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That one and the benders. Something about the ones where humans were the real monsters always seemed way scarier than the others


Omg the benders is also such a great episode as well. I agree, anytime they had an episode where the killers were human. There’s something absolutely terrifying about that


"Demons I get. People are crazy."


I have this as a sticker on my car. I imagine people must think I’m crazy 😂 unless of course they are fans as well


Love this!!!!


That would make a pretty good t-shirt too




I wish they did more episodes with humans as the monsters.


Hands down The Benders. I can handle the monsters and demons but that one gave me actual nightmares!


The one with the little girl that came out of the painting with a straight razor and slit everyone's throats. I watched that while I was home alone at 1am. I had to ask my husband to come home on his lunch break to sit with me so I could get to sleep. My teenage sons, who were at friend's houses and not alone watching Supernatural, made fun of me. Until I had my adult niece watch the part where you first see the little girl and the first words out of her mouth were ahhh hell nah! That shit was scary. I missed those genuinely scary episodes as the seasons went on.


Omg I remember that episode. I honestly don’t blame you at all, that episode terrified me as well. And I think I also watched that episode at around 1-3am. I remember watching it for the first time when I was in holiday and staying at my grandparents house, and I think my grandfather woke up around the time I was watching that episode, and I could hear the floor creaking, I’m pretty sure I was so freaked out that I slept with the lights on that night. Me too, I really miss the episodes of supernatural that would really freak me out


I'm doing a re-watch with my teenage granddaughter now, and Bloody Mary scared the holy hell outta her lol.


My wife screamed (she was reluctant for years but is now a huge fan) when the first girl tore into her face. 😁






Family Remains, The Benders, and oddly enough, the Bloody Mary episode. Humans being the monsters and Bloody Mary, always get to me.


Me too, the first few human episodes really freaked me out as well. The Bloody Mary episode also freaked me out a lot as well. The earlier episodes used to be really scary and quite dark as well.


The episode didn't scare me, but I remember sleepovers where other kids tried to play Bloody Mary and I refused to be anywhere near them. I won't even go in the bathroom if the light is off. Power outages are the worst.


Bloody Mary episode was scary. I remember thinking at that moment that this is some proper horror episode!


I always skip the bloody mary ep on rewatches... too spook


Omg me too! I’m 30 years old, been watching for 15 odd years and I still ALWAYS skip Bloody Mary!


I'm in a similar age range and have been watching since around the season 7 premier... so 13 years or something. I've always had a paranoia of bloody mary since I was a little kid. I think she was really our generation's bogeyman


That fucking episode with the mannequins


I think I remember that one, was that the episode in season 6?


Season 7, it was "mannequin 3 the Reckoning" Or something like that


Omg yes, I do remember that episode now. That was a really good episode. That episode was definitely quite creepy


I agree, the plot was quite original and it's the only episode that scared me. The opening still gives me goosebumps.


I agree. I remember the intro to the episode being really dark. Now I wanna watch that episode because I think it was one of my favourites


I'm doing a first watch of Supernatural and am about see this episode lol


I used to be absolutely terrified of mannequins, couldn't go to museums or anything BC I was so scared of them so this episode was the scariest for me. Watching it back I find it pretty comical but definitely scared me the most


This one episode in Season 4 or 5 idk anymore where the boys are in a psychiatry (I think) and there’s a monster or ghost and this sh** was SO SCARY the jumpscare freaked me so much out that I couldn’t watch it at first but after a while I just watched it,I binge watched this season it is very likely that this is the same episode where Dean pulls his pants down and says: PUDDING 😂👌


OMG that episode is so good. That’s definitely the episode where Dean goes ‘PUDDING’ 😂 that is one of the greatest and funniest moments of the entire show. I also agree, that episode is actually very scary, and the timing of the jumpscare in that episode is perfect as well


I‘m usually a very huge horror fan and I’m not easily scared but this was the ONLY time I got REALLY scared so much that I almost skipped the episode entirely but then I thought: what if this episode is important for the plot but it was not -_-


That episode caught me so off guard so many times, but none of them caught me off guard as much as PUDDING.


The one where Dean gets captured by the Djin.


Was that the episode where Dean was in his dream world where he was married and his mum was still alive?


That's the one. "What Is and What Should Never Be". It's also the name of a Led Zeppelin song.


