Do I need to go to an ER because I took 50 tylenol" "yes, you need to go **right now**" "Well, I don't want to go right this moment, can I go in the morning?" "No, not if you like to have a liver, go to an ER, NOW" "But I feel ok now so obviously it didn't do anything bad" "That's not how tylenol ODs work. GO TO THE ER. I am not going to respond with anything except GO TO THE ER"


With how expensive medical checkups can be, I can't really blame people for wanting to just ask "Hey is this something that's obviously bad"




Jesus some people are really way too "horny to get high"


Too cheap to buy actual drugs. My guess is 14 year old.


As a former teenager, I can tell you 100 percent eating pure nutmeg will get you high. It will be horribly uncomfortable, you will belch nutmeg flavor and when you come down it will feel awful. That was a definite 'Can't find weed, but want to get high'. And a lesson was learned that day.


When I was 16 I ate many spoonfuls of nutmeg to get high and ended up in the hospital lol


Looked it up cause I really doubted it but there are reports that it does. Crazy since I've heard literally nothing about that ever. Apparently it was used as part of an internet 'Nutmeg challenge' 4 years ago that I also just did not see at all.


What's really crazy about it is I learned it from a site called Erowid, which was a site that people who did drugs felt was authoritive about what things could get you high, what was safe etc with no vetting except the suggestion of other people who also did drugs. My friends and I were like 'Well, this site says it will try us high, let's fuckin do it'. Simpler times I suppose.


Erowid is still very much alive


It's goes back to the mid 2000s at least


Can cause psychosis for up to 6 months. You got lucky, friend.


It has to be fresh


According to his linked Instagram account he's the adult owner of a glassblowing shop. Just a druggie who thinks if they're not doing the "hard drugs" they cant possibly have a problem


>he's the adult owner of a glassblowing shop not a very good one if he doesn't know anyone who can get him safe mushrooms


You seem weirdly judgemental in this comment


I think I'm the right amount of judgemental towards a grown ass man who was rightfully mistaken for a child. His ignorance and continued doubling down deserve mocking


Yournoriginal comment was clearly suggesting that being addicted to drugs is a moral failing when *it is not*


No actually I was speaking on a specific kind of person who doesn't think they can be damaging their own health despite being at the point of say, smoking cigarette butts out of a public ashtray or smoking random poisons they found in the forest even after 3 dozen people warn them it is toxic


Ace tankie to ace lib; nobody brought up addiction, but you are right about it not being a moral failing. Looks like most don't agree with you though, but hopefully things change with time. However, OP does clearly fit a stereotype, so it's not surprising.


I don't judge people for drug use; however, being so flagrantly stupid as to ignore any reasonable advice and be determined to potentially kill yourself in the process *when reasonably safe psychedelic mushrooms are not hard to obtain* is something I judge people over.


The post has been deleted, but you didn't link to the post with all the comments? https://www.reddit.com/r/Mushrooms/comments/1dm63s7/can_i_get_an_id_i_found_them_in_a_pine_forest/


Thanks. For some reason it was being super weird on mobile and kept giving me a bad link when I tried to copy it. I figured I'd have to add it later when I'm on my PC. Ty for saving me the trouble. :)


thank you, i doubt they would delete a post like this fully. people need to learn its stupid to eat random stuff


I think OP is baiting and if he is he's doing a great job lmao


I wish I could tell you that adults really aren't as stupid as OOP is, but I can't. 


Yeah no way to know if this particular OOP is taking the piss or not, but there are absolutely people this dumb. I know just enough about mushrooms (magic or otherwise) to know I would never be confident enough about an ID in the wild to put it in my mouth omg!! But I suspect the foraging related subs have to deal with this at least as much as the rock subs have to say "sigh. that's not a meteorite."


After 2020 I just don’t know anymore


He's a master baiter


I absolutely cannot comprehend picking and eating random wild mushrooms on the off chance they might get me high. If you have to ask Reddit what it is, you don’t know enough about mushrooms to be fucking around with them like this.


It isn't even particularly challenging to obtain the spores and grow magic mushrooms, from what I've heard.


If you know what you're looking for you can just go find them in pastures after a rain


You can just order them through the mail. Iirc it's not illegal to buy the spores themselves. High Times had ads for them in their magazine.


In the US (or - most of it? This is not legal advice for your jurisdiction ✌️) the spores themselves are not illegal, so you can buy them online and have 'em shipped. For "research purposes," of course, because it isn't legal to have the mushrooms themselves (jurisdiction-dependent again, I know there has been some movement on decriminalizing/legalizing some places). If, separate from your research with those spores, you coincidentally also had an interest in cultivating mushrooms, the materials/setup doesn't have to be complicated. However, it will probably be 4+ weeks before your first harvest, and like pancakes, the first one is often a learning experience - that's a lot of pre-planning, OOP wants to get fucked up NOW lmao


It is exactly the same in the UK, as far as I know! Some sites even sell the grow bags and the spores together - or so I've heard, cough cough.


I didn't end up obtaining any because I had a friend who got a grow set up before I did and had plenty to share the few times I wanted some, but the sites I looked at were like "spores for RESEARCH ONLY!! FR THIS IS FOR SCIENCE! WE DONT CONDONE OR ENCOURAGE CRIMES NOR WILL WE ADVISE YOU ON CULTIVATION. Btw in unrelated news, check out this company that sell grow bags, they have nothing to do with us, but if you wanted to cultivate mushrooms from spores we didn't sell you, this is your guy." It reminded me of being coached by more experienced friends when I started smoking weed a decade ago - "do NOT say bong at the store, they have to ask you to leave." Same song and dance for sex toys in Texas until relatively recently... No dildos or vibrators, only educational models and personal massagers. Now with the proliferation of legal THC options, some or all of which are indistinguishable from the illegal stuff with testing, the game we're all playing is getting progressively dumber all the time (while still not protecting the folks who are most likely to be harassed/arrested/prosecuted for even the most minor of drug related crimes). Really they couldn't have designed it any better - all weed is Schrodinger's cannabis now, depends on which cop opens the box whether it's a legally obtained hemp product or the villainous illicit reefer. Sorry, the """war on drugs""" makes me so fucking mad. If there's one thing that shows our justice system is two-tiered at best, it's this.


growing mushrooms isn't fast or easy and it's also illegal (in most places)


I know fuck all about mushrooms but I've heard of Amanitas by reputation. OOP is an idiot.


