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You will still have to climb steel structures and do a tower rescue. How are you at operating a shovel? There’s a lot of shoveling to be done as an apprentice sub tech. I think the gym is your best bet, and work on your diet. I’m not sure how you’re built but diet and exercise could do a lot for all types. With that being said… I feel like you’re wasting time on the stair master. Do squats and go for a speed walk or a light jog with extra weight. Even an extra 15-20 lbs. that will definitely help, and you gotta push yourself further each time instead of just stopping to rest


I’ll mix in some squats and deadlifts twice a week. I’m just excited to hear some apprentices don’t climb much (depends on the utility I guess) otherwise im good with a shovel. I still need to get in stellar shape though. A lot can happen over the next 2.5 months


I was a civil subtech in socal for 4 years never saw a subtech climb anything inside a substation. Overhead work was done with ladders and man lifts. Not advisable to climb on hot equipment….


God can I work for you there? I don’t care where it is… but as long as I climb minimally, I’ll be there


Sub techs climbing? That's a new one for me. Our sub techs climb a ladder to get on a transformer and that's it.


Right. Our running joke is "don't climb no poles or dig no holes." Fly everything else in a bucket or rent a lift.


We climb lattice structures in the utility I work for, shit sometimes we’re climbing poles that have SCADA equipment that we can’t reach with the bucket trucks


Interesting the differences between utilities! OP, pretty simple what you have to do. You know what it is, calories in/out and free weight exercises. 3 months can be a game changer.


I’m doing cardio every day now and cleaning up my diet. No more processed shit and more veggies. 210lbs @ 6’0”. Not fat, just out of shape . Definitely not skinny or fit thougg


Yeah, definitely not fat at all.


They have to climb a lattice structure at Albat about 80 feet and rescue a dummy.


We have a pole top rescue too but I think at only 35 or 45 feet


Finish the school than go from there. I’ve seen some big guys pass that test. You can do it if you want it bad enough


I’ll do my best. I’m sure I will keep improving. It’s good to hear that some places don’t climb much. I I hope I can get into one of those places


We don’t climb where I’m at but I wouldn’t have the position I do if I gave up on line school. give it your all and they will see


I will. Thanks for the encouragement.


I feel NLC is only good for utilities. If you still want to be a lineman at other JATC’s I feel it shouldn’t be a problem. Subtechs also seem like a great alternative. I had the same problem as you with the climbing.


Did you end up doing sub tech work? Did you graduate from NLC? What would you recommend for me? JATC or utility apprenticeship?


Are you saying you can go only up and down 1 time in 7 minutes ?


I was exhausted after doing another task. I gave up after one and didn’t want to go again. I’ll be trying again this Monday. I’m sure I can do more but not all 5 in 7 minutes


Never heard of substation electrician that climbed. Bucket truck, breakers, Transformers, yes. Maybe I misunderstand are you a comm Tech?


Never worked in blue collar before. Changing careers from accounting by starting with NLC then going for groundman while I look for substation apprenticeships


I don’t think a stair master will help you. Are there any rock climbing gyms in your area? That would be my first suggestion.