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None of the League are dead, except Wonder Woman. The Deadshot thing was explained in the game albeit it was a poor explanation/retcon. I feel like overall it did expand the Arkhamverse.


What is the in game explanation? Also do you think it was a good idea for the devs to bring the Justice League into the Arkhamverse?


The explanation for Deadshot is that old one from the Arkham games is an imposter who took Floyd’s identity after he retired. However, since Floyd is egotistical he came out of retirement and killed him which then prompted him to get arrested by Green Lantern. The reason no one knew the Arkham City Floyd was an imposter is because the real Floyd always wore a mask to conceal his identity so no one knew he was even Black. Like I said it’s kind of a shitty explanation but at least they went into detail. As for the League being in the Arkhamverse, I personally like it but I would’ve preferred a Justice League game first to set them up in the universe. However with that being said I do like how Rocksteady are bringing them back to help the squad take down Brainiac.


Well, it’s not reviewing great. Let the cope begin!