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this is an obvious callout post sorry


Nobody's even said she was seventeen. That's just something they've added in themselves to make the whole 'sexting a minor' thing more palatable. It's basically that Gianmarco Sorsei ["R. Kelly is not a pedophile..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o) stand-up routine.


This has been driving me nuts since the news broke on this. All of his defenders are citing that like it’s a real thing, when nobody anywhere has said she was even 17! She could’ve been younger, and even if she was 17, it doesn’t make it any less sickening.


Do we actually know anything about it beyond that it was a minor?


No we don't, we technically don't even know if it was a girl or boy.


Imagine the discourse if it turned out to be a trans kid? edit: Huh.... almost: https://x.com/leenalovepro/status/1806062646182953281


I doubt it. But I do not want to see the mental gymnastics and backwards ass logic his defenders would use in that scenario. EDIT: Oh, man. You guys are never going go believe what just came out about Doc!


Hey, they found porn like that on Alex Jone's phone because he had it on screen while he was doing a phobe rant, you never know with these guys.


The fans are circulating some super fake email they claim is from a twitch employee with a bunch of details they claim exonerate him. I think one of the details in that email is that the child in question was 17, but again the email is fake and their defense is pathetic.


I've seen that email. It is fake as all hell to the point it reads like something generated by AI.


I wouldn't bet against that it is...


My gut feeling is that whoever he was texting was probably young enough that it's inarguably a problem, even for people who want to argue about whether or not there's a grey area where it's occasionally okay


100%. Twitch wants to make money, they don't want this kind of drama. They have no reason to do that if he did not actually fuck up in a big way.


> even if she was 17, it doesn’t make it any less sickening I mean, it makes it a little less sickening than if she was even younger. Not any more ok, but we should be able to acknowledge there are degrees of sickening.


Even if it was someone that was 18 or 19 or even 20 it’s pretty gross to DM fans that are like half your age inappropriate things. Like is it illegal? Not necessarily. But it can still be plenty gross without being illegal lol.


Man, you just reminded me of when someone tried arguing at me that legality and morality are the same thing and that everyone uses them that way. What a weird fucker they were.


They probably said that until it was something they disagreed with lol


It happened in 2017, people are getting the numbers confused in their brains


Man, if it just happened in 2021 he'd be fine!


And in the YouTube sphere another drama thingy is going on right now. CodyKo was 25 when he had sex with Tana Mongoose, she was 17 at the time!


As they say: An ephebophile is a pedophile with a dictionary.


Hell some of the sources claimed 13.


There is a comment saying that the people mad about this have never been "tempted" in their lives. 🤮🤮🤮


Who was that Christian dude who wrote a poem to his young daughter telling her how hard it was to not rape her? Any time someone mentions "tempted" in this regard he's the first person I think of. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/nKPvnOrsPF) for those of you who are morbidly curious. It's worse than I remembered. Edit 2: Please stop telling me you wish you hadn't clicked. It's gross, we get it, simply upvote the other comments saying the same thing; I don't want any more notifications.


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read


There’s a place in Sydney Australia called The Gap. It’s a massive 50m tall cliff face overlooking the sharp rocks and treacherous sea below it. It’s effectively the eastern edge of Australia. Every year there’s about 50 suicides there. I am currently driving there as we speak. I just need some time to breathe. Humanity is wrong. Edit: I got a Reddit Cares message for this lol. Honestly fair


> It’s a massive 50m tall cliff face overlooking the sharp rocks and treacherous sea below it. Yeah we've got that in the states, too. Ours just sells khakis though. Still, kinda the same vibe I think.


I’ll admit there’s a very distinct brand of dread some of us can get at the Gap.


> The parts of your body that were dangerous grew in size and number. Wait, did his daughter have 3 breasts or something? Like the Total Recall woman ? That's wild.


ahh, just like Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six


new flair?




Updated the comment with a link.


I wish you didn't 🤢 


This is horrifying


What a terrible day to be able to read


Brother what is this 😭


That bond shared between a good Christian father and his daughter. You know, the rapey one.


