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and they just turned profit, how the fk is it shrinking its all going perfectly 😂😂😂


It’s a play on words. We’ve cut so much cost that RC’s plan is to “keep shrinking”. I haven’t even read the article yet but I can tell you it’s about how our sales are lower than last year yet we have $48M profit. Which tells us that we just cut a bunch of costs. Which is a short term solution. In a sense I agree with this, we’ve done so much work cutting costs… now I’m ready to see how we make money. Especially in a crypto bear market and the marketplace is more or less a liability.


They squeezed water out of a stone - but they did it permanently. It gives them lower costs which in turn expands ability to turn profit. If the retail business is profitable, we know the marketplace is pure profit.


I agree with every word. I’m just ready to see some of that potential we’ve been waiting on to come to fruition.


When web3 gaming hits mass adoption, we’ll bukake profits all over the place. Trust me bro!


how is cutting costs just a short term solution? if they close underperforming stores and focus more and more on online sales isn't that a good long term solution? also sales are down ~80 million YoY while again, aggressively cutting costs and closing stores.. that is phenomenal and proves that transition to online is going well


It’s short term because cost of business always goes up over time. If we don’t keep growing revenue then we won’t be profitable. Even if we went fully digital, the cost to maintain that revenue stream would keep increasing over time as technology grows and stuff breaks and lawsuits over an exploding battery come up… etc… it’s not a fixed cost model… and our sales went down after a year of RC at the helm. That’s the short term win… reducing costs *this year* is what made us green. Not actual revenue. Listen I agree with you. Our sales went down marginally after axing stores across the globe and laying people off. I’m just explaining how the balance sheet reads to outsiders. I’m trying to say this article isn’t “cynical and malicious” it’s more like “ignorant and click bait”.


Nice FUD bro. NFT marketplace will explode.


Ok shill


Oh no no… you’re going to have to come back here and explain why that analysis is from a shill. I’m so tired of people not hearing that perfect harmony of the echo chamber so they just toss “shill” out there. Just casually accuse me of being *paid* to sow division. Do you understand the logistics and moral turpitude that requires? So please… explain how me reading the summary line of a balance sheet is shill worthy?


Because your analysis is dumb. They revenue barely changed despite closing stores. In other words, the stores they kept open are more efficient and profitable. In the meantime, they are opening new stores in much stronger locations. How is that a short-term solution? Will the impact of the changes they have made suddenly go away in a few quarters?


I agree with you. Under the surface it’s got potential… but that’s my point. My point was that ALL OF THIS has only been potential up to this point. We’ve seen so many good decisions and positive things happen to position the company… well now we’re in position. That MSM article likely is saying what I’m saying, it’s good but we haven’t actually seen any long-term results yet. So, next quarter I want to start seeing some actual progress on the balance sheet.


I disagree. There is a lot of potential, but some good stuff has been realized. And that realized stuff is pretty good. At this point, with their legacy business alone, even if they have no further changes, gamestop can now be profitable for a whole year and years after that. Imagine being in this position 1 year ago. Gamestop does also have a lot of potential, since they are positioning themselves very strongly with respect to a new and revolutionary technology. If things go well, I could easily see them becoming a trillion dollar company. However, gamestop has also realized a lot of good stuff that makes them much more valuable. It is not a short-term solution whatsover. Nfa


Well what is this “good stuff” that’s been realized? Cause let me warn you, realizing “good stuff” at this point should be accounted for that revenue line item that was short of last year’s numbers and that would work against your argument that GME is in fact on its way to being a trillion dollar company. That would suggest RC’s brilliance isn’t quite able to keep up with pre-RC GameStop performance. See where I’m going with this? This is why I disagree with you. We haven’t yet seen RC’s vision turn results yet.


Yeah, I disagree. A company streamlining costs, increasing efficiency and margins while maintaining competitive prices, closing uncompetitive stores and expanding into more competitive locations is a good stuff that is being realized. I think this company still has a lot of room to grow, and I think ryan cohen sees that too, but I’m very happy with the progress the company has made. Even some of the most optimistic investors here, me included, were not expecting a profitable quarter until 1Q23. The fact that we got there in 4Q22 is tremendous.




The joke is that whoever is financing these articles thinks that Cohen is gonna be like : "Oh damn, they're saying nonsense, I'll just release what I'm really up to!" But he doesn't, and it's driving them fucking crazy.


B-b-but I read he keeps talking about nft’s everywhere?


Hehehehehee up you go 🔥🔥🔥


Front page of WSJ too. Someone’s scared!


What!? Hahaha Let’s get that dying brick and mortar on the front page. Hahaha….so much attention given to an irrelevant business.


Yeah i thought this was over years ago. I had already forgotten about gamestop like they have told me.. So weird


Not to mention when the other sub said they wouldn’t cover GameStop anymore and the media reported that on blast. Just for everyone to pick back up taking about game stop not even a week later.


