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Brian Cox has always had a “no fucks given” vibe in his opinions but since Succesion has gone Super Saiyan and levelled up


I wonder if he harnesses some of the boldness in his Logan Roy character here. It sure as fuck isn't his Captain O'Hagen character from Super Troopers.


I don’t think if he’s intentionally harnessing his character. I think he knows he’s at the apex of his career/popularity and when you combine that with being on the later end of life, you get a man who says the things he’s always wanted to say


O’Hagen was 2 time navy boxing champion, and he was indeed drunk enough to kick Grady’s ass.


Tag em and bag em




It's also been studied that in aging people, the barrier between thinking something vs. saying/doing it starts to go away. That's why so many old people seem so blunt (also horny).


We start out that way as well. Just another similarity between children and the aged.


It's my caricature of him because it's all I've seen of his acting besides Stryker in X-men


OMG, I didn't realize that's Brian Cox who plays O'Hagan. Damn! Definitely a versatile actor!


*"You're not a serious Saiyan, Kakarot!"*


He’s interesting. You can’t accuse the guy of being an ideologue or blind partisan, and he seems very genuine and honest about his views. From time to time, people in this sub post an example of some right wing opinion he has, as if it’s such a shock and a crime that Cox isn’t purely aligned with their view of the world. Then people will make posts about some left wing opinion, shocked that a guy can have opinions that don’t fall neatly in line with one side or the other. He’s always struck me as a classic liberal, who doesn’t buy into every single thing younger liberals are selling. Regardless, he could never be accused of not speaking his mind.


He's an avowed socialist and has been for decades.


I can’t say I’m surprised. Still, he does get in trouble with liberals from time to time. Like backing JK Rowling, or criticizing universities banning controversial speakers.


Sure he does. Leftists of all stripes, including socialists, disagree with liberals all the time. Although Cox's specific brand of "give the bigots a platform, even if we disagree" is more of a generational divide than a purely ideological one, I think.


Young people have figured out that platforming is powerful and lasts decades. Corporations keep propping up liars and scam artists all the time because it brings in ratings and/or promotes the neoliberal agenda. It is very rare when a progressive gets on anything without it being a 1 vs 3 debate to try to embarrass that person.


What makes you think he disagrees with JKR?


Brian Cox "defended" JK Rowling because even if he doesnt agree with her, she has the right to say those things, i tend to agree with them but for other reasons, for me is about strategy, the less time you gave to those fuckers the most inefective they are. It was the same with Jordan Peterson, the liberal press keep giving him venues to speak his MLM bullshit and try to "own" him in a interview, the result totally backfired because in the end you only give tribune to those fuckers, free publicity and some of them are eloquent enough and that is what really want because at the end of they they are selling their bullshit and there enough stupids out there who pay good money for some book about lobsters and other stupid things. I am a old school leftist, for me the real thing is "class struggle", i honestly say that if find so annoying that liberal brand of virtue signaling that in the end it doesnt change a fucking thing. The problem is that today, basically democrats and republicans agree that we must have the most savage capitalism posible, so, in order to have their bases fired up they invest all the energy discussing bathrooms and other cultural things. But you dont hear them discussing unions, minimum wage, corporations and the rest. Off course if you say that you are interesed in class struggle, unions, universal healthcare you are inmediatily branded by centrists as a racist bernie bro, hard left and so on.


I couldn’t agree more. I feel the same exact way. The capitalist class has embraced identity politics for a reason, and it’s not because they care about women or the LGBT, or racial justice. They know that the more time people spend finding amongst themselves over pronouns and bathrooms, the less time they’re spending thinking about wealth inequality, worker’s rights, or global warming. They want the left fighting the right on social issues, but they also want the left fighting the left as well. Classic divide and conquer bullshit and it works very, very well. I’m also very pro-free speech. People should be able to say whatever they want without the threat of violence. For some on the left (not the majority), that’s a problem. I remember seeing protestors being extremely aggressive with some anti-trans athlete giving a talk at a college. That shit is not acceptable. Protest all you want, but when it devolves into violence, you’ve already lost the battle. Another example is people harassing streamers who played that recent Harry Potter game because of JKR’s anti-trans remarks. JKR is a pos, but the amount of bullying against people who like wizard games was just so wrong. It’s literally impossible to live a life of virtue without sin, to consume art without *some* problematic artists, or to perfectly ethically consume under capitalism. You can like the Harry Potter books and disagree with JKR, you can like the Beatles but not endorse Lennon’s domestic violence, you can watch Succession and not support Dasha Nekrasova’s pro-Trump views. All the identity politics puritans are distracting from the things that matter most. You can support racial equality, gender equality, and LGBT rights and *not* drive people away by policing their every action. The goal should be a big tent. That means accepting people who might not agree with your every ideal.


