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He's been a victim of abuse, up to and including sexual abuse, for the majority of his life. This is the reason for all his proclivities, and how he can't form successful relationships. The family are ultimately damaging to him, but he can't find anything like love outside of the family, so he stays.


I just wanna say Connor never touched Roman inappropriately


I had the theory that he was SA’d when sent away to military school, possibly by a woman because it could mirror his dynamic with Gerri (in age and power, yeah he’s her boss but like he WANTS to be demeaned y’know?). With the SA thing in general, there were so many like..things he says and does that made me fully believe it was going to come at some point. In retrospect (+after watching and reading a bunch of succession stuff) it’s got a lot to do with his personality and how he connects abuse and affection too but because Succession has such nuanced characters, it’s so easy to read these aspects different ways. Obviously, his string of failed relationships all have that connecting aspect of him lacking in providing sex. When it IS provided, there has to be something WRONG or BAD like wanting Tabitha to play dead or being demeaned by Gerri. Then he had this line in s3 with Matsson in the bathroom where he says he ‘Can’t piss near other men due to, we don’t know what reason’. That stuck with me because I thought it was so weird and specific to mention. There’s so many other examples with Roman but I refuse to believe he HASN’T been SA’d by someone, wether it be during Military school or a summer camp (like he joked, how much was it a joke though? We don’t know), or someone from the wolfpack (because you don’t swim in the pool with Uncle Mo remember). That’s my thoughts, I’m so happy other people picked up on this though 😎✨


You have outlined this brilliantly. They basically did everything in the show without spelling it out that Romulus was sexually abused. When I was watching myself, I was waiting for them to confirm it on the show, but tbh there's enough there reading between the lines.


Holy cow maybe Uncle Mo diddled him.  Roman seems like he’d be the kind of kid looking for a friend anywhere 


Abused by who?


I always thought it was a camp counselor and maybe someone from the Wolfpack


He made a joke about being molested by a camp counselor that may or may not have happened. He makes a lot of “jokes” about things that were actually true.


lol remember his speech at Shiv’s wedding? “I would like to welcome Tom to the family. I don’t feel like I’m losing a sister…I don’t feel like I’m gaining a brother either… actually I don’t feel anything” 💀💀💀💀


“They call it borderline personality disorder… Why is everyone laughing?”


I think it was the Wolfpack as well. Would see that Mo was the one and that Logan knows. That could be the reason why they should never swim when Mo was swimming in the pool. Would be fitting for the dynamics between Logan and Roman, that it was never addressed again. Pretending like it “never happened”


Definitely could see something happening with Mo. Roman shows an aversion to swimming, and that always reminded me of the whole not being allowed in the pool with Mo thing


I assumed it was Mo. As Connor said "Lester touched all of us'. 


Maybe someone at the boarding/military school he was sent to?


I think this is heavily implied in the text, beyond “head canon”. At least childhood abuse.


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a bird funeral for it.


He’s secretly Macaulay Culkin’s brother


Singer for the Pizza Underground?!


He has alt social accounts to stalk exes.


He has a foot fetish.


King shit


He can’t love because he’s never seen his parents love anything


Oof this one hit too close to home. But you’re right.


When he was a kid, Logan tricked him into getting beers for him like a waiter by pretending it was some joke to mock the waiting staff. He never caught onto the fact that it was a trick, even when Logan dropped the pretence of it being a game and treated him like an actual waiter. He only found out years later as an adult when Logan brought it up to laugh about, like, "Remember when you were a kid and I tricked you into fetching beers for me? You thought it was just a game, hahaha."


When Caroline was pregnant, the ultrasound tech got it wrong, and assessed him to be a girl.  Carolyn and Logan had planned to name him Rose.  When he was born, it was a whole *thing*.  They went with ‘Roman’ so they wouldn’t have to re-monogram the onesies.  He was born in August, so the thought went… Augustus… Romans… Roman - done.  The “Romulus” thing, and its implication that Rome’s destiny in life was to kill his brother and found an empire, was a post-hoc invention Logan came up with when Roman was four, and Kendall was first showing signs of being *not* a killer.   Logan had high hopes for the wee lad - having been the smaller child, himself; but then shortly afterwards, he received word via the au pair that Roman messing around with Carolyn’s pearls and that… that was when he decided to take Kendall to the Candy Kitchen.  After that, Logan just used the name Romulus ironically, to put his son down.  (Roman hates it, and everyone else in the family - even Shiv and Kendall - just intuitively know not to go there.) Secretly, Logan has never been entirely able to dismiss the superstitious suspicion that the ultrasound tech’s initial error in gendering the kid is what made him a [redacted]. This thought annoys Logan - because it’s ridiculous nonsense - but it won’t go away. 