If I ever read that a person had to look away while changing the diapers OF THEIR BABY CHILD BECAUSE THEY "don't want to hurt them", I will bomb a shopping mall I swear.


what the fuck


>You sat on my lap but it got confusing. The feelings grew. Some were off limits. Some could lead to other feelings. Some could lead to touching or other curiosities. ___ > You wanted a dad but got a priest. Hoooooly *shit*, put this man on an ice floe and cast him out to sea.


At least the priest part is accurate lmao


rehabilitative program NOW


Apart from everything else that's fucked up about that poem, it fucking astonishes me the denial these people live in about the sexual abuse issues in churches. If they really cared about protecting kids, they'd be keeping them away from priests and youth pastors, not drag queens. This guy is acting as if a priest is safe for a child when statistically it's the exact opposite.


As a father of 3 teenagers this made me ill.


Ewwww. Brother Ewww. What is that?


Oh dammit my brain automatically parsed that with that guy's voice 😂


Yeah that's staying blue forever


I've never had the sensation of regretting having eyes before. It's fascinating, in a way.


Good lord, why did I click on this link? I should have left it alone.


This makes my stomach legitimately churn


Diving deep into the creepiness, it actually sounds like Christianity saved his daughter from being raped. I think the guy stopped being Christian and is now a weird ass "spiritual" guy when he wrote that.


Yeah, he’s also the guy who made his 6 year old run a marathon


That's how I found his name. Fucking nut bag. The comments on that Instagram poem were creepy, too. Only like 2 called him out for being weird as hell.


Finally. A poem that makes me boak more than Ernest Clines poem. I never thought the day would come. I hate it.


Just when I thought I'd finally drank enough to forget I'd ever read that in the first place.


Thanks, I hate it.


....what the fuck


Man, sometimes I envy blind people.


Self-report honeypot


Self Roneyport


He even tried to throw in a jab at his audience with his line about being “desireable”… and that sub is eating it up. Truly insane group of people.


The one who said "pasty fat fucks on reddit have never felt the temptation of a female"?? Im sure hes the epitome of what women want 😂😂


Well they are correct, most sane people have never felt "tempted" like this


Which gets to the crux of why dipshits will jump to his defense, and why he'll find support pandering to the right: if this rich guy's facing creep consequences, then *they* surely will...quick, move the goalposts and loudly exclaim "it's no big deal I swear it's not that big of a deal".


I've been tempted to do a lot of bad things (though "fuck a child" isn't on that list) and like, I'm not a goldfish. I have free will and can choose not to do the thing. Like yeah, I've been tempted to murder my boss before, and I absolutely would be mad if someone else murdered their boss because I chose NOT to do it.


When I was in highschool 25 years ago, the dance team would have a carwash fundraiser. The members, all 15-18 years old would wear bikini tops under wet see through white T-shirts and cutoffs. It was a popular fundraiser with older men who had to know how old these girls were. With how common and accepted this shit is, I can see why someone would just assume everyone gets tempted by underage girls. Gross.


Holy shit America. Why were you like that?


The same old shit about dude in their late 20's dating barely legal girl and act like its fine becauaw "she look older then her age"


and even worse, it's upvoted


I mean, technically they're right... Indeed since I passed 19 or so I have not once been attracted to a minor.


Where are they even getting 17, no one actually involved said anything about the age.


Mind you he was 35 when that happened. Even IF they were 17, it's still inappropriate that a married man in his mid 30s with a kid, texted a minor inappropriately. Mind you it was the same year he cheated on his wife. How is that so hard to understand?


I've seen comments acting like 7 years is ancient history. 7 years ago is recent as hell. The only way I can think of that someone would find 7 years to be a long time is if they're themselves a child?


I'm sure some of his fans are adults, but I'd expect the bulk of them to be below 20, so it tracks.


Someone the other day in his sub said "a lot of his fanbase has grown up with him...." and thats just creepy to me in and of itself


It’s especially creepy considering the guy is in his 40s. Wtf do they mean grew up “with him”? He was almost 30 when he started, not some child star.


They mean they spent a lot of their formative years watching him, it’s not an uncommon phrase. I grew up with Jacksepticeye and Achievement Hunter, for example. Watched them mature over years of videos, got to watch Michael become a dad and how he changed.  Even if the people don’t know me, some of that stuff sticks with me still as I might be a father of my own soon


Yeah true, I took that phrase too literally there.