Ok, I'm not an expert, but an avid mushroom gatherer and enjoyer. (You can see many of them in my profile) There are many mushrooms an amateur can identify with ease. Ones with no possible toxic lookalikes. Chicken of the woods, or morels, resihi or wood ear. My point is that Amanitas are the painful death type, generally small but deadly. Nearly all mushroom poisonings are from Amanitas. I would never try one, even if I'm 100% sure it is edible.


If they really wanted to get high on mushrooms, wouldn't a psilocybin species be a far better choice? I don't think there are any toxic lookalikes (the psilocybin is the compound intended to deter animals from eating it), and it's relatively easy to cultivate. Makes me suspect OOP is a teenager looking for any way to get high


Psilocybe does have a toxic look alike, Galerina, which has the exact same liver destroying chemicals as Amanita. Spore print sorts that out nicely though, so long as you are capable of distinguishing between “purple brown” and “rusty brown”.


Death Caps and Destroying Angels all belong to the same genus as the mushroom OOP shared 🙃


I hope this is just good trolling, but if not, eh, sometimes you just gotta let nature take its course. If that op is actually half as stupid as he’s coming across, he’d have probably ended up drowning in a shower or something in the near future anyways. 


Every mushroom is edible, some only once.


Pretty sure this comment is banned on most mushroom subs by now lol.


I’d be wary even using my oven again after baking a highly toxic fungus without a thorough cleaning


People who just jump into eating whatever they find are...something else. I recently casually stumbled upon the most toxic mushroom to my continent while exploring the woods in my town. It belongs to the same genus as this one. 


If there is one lesson I have learned from foraging, it is that you DO NOT eat anything that you do not know what it is. But why is this kid looking for Amanita high when you can find psilocybin mushrooms on your local lawn?


Or online fairly easily, and very safely.


Have you hunted for Psilocybe? It doesn’t sound like it.


Maybe not cubensis, but Liberty Caps can grow pretty much anywhere there is grass in the north. Lawns are not ideal, you would have better luck in abandoned soccer fields or grassy meadows. If you know the way their stalks are shaped and the classic 'nipple' shape, they are easy to identify.


I used to be part of a number of plant ID groups, and a couple of foraging specific ones. I’ve unjoined most because of things like this, it’s just maddening.




"why are you like this?" Lmaoo it took very few words for this commenter to make the exasperation known.


This one is pretty good: >I fully disagree! > > I have trapped plenty of mice in my flat and my cat catches quite a few too. > > Next week I'm off hunting Lions in the plains of Africa with my cat. > > I'm fairly sure my knowledge of cats and my experience with mouse hunting will keep me safe!


I bet they are sick of getting that very stupid question.


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240625111726/https://old.reddit.com/r/mushrooms) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/mushrooms "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240625112430/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1do348z/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1do348z/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. r/Mushrooms - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240625112451/https://old.reddit.com/r/Mushrooms) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Mushrooms "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. another post - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240625112914/https://old.reddit.com/r/mushroom/s/t0lR10LTLi) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/mushroom/s/t0lR10LTLi "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


I swear this exact drama from this exact sub showed up here a few months ago


Yeah these kinds of idiots are pretty perennial around there...


The SRD replies have bloomed though...




Wow. People are away over reacting. Hang on, this popped up in a group I mod TODAY; https://www.reddit.com/r/annarborpsychedelic/s/kJA7qLZ2KA There's a reason I left r/mushrooms, 99% of the people there use an app for ID's and haven't even opened an Audubon guide to mushrooms before, let alone done any field work. It's all keyboard mycologists.


What is your take on the mushroom he found?


Looks like a Muscaria v guessowii, it's probably not enough for a dose even if properly dehydrated at 250f with the liquid spooned back on. Seriously, when we ate them it ended being 12-15 caps to basically feel drunk and stuff was sparkly, not a "trip" at all like you'd think compared to psilocybin. Realistically he didn't dry it right and ended up maybe puking and with diarrhea. If he ate like 5 or 6 improperly prepped ones he could end up in the hospital. What's really cool is Norse shamans knew that after reindeer ate them, their bodies didn't break down the active component and they pee it out. So they would collect reindeer pee to drink for religious and ceremonial purposes. If you look into ancient European mushroom cults you can find some reeeeeally interesting stuff.


That's wild! I've been drinking reindeer pee for entirely different reasons


Yeah, I've read about some Siberian traditions. The thing is (and I honestly think so!)... where does the idea about Santa flying with reindeer come from? Yeah, spiked reindeer piss.


How the fuck do you collect reindeer pee.


Off the lichen they pee on from what I've heard 


That dude is dead, I guess.


Nah don't worry, he was commenting on wallstreetbets a day after his mushroom post. So he's probably not dead, but has just moved on to non-mushroom-related poor choices.


If he ate it, the clock could still be ticking right? Aren't mushroom toxins slow? It can take a few days. But it's possible he was also trolling the sub


True. He could be posting on wallstreetbets from the toilet, as his insides slowly dissolve from mushroom poisoning.