This might be one of the best episodes of all time. It gives Dean an idea of what his life could be like if he wasn't a hunter and he still chose his brother. I think it is an important part in terms of what Dean would accept as long as it was real.


My favorite episode. Although I had a slightly different take on it, I think.


Can you please share it?


Oh, sure. The person above me said that she interpreted it that even if they hadn't hunted Dean would still choose Sam. I actually took it that the episode illustrated that the tightness of their bond is actually born of trauma and if they hadn't had the super traumatic life that they had-- they are such intrinsically different people that they would not have gotten along. Sam and Dean in the djinn reality didn't have a deep connection other than a fondness from being siblings. I also thought it was interesting that it pointed out that all of Dean's characteristics-- if he was not channeling it into hunting--were actually a bit self-destructive and made him a bit directionless and kind of a grifter/loser. He was actually a better person and heroic with hunting and quite the opposite without it.


I’m with you! The Djin freaked me out more than anything.


the only episode that ever creeped me out (not even an episode, it was just one scene) was that scene with the dude who was wearing that creepy, possessed bunny mask in the cell edit: the episode is "plush" s11 e7


Not really “terrified” so much as “supremely disgusted” ; the first episode that Pestilence appears in, where he’s coughing/sneezing bodily fluids all over the convenience store. 🤢


I literally just watched that episode tonight. Actually I may stopped watching it right in the middle. Cuz it’s getting late, not that I was scared.


OMG me too! And I was in the middle of eating too.


Family remains also thoroughly freaked me out. Any of the episodes that involved humans vs monsters always get me. I’m on season 3 of my twice a year rewatch so it’s coming up soon for me. 😮‍💨


I agree, any episode that has a human instead of a demon or monster properly freaks me out. Ooo good luck, I’ve seen that episode probably at least five times now and it still freaks me out. I think I’m due for a rewatch because I haven’t seen the show in nearly two years now


The people living in the walls. Had me fucked up as a kid for a while.


Season 12, the one with the woman who tied her girl in the basement cus she thought she was the devil.


For me its season 1 episode 8. I'm not freaked out easily, especially since I watch this show every year all over again, but I always have to skip this episode because I hate bugs and spiders so much, I just can't watch it, it makes my skin crawl and funny enough thats real nightmare shit for me, all other episodes I can stand but not this one xDD


Omg I feel you. I also always skip that episode as well. I don’t mind bugs or spiders. But I have this massive fear of when there’s hundreds upon hundreds of bugs/spiders in one place crawling all over each other just like that shower scene when all the spiders come out. That freaks me out so bad, and then I get all itchy for about an hour after haha


Yess exactly that, getting all itchy only thinking about it and when I closed my eyes I could still see them, just terrifying o.o Plus I have huge arachnophobia so literally anything with spiders freaks me out, can't even look at pictures of them xD


The itchiness is the worst part! 😂 I’m getting itchy just thinking about that episode! Spiders are creepy, I think the older I get the more they freak me out


It definitely is! xDD i feel this so much and then always looking all around in panic to make sure there are no spiders around xD Every night before I go to bed I check the walls, corners and ceiling in my bedroom 'cause otherwise I couldn't sleep😂


Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who does that 😂 Earlier tonight I saw a roach in my bedroom, and it made me itchy for like an hour afterwards.


Thought I was the only one too, good to know we're not alone😂 Oh shit, I can only imagine😶 Gladly never saw a roach in real life but can feel the itchiness nonetheless


Haha I’m glad we’re not alone 😂 Luckily the roaches where I live are tiny, but whenever I have visited the states they are absolutely massive and that really does freak me out a lot 😂


Oh yes I can lively imagine that, only know them from movies and stuff, I've never been to the states but I will be aware of that if I ever visit😂


I’m actually jealous 😂 before I traveled to key west, I didn’t have a problem with roaches, but the ones I saw there were massive and terrifying and they’re too damn quick. I spent about 40 minutes trying to capture one and let it outside 😂


Provenance really, REALLY freaked me out!!!


The Hook Man. Got literal nightmares from "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light" for weeks.


Don't binge watch horror when you have a fever. Just don't.


Season 1 ep 2 wendigo I'm not a fan of camping as it is because trees at night freak me out and the thought of something hunting you in the woods at night that can rip open a tent or unlock a door just a straight up nope for me.