Someone getting caught doesn’t necessarily cause them to stop doing the thing, it often just causes them to be better at hiding it.


As far as I'm concerned, 2016 never ended, so it's actually very recent.


I was thinking twice about a 22 year old and I'm several years younger than he was at that time - IDK how one even entertains the idea of a teenager past like 25 tbh. Maybe for a super casual hookup but even then what do you talk about?


It's all imaginary damage control by his fanatics


It was brought up as a possibility by different people from both "sides" because its an age where it could possibly not be illegal depending on what state the 2 where located in together with being bad enough that twitch would drop him.


The claim is he was trying to meet this minor at twitchcon which in 2017 was hosted in California where yes, that would be a crime even if the minor in question was 17.


Twitchcon 2017? The same Twitchcon 2017 where he cheated on his wife? ಠ_ಠ


Because they have memorized the age of consent in all states, 17 is that spot that’s still a minor but disgustingly legal in a lot of states, and quite a few of them don’t care that something being technically legal can also be unethical and all around skeevy as fuck.


There was also a supposed email "leak", but I don't know if I trust that email, there's a lot of things that were pretty vague, timeline seems off, and it contradicts some things that have been admitted to. So I think going with "we still don't know her age" is the correct angle here.


Didn't he once imply that gay people are all groomers? And his fanbase applauded? Every conservative accusation is a confession.


ikr the irony in nick mercs separating himself from him is palpable


[it reminds me of this video](https://youtu.be/8S8PTc80cMs)


isn't he also the guy who was streaming from the inside of a public restroom with other people in it? how much is our broken society really going to allow from him


Projecting so hard he became a theater.


> As importantly, nearly all of the people calling him a pedo have never faced any significant amount of temptation from a female in their entire lives. Firstly, “feeeeeemale”. A female what? Elephant? Narwhal? Hamster? Secondly, this can fuck all the way the fuck off. How about a married man just doesn’t rather than implying women (well, girl, in this specific case) are temptresses and the poor guy is just a victim to their wily ways.


A female child, that's what. I almost can't blame him for not wanting to add the qualifier, his argument falls apart even more severely than it already did.


Whenever someone uses female in place of woman or girl it’s perfectly okay to disregard both their comment and opinion.


I hate how they always default to making their awful actions an inherently male thing. These guys make arguments about how natural it is for men to act this way and then get assmad that women are uncomfortable around them.


And the 'faced temptation from' positions the 'female' as the one responsible for the temptation. Really, it's just depressing to read that in 2024.


whenever someone says "Female" like that it reminds me of the [Ferengi](https://imgur.com/3rAaO2Y) from Star Trek


This comment thread and the fact that it got upvoted is completely disgusting: > It’s just mob mentality. There are way worse people out there doing worse things yet here we are. The imaginary line between 17 and 18 somehow means he should be stoned to death in the town square. I’d venture to say that most of the people saying ridiculous things and calling him a pedophile don’t even really believe it. >> As importantly, nearly all of the people calling him a pedo have never faced any significant amount of temptation from a female in their entire lives. This story has played out so many times it's literally a comedy skit. A bunch of fat losers sitting around on their bogus moral high horse, acting like they have the faintest idea how things are for someone who is actually desired by women. >>> He is so desired by all women that he has to text a minor? So of all the options he has, he prefers minors? Is that the argument? >>>> No, the argument is that pasty fat fucks on Reddit don't know how things are in the real world. >>>>> Because everybody would be hitting on children if they were famous?  >>>>> The fact you apparently believe this says more about you than anything. >>>>>> You are assuming it's the adult doing the hitting on. It's usually not, in cases like this. But who am I kidding, you're not interested in understanding anything, you're here to virtue signal and get your scalp. Carry on, it's not going to make any difference. Doc will be back, and all your whining won't have made any difference Aside from the first comment, all the subsequent ones defending having sex with kids and blaming it on the kids are from the same commentor. 


>You are assuming it's the adult doing the hitting on. It's usually not, in cases like this. *"it's all those slutty kids being whores the ones who are bringing the righteous streamers down"*


Being incredibly generous towards that argument... Yeah, sometimes minors hit on adults - they aren't exactly known for their wisdom and risk-awareness. When that happens, it's the responsibility of the person with the fully developed brain to either steer the interaction away from that, or stop it entirely. I swear it's the pedophile equivalent of "ok your honor I did toss the toddler into the tiger enclosure but in my defense he asked me to do it".