This is so good


Awww… thank you.  :)


You cooked so well with this, ✨chefs kiss✨


I could see this but I also thought that Logan called him Romulus occasionally as an affectionate name. 


I'm gonna cry 😭


If he doesn’t go easy on the Pepsi, he wets the bed.


Easy on the Pepsi, Romulus! 


I think the Roy family only drinks Coca Cola


Or maybe they ARE a Pepsi family and just keep Coke on hand for moments where it’s specifically asked for as a power move and that’s why Logan pronounces it so weird.


They switched after the Great Deluge of ‘90. Too many traumatic memories.


He wants to fuck jeryd mencken.


This is just the show, though.




the sexual thrill of "making it wrong" and masturbating in public has been a decades-long adventure for him and he has a veritable list of public or semi-public/risky places he's masturbated in. he also has a laundry list of weird kinks that he barely even enjoys as the kink itself, but just as something weird or taboo that he can bust a nut to real quick for funsies. he has several silent accounts on several social media sites where he stalks what people are saying about him at any given moment where he may or may not argue negative conceptions or post positive ones. he doesn't actually enjoy drugs or alcohol all that much aside from the basic escapism and sensationalism of tabloids if he's being caught or rumored about.


That last one is definitely real. Anytime he’s at an event with drugs or alcohol, he never gets trashed. It always seems like he just fiddles with whatever he has, just to participate or look like he’s participating (I’ve noticed a few scenes where he’s even this way with food). I remember there was some scene where he was with someone doing coke and I think there’s some for him but he doesn’t actually snort it. I think it’s a control thing for him and being inebriated is kind of beneath him. I feel like he’s internally a little bit judgy of people doing drugs or getting super drunk.


I personally think he shies away from hard drugs after seeing what happened to Kendall


He's internally and externally super judgy of tons of things!


I love my dad. Why am i not good enough to him? Why does everyone think I’m an idiot? Who knows the population of non American countries or the price of a gallon of milk?


That I could change him Sigh….


He secretly owns a successful business that he built from scratch. He stays with his family cause he wants to be loved.


It was hostess


He has a pet parrot 🦜


He gets really serious about life and become hugely successful person after Gerri marries Laurie.


Gerri’s sex slave


I like to think that his relationship with Gerri isn’t something new. They’ve always had this back and forth of fucked up sexual behaviors that cycles.


He and Eduard Asgarov are secret lovers.


The dog crate was never locked and he never ate dog food.


That I love him


Roman can only cum if someone is bleeding or crying.


This someone is him


That would ideal to him, yes.


When he was a kid, he accidentally walked in on Logan and Caroline having sex and has never fully recovered from the shock. 


Crippling or at least borderline crippling porn addiction. Probably a gooner.


He's Batman.


An extremely neurotic and twisted Batman 🦇 😂. Now I'm imagining Logan's reaction 😐😑🙄😒😤


Are you a sicko?


got major therapy with residential treatment and became a socialist after travelling the world. healthiest roy out there


I just can't see Roman ever having any real ideological convictions, let alone socialism.


He’s fluid. The most optimistic view of him is seeing the light of democratic socialism or just like healthy morals in general. The great thing about Roman is that he’s very passionate about his convictions. That doesnt necessarily mean he’s always had strong convictions rooted in particular ideologies. I just chuckled at this bc it’s far fetched but completely conceivable. Even if the poster was trolling.


my head cannon




thank you, i just can't help myself


He became an influencer


Connor makes sure to like all of his TikTok dance videos.


Didn’t he almost drown in like 3 inches of water?


This image is scarily similar to that one of Robert Dinero in The Godfather II


He gets close to his dad’s last girlfriend and actually has sex with her like a normal person.


To preface, I don’t have “head canons” because I’m not mentally ill; however, I do believe that in the end when he is having that martini, he thinks of Gerri and attempts to reconcile their relationship (and they repeatedly have depraved sex after they do that) Edit: maybe I am mentally ill


You're so right, the king is dead, waystar or whatever is crumbling.. they have nothing to lose but a lot of orgasms to gain 👍


Last sentence..absolute poetry.


I keep seeing succession pop up on my reddit and have no idea what it's about will I like it?




Depends, what kind of television do you like? Good, or bad? Or both?


A bit of everything once it's good. I will give it a try


micro penis


He was living in LA during the Bling Ring robberies and was offended when no one tried to rob him. He talked about it too much.


Shiv is his favorite sibling


Why is this sub obsessed with head canons? Enough already