>JKR’s anti-trans remarks \[citation needed\] Defending the rights of women and refusing to conflate trans-women with them is not anti-trans or hatred.


This is why the right wing use stuff like “gender issues” to try and divide progressives and people “on the left”. People are like “what you don’t entirely have the exact same views as me? Clearly my problem is now with you rather than the corporate fascist overlords destroying our lives and the planet through their neoliberal capitalism”


Yep. The left’s biggest problem has always been cannibalism. Pretty sure Logan literally has a line in the show about it. Called us “fucking savages” I believe lol


Completely agreed. The capitalist class loves nothing more than for the left to self cannibalize itself over gender and race issues, and not to think too hard about wealth inequality or worker’s rights. The sad part is, most liberals agree on the basics. There is only conflict between people who are progressive and people who are super duper extra special progressive. It’s the worst type of getting bogged down in the details and missing the big picture.


Universities shouldn’t ban any speakers. It’s the point of a university. It points to faculty being incompetent in their main job which is to inculcate critical thinking skills. They don’t trust that they’re doing a good enough job.


I don't know about bans- let's instead consider, should a university be obligated to provide its limited platform space to *whomever* wants it? Universities *generally* do not throw speaking events for random homeless folks and working moms- whenever a university hosts someone, it is implicitly endorsing that person by providing them access to a limited space. I think universities should absolutely take that responsibility seriously, and since it seems probable that they *can't* give a platform to everyone, they should focus on excluding people whose messages are deeply anti-social, intellectually dishonest, or otherwise misleading. Among other things, a university provides a veneer of legitimacy to the people they host- and if they don't, then that's a very deep problem for them, one that won't be remedied by letting every Rogan, Tate and Prager take the mic in public.


Why are you starting this debate here


Duh! Liberals hate socialists lmao.


Rowling is not herself a socialist, so in general I don't think we should look for partisan cohesion in Cox's choice to support her. Cox backing Rowling is not Cox "doing socialism" and so I don't think we can explain liberals getting mad at him as a case of "liberals hating socialists." I'd actually characterize Cox's support for Rowling as fundamentally liberal in its logic as it rests on presumptions of individual free speech and the emergent edifying power of free discourse (i.e., the market place of ideas), though "liberal" in the sense of classically liberal, and subsuming both the conservative and liberal sides of American politics.


More likely he just agrees with her, which is why he attacked her "woke" critics. People get so stuck on the "UK is more leftwing" thing that they don't notice that even the labor party over there doesn't defend the trans community.


Oh, absolutely. I didn't mean to dismiss that as his true motivation, simply stating that his stated rationale isn't a socialist one. But you're 100% right- we are talking about an older man from a country that features some especially rabid transphobia. It would be naive to just take his statements at face value without considering his motives more deeply. (And I say this from America, itself a place where transphobia is widely normalized.)


It is incredibly rare that Universities ban speakers - they cancel talks when they devolve into riots.


I think it sort of depends on the speaker, and the university. But you’re right, the threat of violence breaking out is probably the reason the vast majority of times. Cox has been a pretty vocal free speech absolutist, which a lot of old liberals definitely were. He/they grew up in a time when conservatives were cracking down on free speech, especially when that speech was about racial equality and worker’s rights. He’s made a lot of comments deriding “cancel culture”, which imo he seems to think is more of a problem than it actually is. Canceling Kanye doesn’t seem to have actually cancelled him, for example. As far as universities specifically though, it is a shame that some speakers get cancelled over concerns about violence breaking out. People should be challenged with different views in college, and while you have the right to protest, everyone should be able to do that without it devolving into a riot. I’m all for a rowdy demonstration, I’ll even defend the riots after George Floyd was murdered. But some controversial person giving a talk on campus? I agree with Cox, that should be possible without threats of violence being a concern.


Ironic, because cancel culture is just people exercising free speech to all say that someone sucks... 


Exactly. The very definition of “big enough and ugly enough”


I’d say all the shit I haven’t yet said too if I only had a handful of years left


Good for Brian. Maher clearly isn't comfortable being challenged, and when he is he gets smugly condescending. No curiosity or self awareness.