The family remains episode makes me laugh, because of the bad acting all around. Girl thinks she is petting her dog, is petting the creeper inbred girl, Sam and Dean randomly bust into the home in the middle of the night and the dad screams" You, did you touch my daughter?" I couldn't get past the campiness to be freaked out, lol. I know I'm weird. The later season episode where the monsters were selling body parts on the monster black market, that got me. Any skinwalker episode -the gooeyness was so gross.


Hahaha I get what you mean. The episode definitely does have its cringey moments. I don’t know why but when that scene happened when that girl was licking her hand and not the dog, that actually really creeped me out and I have no idea why. Omg that episode is in my top five favourite episodes of the entire show. I absolutely loved it. I always love an episode that has Donna.


The body parts one is the first thing that came to mind. It's the guy in the leather apron who doesn't talk that just creeped me out so bad. Another one was the one in season 3 with the doctor who took body parts to keep himself alive and Sam was thinking Dean should do that. So maybe I have a problem with body parts being taken. But also I definitely do not like eye gore and seeing that razor over Sam's eye was no bueno


Yes! I have difficulty with eye gore, fingernail pulling gore, and teeth pulling gore. So that Very Supernatural Christmas episode with the pagans is also one where I had to turn away ( but I love the non gory aspects of that episode, lol)


Oh yeah, I have to cover my eyes for the fingernail every time.


It's actually based off an old urban legend! There are a couple versions out there, but the one I grew up with was that a girl stayed home sick with the dog while her family went out and at one point heard a bunch of banging in the living room and got scared until her door opened a little bit and what she assumed was the dog (spooked from knocking something over) came in to hide under the bed. So she kept saying good girl and the dog would lick her hand. Her family comes in and the dog is in the living room, knocked unconscious by the man who is under the daughter's bed, licking her hand. Scared the shit out of me when I was little 😭


Asylum. And it’s weird cuz I never get scared, but if I was alone when I rewatched it (supernatural is one of my sleep shows) I’d skip it lol. I can’t really put my finger on why, it just freaked me out being alone in my apartment. In the dark. Nope


This and the one about the boys who steal the plague mask- Advanced Thanatology. It's something about doctors doing experiments on helpless patients that freaks me out (especially lobotomies)


That was a good one too! But it didn’t freak me out the way asylum did lol


Any of the first season. The first episode I ever watched was Skin and I caught it halfway through. I was absolutely hooked from that moment on. My parents had gone on a trip that night, so I was home alone and free to binge. Pretty much every episode of the first season, especially the first half of the season, creeped me out. I kinda miss how gritty Supernatural originally was.


I think the episode is called Skin Sam helps a college friend after her brother is accused of murdering his gf Anything to do with skin walkers freak me out


Omg that was such a great episode. The skinwalker episodes were always really good and creepy. Especially the first one they made.


My worst episode is Bloody Mary. But I was traumatized as a kid with that stuff. 😂 I watched it once and skip it every other time now. Still can’t look in a mirror when it’s dark. But most recently, I just watched #thinman in season 9. It was humans in the end, but the whole freaky faceless thin man popping up behind someone in a photo- watching that at midnight by myself was the dumbest thing I could do. 😂


The one where Lilith possessed the little girl.


I don’t think I was ever freaked out by an episode of spn! But I wish I could be!


... Mirrors and I do NOT mix. The Bloody Mary episode really messed with me... Doesn't help that the first time watching it I was PETRIFIED of mirrors. Not so much anymore... I just don't like the damn things. 😅


I totally feel that. I remember watching that episode for the first time I didn’t look in a mirror for like a week 😂


the episode where its the brother and sister in the walls. i think that might be the episode you’re taking about. but also, season 2 episode 2: everybody loves a clown. man i hate clowns


That’s the episode! It’s terrifying right? Omg I’m with you on that one, I absolutely hate clowns, I have a massive fear of them. I remember watching that episode for the first time and yelling at the kids for letting the clown in their homes.


The one with the scarecrow in the orchard, s1e11. That one combines a little of real monster meets human monsters. I’m also with Sam: anything with clowns is automatically terrifying.