Wonder why they’ve published hundreds of articles on this small brick and mortar retailer that’s only like $7billion market cap. I can’t remember ever seeing such a small company get so much attention. That’s awfully strange, isn’t it?


It’s not even a short hit piece. They’re really scrambling


Hunting for some short bag holders


On announcement day of all days too 🙄


Why aren't these people sued into oblivion for spinning false narratives to investors? Is that shit not illegal?


So bullish


Someone paid a premium for front page lol


Just sad, they must feel so worthless..


Edit: They know they are worthless..


When I read that article an hour ago, the title was "GameStop Decides It Likes Stores After All". Guess they decided that wasn't negative enough.


They also added a bunch of negative comments under the article. This is very obvious distortion by some hedge fund, trying to control the narrative.


Inventory be shrinking with all the receipt porn around here.


Wat. Literally wat.


Sounds like MSM is describing their balls


Exactly why he stays so quite. He knows they'll spin whatever he says to bullshit. I can smell the shit in their pants from here.


Definitely. They spin silence…just imagine how they’d twist & use anything he said against him.


What plans can you have for a company other than making a profit?! Fucking idiots.


whats really shrinking is gamestops free float for shorts to exit lol tick tock mofos


Yea right like wanting to competing against Amazon is shrinking plans


And they want to be my credible news source... I don't think so.


Shills are shilling on Yahoe too. Same bottom feeders.


Was gonna say watch out for the salty MSM articles today. They're even interviewing laid off GS employees!


Article states :"Mr. Cohen was doing his laundry while is plans were accidentally still in a jeans' pocket. Unfortunately for Reddit investor's, the washer was set to hot". /jk


It's a ridiculous article filled with inaccuracies and complete mistruths. The entirety of wall street journalism is apparently a pathetic scam.


Well he’s got a small wee wee and he was in the pool so yeah there will be some shrinkage


Just by that headline alone I know I've made the right choice of investment. My choice is clearly upsetting people with a lot of money on their books, money I'd rather see in my account.


His plans are shrinking ‘cause he’s literally checking them off on his “to do” list.


Perhaps his plans are shrinking because he's successfully excuting the parts he planned.


One fucker in the comments there even states that Gamestop had 216mil debt. The blatant lying is blatant!




They meant “checklist” 😁


Plans shrinking? guddddd They're all booked <3


I mean if his plan was to compete with amazon and be similar size then yeah, Amazon has shrunk quite a bit.


> “Quarter after quarter we were unsuccessful with new ventures,” said Ted Biribin, GameStop’s former director of marketing analytics, one of dozens of employees laid off last summer. “If something didn’t work, senior leadership would go onto something else very quickly.”  It’s called “failing fast” and it’s exactly what successful companies SHOULD do…


How is this market manipulation??? But it someone says “we” then 6384 ppl downvote oh no dont ever say that… eff this and eff their concerted ganged up criminal organization!


Pfft. We shrink everything. Wee Wee, DTCC Spreadsheets, while spreadin Kenneth C Griffins Ass Cheeks. Brang dat ass here boi! Imagine if these ass hats just pid out. There game would have continued. Now they realized they invited Gamers to their “game”. 🟣🍆🩳🤘🏽it2️⃣🌕


They must make shit like that. Thats greedy clowns so... I can hold whatever it takes. One shot. Fucking greedy fuckers in jail is the floor.


Up you go !


Up you go !


Last ditch effort before 1pm




The plans are shrinking as he crosses of the steps already completed.


.....But his dreams are becoming a reality with GMERICA




I don’t understand how it’s legal to just talk shit with no evidence. Defamation? Like if there were articles 24/7 talking shit about Amazon, apple, Tesla, etc there would be outrage, all these anchors on the finance news outlets would be defending those companies.. 🙄


Desperate Fools, indeed.


This is true. Ryan Cohen’s plans for GameStop [Redacted: staying in the fraudulent stock market system] keep shrinking.


He has a small wee wee


shrinking the float.


"Meme msm"


I thought there was no plan…


Distorted news being pumped out so they can buy shares 🤣


We don't call them webullshit for no reason


Same thing on TD


shrinking?.... haha jokes on them small wee weeeeeeeeeee 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I'm ok if we are a smaller company that profits. Who cares.


I saw that too; I’m so over the MSM. They spin everything to whatever narrative they want to spin it. But the Wall Street owners of the MSM are clearly panicking and I **LOVE** to see that.


This is the shit that keeps me in... LIKE WHY are they randomly talking about Ryan lol


In all fairness he did say he had a small wee wee


The list should be shrinking. We are seeing more and more of their goals become completed.


So they're saying Ryan is a focused man with a singular goal. Noice.


Interesting how the same headlines are spreading across different platforms simultaneously. It’s almost as if an official line is being towed.


It’s bullish af




If gme keeps flattening like this, I am desperate too. I need money to buy a house🙉


This is no time to buy a house lol.


You dont. But I have.


Why many words when few enough?


So much publicity for a dying brick and mortar.


"It's just a little cold outside. That's all. I swear!"