I love the look on his face


>he gets smugly condescending I thought that was his default.


It is. He’s so insufferable


Maher has been turning atheists into agnostics for decades now


I used to be an atheist but enough exposure to Maher had me joining the priesthood out of sheer spite


Same I am a certified monk now thanks to Maher




That's cause Maher's got the same understanding of Athiesm as a teenager on r/Athiesm trying to rebel against their family. And I say this as someone who's had problems with their family due to religion. Despite Maher claiming to be a "nuanced" debater, his view on everything is incredibly black and white. Sure, religious extremism can bring many societal problems, but he's got a stuck up, childish understanding of athiesm, and cannot possible fathom that a religious person can still be a good person. He blames every political conflict in the Middle East on Islam, because thats easier than analyzing decades of western imperialism, radical shifts in government, and understanding that religious radicalization is usually a *symptom* of political issues, not the *cause*.


Bravo! Well said my friend.👍😊


If he even lets his guests get a word in


I'd be interested to see Maher's opinion of Netanyahu before October 7th. I feel like some of the people who were criticizing Netanyahu before Hamas attacked are suddenly defending him quite a bit


Maher keeps saying anyone who expresses concern over the military destruction of Gaza is a supporter of Hamas. I have never seen anyone say they support Hamas. Just a gas light statement by people who fully support Israel.


And he wonders why no one wants him at their parties


Who will win tony first ??? Sarah or jeremy


Maher for all his bluster is never comfortable being challenged it’s one of his worst qualities. 


Anyone calling out authoritarians gains my full respect 🫡


Fully agree!


Maher is such a useless windbag, literally nothing of value to offer.


Bill Maher feels like a Succession character.


Somehow, I think Hugo would be a good equivalent😂


Carolina, is that you?


Can't disagree, he is so unlikeable and so desperate to be an edgelord.


I always say how I grew out of Bill Maher before I finished high school. Hes had the same shtick for decades: edgy political comedian that hates religion.


But somehow is a Zionist.


His Islamophobia is more important to him than his atheism.


Anyone ever watch that terrible Cannibal Women movie he was in?


"Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death"! I watched it with a friend on a trip and we laughed our asses off. I bought the DVD to send to a friend. I think we stumbled onto it on Netflix or something. It was an Elvira movie. The new Elvira is insufferable though.


I also don’t fully understand what his views are?


He just loves money. Like Joe Rogan.


I've never seen a guy perform a one man ciricle jerk. He's is a loathsome arrogant self righteous piece of shit.


Man I feel like we've been saying this for over 20 years, yet he's still on the air. Why? Who's his audience?


Angry, bitter people with superiority complexes. There's a lot of them around.


> superiority complexes That is the one common trait i've noticed from his fans.


I am. It’s not so much that I love Bill Maher (I’m fine with him; I get that his schtick can grate on people, but I think he’s funny often enough, and I’m used to his persona) as that I like the format. I like watching people with different ideas talk about stuff. I like that Maher cares about free expression. I don’t agree with everything he says or thinks, but I watch the show. I’ve been doing it since college. It’s almost more a tradition now.


I used to watch him. I’d put him in the same category as a Howard Stern or Joe Rogan. Not afraid to be controversial, or to have actual arguments or debates with guests. Interviews on his show are at least usually interesting. The same cannot be said for a lot of other shows where it’s usually a liberal host interviewing a liberal guest, or a right wing host interviewing right wing guests. They’re always such boring circle jerks.


You said it. How did this man get popular?


I love that Brian has continued to speak up for Palestinians. Idk if this has been posted here, but Hiam Abbass (Marcia) made a documentary about her experience leaving Palestine to pursue acting and then return visits back. [Bye Bye Tiberias](https://tiff.net/events/bye-bye-tiberias)


You don't even need to be in favour of Palestine. You just need to be against indiscriminate murder of children and blatant genocide. That's too much for some people to condemn though - US, UK and Germany all have blood on their hands again.


Genuinely frustrating how this issue has been spun. Like, obviously there is important discussions to be had about Israel and Palestine but at the moment it feels like we should all universally be agreeing that you can’t devastate a city, kill, starve, displace the hundreds of thousands of people who live there for the sake of 130 hostages. Yet apparently even saying that makes you antisemitic


It was never about the hostages. They would have done the exact same thing if no hostages had been taken, if anything they would have done *worse*.