The one where Dean came back from hell and talked to Sam about how he was tortured for decades, then tortured people in order to save himself from the pain, and liked it. It's hard to imagine what he went through and also hard to imagine him become a sadistic psycho in hell.


"Crossroad Blues"


Honestly, Wendigo. It just freaked me out so bad when I watched it the first time (and I am a horror fan, I didn’t get scared easily) but I was sitting in my bed genuinely terrified. Upon a rewatch it's never that scary since I know what's gonba happen but that first watch nearly made me quit the series


The doctor “witch” that fed on kids in their sleep and made them comatose. I remember watching that super late at night and when it’s hands or tree limbs were tapping on the window it sounded like it came from my window and had to bring out the good old AR build thinking someone was either breaking in or messing with me 😂


I refuse to watch the bug one after first watching the show. It’s early on, in season 1. I dunno what it’s called. I’ve rewatched a couple times and skip that episode every time. I also skip the bug episode of Smallville.


I don’t blame you. That episode gives me the creeps! Omg I love Smallville, that’s a great show


Blood lines because of all the Mafia monsters crime families


There is one where a guy puts his hand in a garbage disposal that is very unsettling but terrified of garbage disposals. The Big One is the one where Castiel gets reprogrammed by Naomi and you just see a room full of dead Deans in the intro. I was not prepared. Started screaming like crazy and my husband ran in thinking I was legitimately dying. I just kept on yelling, HE KILLED DEAN! I probably had a mild panic attack because it took me a long time to calm down and finish watching.


Watching all the seasons from start to finish for the first time, and doing about three in a row at a time. Usually I find they break up the really freaky ones with the demon storyline with a lighter one fairly well. But the three I just watched all really got to me. Season three, Ghostfacers, Long Distance Call, and Time is on My Side. I know Ghostfacers was mean to be humorous, but the way the intern was killed and the premise overall disturbed me. Then people getting calls from their dead loved ones, psychologically that messed with me, especially when they involved the kids. Maybe cause my own mom dies when I was 14, so it's easier to think, fack, what if? And the soul sucking seems so final. And the last Bella episode. Not her story, but the doctor. The cracking of the chest, the whole abduction and body part harvesting. First time I was like, crap, why do I watch this show?!


Slice girls weirded me out


Season 13 episode 11 was creepy


The bloody mary one. I remember watching it as it premiered with my sister and freaking out (and always remember her saying: “it’s not real. and if it is, sam and dean already took care of it for us” i was young…maybe 9? but it worked back then)


"Jump the Shark" - finding Dean and Sam had a half brother, but then realizing he was already dead and his replica was trying to eat Sam. Yuck.


None of them did.


The one of the Step brother who sacrificed people to a goat headed god thing , or the plague doctor mask ghost both of them had me thoroughly freaked out and sleeping with a light on 😂


No exit. Apparently it’s not a fan favourite? But the women being attacked in their apartments got me. Also HH Holmes was truly evil IRL.


Honestly, W-ndigo or any episode where it was just plain ol humans doing the fuck shit. W-ndigo freaked me out because I had a healthy fear of those things growing up (I still do. I’m blaming my Appalachian family and friends and my indigenous blood for it). The ones where humans were the MOTW fucked me up because it’s always been a reminder that human beings are vile and do disgusting things just for fun. At least the monsters had actual reasons mostly; usually survival.


The only ones that really freaked me out were Everybody Loves a Clown, Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie, and Plush because much like Sam, I’m terrified of clowns. Oddly enough John Wayne Gacy doesn’t freak me out any more than any other serial killer despite his association with clowns.


Restarting the series again and it is hands down the benders episode. Because the bad buys weren’t supernatural being. They were actual human beings who just wanted to do that.


My first watch through (many moons past lol) it was definitely the H.H. Holmes ep- terrified middle school me lol


Family Remains is the ONLY one that super bothers me still. When I started the show I hated horror (and still kind of do) and I was really nervous but honestly I don’t find myself super freaked out by anything in the show. Except the two people in the walls. Specifically the hand licking scene and the scene where they kidnap the son and try to feed him a raw rabbit or rat or whatever. Horrifying. Stomach churning. The dog didn’t deserve that. Phrogging is horrific on its own without adding incest kids and dog murder.


The one with Samhain the dude eating the razor blades is always hard for me to watch.


The one with the changling kids