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Go on the trip and then negotiate another trip when you hit goal weight 😂


go on the trip!!!!!


There are so many things I never did, people I avoided seeing because I was wanting to lose more, or look better. Take that trip! And congrats on 100 pounds! Like you said, just keep losing and see where you are at the trip! Then make another goal and crush that one too. Weight loss is so much more sustainable when you are enjoying life at the same time.


The weight loss doesn’t fix the feeling good about yourself part, that takes time and a little more/different kind of work. Go on the trip, enjoy how much more easily your body moves and be thankful for all the things you can do now that you couldn’t do before. And thank past you for all the work they did to get you there!!


Go on the trip - no point waiting to live your life later! I've just come back from a fantastic time in South East Asia at 480lbs. Had the time of my life and did everything I wanted to do! You'll be absolutely fine, and there'll be other trips in the future when you're at your goal weight.


Go in the trip. Life isn’t guaranteed. Maybe schedule it out a bit and just concentrate on getting your steps up. I’m 100 pounds overweight and still walk around 12-15k steps a day. Just make sure you have good shoes!


Celebrate the win and enjoy a trip with your folks. Use it as motivation to continue on your journey to getting fit. Congrats on being down 100. Keep up the great work!


Go on the trip or at least a small vacation,celebrate your success.


Go on the trip! Just incorporate walking into your fitness routine now. And make sure you do inclines and various street walking to get used to it. But whatever you do don’t chose Portugal. Between the hills and the cobblestone it almost killed me and I was in decent shape when I went to Portugal.


Do what you feel is good for you. I’d personally wait, I don’t want to get in interrupt the momentum I have until I’m where I want to be.


Don’t wait! Life is happening now!!


My dad said if I get to 140lb he’d get me a GWagon LOL I don’t believe him but I’m also 70lb away from my dream car


Never postpone travel