Yeah like, if a kid is hitting on you maybe the logical thing to do is not hit back on them? But I guess that's too much to ask.


I had a friend who worked at a convenience store when he was in his early 20's.  And there was some 13 year old girl who would always come in and try to hook up with him. He complained about it all the time, it happened on a regular basis... Bill comes in every morning to buy a newspaper, Susan comes in every evening to grab a pack of smokes, and Jessica comes in twice a week to try to have sex with me.  But yeah, you just say no, it's not that complicated. 


Jesus Christ they went full nambla


> No, the argument is that pasty fat fucks on Reddit don't know how things are in the real world. Actual quote from a prolific Reddit poster in a parasocial relationship with a video game streamer 


>temptation of a female in their entire lives. You hear that ladies! The temptation from your evil demon like femininity has cause this poor lost soul to lose his way of the path of righteousness!


I feel so powerful now


What these guys think women say after being sexually exploited and groomed from early adolescence:


Wow! I didn't even see that one. That is definitely the grossest comment.


>You are assuming it's the adult doing the hitting on. It's usually not, in cases like this. But who am I kidding, you're not interested in understanding anything, you're here to virtue signal and get your scalp. Carry on, it's not going to make any difference. Doc will be back, and all your whining won't have made any difference First off, someone needs to check this man's hard drive. And may God have mercy on whoever ends up doing it. Second, this is someone who has realized that they've just painted themselves into a corner with a really shitty argument. Instead of actually admitting what a shit argument he's just made and what it says about him, he just makes up some bullshit about how the other person obviously isn't arguing in good faith and how they're not going to argue anymore. It's something that plays very well with an audience as long as no one points it out. Predictable as the sunrise.


As they say, an ephebophile is just a pedophile with a thesaurus.


The same way "lolicon" is just Japanese for "pedophile".


There was actually an uproar when an anime translated that word to pedophile as if that's not literally how the word was used in that scene and in anime in general


I remember the one where people were defending the author/artist putting an adult personality into a child's body so that the viewer can watch them have sexual attraction to another child. There was an older one where people were arguing that 'lolicon' should not be translated because its japan culture even though the act of translation involves transposition into a meaningful concept that English speakers understand which is just "pedophile." The second one seems to be a problem in the animu community since time immemorial


keikaku means plan


Same way many gacha games have shit tons of young female child characters but absolutely no male ones……………………they know their audience. (edit: genshin wuwa star rail etc. male child characters don’t sell)


Fire Emblem games these days usually have a young boy character. Next to their standard assortment of lolis


Dude I played the old Fire Emblem games on Gameboy, liked the strategy and permadeath characters with backstory stuff. Played the Three Houses one. The protagonist is literally a groomer. He is the head of a school full of teens, then later on the teens have grown up and you can fucking date them. It's *so goddamn weird*. I mean technically you can choose to ignore the romance parts but they're constantly in your face. I couldn't even finish the second half of it. I don't understand how they went from just totally normal strategy game to Groomer Simulator.


I will say, Three Houses is actually easily my favourite FE game. And totally not because of the Groomer Simulator part, judge, I swear


I get that, the strategy part of the game was legit. I just could not handle the cringe. And I can't comprehend why or how that was made part of the game. Maybe I was missing hints of it in the older games but it really took me off guard.


You haven't played Awakening? Half that game is unironically child marriage arrangement simulator, and was so much more popular than the previous games that it completely changed the series


"She's not a child, she's a 1000-year-old dragon in the body of an 8-year-old!"


I think we have to acknowledge that this can be an argument, in very, very limited cases. Like, adult people who are perfectly mentally mature but whose bodies are for one reason or another underdeveloped shouldn't be banned from love and sex. Mental maturity is the deciding factor, and it's also what makes this a contentious issue, as that's hard to determine. That being said: my biggest issue with that "1000 year old dragon" scenario is that the character in question in the scenario, Milim from "Reincarnated As A Slime", retrained their child-like mind, making their age completely irrelevant and anyone using the argument just more of a pedo.