Well it depends if you think some lives are more valuable than others. Obviously a lot of people don't value Palestinians lives. 


The answer is pretty simple. Israel has nukes and Israel buys arms from, yes, you guessed it, US, UK etc. So once again - follow the money.


The united states was heavily involved in a similar conflict with tens of thousands of civilian dead and multiple devestated cities against a very similar enemy less than a decade ago, to wide popular and international support. Has everybody forgotten?


Less than a decade ago? Forgive my ignorance or memory lapse but what conflict are you talking about? Libya?


Well, you do need to be in favour of Palestine.


This looks great. Gonna give it a watch. Thank you!


Thanks for this!


thank you for sharing! hiam is brilliant and does some really admirable work. it’s so vital to support and uplift palestinian artists right now


Oh wow! Thanks for the suggestion.


Saw it at Big Sky Doc Fest, beautiful and heartbreaking portrait of place, especially, considering the state of her home today.


To be fair Israelis don’t like Bebe either. It’s the zealot sector in Israel that keep him in power.


But 57% of israelis polled said that he was not using ENOUGH force in his genocidal war on Gaza. When he leaves power he will be replaced by another extremist. The greatest weapon against these extremists is an international boycott of Israel. To show that Israel cannot continue to wage war against an (almost) defenceless population without serious consequences.


In many (most?) US states, advocating for anything resembling the BDS (Boycott Divest Sanction) movement will make someone ineligible for a state job. Israel learned from the global movement against apartheid in South Africa to censor BDS activism on college campuses in the US.


I saw a short (pretty sure YouTube) documentary about this and it completely changed my world view. I tried finding it again but didn’t have any luck, but it’s truly eye opening. If anyone knows what I’m talking about it, please post a link. They go undercover and expose the machine that’s working to undercut our first amendment right. Abby Martin is another good one to look into, she’s done important work in this area and I believe even got some of these laws overturned.


I’ve been hearing that line for literally 25 years, and yet here he is, still the PM of that country. When he steps down or is voted out, he will be replaced by someone from that growing zealot sector. There’s no left wing left in that country, and a significant % of the population there is now even more radical than BiBi. Look no further than what members of his cabinet have said in recent months—their intentions are clear. He’s in his 70’s and this “war” is his swan song. There will be a “mission accomplished” banner at his retirement party on some exotic island thousands of miles from the scenes of his crimes.


Netanhayu is the longest servin prime minister in Israel history, say what you want about him, but he is honest about what he thinks about the palestinians and how they should be treated, same can be say about his coalition partners; that bullshit argument that in Israel there is a powerful liberal oposition to Netanhayu is bullshit, there is a reason why he keeps winning elections: most of israelis share his views. What upsets many pro israel people about Netanhayu, is not that he is corrupt fucker, is that he says the quiet part loud in contrast to lets say the labour party who keep quiet about it.


The more I see interviews with Brian, the more I feel like he wasn't acting in the show lol. But yeah I'm surprised people still watch Maher tbh.


I'm surprised people ever watched him personally. He's a fucking hack.


He has elevated bothsides-ism to an art form.


Has he? He has people from both sides on, but he's very forthright in his views and he's made it abundantly clear what side he's on for the coming election and every recent one.


He is a neo liberal masquerading as a liberal


If one side wants to exterminate people just because of who they are that side shouldn't get a platform.


Who has he had on who wants to exterminate people?




Bill Maher had an interview on his podcast with Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and was a total douche. Tried to look cool by smoking a cone (Billy is not a big druggie and did not partake) and proceeded to interrupt and talk over him. Billy Corgan was a champ in the podcast to put up with Bill Maher.


When I think about the definition of being a prick, I have a hard time thinking anyone fits the bill better than Bill Maher.


Man, it is really saying something if Maher can interview legendary asshole and newfound wrestling promoter *[Billy Corgan](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/billy-corgan-appearance-alex-jones-show/)* and *still* look like the out of touch D-Bag in the room.


Older Billy Corgan is much less of an asshole now than as his earlier years.


