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Willa going “At least I’m only getting fucked by one member of this family” at Tom lives rent free in my head.


He never fucked with her again.


Right. She not only put him in his place, she owned him there 😂


She’s confident in herself so she doesn’t have to punch down the way Tom does


Stewy really enjoys his food. It's great.


There's a lot of things I could say about Kendall, but honestly what Caroline said about him is exactly why I like him, a beaten dog always coming back. Shiv: I like when she's confrontational Roman: He's pretty smart when he wants


Gerri: In a room full of egomaniacs and control freaks, she can put anyone in their place without anyone daring to step to her.


“Well I’m guessing the government isn’t a fucking pez dispensar for you to press when you want something”  COOKED. 


I have thoughts. But, continue.


“Oh you’re sick with grief? You might want to put down that fish taco, you’re getting your melancholy everywhere.” Gerri sizzled.


And can dance them through a thunderstorm without getting wet


Greg’s propensity to cover his arse and not leave things to chance when it came to protecting himself. Also his finding practical and logical ways in the family and the firm to go from being an outsider and a suck-up to useful and therefore indispensable. He knew his place relative to the siblings and did what he had to do to change it.


The most cringy line in the whole show was Quad Squad. He was delusional at that point regarding the siblings. In their eyes he was several floors under Conner, who was a joke to them.


But then the Quad Squad came back into play later on!


Even early on, Greg scoring that apartment off Kendall was the beginning of something. Had never thought about it seriously until now.


I don’t know. Greg still put his chips on Tom when he needed. And Roman and Shiv never bought into him.


I feel like Shiv definitely bought into him in the last few episodes because she had to explicitly threaten him if he betrayed her. I think it shows Shiv definitely saw his potential in that moment because she wouldn’t need to threaten him otherwise. And I would’ve loved to see more Roman and Greg dynamic throughout the show. Would’ve been hilarious lol


That show is so dense. Seen the whole thing at least 3 times. Can’t remember Shiv being anything but dismissive to him. Wasn’t the quad squad in the 2nd or 3rd to the last show? Then he said The Fam and they all looked like they wanted him to disappear. Greg and Roman could spontaneously combust. Sad they never went there.


Yeah it was around the middle of season 4 when Greg started talking about the quad squad and the four of them “sticking together”


Kendall: You’re just a really high class hooker. No offense Willa. Willa, instantly: Fuck off. I loved her from that moment on.


Logan: Never gets fucked.


Roman's ability to be infuriatingly hot and funny even though he's a sad little worm man with a worm dick. but by fuckin god would i take a strike at fixing it (his dick, not him) more realistically, i just really enjoyed any and every moment where the sibs acted like sibs, even when it was basically bullying lol. there's such an honest and real dynamic when they're just being a bunch of fucked up, stupid siblings together and i want to wring it into a glass and drink it with lunch


First part was poetry


The way I need him should have me institutionalized. Punished to the full extent of the law. Publicly executed. 


gotta stare god right in his big horrible eye and admit these sins, for which i'll be thrown down to satan and promptly receive a "hell yeah lol" and a high five


I agree with everything you said.


Whenever given the chance Kendall was always proven to be the hardest worker. He was first to the office many times literally coming in before sunrise. He read everything they threw at him when he was auditing Vaulter. His competence to do what his dad needed him to do in Season 2 for example when negotiating the Pierce deal. Just one look from Logan and Kendall knew what to do. He was good. But bullshit


Car accident and divorce fucked him mentally. Many other reasons as well


'How does this benefit me?' My girl is the queen of cats.


Stewy being honest in a way that makes people thinks he's full of shit. It's masterful Also shout out to Kendalls hip hop cred


I loved Shiv's clothes.


Frank and his self-awareness and almost zen-like acceptance of getting swept along in the shifting winds of the Roy family.


Logan: Despite being a despicable person with no shortage of vices, he somehow commanded a great deal of respect and presented himself as dignified. Whereas his children were just as corrupt, they weren't respectable in any way. I have some cognitive dissonance about how he managed to make utter dishonor appear honorable, but think it has something to do with how sure of himself he was and committed to his belief of "how the world works": "Life is not knights on horseback. It's a number on a piece of paper. It's a fight for a knife in the mud".


Roman’s honesty about himself. I love his f-ed up personality and his ownership of it.


the logan one is so true. especially in moments where he appears so warm. he does it most with shiv and she can’t help but fall for it - just like she expressed in her funeral speech.