Look, this 1000 year old dragon vampire demon goddess witch robot really needs to look like a child and wear the skimpiest possible clothing, it’s like super important to the story. Story relevance: She’s pedo bait. That’s it. MC is a pedophile. No, he’s never called out for it and it’s treated as completely normal.


Shes not a child, she's an immortal vampire... ...and never being able to reach puberty drove her stark raving bonkers, so she kills and stuffs grown women out of envy.


As someone with enough Japanese to read a Japanese dictionary, the only sense in which "lolicon" is not consistently defined as to be a direct translation for "pedophile" is that it's gender specific. Contextually it's almost always the most apt translation. Some sources also list it as being someone who is *primarily or only* into little girls, because some parts of Japanese culture have...more leeway on that shit than you'd want, but that part is inconsistent.


I doubt the people that were mad about it were focusing on the gender aspects of it though. But I get what you are saying.


Oh for sure, it makes western weebs uncomfortable when characters they identify with, who are or are perceived to be attracted to little girl characters they're also attracted to (and often that the perspective of the show they're watching is frequently leering at), are identified by characters in their shows as something which serviceably translates as "pedophile", so they torture out misinformed rationalisation about why the word doesn't translate. I just wanted to be super clear about any minor definitional distinctions in the name of good faith discussion, and those are the 1.5 definitional distinctions, neither of which is relevant in a translation context.


It's right there in the word too, an ENGLISH PHRASE - Lolita Complex. The most famous paedophile victim in the history of literature, and a "complex" about her. Literally describing a paedophile. Lolicon is barely even a foreign word.


I wasn’t sure how to pronounce that word and had to look it up. In case anyone else is in the same boat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB9fwJDweaU


The ol' reliable.


Well I heard it more that an ephebophile ist just a libertarian pedophile.


So, a regular libertarian?


Should we criticize this guy in his 40s who already cheated on his wife? Nah. We trust him. He's a model citizen. Also let's pull out the transformers defense. Just for good measure.


Tbf he only needs to commit some fraud, bribe a prostitute or two and he'd be a perfect Republican presidential candidate.




That flair is amazing. Do you have a link to the thread it's from?


>It’s just mob mentality. There are way worse people out there doing worse things yet here we are. The imaginary line between 17 and 18 somehow means he should be stoned to death in the town square. That imaginary line is called the law, my dude. The Starving African Children defense is a bold strategy for defending a crime. It's never really worked and yet it keeps being used.


It seems weird that the person points out that there are other awful things in the world that should be focused on, but then continues to waste their time making an impassioned defense for a guy who was sexting a child rather than using that time to work on those other issues.


Somebody beneath that post asked the very important question if we know anything but that the victim is a minor. 17 is just grasping at straws to make it the least reprehensible breaking of said law. Come to think of it, doesn't the "the age of consent is lower elsewhere" brigade usually arrive to these posts as well?


they've arrived


Man, the "age of consent" argument is such a funny thing to argue from a moral standpoint. Like, legally it all indicates that he got away with it, they stopped him before a crime was commited so he's in the clear. But we're not talking law, reddit doesn't have the authority to condemn him in court or anything. But we do know that he had the intent to fuck that minor. And morally, that's all we need to know.


And it's not like he was near her age, he was THIRTY MOTHERFUCKING FIVE. I'm 35, and I swear I took a moment to think, could I ever EVER do this? Well, it so happens that I recently had a 17yo join my TTRPG group who I'm sure teenage me would have tried her best to seduce. I look a lot younger than I am, and he's got a ton of hormones, so maybe I could pull it off even now... If I were a creepy fuck, because *oh my god no just NO*. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. Because while he isn't technically a child, he's one from my perspective. Would not go near him now, or in a year, or in three years. What I might do is introduce him to my teen sister and hope for the best, because my family could use more nerds. So yeah I don't get it.


Also 35, can absolutely fucking confirm. Hell, about a decade ago, I was on my grad school's undergrad campus for business on the day the incoming freshmen were moving into the dorms. I was struck by how much like children they looked *then*. It would be absolutely unthinkable now.


Dude, I'm in my early 20s and whenever I see highschoolers, they are *noticeably* younger than I am. Mainly in the way they act.


