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Gotta support the team!


Yeah that’s right


^(RCTBOT .01: UTC->2023-03-28 17:50:0) (This bot is in early development and is collecting data... more to come as the dataset deepens)... You have $0.00 previously logged with RCTBOT. You have 180 shares logged with DRSBOT **To feed the bot-> !RCTBOT:X.XX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*Beep Boop. Someday I'll be a real boy. GME ~22.89*)


Honest question... why do more people like playstation. I'm older and always had an Xbox when I was a kid so I'm looking to get a new system but thinking about Xbox just because of Halo- I played that non stop as a young teen but as an older fellow I'm not a gamer at all and wondering why PS5 over XBOX


Probably the exclusives? I have an Xbox and was a halo fanboy but it's not been good for a long time. 343 studios do not care IMO


I’ve just always been a PlayStation guy. Started with Sega to Nintendo 64 to PlayStation and beyond. I’ve always thought that the graphics were much better than any other systems out there and that’s a big selling point for me. Also, I’ve never been a Halo fan so I’ve never been driven to XBOX


I was OG xbox and 360 but PS4 and PS5. Better exclusives, all my friends got PS, and the controller feels 100x better.


I have been back and forth throughout the years, but PlayStation has been what I’ve gone with for the past two generations. The Xbox game pass almost made me consider switching, but the new PSVR is crazy good and swung me back to the PS5. Also all my games from the last generation easily switch over.


Feels good when supporting your investment is so much fun!


Niiice! I pulled the plug at the beginning of the month! What games you playing?