Beg to differ. lol He’s become a far right weirdo. That article about him appearing on InfoWars is from *2022.* And he’s gotten involved with professional wrestling, which, nothing wrong with that. But he’s been almost exclusively a negative force in the industry, had a very ugly public falling out over TNA, which led to their bankruptcy and sale, taking away the NWA belts which gave their franchise credibility, as he bought NWA back in 2017, did nothing with it, and is now turning into a reality tv show cash grab about him as “a wrestling promoter.” From the wiki excerpt of the Alex Jones interview, which you can watch if you want: [“In an interview with radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones in 2016, Corgan voiced discontent with "social justice warriors", comparing them to Maoists, cult members, and the Ku Klux Klan, and calling their actions a threat to freedom of speech.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Corgan) Dude is a loon.


lol you have to be a real asshole to make billy corgan look like the polite one - what a testament to maher’s absolute smarminess 


Unfortunately Billy corgan is more unhinged than even maher


The thing that always gets me about that show is the audience clapping like seals. Maher says something unbelievably smug, wrong, and arrogant, and the audience... claps and cheers? Do they have a sign telling people to clap or something?


I think all live studio shows have a laughter or clapping sign for the audience. You're right though that his show is just a giant fart smelling fest about how correct him and audience thinks they are.


I used to direct Brian as a voiceover in advertising. He was not acting.


Was it for his McDonald’s ad?


It was not ! But he does do those


Yeah once I wasn’t an edgy 21 y/o atheist anymore I realized Maher was lame. Then Russiagate broke him then cancel culture broke him then vaccines book him even more and he’s pretty much just a republican now. Especially with how he talked about the actors/writers strike.


it's a 9 second clip 😂


Yeah I was like, what is he getting riled up about? Maybe if they show a longer clip lol


[Full video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0yftawR0GM&t=1s)


10 seconds is enough Bill Maher to melt the brain of any grown adult, hence his fandom


Don't fuck with a Scot.


Israeli here. Netanyahu is most definitely a liar and can go to Miami and spank his son


Bill Maher supposedly [fired his agent because he didn't get invited](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/bill-maher-fires-caa-oscar-party-snub-1235853885/) to a party. Not related to this clip but should never lose a chance to highlight what a self-important, useless d-bag he is.


Not even his agent, his entire agency😂


What was Maher saying before this?


So fucking spicy, so true


He won't be on again. Bill maher is a snowflake who doesn't bring on people to challenge his discourses.


At this point it has to be common knowledge


I was a HUGE fan of Maher’s up until a few years ago when I couldn’t overlook his clear bias against Muslims and younger generations. Especially for an avowed atheist who rails against religion. Like, criticize them all if that’s your bag but he specifically and routinely attacks Islam. If I’m anything it’s lapsed catholic but his selective outrage is uncomfortable. Particularly in light of the many struggles ordinary Palestinians face just existing within Israel’s borders - there is no freedom when comings and goings(figuratively and literally) have to be cleared by another nation. Bill always leaned liberal/progressive but the last 8 or so years has been shouting at trees like a boomer more and more. We should’ve seen this coming 20 years ago when he was proudly calling Ann Coulter a personal friend.


Yep that’s pretty much me and he’s an Israel apologist to boot. His unabashed hatred of Muslims and Islam and his whining about young people and their attitudes got me. He’s my age and epitomizes everything wrong with out -of- touch boomers. I hope to never be considered like him just because of my age.


I’ve hated that slimy prick since I’ve become aware of him. Yuck


Can’t stand Maher


He’s my age and is the epitome of old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn. He’s awful and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.


King shit! Love you, Brian Cox


Is there a link for the entire interview/conversation?


This clip is from like 4 years ago, yeah? I tried searching for the full but and the most recent time I’m seeing him on the show is March of 2020.


Maher was always a smug prick but I agreed with a lot of his opinions & he had some good guests on his show. However, since around the time covid hit he's turned into a truly insufferable douche


I’ve never understood the bill Maher love, he sounds like a prick


Hes another one of those countless gen X/boomer comedians who went through the "peaked 2 decades ago" to "complaining about cancel culture bc their 2000s era jokes arent funny anymore" pipeline


He legit said nothing here in this short clip. How does he sound like a prick?


Overall, from his entire media presence


God Bill Maher is such a prick


He didn’t want to have any inner dialog because that’s lazy writing. https://youtu.be/KQgHNnlmErg?si=mYOPZpS3eEW2u3N3


I didn't realize people disliked Maher this much (outside of the nut jobs on the far right/left, of course).


I remember watching this the night it originally aired. The very next day was the first time I heard his voice on a McDonald’s commercial.




“Uhhhhhhhhhhh” That was great.