When I was young, I remember looking up to 18 year olds and being like, "Wow! They're like, adults!" Later though, I went back to college in my early 30's. I had to take some Gen Ed courses, which meant I was in multiple classes with 18 year olds. I even had group projects with them, and a couple study groups. And man, believe me when I say - they are *children.* I was like, "How do they let you rent an apartment and pay bills and shit? You are a baby. Do your parents know you're here?" --- I even had a few of the girls try to flirt with me, and it made me feel so fucking comfortable.


> I was like, "How do they let you rent an apartment and pay bills and shit? You are a baby. Do your parents know you're here?" I was 6 months from my 18th birthday when I moved away for uni. No dorms in my corner of the world, so I rented a tiny flat. By which I mean my parents did, because everything was in their names since I wasn't old enough to sign a contract. And they were 700km away, so I was really *on my own*. I was a responsible kid and absolutely fine other than growing mold on too many unwashed dishes. But looking back now, I want to grab young me by the arm and yell "Who does this child belong to??".


I swear college kids look younger than we did when we were that age (I'm in my mid 40s). I was up on campus taking my 14 yo to cello lessons, and apparently it was bikini day. Couple hundred college ladies wandering around campus in bikinis. And all I was thinking when I saw them was "huh, that wasn't a tradition when I was here". Because these 20 year olds look like kids. I actually wanted to ask some of them "hey, is this a new thing for the last day of class?", but I figured they'd be happier just enjoying their day rather than answering questions from a random 40 something dude.


Part of it is you not remembering how young you looked, but there's also a trend of people in newer generations looking younger for their age. Less time spent outside, more sunscreen, less smoking, better nutrition, all contribute to that. I've seen pictures of my grandmother at my age, and she looked a good 15 years older than me (grandma had a *rough* early life).


A lot of it too, as an older guy, is just not really even knowing how to gracefully decline these advances. I'm not even the best looking guy, but being 37 in a long-term committed relationship, the amount of attention and advances I'll get from younger co-workers, like 19-22 yo, is wild. This is coming from a guy who was pretty much invisible in this 20's, like most dudes really. A lot of us never had to develop the skill of declining without making things awkward.


>Come to think of it, doesn't the "the age of consent is lower elsewhere" brigade usually arrive to these posts as well? They have been there since his initial admittance of inappropriate messages, some dude even said "the age of consent is 15 in Sweden and 16 in California, so whose to know which one is right and which one is wrong" 🤢🤢🤢


What’s funny is they want it both ways - the law is just an imaginary line that doesn’t dictate morals, but also he didn’t do anything illegal so they don’t have to care.


Also, being 18/19 does not magically make it okay either, when he's so much older and a celebrity. There is a reason why a certain actor is scorned for changing 18 yo gfs like gloves even if he does not do anything illegal.


Even if the minor was actually 18 (which Dr.Disrespect confirmed himself it was a "minor individual"), what the fuck was he doing sexting someone that could be her daughter? That's just really weird.


I hate people who make the stance of “imaginary line” There is always a line somewhere. It where we as a society collectively agreed that line to be. Legally I don’t give a fuck if she was one hour away from being 18. Neither would my county prosecutors. They’d still hit his ass for statutory rape or sexual misconduct with a minor (since it seems it was only sexting.)


So if she had just turned 18 does "barely not a pedophile" sound great because the imaginary line worked in your favor? He's still twice her age.


18 and 35 is creepy. 17 and 35 is creepy and illegal. Not entirely sure what the problem is.


Oh boy, it's been a while since I've seen this specific flavor of drama It's like having a meal you haven't had in a while but didn't realize you still liked Except instead of joy it just fills me with sadness


Ughh this guy again? Can we ignore him already? He is vile & his defenders are just as so.


He's a nonce. Fin


Why are so many streamers nonces or racists?


It's the shitty schrodingers box of are they just people who get off on accumulating social power and abusing it and it's not exclusive to specific categories, or do they have deeper problems that were normalized by edgy upbringings, media, or communities they were part of.


I kinda regret looking at that sub. The number of people making the most bizarre reaches defending this guy is insane.


> Fact: the Doc confessed to inappropriately messaging a minor. > >What other facts should I be waiting for? Ouch.


nononono, guys, I swear, you don't understand, he's the less-bad kind of predator


The asmongold sub is also on this train. 60% are saying "It's not a big deal, who cares?!" Or some kind of "Why didn't he just stay quiet? It could've gone away" like THATS a good option at all, 10% are smart and saying doc is an idiot/creep/etc and 30% are making jokes about Drake or DD's name


I’ve never seen a fanbase fall off as hard as Asmon’s


Very on brand for asmond fans in 2024. Honestly I imagine there's a good amount of viewership overlap.


Dr. Disrespect is a total sexpest creep and I wish I could somehow block/filter his name from my home feed. 


Is that sub allergic to admitting the truth?


It’s like they are going through stages of grief (bargaining and denial), but it’s over the infamy of a D-level YouTuber so it’s hella pathetic lol.


Can we just make a megathread for DrDisrespect drama? Shit's not just contained to his sub, I'm seeing fighting on Livestreamfail and presumably related subs.


> I do agree that words matter, labels matter. Creep, groomer, sicko, ephebophile, yep, sure. Pedophile, absolutely not. Once you’re getting into semantics, you’ve already lost the plot.


If you get into the technical details of the specific terminology depending on the age range, you're fckin weird.


I don't get it. Do the grown adults who, when they see a story about a man in his mid 30's sexting someone he admits was a minor at the time, come rushing in to debate technicalities on age of consent in different countries and exact terminology, genuinely believe they are ever going to come out looking good from that argument?


My bet is mostly no self awareness, and some debate bros.


some streamer's community with a girls name if you know you know


On no occasion did it help that he provided a platform for pedophile streamer with girl in his name


Do we even know it’s a she? I thought the minor was anonymous


No they’re just assuming. They’re spinning a narrative that it’s a 17 year old girl to make him look better.


> Most calling him a pedophile are doing it while listening to R Kelley and watching Rick and Morty I know nothing about this person or this fanbase....but I highly doubt such people could even name five R Kelly songs. That was one of the most wildest things I've read scrolling through Reddit so far today as it cracked me up. Furthermore, as a grown man, this notion of "well state law says...." should be thrown out the window. 18 should be the true minimum. Those 16/17 laws are generally for adults, but it's really for protecting that high school senior from getting their lives messed up from dating a high school sophomore (18/16). If you're in your 20's+...a 16/17 year old shouldn't be on your radar, respectfully.


Definite agree. The thing people pointing at age of consent rules of 16-17 are kind of missing is that someone still isn't considered the age of majority at that point and most of those evolved from laws about parental consent for marriage (itself a whole bucket of iffy worms). There's still adult things someone under 18 is considered unable to do such as enter into contracts, get credit cards, open bank accounts, and so on, and if people don't see how that sets up inherent power dynamic problems then I don't know what to tell them. We're saying that a kid couldn't even call an uber to get away if they needed to, that's not a defensible relationship.


What a developing hill to die on. 😅


The Dr. Disrespect sub and the Drake sub sound like they have a lot in common these days.


Oh my god that subreddit is insane. I never thought they’d devolve into pedophile talking points. There is a very high chance the fuckers defending him and upvoting the comments defending him have some vile shit on their computers.


Is there a difference between someone who is attracted to someone to someone who is 17 vs. someone who is prepubescent? Yes. And realistically, the term ‘pedophile’ classically refers to the latter, not the former. Is acting on either one of them okay? No. They are both morally reprehensible.


"technically it was a spree killing, a mass murder is..."


the moment you throw your hat into this debate you have already lost it


What ? An other "protect the kids" guy turn out to be a pedo ? What a surprise ...


Its always the same old shit of "she look old for her age" every fucking groomer i've known pull this excuse and then procede to call people pedo for dating full grown adult who look young


That train pulled in right on time...


I called it. I knew it was only a matter of time, and not much of it.




I fucking ***knew*** that was coming; it's Reddit's favorite way to defend their favorite internet personalities. For as much as the QAnon types scream about kids being raped in underground tunnels, they're almost *always* the ones playing this card when someone they like gets busted sexting the kinder.


If you’re pulling it out of the colloquial meaning, he is neither. Both require exclusive attraction to that age group. He’s just a creep with power, and did what creeps in power are wont to do.