Brian Based Cox


HOLY SHIT I did not expect Cox to be this based!


Please copy/paste, spread awareness. The president could stop this with the stroke of a pen. >The Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (Title II of Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 94–329, 90 Stat. 729, enacted June 30, 1976, codified at 22 U.S.C. ch. 39) gives the President of the United States the authority to control the import and export of defense articles and defense services. The H.R. 13680 legislation was passed by the 94th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 38th President of the United States Gerald R. Ford on June 30, 1976.[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arms_Export_Control_Act Israeli General ADMITS War OVER Without US Weapons https://youtu.be/iTXWIi6pwWg?si=j3lMq79JBQ-L9kuD


so much respect for Brian Cox


Maher seems like the type of person who would dismiss someone providing a sound view simply because they are neither rich or famous. He's a grody human.


Brian is the epitome of THE GOAT


I am slightly embarrassed to say I used to like Maher. I cannot understand why he is on the air now. He’s unfunny and I’m unsure who politically he appeals to. My sense is he was a mediocre comedian who found a gimmick in the 90s focusing on politics and he has tried to ride that train ever since being neither much of a comedian or much of a political mind. I’ve stopped watching anything he is associated with a few years ago, but watched this short clip and was not disappointed to see Cox annihilating him.




Legend. Dead right.


Love Cox. I can't stand Bill.


Yes! Fuck Bill Maher to hell This makes me love Brian Cox even more


Brain Cox


Bill Maher is a fucking moron


Ba da ba ba ba


I definitely wouldn't say "riled". I've watched Bill since the 90s and that's just what he does when he's thinking and going to challenge what someone is saying. But he's a bit older and pot has taken its toll so he's slower at it. He first agreed with Cox that the world is run by liars, but when he said Netanyahu, Bill was going to interrupt him to likely qualify that blanket statement and half agree about Netanyahu


I mean, at his age, with such a career, what he has got to lose anyway? Good thing he speaks up without using catchphrases and slogans, if only more actors were using their intelligence and influence like this...


Look at the way his little face drops when he calls Netanyahu a liar.


Tell them to fuck of.


The BALLS on Logan Roy to call them Liars


I find that at the end of every cycle, it seems that the most useless people have sucked their way to the top and have completely saturated the entire system. They wring their way in, ruin everything and when people get sick of their shit, they pack up and go somewhere else to spread their cancer. The world isn't ruled by liars per se, we just keep allowing the most incompetent to climb and incompetent people tend to lie more imo.




Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists all bubbled up at the same time. There’s always been but now every government is in the world economic forum there’s about 2000 of them.


You can take the boy out of Dundee!!


Love Brian Cox


It’s interesting to see that such clips are now rare on this show, but conservative and neoliberal talking points are so regularly given, no one can identify which of them were given from one week to the next.




Amazing how much it seems current, given his mentions of Putin and Netanyahu. And yet, this is from march 2020. He really knew his shit.




I like the way he said "liar".


Gonna fuck around and get me to watch Maher's show again.


Wtf, did Maher have a problem with Netanyahu being called a liar? jfc Bill.


Bill Maher is such a smug dolt who thinks he’s way smarter than he actually is. He’s just a nepo-baby who filled the niche of “Bill O’Reilley for the left”


Fuck Bill Maher…. sociopath, zionist, racist, Genocide advocate.




Biden lair


you know bill mahr isn’t vibing the chat if his head isn’t bobbing disingenuously at the points youre making.


Yeah no shit. Biden. Liar. Trump. Liar. Rulers always lie


Maher is the best "im not jewish....BUT" jew i have ever seen. Also fuck bill maher.


So that clown Maher was trying to 'huuuuugh' deny a provable statement, with multiple evidence?


If he also acknowledged Biden and leaders from the west as liars I would be impressed




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Maher is such a hypocrite. He talks about atheism and cancel culture all the time but will twist himself into knots and cancel others if it’s around the topic of Israel. Complaining about Netanyahu is like the most basic way to save face on the issue too. As must Democrats are doing currently. Those who can’t even do that are just so craven.


Based af


I like Maher, but he keeps critical conversion about Israel & Palestine dynamic so far away from his show. He's truly so thin skinned on this one point.


I haven’t watched Maher for years. He has not improved with age.


I was wondering how it was possible Maher’s show is currently trending #1 on Max


Maher towing the line for Bibi's 1-State Crusade? Shame on him.